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Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
Happy birthday Deques

= = = = =




Aranea and Luna epitaphs are so true lol.


Oct 27, 2017
The thing that makes me laugh is how much people consider Phil Spencer the trustworthy new guy who seemingly can't do anything wrong.

He has been at Microsoft for literally decades. He joined in the 80's. He just wasn't head of Xbox.

Oh yeah but he didn't have the power to make decisions then right? Bullshit. He quickly became manager of Microsoft's game studios and according to interviews was the person primarily responsible for the mismanagement of Lionhead and Rare.

On top of all the problems Microsoft have as a company, from strict platform lock-in to straight up patent trolling to destroy rivals, why the fuck would I trust him? Because he isn't Don Mattrick? Sorry Xbox fans but that's not how it works.

And for the record, I don't trust Nadella 1 bit either.

Trust Nadella the least. Ballmer may have been legendarily awful with his vision and quotes, but at least he respected their PC heritage and wasn't trying to turn Windows into some second tier iOS wannabe.


Oct 25, 2017
This may be premature, but recent news has started to remind me of the early-to-mid 2000s. Developers closing down, or being consolidated by large publishers. And I feel the latter is only going to get a lot worse when streaming services ramp up.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing that makes me laugh is how much people consider Phil Spencer the trustworthy new guy who seemingly can't do anything wrong.

He has been at Microsoft for literally decades. He joined in the 80's. He just wasn't head of Xbox.

Oh yeah but he didn't have the power to make decisions then right? Bullshit. He quickly became manager of Microsoft's game studios and according to interviews was the person primarily responsible for the mismanagement of Lionhead and Rare.

On top of all the problems Microsoft have as a company, from strict platform lock-in to straight up patent trolling to destroy rivals, why the fuck would I trust him? Because he isn't Don Mattrick? Sorry Xbox fans but that's not how it works.

And for the record, I don't trust Nadella 1 bit either.
I keep seeing people say he's kept his promises but I'm not sure what any of them are. I remember in 2014 when he took over as head he promised it's all a out games for Xbox and 4 years later people are still waiting.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Wait, I did some confusion here. So what Microsoft is giving for free is a DLC for Hitman 2, right? I thought it was the dlc pack for Hitman 1 (patient zero plus the outfind bundle which is 20€ and something).

So, let me understand this. If you own Hitman 2 but you don't own Hitman 1 at all, you can pay 20€ and get the complete remastered version.
If you own Hitman 2 and the "complete" Hitman 1 without Patient Zero you can pay 10€ and get the upgrade.

If you own the base Hitman 1, you are not interested in Hitman 2 and you want the upgrade to the Goty you need to spend 20€ and something to upgrade. Those prices are very bad.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
By far the worst of the "AAA" devs, they're useless
I never understood the love for Bethesda games. Sure Morrowind was great, but I feel their titles are just those giant sandboxes filled with a slim story, repetitive fetch quests and ton of bugs, often with outdated graphics. I remember when Oblivion was the new thing, graphics were nice, I bought the game, tried to do some side-quests and they were literally all the same, I don't know how many portals I closed in that game before deciding to rush to the end of the game. And it seems they never update their engine, F4 looked old when released, and still the loading times are way too long, F76 looks exactly like F4. And when you have stuff like Red Dead 2 around, you really wonder why they don't spend actual money to make a new engine and fix those 23133123 bugs they have for each of their releases.


Oct 25, 2017
The days of Morrowind and Daggerfall are over for Bethesda. Every new game makes more sacrifices for the mainstream audience, and as a result they're just about where BioWare is at.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
I know there are some old MarvelGAF users in here that will get a chuckle out of this


Gazillion Entertainment

Aug 2015 – Jul 2018 3 yrs

I came off the board in September 2015 to try and lead a turn around at Gazillion.

Over a 2 year period i restructured the company and turned if profitable - I did this by expanding our MMO Marvel Heroes from one to three platforms - adding the PS4 & XBOX platforms in the Summer of 2017 to augment our PC platform. Though I lowered OPEX by 40% I actually increased headcount and added a second development team, which in January of 2017 began work on a second major game based on an iconic IP as beloved as Marvel. We accomplished a great amount in 2 years - we did it by managing our cash, working well with our partners, our investors and putting a strategy in place that we were executing on. Everyone at Gazillion worked at an incredible pace and level for the 2 years I ran it. We were a family type of culture - we put our people above all else, believing that a happy incentivized workforce would make Gazillion a better company in the long run. It was a very special place to work and my team was amazing. The company was acquired by Trion this past summer.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
By far the worst of the "AAA" devs, they're useless

I never understood the love for Bethesda games.

They're only that way because people carry water for them, and in many ways the things people excuse from their products are orthogonal to the quality of their "game" (though that is particularly poor too).


Guess I'm #TeamPartOfTheProblem, lol.

Bethesda sandbox games just feel so good to move around in. I was thinking about it when a recent thread popped up about Best AAA Sandbox/Open-World. Of course Rockstar, CDPR, etc. all got their due, but as expected Bethesda mostly got s*** on. That's fine, I've come to expect it from this forum.

But the ah-ha moment for me was when I realized that while Bethesda is visually inferior to both R* & CDPR, that really doesn't matter to me 'cause because Bethesda creates world that are so much more open to exploration and discovery. GTA V and Witcher 3 staggeringly phenomenal productions, but the cold truth for me is that they're not that fun to engage with on a tactile / mechanical level. They feel stiff and fake, kinda like an artificial facade. And while I'll always love Rockstar and CDPR for their strengths...writing, art-direction, impeccable detail and more, I'll never be a Sandbox Tourist for their games. Just a Story Mainline experience.

Bethesda games make we want to explore the landscape just for the sheer joy of discovery. The way the games feel have a lot to do with that. The way it caters to any mood in true Sandbox fashion, whether I want to Gather, Explore, Fight, Build, etc. The game adapts to how you want to play at any given moment. And I just don't feel that with any other open-world developer. At least not to the level of freedom and agency Bethesda offers.


Oct 25, 2017
I never understood the love for Bethesda games. Sure Morrowind was great, but I feel their titles are just those giant sandboxes filled with a slim story, repetitive fetch quests and ton of bugs, often with outdated graphics. I remember when Oblivion was the new thing, graphics were nice, I bought the game, tried to do some side-quests and they were literally all the same, I don't know how many portals I closed in that game before deciding to rush to the end of the game. And it seems they never update their engine, F4 looked old when released, and still the loading times are way too long, F76 looks exactly like F4. And when you have stuff like Red Dead 2 around, you really wonder why they don't spend actual money to make a new engine and fix those 23133123 bugs they have for each of their releases.

For all its faults, Oblivion had some fantastic side-content. The entire Thiefs Guild and Dark Brotherhood questlines and Shivering Isles expansion were great.
It's been ages so I can't remember enough about the rest to give an answer there.

But really, modding is what really makes them fantastic.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Trust Nadella the least. Ballmer may have been legendarily awful with his vision and quotes, but at least he respected their PC heritage and wasn't trying to turn Windows into some second tier iOS wannabe.
Oh don't get me wrong. There is clearly a difference between Ballmer's nonsense and Nadella-era Microsoft. Things like the open sourcing of Visual Studio Code and Microsoft joining the OIN are good things which simply would not exist under Ballmer. There are plenty of changes in the direction Windows itself has taken too.

I am still incredibly skeptical about Microsoft generally though.

Sunset Queen giveaway incoming. This will be goooood

Good lord, another one?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Just bought Darksiders 3 for 40 Bucks.
Probably won't play it this month since Artifact launches 1 day later, but i'm very excited for it.
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