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Apr 11, 2024
That's what makes this whole thing weird to me, the Game Science statement on the delay. They could have lied, certainly, it's just bizarre!

And Microsoft technically didn't even refute it! They said they're working with Game Science on bring the game to Xbox. Which is a weird thing to say when it was already advertised as coming to Xbox!
Did you miss the 2nd part of the Microsoft statement? "We can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders,"

Why would Microsoft say that if there's no exclusivity deal between Sony and Game Science?

Clearly Microsoft got wind of something if they added that to their statement. Like, this is easily refutable by Sony/Game Science if there's no exclusivity deal.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
In the light of a potential exclusivity deal that language can easily be interpreted other ways. Are they behind on optimizing for Xbox because of an issue with Xbox hardware, or are they behind because why bother when they can't release that version for 6 months anyways?

I dunno, ask them.

I'm just enjoying the conversation about marketing, shadowy exclusivity deals, poor optimization, lying for a company,

Also, I think there is plausibility for any scenario, it is just funny that one of the proposed scenarios is lie to the public about why it is not out on Xbox.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I am willing to eat crow, but I would like to wait for more major outlets to come out and corroborate.

No offense to IGN, I just trust Eurogamer and VGC a little bit more.
Maybe I'm dead wrong on this, but I find it be WAY too much of a risk for IGN to just throw a tweet out into the wild like this if it's just random speculation and weak sources. There's so much potential for blowback.


Sep 6, 2023
Let Sony/Game Science dictate the publication upon hopes they get back to you? Instead of posting an "UPDATE:" later? Something like "We requested comment but did not receive one by time of publication." is a normal thing and it's just implied here as Kat says they requested comment.
And most likely Kat is very confident in their source(s), so unlikely for Sony/Game Science to deny it.


Jul 3, 2024
DAMN YOU SERIES S!… wait a minute…
I know the usual culprits will deflect this and say this doesn't mean Series S isn't a pain, and sure that's probably true, but using it as your default reason for studios that can accommodate the conditions for Series consoles is proving to be poor judgement. Digital Foundry straight up said its highly unlikely to be the Series S. We find that to be the case, once again.

So are Sony blocking it for the sole reason they dont want it to be on Xbox and allow word of mouth to do some form of organic grass roots marketing? Quite devious if true.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Still doesn't pass the sniff test. Who does it benefit to make a secret exclusivity deal?


Oct 25, 2017
But… like, they are sourcing this information themselves and reporting it as news. Are you really only trusting Sony's word on issues related to Sony? It's by Kat Bailey at IGN, not a random fan site. If Eurogamer corroborates both are we still skeptical? IGN's article is directly stating there is an exclusivity arrangement, not a tech issue, preventing the Xbox release. That would be a hell of a thing to be wrong about when reported like that.
IGN reported pretty much this exact same thing in June, and they withdrew the report because…? It was wrong, probably.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
What are the chances that Paul Tassi's and IGN's source are the same person?
Oct 25, 2017
Still doesn't pass the sniff test. Who does it benefit to make a secret exclusivity deal?

Sony still benefits from have exclusivity since it's the only console it's available on. Are they maximizing that benefit? Perhaps not. Perhaps it cost more for advertising rights. I don't know. But they still benefit from exclusivity, even if the deal is secret... because it's just a fact you need a PS5 if you want to play it on console.


Oct 27, 2017
If you're waiting until its appropriate to say "I told you so" thats fine, people are just commenting that if this is true its a fuckin' weird business decision and doesnt fit PlayStation's MO.

Right. On its face it's a purely defensive move that solely exists to block Xbox primarily in a region where Xbox has no prominence. It's either some really bizarre psy-op shit, like Sony trying to forge further Xbox reputational mishaps or something, or Sony being paranoid and wasting money throwing it at shadows. And sure, either could probably be true, but I don't think people can be blamed for still being bewildered at something so obviously irrational.


