
Sep 29, 2018
They'll fuck it up if the same homophobic people that worked on Catherine Full Body tackle it.


Nov 1, 2017
LGBTQ characters dont need a reason to exist just as straight dont need one, you make them cause its part of the human nature and you have teens in your freaking games.


Oct 25, 2017
With their record with LGBT topics? Hell no, they would somehow make it worse than no queer option.

They need to get actual LGBT people on the writing room before they even attempt this.


A King's Landing
Oct 27, 2017
They don't need to do it, the people making the game have no interest in doing it, so what good is there in forcing them to do it? You should look into devs/games that are interested in this topic and play those games. Otherwise you'll end up in a few years making a thread "Atlus messed up representation" when they have no intention of conveying a more inclusive representation.

In short, let devs make what they want, play or don't play.


Nov 7, 2017
In short, let devs make what they want, play or don't play.

Nah, fuck that.

As fans we must pressure them to make shit we want to see, especially when it's something as normal as a homosexual relationship. If they don't listen and want to be conservative as fuck, it is their right. But we can still complain and apply pressure to see representation.

Saying "they were homophobic in the past, so they might screw up representation so better not try" is ridiculous ethranes.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
They don't need to do it, the people making the game have no interest in doing it, so what good is there in forcing them to do it? You should look into devs/games that are interested in this topic and play those games. Otherwise you'll end up in a few years making a thread "Atlus messed up representation" when they have no intention of conveying a more inclusive representation.

In short, let devs make what they want, play or don't play.

While it's true that FORCING people to be progressive rarely results in them doing a good job at it, we still need to make it clear to them that what they're doing isn't acceptable in the modern sphere. They need to hire more diverse writers and account for more tastes than just the one particular demographic of anime fans they've been catering to consistently for the last three Persona titles.

And the only way they'll do that is if they know that's what consumers want.


Oct 27, 2017
If the Persona team can't be arsed to do a proper LGBT person, they deserve the flack they get.

Gay people ain't some enigma that's impossible to write. The Persona team writes about aliens and demons full of mythology and symbolism, but the moment anyone says "make a good LGBT character" suddenly it's "don't FORCE them!"

The hell!? Persona is literally a series about teens facing societal stigmas, and you're telling me their games DON'T tackle queer relationships!?


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't trust them at all to do it tastefully.

Yes, even without Hoshino.
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Nov 6, 2017
It doesn't need to. One thing is if you want that but the series really doesn't need that, especially if the developers aren't into the idea of adding those dating options.

It is a touchy subject anyways and if they do force themselves to do it you will probably see people whining that they didn't do it the "right way".
Well they are already putting LGBT characters in their games and they are doing it, for the most part of the time, in a very bad and offensive way so...

I don't like at all how ATLUS handle LGBT characters, I would prefer that they directly avoid the thing.

Being offended by a videogame? No thanks, the real life is already a pile of s*it from that point of view.
Oct 25, 2017
  • For those saying, they'll fuck it up, I'm not arguing for just LGBT inclusion. Onviously I want *competent* and well written queer characters in 6. Particularly because how poor the previous attempts were. It'd be a hugely positive gesture to right some wrongs.
  • I'm honestly amazed at all the "organic/justification" arguments. Whatever "justification" exists for the straight and waifu chatacters is enough for LGBT characters too. (Do people who subscribe to "justification" arguments also hold this barometer for offensively implemented LGBT themes too? Cause Atlus took the intiative to do that all on their own.)

Sweet. Filled it out, and noted LGBT inclusion and Adult/College-aged cast for future Persona as far as interests go.


Oct 25, 2017
It really does not, but I would not be against it. At least, only if it is handled respectfully and not like an awkward BioWare way of handling a gay relationship.

I am honestly pretty surprised people take Kanji's arc to directly mean he had to be gay. Being a teen and first starting to recognize what you like or where you fit in within the world can be an especially difficult thing for many people. Hell, he might just be bisexual. Yosuke having a cut gay relationship feels like it would carry a lot more weight to me personally, kind of surprised they never went through with it in Persona 4 Golden. It would've made sense with how insecure he is.

This kind of gatekeeping is not helpful. Yes, it needs to be handled in a non-homophobic manner, but if we hold gay representation/relationships hostage to a flawless standard, we'll never get much of it. That rhetoric, while sounding enticing at face value, only contributes to gay erasure. Whether well written, poorly written (but not homophobic), or anything in-between, representation is important — straight characters and their relationships run the gamut, and gay ones should too.

