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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK


DOOM Eternal

Doom Eternal is the sequel that follows the beloved DOOM 2016, while it's hard to imagine how this game can get any better considering the previous game dialed up to 11, it has bought a lot of changes that dials up the intensity that is brought along by the already fantastic game-play. For anyone who has not jumped on the bandwagon I would highly recommend playing the DOOM 2016, it's rare in this day and age to have a FPS game that is a true FPS in term of utter balls to walls ferocity and gun play. It's one of those games that justify PC controls and a game that will put a smile on your face as you face 30+ demons in tight-nit area conditions. I am confident that DOOM Eternal will follow on the legacy as a solid single player experience. This game is PC GOTY material and I haven't even played it yet, it would be a disservice not to play this game.

Black Mesa
- Mugen

Black Mesa is an ambitious remake of Half-Life in Valve's Source engine. Crowbar Collective started development 15 years ago and while early versions were free, Black Mesa was eventually put up on Early Access in 2015, at which time the later "Xen"-chapters were absent. They have since been added and much expanded compared to the original. The plot otherwise remains mostly the same where we get to follow Gordon Freeman around the Black Mesa research facility fighting an alien threat. The most notable difference compared with Half-Life Source is otherwise the higher quality graphical assets, but there are also plenty of other tweaks with regards to map, AI and puzzles.

For many Black Mesa will most likely offer the definitive way of experiencing the original Half-Life in 2020, and it would also make for a great warm up to Half-Life Alyx later in March.


Granblue Fantasy Versus - Rayge

I've always had a passing interest for Granblue Fantasy mobile/browser game because of their hyper stylized medieval anime setting and character designs. As with everything that looks this cool, the first thing that popped into my head was, "Man this would make for a fantastic action RPG or fighting game." Now the gaming world is getting BOTH. The first one heading to PC is the gorgeous Granblue Fantasy Versus by Arc System Works and Cygames. This is ASW's third take on their animation method of creating key frames for 3D models in order to give them a hand drawn quality. With experience under their belt, this new game has turned out to be quite the looker. Gameplay mechanics have also been streamlined from traditional fighters in order to have a lower barrier of entry for newcomers to the genre. While there was initial fear in the FGC, people have been enjoying the game on PS4 and have discovered that there is still depth in the game play.

Two things to add. The game does not support crossplay and it utilizes delay based netcode in case that's something that sways your purchasing decision.

The other crazy thing... How is this game hitting PC before Samurai Shodown?!

Half-Life: Alyx

It's crazy to think that in less than a month we will get a new Half-Life game after 13 years of waiting – and the weirdest thing is that so little information about the game has been released, other than one trailer and some off screen footage, we've seen very little of the game so far. Is this a good thing ? who knows, but considering Valve has not pushed the release date seems to push the fact that this game is also interesting. Who knows this could be the revival of Valve and their commitment of producing fantastic single player experiences – if it wasn't the elephant in the room which is the cost of VR. I like many others would love to play this game, but willing to drop down on a VR headset has been somewhat of a financial plunge that I and many others are not willing to take, which is a shame as this is probably a great game. The state of the VR market is in shambles we have 3 competing factions with different objectives, all headsets outside of the US are still more expensive than buying a console and to justify for one game is still quite a hard sell. You would think that Valve of all companies would realise that releasing a VR headset kit that costs about the same as gaming PC would understand the limitation it will put on audiences being able to experience the game. Will this game be amazing? Yes of course. Will this game be worth buying a VR headset? Only time will only tell.

Murder by Numbers
- Uzzy

Murder by Numbers, developed by The Irregular Corporation, is a puzzle adventure game that sees you play as Honor Mizrahi, who's boss is dead and she's the prime suspect in the case, setting her on a quest to solve the mystery herself. Unfortunately for her, she's no detective, she just plays one on TV. You'll have to solve picross puzzles to find clues, and talk to a weird and wonderful cast of characters to put those clues together, getting to the truth and uncovering the real murderer.