Jun 9, 2018
The lying part is probably just some random exec at Game Science being wackily defensive to media questions. This is the same company that was lashing out against media for the reporting last year and that sent guidelines to influencers about not spreading "feminist propaganda" or talking about Covid-19.

Pretty easy to believe that the Game Science guys are not polished at handling Western media like the handlers at Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft would be...

Would not be shocked at all if Game Science thought "it'll take us exactly 6 months to optimize for Xbox" sounded better than "Sony just paid us for an exclusivity window after our game blew up out of nowhere and sold 9 million copies in China." Saying that they're still optimizing for Xbox isn't technically a lie.


Oct 30, 2017

This gonna be good


Oct 25, 2017
IGN reported pretty much this exact same thing in June, and they withdrew the report because…? It was wrong, probably.
Wasn't that because it was based on a Jez tweet and they couldn't corroborate it at the time in addition to Game Science saying they're still working to optimize the game on Xbox? I don't think that discredits them having new reporting on it today.


Oct 25, 2017
But… like, they are sourcing this information themselves and reporting it as news. Are you really only trusting Sony's word on issues related to Sony? It's by Kat Bailey at IGN, not a random fan site. If Eurogamer corroborates both are we still skeptical? IGN's article is directly stating there is an exclusivity arrangement, not a tech issue, preventing the Xbox release. That would be a hell of a thing to be wrong about when reported like that.
It's not in Sony's best interest to be silent about this and it doesn't fit their exclusivity MO so yes, until it gets confirmed I will remain sceptical.

It just seems to me that the simplest explanation is likely the correct one: they had difficulties optimising it for consoles (PS5 version is a bit messy) so they focused on the one with the largest install base which had the added benefit of only having one performance profile. That would line up with the explanation they gave in their FAQ as to why the Xbox version is experiencing delays.
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I'm dead wrong on this, but I find it be WAY too much of a risk for IGN to just throw a tweet out into the wild like this if it's just random speculation and weak sources. There's so much potential for blowback.

That's fair.

I also know Kat Bailey is a good reporter, so I also don't see her just kicking a hornet's nest for no reason.

But the whole "We can't release our game because of Series S nonsense" has happened enough with other games to make that part of the story believable too. Which is why it wouldn't hurt to wait until more places corroborate.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Would not be shocked at all if Game Science thought "it'll take us exactly 6 months to optimize for Xbox" sounded better than "Sony just paid us for an exclusivity window after our game blew up out of nowhere and sold 9 million copies in China." Saying that they're still optimizing for Xbox isn't technically a lie.

The game has been out for a week and the Xbox "insider" community has been claiming this rumor for like two months now. If Sony signed a deal with them within the past seven days, what does that mean about the dorks who were claiming it a month or more ago?


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, I do expect a lot of timed exclusives from China/Korea and PS in the coming years. It's not like Sony's basic MO is going to change.

In this case I am just surprised that there was basically no marketing in the west.


Oct 2, 2020
I'm guessing they were delaying Xbox version and just took the money from Sony anyway


Oct 29, 2017
It's not in Sony's best interest to be silent about this and it doesn't fit their exclusivity MO so yes, until it gets confirmed I will remain sceptical.

It just seems to me that the simplest explanation is likely the correct one: they had difficulties optimising it for consoles (PS5 version is a bit messy) so they focused on the one with the largest install base which had the added benefit of only having one performance profile. That would line up with the explanation they gave in their FAQ as to why the Xbox version is experiencing delays.
IGN asked Sony for comment. If they don't respond or respond "no comment" that's all the confirmation needed really.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Right. On its face it's a purely defensive move that solely exists to block Xbox primarily in a region where Xbox has no prominence. It's either some really bizarre psy-op shit, like Sony trying to forge further Xbox reputational mishaps or something, or Sony being paranoid and wasting money throwing it at shadows. And sure, either could probably be true, but I don't think people can be blamed for still being bewildered at something so obviously irrational.

