
Oct 26, 2017
What makes miles morales a next gen game? That is something I think we will end up seeing once we get our hands on it could have been possible to play on PS4 with downgrades

I think that's what phil is getting at. Instead of locking something behind next gen systems, there will be last gen versions

They've already shown what's possible on a next gen only Spider-Man game and I expect those elements to be in Miles Morales.
Oct 27, 2017
Consumer friendly practices should be celebrated but instead we have console warring and fanboy concern trolling over games being held back when that simply isn't going to happen.

Zonal Hertz

Jun 13, 2018
That doesn't really address all aspects of this trade off though.

Whether a game is 'possible' on a machine is a bit besides the point.

To me the question is, what effect it has on development on a given budget, on a given timetable. And what effect it has on the collective forward momentum of new dev techniques etc. In the case of the former, you could ask - well, could Knack have been done on PS3? Maybe. But it probably would have made development more expensive. Or if not, and on the same timetable, might have required the dev to take some shortcuts to make sure they hit their schedules. Or to be more conservative and avoid 'risky' propositions that might work easily on PS4, but become an optimisation headache on PS3.

It's a more complicated question than 'well, could this game have been done on that hardware'. There's a development benefit to simplifying problems, that has knock-on effects that are both more or less immediately felt by end consumers, even if they're not entirely aware of it.

You can bet, in the end, whenever it becomes economically feasible to do so - and that's a different point for every dev - that they'll breathe a sigh of relief to be able to depend on more cpu, more memory, ssds etc. That has a positive impact ultimately on output.

Okay - that's great. But what you're saying is there was no game the came out in the first 2 years of the PS4/Xbox One cycle that could be run on it's predecessor?

Xbox has had this as a long term strategy deployed only on it's first party studios. So I'm sure they have provided suitable funding/resources to deliver on this while still not holding back say - halo infinite.

So again I ask - how on earth is this a big deal or contentious thing to do?

It's pro consumer. Well done Xbox.
Oct 25, 2017
To anybody saying this will hold back next gen games, just stop.

Kena was the most impressive demo during the PS5 show and that's coming to PS4 as well.

Halo Infinite looks great.

Games are scalable. The big push this gen from Xbox is Ray tracing and higher framerates. Those aren't huge game play leaps.

The leaps on AI, physics, etc are probably three years away. And by then Xbox will stop supporting the Xbox One.

My bet is anything after December 31st, 2021 is the cutoff for Xbox One.

Sure games are scalable. But games right now are having trouble running on base PS4 and Xbox one.


Jun 3, 2019
To anybody saying this will hold back next gen games, just stop.

Kena was the most impressive demo during the PS5 show and that's coming to PS4 as well.

Halo Infinite looks great.

Games are scalable. The big push this gen from Xbox is Ray tracing and higher framerates. Those aren't huge game play leaps.

The leaps on AI, physics, etc are probably three years away. And by then Xbox will stop supporting the Xbox One.

My bet is anything after December 31st, 2021 is the cutoff for Xbox One.

Do you really think Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart could've been designed that way if it had to run on a PS4?


Oct 25, 2017
Graphics are.

You can't scale a game designed for an SSD to an HDD just like that.

The HDD (and the Jaguar CPU) will have an impact on game design.
Tools and engines won't even be ready to make use of a lot of that until almost this late anyways

Unreal Engine 5 doesn't have a full release until late in 2021

This whole conversation is stupidity

Deleted member 57361

User requested account closure
Jun 2, 2019
To anybody saying this will hold back next gen games, just stop.

Kena was the most impressive demo during the PS5 show and that's coming to PS4 as well.

Halo Infinite looks great.

Games are scalable. The big push this gen from Xbox is Ray tracing and higher framerates. Those aren't huge game play leaps.

The leaps on AI, physics, etc are probably three years away. And by then Xbox will stop supporting the Xbox One.

My bet is anything after December 31st, 2021 is the cutoff for Xbox One.

You should tell that for Medium devs, I think they don't know games are scalable and old hardware don't hold it back.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
There will be always some games that do the full jump, maybe incentivated by the platform holders, but I don't expect it to be the norm. And besides that, from the trailer, RE VIII doesn't look at all a new gen game, in fact it doesn't look even as good as some current gen games, so I wonder what motivated Capcom to take this decision.
Probably to take advantage of the new systems' SSDs. I'd imagine that Capcom's other AAA games (SFVI, Next Versus Game, MH6/MHW2, RE4R, RE9, Itsuno's Next Game, etc.) will also be next-gen only, with their legacy collections & AA games like Mega Man continuing to release on everything (including Switch).


Oct 25, 2017
I swear Sony better not adopt this strategy, I want my next gen exclusives, I've had PS4 for 6 years, people who buy PS4 now have 7 years of amazing content to play but please don't rob future PS5 owners from experiencing titles that can only be possible with the PS5. I respect what MS doing, game pass is amazing value proposition but no next gen exclusives from 1st party doesn't appeal to me at all.


May 7, 2020
To anybody saying this will hold back next gen games, just stop.