BioWare's gay relationships are certainly respectful, and perfectly fine for what they are. BioWare as a company is one of the most inclusive and progressive in the entire industry. Removing their efforts because they're imperfect would be hugely harmful, considering Dragon Age especially is a bastion for LGBT+ fans.

As for Persona: it has a history of poor representation — of LGBT people, of women, etc. It needs to improve, ideally with both positive LGBT representation and a female MC option.

Greatest Ever

Aug 25, 2018
User Banned (3 Days): Hostility towards another member
I don't need to convince you of shit my dude, homosexuality is a normal part of human life and should be an option in the game.

If you need "convincing" that is some homophobic shit full stop
lol literally nothing of what I'm saying is homophobic you dweeb. How do you function in the real world? Convince me why Persona 6 needs homosexual relationships, especially with how poorly Atlus has treated them in the past. I don't know why anyone would speak as behalf of a population as if they're a monolith.

Do I welcome it? Fuck yeah. Does it matter? No.
Oct 25, 2017
lol literally nothing of what I'm saying is homophobic you dweeb. How do you function in the real world? Convince me why Persona 6 needs homosexual relationships, especially with how poorly Atlus has treated them in the past. I don't know why anyone would speak as behalf of a population as if they're a monolith.

Do I welcome it? Fuck yeah. Does it matter? No.

I think what they're trying to say is that whatever justification was set to let straight chatacters happen, is equally ample justification to greenlight LGBT characters.

Stuff like "they're ill equipped/they'll fuck it up" is no excuse. It reads a bit like the inclusivness version of "HD towns are hard".


Linked the Fire
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like that. I'd like a FeMC, too. Personally, I don't like the dating aspect but I get that others do.

I'd really like to shake things up at the top and get that one guy off the brand altogether. That feels like job one. Atlus really ought to get their shit on straight with this and other properties

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
I'd like that. I'd like a FeMC, too. Personally, I don't like the dating aspect but I get that others do.

I'd really like to shake things up at the top and get that one guy off the brand altogether. That feels like job one. Atlus really ought to get their shit on straight with this and other properties
If you notice, there are so few Atlus games that have female protagonists. I'd say many people inside Atlus share the same views as Hashino.

Greatest Ever

Aug 25, 2018
I think what they're trying to say is that whatever justification was set to let straight chatacters happen, is equally ample justification to greenlight LGBT characters.

Stuff like "they're ill equipped/they'll fuck it up" is no excuse. It reads a bit like the inclusivness version of "HD towns are hard".
Sure, but again, speaking on behalf of a sexuality like it's a monolith is never a good strategy.

That being said, I'm all for inclusivity, because it's always fantastic seeing people represented.


Nov 7, 2017
lol literally nothing of what I'm saying is homophobic you dweeb. How do you function in the real world? Convince me why Persona 6 needs homosexual relationships, especially with how poorly Atlus has treated them in the past. I don't know why anyone would speak as behalf of a population as if they're a monolith.

Do I welcome it? Fuck yeah. Does it matter? No.

Name calling doesn't make you look smarter or more reasonable.

"Do I welcome it? Fuck yeah" bullshit, you are there arms crossed asking to be convinced this is a good idea.


Nov 7, 2017
You're the dude who called me homophobic, but yeah, my pot's definitely blacker than yours.

Your position of expecting same-sex couples to justify their equivalence to heterosexual couples in a video game is definitely homophobic. I don't know if you yourself are a homophobe, or just disfussing things from an angle you don't fully understand how shitty it is.

But seeing your attitude, I am starting to get a better picture of what you are that is for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
This is literally what I was expecting Persona 5 to be when it was first announced thanks to the 'find emancipation, you are slave' teasers, and I was so hyped for it. You have no idea how upset I was when it turned out to just be teenagers whining about "shitty adults" for 80 hours.
Man P5 is disappointing and it's not even the LGBT thing just in general


Oct 25, 2017
"They will fuck it up somehow"

Every generation, devs hire new talent to improve and push their tech so they can improve their games.
Somehow, Atlus can't do shit about their homophobic team, though. They can't hire new people for this...


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly have never felt super thrilled by the dating stuff anyway; if anything, I'd rather not have dating in the game if it doesn't have a real impact on your stats/abilities.

Now, having a real substantial "social link level 11" thing tied to it (and not just different dialogue and cutscenes) would be cool.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Nah, fuck that.

As fans we must pressure them to make shit we want to see, especially when it's something as normal as a homosexual relationship. If they don't listen and want to be conservative as fuck, it is their right. But we can still complain and apply pressure to see representation.