With characters designed by Hato Moa (Hatoful Boyfriend) and music from Masakazu Sugimori (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick and Viewtiful Joe), there's some real joy throughout the look and sound of this game, and it's an experience that made me fall in love pretty much the moment I saw the animated intro for it, showing off it's 90s trappings so well it hurts, but in a good way. It feels just like a show I'd watch then after school. It's a real shot of nostalgia for something that never existed. Lastly, on an important note, the name of the show Honor stars in is Murder Miss Terri. What more could you want?

Ori and the Will of the Wisps
- Mentalist

The sequel to probably the most acclaimed Microsoft-sponsored release this generation, Ori and the Will of the Wisps is shaping up to be a bigger and better game than the artful Metroidvania that preceded it. By improving combat to feature multiple weapon options and introducing boss enemies in addition to the traditional escape sequences, as well as introducing side-quests and greater customization and progression options, Moon Studios aims to make their second installment one of the most spectacular games on 2020. The soulful soundtrack and the hand-painted art style that is best described as "hauntingly beautiful" are also clearly making a return, based on preview materials. Keep an eye on this one, as it's getting ready to punch well above its weight once more .

- Uzzy

There's a very strong argument for Half-Life being the most important first person shooter ever made, taking the genre from it's comfortable place of arena shooting into a bold new one of immersive storytelling. It builds the world and setting and characters right before your eyes, without ever changing perspective. The tale of Black Mesa and it's destruction is still impressive to this day, 21 years after release. It's no power fantasy, you're just a humble MIT grad armed with a crowbar, trying to make your way through the disaster you've unleashed, and the forces on all sides trying to stop it. It's a perfect time to play it, with Half-Life Alyx coming out this month, potentially reinventing the FPS once more, especially with the Black Mesa remake finally reaching Version 1.0 this month too.

Players who revisited Black Mesa this month (either in Half-Life, Half-Life: Source or Black Mesa):

- Uzzy

Now I don't expect you to be as good as Kate Marsh, who really could anyway, but I do want to see you try. Ultra Nightmare. DOOM. Get the 'A Toe into Madness' achievement. Or go beyond if you really feel like punishing yourself.

Players who dipped their toes into the madness:

  • Notice a poster that is obnoxious or harmful to the thread? REPORT THEM.
  • Do not solicit/trade/sell/beg for games in this thread.
  • Do not spam post your game stats/games count or post damage lists from sales.
  • Maybe try not to drive posters away for sharing their thoughts on video games, alright? If you're not wanting to purchase a game for any reason, and someone discusses it in entirely unrelated terms, you don't necessarily have to tell them that you're not going to purchase it for that reason. I know that's something I could do better myself. That's not to say you can't discuss that reason, of course, you just don't have to everytime someone mentions a game in an unrelated context.



The SteamERA Community was founded on Discord on October 2017, a stranded bunch of SteamGAF who united together and embraced on what we thought was the end of times. However as more people joined we found hope and soon started to formulate and plan for the future. This thread would not be possible without the community we have on Discord and I encourage all of you to join if you have not.

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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Special thanks to those who submitted recommendations. As always, your contributions make the thread better!

In other important announcements.


It's Chun-Li's birthday. The First Lady of Fighting Games is 52 today.


Oct 25, 2017
Instead of wasting money on fighting games that will be dead consider the following



Oct 25, 2017
Very excited for Doom:E , even though they seem to went heavy on my least liked element in FPS's, akward first person platforming .


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Hell yeah, gonna buy DOOM and get Ori on Gamepass, good month.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Will fail to join the monthly challenge for March, but hoping to finish the February one eventually.
Oct 25, 2017
So far this month I am looking forward to checking out offworld trading company. Completely forgot about that game but came on my radar since Epic is giving it away this upcoming week.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
5 posts to anime, god help us all.

Ori and Doom will be my PC purchases this month, if I can find the time. Still want to get through Metro Exodus and try not to get too engrossed in my current Total Warhammer campaign that I forget to play anything new.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Better buy Granblue this month cuz you ain't gonna find matches anymore by April.

Somehow the action RPG one will inexplicably skip PC.