Kena was the most impressive demo during the PS5 show and that's coming to PS4 as well.

Halo Infinite looks great.

Games are scalable. The big push this gen from Xbox is Ray tracing and higher framerates. Those aren't huge game play leaps.

The leaps on AI, physics, etc are probably three years away. And by then Xbox will stop supporting the Xbox One.

My bet is anything after December 31st, 2021 is the cutoff for Xbox One.
If it has no effect, then why is there a cutoff date? Make every game play on a One S then.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We knew about the no Series X exclusives stuff, but this is a nice way of spinning the "no exclusives for 2 years" part lol:
We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives.

Anyway, looking forward to the 23rd, gotta try and find a cheap Gold sub so that I can start building a backlog.


Jun 2, 2020
Ryse was literally a 360 game that they made look better

VERY better, you mean.

Ryse was a port of a 360 game and KZ:SF was just KZ with a shiny coat of paint, nothing that could not have been ported down.

Shadow Fall sure would not be possible on a PS3, lol. Unless you doubt the devs. there was also the possibility of 64 players, real time OS running on the background. there were many, many next gen features like, day one.
Oct 27, 2017

well I would like my DS4 to work on PS5 but I don't want PS5 games held back by having to work on a DS4. Yes, 99% of items should play the same but with the improved rumble and resistive triggers I'd much rather have games tailored to Dual Sense.
Buy whatever makes you happiest. :)

their crossgen approach is good for me because I don't have to buy a next gen Xbox for 2-3 years since I only play Xbox for exclusives so I'm happy there. Will be fine with ps5 + switch + Xbox one S. But many of us, I'd argue maybe even the majority of next gen early adopters, would be happiest with games that get the most out of their $500 investments and are not possible on 2013 Xbox One at the least.
Weird. Didn't Phil say in a interview a couple (?) of days ago that the fast ssd and new cpu gives devs exciting new opportunities?
It does give new opportunities if it's a third party next gen only (Xbox Series + PS5) game I would imagine so, but yeah I get your point.

Deleted member 13077

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The only thing that fucks with this strategy imo is Lockheart. The current gen consoles offer a cheaper entry point for the first two years at least. Surely something like Lockheart would make more sense to launch in 2 years time?


Aug 23, 2018
The SSD, from the various interviews published, isn't just some glorified loading time shaver.

It has fundamental and profound impacts on game design. For example, Horizon Zero Dawn originally planned on implementing flight, but was cut due to IO not being there. The Stranger Fight in God of War was scaled back because they couldn't stream fast enough.

This isn't a matter of pixels or resolution. It's about game design choices and scene complexity. Things that aren't explicitly measured but are a fundamental core of the game.

(and this is my juvenile understanding so if I'm wrong than I'd be open to understanding)

I'm not disputing your theoretical benefits of the SSD.
What we've seen in practice at the PS5 showcase paints a different picture. The vast majority of games on display used the SSD to eliminate load times. Stuff like Returnal and Deathloop are using it to facilitate fast Respawns after each death.

Designs like this will shine on next gen hardware, but will still work on older hardware, with compromises. Heck, Deathloop is launching on PC at the same time with PS5. I'll bet anything it'll still work on HDDs.


Jul 17, 2018
I see this as a mistake. It only makes people less interested in buying your console. No one is going to read this and say "You know what, I'm more excited to get a Series X than I was before!"


Apr 9, 2020
Phil's comments about "holding back memes", "diverse PC set-ups" and "we've reached great level of realism this gen" was all about managing people's expectations.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Smart Phil. Can't have people complaining about Lockhart holding games back if they're also releasing everything on Xbox One.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean... Phil said years

And do you know why MS first party specifically will be supporting Xbox One for the next couple years? xCloud.

Until they transition the server blades to XSX SoCs, MS first party will continue to build games that support Xbox One since xCloud is built on Xbox One S SoCs currently.

Doesn't mean we won't see 3rd party XSX only titles, in fact we already are but the last 2 generations of console launches have been full of cross gen titles and that won't be changing here. The majority of titles for the next year+ will be crossgen.


Oct 25, 2017
What in the world are you talking about? Infinite is a Series X game that will run on Xbox one. They've been saying that it will be a Series X showcase since slipspace was announced as their next gen engine? What makes you think the opposite is true? You actually believe what they've shown so far is running on an Xbox one?
You can believe it's that way around, but it's being designed around the XB1 and its limitations, and will obviously be "optimised" for Series X, as is the tagline. I don't believe what they showed was XB1 footage, but it doesn't really look next-gen.


Oct 26, 2017
Okay - that's great. But what you're saying is there was no game the came out in the first 2 years of the PS4/Xbox One cycle that could be run on it's predecessor?

No, I think you need to re-read my post. I was granting there may well have been - and of course there was! - but it's a point asides from why it's 'a good thing' that devs can move on to higher baselines.

And I would say it's only contentious if it's being adopted as policy across all projects, with a MS-controlled mandate around when this starts and ends. If it's happening because devs are able to do it - and if MS devs can move on to next-gen only projects when they wish - then it shouldn't be so contentious.