It's weird to me because they've been doing a TON of work (China Hero Project and showing up to big events and stuff to demo games) to establish themselves as the console of choice in China so why not advertise the shit out of this as a major console exclusive everywhere?
Maybe we sound like a broken record about it but it's just weird for Sony to break precedent on their exclusivity patterns for this game.


Oct 28, 2017
Did you miss the 2nd part of the Microsoft statement? "We can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders,"

Why would Microsoft say that if there's no exclusivity deal between Sony and Game Science?

Cuz that's quite literally how corporate businesses respond when it comes to stuff like this? The MS statement is a TEXTBOOK boilerplate, PR statement that means nothing while implying everything

The sony deal could absolutely exist but that quote from MS is not even vaguely close to evidence of that lol


Oct 29, 2017
It's weird to me because they've been doing a TON of work (China Hero Project and showing up to big events and stuff to demo games) to establish themselves as the console of choice in China so why not advertise the shit out of this as a major console exclusive everywhere?
Maybe we sound like a broken record about it but it's just weird for Sony to break precedent on their exclusivity patterns for this game.
Others in this thread have shown pictures that Sony is advertising it a lot in China.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It's from IGN and Game Science/Sony hasn't denied anything, it's 99.99% true.
I'm still sus that it's the same source saying this to Tassi and IGN, and forgive me if I don't trust IGN as the bastion of journalism. I trust Kat Bailey, but at the end of the day, IGN has every incentive to post this for clicks.

Sony still benefits from have exclusivity since it's the only console it's available on. Are they maximizing that benefit? Perhaps not. Perhaps it cost more for advertising rights. I don't know. But they still benefit from exclusivity, even if the deal is secret... because it's just a fact you need a PS5 if you want to play it on console.
IF they made this deal, then they most certainly are not maximizing their opportunity. You take the groundswell that the game has gotten, and you push ads EVERYWHERE. Not to mention a roadmap of marketing beats up to launch. It's malpractice to not have done so.


Oct 25, 2017
That's fair.

I also know Kat Bailey is a good reporter, so I also don't see her just kicking a hornet's nest for no reason.

But the whole "We can't release our game because of Series S nonsense" has happened enough with other games to make that part of the story believable too. Which is why it wouldn't hurt to wait until more places corroborate.
It's happened with 1 game because of 1 mode not working.


Feb 11, 2022
They reported it as news that they sourced, then deleted the whole article? Does anyone have their statement on that? That's a mess.
No. Ryan tweeted something in reaction to the news that the game was skipping Xbox at launch, and then deleted it in reaction to the Game Science statement.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm still sus that it's the same source saying this to Tassi and IGN, and forgive me if I don't trust IGN as the bastion of journalism. I trust Kat Bailey, but at the end of the day, IGN has every incentive to post this for clicks.

I have issues with IGN, but what poor reporting have they done to be as dismissive as this about it?

Well that changes a lot then lol


Apr 11, 2024
Still doesn't pass the sniff test. Who does it benefit to make a secret exclusivity deal?
Game Science. Sony has made exclusivity deals public in most of the deals they've signed.

Game Science is the one that's had media issues in the past and as a new Chinese studio, probably doesn't have much experience with these types of things and so probably wanted a private deal.

It's not all that surprising given how we've seen them act with respect to media in the past and the written order they sent to influencers about the game.


Feb 11, 2022
This is not a rumor from a third-rate reddit. This is reporting from a credible site, with direct questions about exclusivity to the relevant parties, that they've chosen to not respond to.

Real journalists, you know, who aren't busy writing about branding in trailers.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, the two valid answers to a direct "Did you pay for exclusivity" question are "No" and "No comment". They would say no if the answer is no.
Dear lord... you could show Sony printouts of PS5 Pro developer documentation and photos of it being manufactured and they will still decline to comment. It's not confirmation of anything.

Companies do not typically comment on rumours.


Oct 24, 2017
I am relatively sure I know who the source is and, yeah, it's ironclad.

It is likely not productive to assume it is a weak source. I mean, do what you want, but it is a waste of your time to do so.
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