Saying "they were homophobic in the past, so they might screw up representation so better not try" is ridiculous ethranes.

Can you imagine if fans of all types of media had the same "pressure them to make shit we want" mentality? Imagine putting that same kind of pressure on artists, musicians, film makers, designers, inventors etc. Imagine that same pressure had been put on creators throughout history. What would we have ended up with?

We should let creatives do what they do best and either enjoy their work or move along if we don't like it. Some of the best games have been made thanks to publishers giving developers all of the creative freedom they need. Putting pressure on a creative process yields poor results.

Saying "pressure them to make shit we want" is ridiculous, Kurdel


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Can you imagine if fans of all types of media had the same "pressure them to make shit we want" mentality? Imagine putting that same kind of pressure on artists, musicians, film makers, designers, inventors etc. Imagine that same pressure had been put on creators throughout history. What would we have ended up with?

We should let creatives do what they do best and either enjoy their work or move along if we don't like it. Some of the best games have been made thanks to publishers giving developers all of the creative freedom they need. Putting pressure on a creative process yields poor results.

Saying "pressure them to make shit we want" is ridiculous, Kurdel

It's the year 2019. Making games about teenagers going through Social Issues and ignoring the fact that gay people are a thing that exists in the world and not just the butt of jokes shows that their creative freedom is not yielding positive results.


Nov 7, 2017
Can you imagine if fans of all types of media had the same "pressure them to make shit we want" mentality? Imagine putting that same kind of pressure on artists, musicians, film makers, designers, inventors etc. Imagine that same pressure had been put on creators throughout history. What would we have ended up with?

We should let creatives do what they do best and either enjoy their work or move along if we don't like it. Some of the best games have been made thanks to publishers giving developers all of the creative freedom they need. Putting pressure on a creative process yields poor results.

Saying "pressure them to make shit we want" is ridiculous, Kurdel

Oh, you think they don't get pressure to include waifus and all that other shit? They are one of the companies the most guilty of fan service, why is my request ridiculous, again?

Saying same-sex relationship representation would upend creative freedom is what's ridiculous smh


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't need to. One thing is if you want that but the series really doesn't need that, especially if the developers aren't into the idea of adding those dating options.

It is a touchy subject anyways and if they do force themselves to do it you will probably see people whining that they didn't do it the "right way".

Exactly. Developers don't "need" to do anything.

Storm Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
What's kind of funny is Yusuke was about 3 lines away from being a gay romance option in 5. Should've went all the way because he was clearly bi.

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
While I like self inserts and romantic options, I genuinely believe that from a story perspective, there is no game that has both of those things that wouldn't benefit from having an actual main character with either a "canon" romance with someone or none at all.
Oct 27, 2017
Can you imagine if fans of all types of media had the same "pressure them to make shit we want" mentality? Imagine putting that same kind of pressure on artists, musicians, film makers, designers, inventors etc. Imagine that same pressure had been put on creators throughout history. What would we have ended up with?

We should let creatives do what they do best and either enjoy their work or move along if we don't like it. Some of the best games have been made thanks to publishers giving developers all of the creative freedom they need. Putting pressure on a creative process yields poor results.

Saying "pressure them to make shit we want" is ridiculous, Kurdel

I can 100% assure you Persona 5 has 9 'waifus' to choose from due to Atlus wanting to sell tons of figures and merch. Do you think Hashino and Soejima just pulled them from thin air?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they'd be able to write it well. I mean I don't think Kenji's storyline was done well in P4 and while it can be interpreted as about him coming to terms with his sexuality I think it's equally arguable (and based on the rest of it, what the writers intended) that it's about him coming to term with his "effeminate" tastes and how that contrasts with his societal role.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Oh, you think they don't get pressure to include waifus and all that other shit? They are one of the companies the most guilty of fan service, why is my request ridiculous, again?

Saying same-sex relationship representation would upend creative freedom is what's ridiculous smh

I can 100% assure you Persona 5 has 9 'waifus' to choose from due to Atlus wanting to sell tons of figures and merch. Do you think Hashino and Soejima just pulled them from thin air?

The pressure they're under may very well be the problem to begin with. Having more pressure put on them from fans isn't going to help anything.

Japan's culture is also very different than that of the US, so there's a good chance that pressure is just going to fall on deaf ears.

I'm all for having any type of relationships we want in the next Persona, but I'll never agree with putting pressure on creatives. Maybe because I've been in that situation myself.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The pressure they're under may very well be the problem to begin with. Having more pressure put on them from fans isn't going to help anything.