Oct 26, 2017
Ok but what's stopping it from running on PS4? Nothing they talked about last gen Spider-Man running on ps5 takes away from it being playable on ps4

Um, I just said they've shown what's possible in a next gen Spider-Man experience that's not possible on PS4. You can't swing any faster on a HDD.


Dec 12, 2018
Is all the SSD stuff even scalable to last Gen HDDs?
For example: if Spiderman can swing through the city twice as fast in the new game and missions are designed around that speed, how would that work in the PS4 version without a lot of pop in if it works at all.


Nov 16, 2017
Can someone please list to me games from the previous generation in their first two years that would have been impossible on their predecessors? I'm struggling.

This isn't a big deal and also lol at people thinking this will hold back the ssd stuff on next gen.

AC Unity, Warframe, The Witcher 3, Batman AK, Fallout 4, inFamous Second Son/First Light, Driveclub, Bloodborne...the list can go on.


Jan 17, 2018
like said above I don't think Microsoft cares about consoles, they're trying to get a leg up on the streaming only future
I guess because if you already own a Xbox One, why would you pay 500$ to play the same games? The Xbox One X haven't sold that much and this will be a similar situation. People who really cares about graphics probably have a PC where they can play the same games.

And for those who don't own a Xbox One, I don't see how they will be convinced to buy a XSX unless there's some amazing games which can't be played anywhere else.

Personally there's not enough games I am interested in to justify buying a Xbox. But if there's a cheap streaming box, I would be more interested I think.
Jan 4, 2018
Some crossgen games in the past:

- Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Alien Isolation
- Zelda: Twlight Princess
- Titanfall
- The Evil Within
- Destiny
- Wolfenstein The New Order
- Battlefield 4
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
- Watch Dogs
- Tomb Raider 2013
- King Kong
- Call of Duty 3
- COD Advance Warfare
- Rayman Legends
- Black Ops 3
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- Splinter Cell Double Agent
Last edited:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I think that's a mistake. Sony is doing the right thing here.

The upside to that is that XGS games will likely be 60+ fps on XSX.


Nov 10, 2017
Isn't this the same thing Matt Booty originally said, that for the first couple of years (2 years) XGS games would work on original Xbox One/ One S/ One X?

Holiday 2020 to Holiday 2021 is 1 year.

Holiday 2021 to Holiday 2022 is 2 years

So don't expect games that only run on Series X, Series S (Lockhart) and PC until 2023. Meaning games where an Zen 2, 4 to 12 TFLOPs and an SSD are the baseline specs, that are not possible on the Xbox One with its 1.3 TFLOPs, Jaguar cores and slow HDD.


Oct 25, 2017
And do you know why MS first specifically will be supporting Xbox One for the next couple years? xCloud.

Until they transition the server blades to XSX SoCs, MS first party will continue to build games that support Xbox One since xCloud is built on Xbox One S SoCs currently.

Doesn't mean we won't see 3rd party XSX only titles, in fact we already are but the last 2 generations of console launches have been full of cross gen titles and that won't be changing here. The majority of titles for the next year+ will be crossgen.
Not only that - but also pc gaming is going to have to move to pcie ssd's in order to allow them to target next gen only

That is going to take a while


Oct 26, 2017
This is still a perfectly reasonable answer/plan, and one that serves the widest range of players. He also doesn't say this includes all their games. There's also the infrastructure element, because they have services that use existing Xbox hardware as servers.

Going from first 2 years to a couple is not cool bro

Not trying to be snide, but think about what number "a couple" refers to.

Deleted member 45460

User requested account closure
Jun 27, 2018
Every gen this happens, games won't take full advantage of the new hardware for 5'ish years, and outside of ssd gimmicks like teleporting it'll scale down just fine. If a 1st party xbox dev comes to Matt and Phil and says "we need next gen only for this" then it'll be next-gen only. They simply know they can scale down 99% of the games being made right now.


Mar 12, 2020
Ratchet and Clank. Good luck trying to make that happen on PS4.
What I saw was tiny snippets of different worlds in a tightly scripted set piece. That could absolutely happen on PS4.

I can't imagine anyone that bought a PS4 in 2018 for Spider Man will be thrilled that they'll have to buy a $400-$500 console to play the (kinda) sequel in 2020.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
The concern trolls are wrongfully assuming the Series X versions of these games won't have advantages over the current gen versions.
i think its wrong to label anyone with concern a troll. this is great news to me a Xbox one s owner who's waiting on series x but there's other xbox fans who feel worries and that's fine.


Oct 25, 2017
It's really not that big of a deal, but I think people want to be outraged over something. Sony using their "Generations matter" slogan means it's now turned into console-warrior bait.


Dec 15, 2017
Ok but what's stopping it from running on PS4? Nothing they talked about last gen Spider-Man running on ps5 takes away from it being playable on ps4
Insomniac have talked about the limitations of the PS4 and how they worked around it. Please research the topic your commenting on.