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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Koei Tecmo's presence on Steam is weird af. Not only is the pricing of most games shit, games like Winning Post gets trading cards with the other KT games getting trading cards are Nioh and Dynasty Warriors 7 and 9. No Dead or Alive nor Atelier/Gust games which I firmly believe would give them an easy smaller revenue stream.


Oct 25, 2017
Koei Tecmo's presence on Steam is weird af. Not only is the pricing of most games shit, games like Winning Post gets trading cards with the other KT games getting trading cards are Nioh and Dynasty Warriors 7 and 9. No Dead or Alive nor Atelier/Gust games which I firmly believe would give them an easy smaller revenue stream.
Fully convinced that they decide on features and ports based on randomly picking them out of a hat. Like when they release the Arland Trilogy but only one of the games had 4K support

Stone Ocean

Oct 25, 2017
Koei Tecmo's presence on Steam is weird af. Not only is the pricing of most games shit, games like Winning Post gets trading cards with the other KT games getting trading cards are Nioh and Dynasty Warriors 7 and 9. No Dead or Alive nor Atelier/Gust games which I firmly believe would give them an easy smaller revenue stream.
Cards in games like Atelier are so bloody expensive, they'd make a fortune off those.

Also yeah KT regional prices are a fucking joke. Ya'll are delusional if you think I'm paying 249 BRL for fucking Atelier.
Oct 27, 2017
Cards in games like Atelier are so bloody expensive, they'd make a fortune off those.

Also yeah KT regional prices are a fucking joke. Ya'll are delusional if you think I'm paying 249 BRL for fucking Atelier.
What the fuck, here in Mexico an Atelier game is the equivalent of 79 BRL, and 159 for the complete trilogy.

The thing with KT is that everything is decided in Japan, and yes, every release is just a lottery on what features it will have.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Fully convinced that they decide on features and ports based on randomly picking them out of a hat. Like when they release the Arland Trilogy but only one of the games had 4K support
Haha, yeah, it's sad af. I'm not gonna say they would be rich if they gave a fuck, these games are niche, but they could make more if just a single fuck was given.
Cards in games like Atelier are so bloody expensive, they'd make a fortune off those.
Also yeah KT regional prices are a fucking joke. Ya'll are delusional if you think I'm paying 249 BRL for fucking Atelier.
That's the thing. Also remember that they've never been sold at a good discount which would've meant fewer sales and fewer cards. Cards would've stayed at a higher price for longer than say Neptunia.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
Borderlands 2 would be the biggest EGS exclusive yet (ignoring fortnite obviously) and it's certainly a game epic would want in their service, precisely because it is also gaas with a long support timeframe.

I can totally see them shelling out their biggest cheque yet
As I said earlier I'm actually hoping for that to an extent, because even Epic probably doesn't reserve unlimited funds for buying exclusives.

Borderlands 2 is one of the very few (maybe the only?) coop games I ever dropped without completing it (out of boredom).

How's Grim Dawn?

See it's on sale and thinking now might be a good time to jump in
One of the very best games in its subgenre, IMHO.


Oct 26, 2017
Perhaps they weren't allowed to showcase it?

No idea mate

I neet my pets don't you understand?

I'm having a good videogame day. Finished Sekiro, finished Edith finch, loving Vampyr and Blands 3 announcement soon.

Also Edith finch was fantastic and it's one of those games that I can't fathom anyone not liking.


Oct 26, 2017
Also Edith finch was fantastic and it's one of those games that I can't fathom anyone not liking.
How to not like Edith Finch in three quick steps:
1. Be a freshly made father.
2. Play the Greg section.
3. Hate the devs with a passion for the emotional damage and sleepless nights they fucking caused.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia
I would be down however pay pal has fees if I send money outside of Canada so it may no be worth the hassle. Not sure if it works the same in the US with fees.

Send Steam Wallet funds instead. You can use your browser's web developer console to send an exact amount above $5. E.g. Changing javascript:submitSelectGiftCard( 500 ); to javascript:submitSelectGiftCard( 550 ); will generate a digital gift card worth $5.50.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed with others about Grim Dawn, I still love playing Diablo 2 now and then to this day, but Grim Dawn is the best modern game, I much prefer it over Path of Exile which I find is getting worse over time than better with all the bloat and old systems in the game, and how your builds (at least mine) always land up eventually being very similar... like how you always become a stealth archer in Skyrim.


Mar 13, 2019
Just saw that there's a COD weekend going on. While prices aren't updated for me, I'm supposing that it will be the usual 50% ~ 51% off. I might aswell pick Black Ops 2, 3, Advanced Warfare and COD 1 + UF to complete my collection. Or I could pick Kingdom Come.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm.. to spend $1008 on the COD franchise pack or not...

So glad I completed my collection year ago. Was much cheaper then.

Call of Duty - 3,50€
Call of Duty: United Offensive - 3,50€
Call of Duty 2 - 3,50€
Call of Duty: World at War (EU) - 3,50€
Call of Duty: WWII (RoW) - 13,65€

But I could spend 600€ to get DLCs too.

Looks like sale got removed from frontpage, so maybe it was mistake...


Oct 25, 2017
So, I'm replaying Pandora Tomorrow and, am I braindead or this game really is linear as hell? I still enjoy it quite a lot but linear level design is a big no-no in stealth games to me, especially if I want to go with the non-lethal approach.

I played Pandora Tomorrow without realizing there was quicksave. It made the game really cool because I had to make all the right moves for long stretches. It was more like a puzzle game because I would figure out which light switch would give me a path past a particular guard, etc. I don't know if I would have the patience to do that today but I enjoyed it at the time.

Holy crap at the
scene in Burial at Sea.


Oct 26, 2017
How's Grim Dawn?

See it's on sale and thinking now might be a good time to jump in
Great gameplay, terrible presentation for me. The lack of variety in environment and enemy due to art direction being an afterthought makes the tedium feels so standout. I have more fun when reading other people's build than actually work for it. Maybe it's because I played Titan Quest just right before Grim Dawn, I don't know. But even then I still highly recommended it since presentation seems a low priority for a lot of aRPG fans.
Oct 25, 2017
Borderlands 3, now exclusive to the Ouya 2.

The panel starts and then:



Nov 30, 2017
I haven't even played Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel yet

If BL3 ends up on the Epic Shit Store I won't be mad.
If it comes to Steam I would wishlist it of course

I expect BL3 to be EGS exclusive. Fuck you Tim and Galyonkin. I know you stalk this place


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'm one of the few who actually liked Borderlands 1 more than 2. Never finished 2 even, was just bored to tears, and actually finished 1 couple of times, both solo and co-op.
None of the classes in 2 were as fun for me as Lilith was in 1.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they are considering adding those extra features to pc DQ11. I only played a little bit when I bought it.
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