Japan's culture is also very different than that of the US, so there's a good chance that pressure is just going to fall on deaf ears.

I'm all for having any type of relationships we want in the next Persona, but I'll never agree with putting pressure on creatives. Maybe because I've been in that situation myself.

I think personally I'm just done supporting Persona Team games until they start making significant changes to their writing and representation.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand why Japan is being singled out for exclusionary towards LGBT content when Western game really companies aren't that much better. See: Ubisoft's fuck-up.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand why Japan is being singled out for exclusionary towards LGBT content when Western game really companies aren't that much better. See: Ubisoft's fuck-up.
Because Atlus has been notoriously bad at this.

Ubisoft has actually made good efforts for diversity on their games and game studios.

I would love to live in your world
I wish this were true.

I guess I should have written 'should be universal', i.e. why does it seems that people think that you're tearing apart a culture when you're asking them to stop being bigots.

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
Can you imagine if fans of all types of media had the same "pressure them to make shit we want" mentality? Imagine putting that same kind of pressure on artists, musicians, film makers, designers, inventors etc. Imagine that same pressure had been put on creators throughout history. What would we have ended up with?

We should let creatives do what they do best and either enjoy their work or move along if we don't like it. Some of the best games have been made thanks to publishers giving developers all of the creative freedom they need. Putting pressure on a creative process yields poor results.

Saying "pressure them to make shit we want" is ridiculous, Kurdel
Now that's just outright false, some of if not all of your favorite video games, movies, and anything were made from a result of continuous pressure and limitations be it in the form of technology, peer demands or fan demands. This game made from complete creative freedom you speak of doesn't exist.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Can you imagine if fans of all types of media had the same "pressure them to make shit we want" mentality? Imagine putting that same kind of pressure on artists, musicians, film makers, designers, inventors etc. Imagine that same pressure had been put on creators throughout history. What would we have ended up with?

We should let creatives do what they do best and either enjoy their work or move along if we don't like it. Some of the best games have been made thanks to publishers giving developers all of the creative freedom they need. Putting pressure on a creative process yields poor results.

Saying "pressure them to make shit we want" is ridiculous, Kurdel
What an absolute fucking failure of a creator someone must be if "treating LGBT+ people like human beings" is such a fucking insurmountable hurdle. Like, they may be awful at what they do if that is something they can't overcome in their game about social rebellion, and that thought somehow never even comes to fucking mind. And nevermind making something out of outright ignorance, but to look at the years of criticism since, and to make something actively worse like they're doing with Catherine.

Hashino and the people that contributed to/approved those shitty decisions may be genuinely shit at their social commentary if that's the fucking trash response they come up with.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm currently playing through P4. Game is nice enough. Soundtrack's fun. I like the cast for the most part. I can also take the fanservice and most of Yosuke's yammering about scoring chics in stride. Everything doesn't have to be tailored specifically for me. That's fine. But maaan, Kanji's arc is some bullshit. I dunno what their intention was with this character, but imo, it doesn't come across well at all..

You should finish his arc because it's not bullshit at all.

This is also maybe just my interpretation, but the story came across to me like rescuing him "cured" him of identifying/being lgbt.

Yeah, that's not what happened.
Oct 27, 2017
If the game doesn't need gay romance options, then it also doesn't need straight romance options.

And we know that wouldn't fly because people love their waifus.

It is 2019. Enough with the excuses. LGBT people exist and you're gonna tell me you can date nine different women, including your f*cking teacher, but they couldn't be arsed to put ONE guy to date?

Persona 2 had a gay character. That was 20 years ago. The bar is so low, and all the lukewarm takes are honestly just as annoying as the constant omission of gay people in games.

Agree with this post 100%.

In a series that lets you fuck a teacher, wish fulfillment seems to be a heavy part of Persona's branding. Thus, arguments against LGBT people wanting to be treated as people/dating inclusion holds a lot less water for me.
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Oct 27, 2017
You should finish his arc because it's not bullshit at all.

Yeah, that's not what happened.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but was he not relieved once he realized Naoto wasn't a boy but a girl - thus, his attraction could no longer be considered "gay"? Or did I miss something lol

Like, his arc wasn't just confined to liking girly things like sewing and being treated as gay as a result of liking these feminine items. He literally crushed on Naoto when he was under the impression that she was a boy, no?


Oct 25, 2017
it wont

I want it to have them

but it wont, I have learned to stop having expectations for this sort of thing in atlus stuff