Oct 25, 2017
So hyped for Doom Eternal, I think I should replay 2016. Also hyped for HL:A even though I don't have a VR headset to play it lol




Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah, that doesn't use rollback netcode, does it?

Delay based, no crossplay, random "oh it's coming to PC too in 3 weeks" sort of marketing. Gonne be high priced too since it's not that far off from PS4 release.

Maybe the pull of anime will get some people in but I wouldn't put much stock in it.


Mar 14, 2019
It's already March? Madness!

The only definitive March purchase for me is Ori. I will certainly get to Doom eventually, but 2016 is still in my backlog (but getting closer to the top), so I'm not rushing to grab Eternal.


Mar 14, 2019
No spotlight for Ori makes me a sad panda
I was going to write one, but things got hectic and I lost track of time.

The sequel to probably the most acclaimed Microsoft-sponsored release this generation, Ori and the Will of the Wisps is shaping up to be a bigger and better game than the artful Metroidvania that preceded it. By improving combat to feature multiple weapon options and introducing boss enemies in addition to the traditional escape sequences, as well as introducing side-quests and greater customization and progression options, Moon Studios aims to make their second installment one of the most spectacular games on 2020. The soulful soundtrack and the hand-painted art style that is best described as "hauntingly beautiful" are also clearly making a return, based on preview materials. Keep an eye on this one, as it's getting ready to punch well above its weight once more .
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Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Better buy Granblue this month cuz you ain't gonna find matches anymore by April.

Somehow the action RPG one will inexplicably skip PC.

CyGames said the same thing they said about Versus. That they would like to see it on PC. So far that seems to be confirmation enough.

As for a player base for Versus, most anime fighters on PC do pretty okay when utilizing Discord groups.

FGC Discord Compendium

1. Game Series,Game,Server Name,Invite Link,Server Description Akatsuki Blitzkampf,Akatsuki Blitzkampf,Akatsuki Blitzkampf,<a href=""></a>,General ABK server. Akatsuki Blitzkampf,ABK Kooky Edition,<a href="">https://di...

Delay based, no crossplay, random "oh it's coming to PC too in 3 weeks" sort of marketing. Gonne be high priced too since it's not that far off from PS4 release.

Maybe the pull of anime will get some people in but I wouldn't put much stock in it.

You'll still get your discount from Green Man Gaming or the Humble Store since CyGame's ZOE and all of ASW fighters can be found on either. So expect a 20-25% discount on day one.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man, hard to believe it's already gonna be March. The Warlords of New York expansion for The Division 2 is probably gonna be my only purchase in March. Haven't played Doom 2016 so Eternal isn't something I'm interested in until I play that and I won't get WoNY until I beat Yakuza Kiwami 2. Speaking of Yakuza, I hope Sega announces soon when the rest of the series is coming to PC. I've enjoyed 0, Kiwami 1 and I'm enjoying Kiwami 2 at the moment and its gonna be sad to take a break from the series when I'm done. Hell I'll even take Judgement to get my fix lol


Oct 25, 2017
1$ says that humble choice shoves Division 2 into the trash heap for the next months selection


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Division 2's main campaign is pretty solid. You could do a lot worse for 3 bucks, especially given 3rd person shooters aren't exactly coming out every month these days.

Ubi needs to drop the branding though. Take the basic concept but Tom Clancy is dead weight to a MMO style game. "Realistic" worlds just don't support that sort of stuff. Too limited on what can be done mechanically, story wise, and enemy wise.

Does anyone in gaming really care about Tom Clancy anymore outside of franchises that were established decades ago? R6, Ghost Recon, those franchises were established decades ago, so I get bothering with it there, but new franchises under the umbrella are just baffling.


Nov 2, 2017
Finished the first route of Nier: Automata, loving it so far even though it has a few annoying things


Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah, Humble had Dark Souls III on sale this past week for $20(CAD)...good timing. Grabbed it and the dlc.

I didn't think I could get into Souls type games, but after I played Bloodbourne 2 years ago, that was my gateway. I still get my ass handed to me though.
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