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Oct 25, 2017
It was

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make here? That MS had Elden Ring trailers on their show case and Sony later had some Elden Ring stuff on theirs? Is it possible there just was no specific marketing deal, or are you implying that Sony "took" Elden Ring marketing away from MS somehow? And that somehow corroborates that they'd do a secret exclusivity deal with Wukong?


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing the IGN article now. Why would they do this? They love talking about deals they have and always through extra promotion at those games. Why is this different? Why would the devs say it was a tech issue instead of disclosing or refusing to comment?
Maybe Sony contractually can't market it as an exclusive like they usually would? Game Science could have been a strong enough position to take money from Sony and still retain the right market the game on Xbox. This is much better for Game Science, then say hiding the Xbox version for 6-12 months and dropping a trailer after everybody has long moved on.


Oct 27, 2017
I have no idea what you are trying to argue.

Ninja Theory were up front about it being a timed PS4 exclusive out of necessity due to their limited resources and the support they got from Sony. There was no cloak and dagger nonsense going on.

OK, what exactly are you arguing? That the word "deal" must be uttered/written?

I'm trying to argue that Sony never mentioned exclusivity or for how long on Hellblade, and Ninja Theory evidently weren't allowed to talk about other console versions. They gave hints instead like "support from Sony" (money bag), but it's not farfetched for other dev teams like Game Science to handle this differently, even if it means just making up shit, so as long as they don't disclose information that wouldn't be in line with their contract.


Mar 26, 2022
What would be funny if both rumors turn out to be true. The game has exclusivity deal but only in China and Asia, meaning they game could have been released in the West however due to technical issues with Xbox version it cannot be released at this stage.
Everyone is telling the truth outcome


Oct 28, 2017
the delulu in this thread is wild,

both things could be true, they have a timed exclusivity deal and the series s memory leak thing is true. kinda shitty they didn't disclose it though.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not technically a lie if they were paid to finish the PS5 version first. They can "optimize" the Series versions for 6 months to a year, whatever the contract stipulates.
Now we are in conspiracy territory.

I think investors would like to know if Sony secured such a blockbuster exclusive, would only be good news for their stock price.


Oct 25, 2017
It was

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

I understand that Xbox originally marketed it a bit; the aspect I was calling into question is that Sony ever had marketing themselves, since I don't recall that being the case. And even then, there have been plenty of instances where both MS and Sony have been allowed to market the same game, with Dragon Age being the most recent example of this.


Feb 20, 2021
That would not preclude Sony from putting exclusivity logos on game boxes, trailer uploads etc or mentioning it in tweets.

It's not impossible that there is a deal in place but this does not match Sony's standard MO for such things. It would be supremely weird for them to not be vocal about having a big exclusive as such until they or Game Science confirm it we should treat this rumour with a skip full of salt.
You are being beyond ridiculous and coming off like a console warrior in denial. We have 3 sources confirming this — Microsoft themselves, Paul Tassi's source, and now IGN's source, yet it's still "take with a huge grain of salt" territory? You serious?

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
the delulu in this thread is wild,

both things could be true, they have a timed exclusivity deal and the series s memory leak thing is true. kinda shitty they didn't disclose it though.
there was no Series S memory leak thing. there was a memory leak thing, and in typical fashion, people kind of just decided that the actual problem was Series S

(for those of you who read thru the thread, this is exactly what I'm talkin bout lol)


Feb 11, 2022
Something can make "no sense" to you and it could still be the case that Sony did it (as they did in this case, per credible reporting). Reality doesn't revolve around your personal sense of what makes sense and doesn't.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
This thread is wild. Straight up getting into conspiracy stuff.

The kinds of dumb conspiracy theories I enjoy, not the crazy political kind.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
Has it sold that many on PlayStation over here?
Obviously guessing until we get the numbers for August, but even with the lion's share being on PC, a fraction of that would still be considered great for a debut game like that.

Been #1 Game on US PSN since release at least. Generating more revenue than Fortnite, COD, etc

That as well.

Probably not, like 95% of the sales are probably in Asia/China...
Though 5% of 10 million is still a big 500k. But that's not that big of a deal, and it's hard to imagine that the game moved many consoles.

500k wouldn't let it surpass COD and Fortnite in revenue.
Also, we have reports that it doubled PS5 sales on Alibaba in China.
The game did move consoles over there for sure at least.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
the delulu in this thread is wild,

both things could be true, they have a timed exclusivity deal and the series s memory leak thing is true. kinda shitty they didn't disclose it though.
both reports deny any technical issue preventing the game from certification/shipping.

the memory leak rumor explicitly said "Due to this issue, the game has not passed Xbox's bug detection tests" and "The studio is already working hard to resolve this issue and achieve the necessary certification." tho. These reports refute that it seems to me.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
Something can make "no sense" to you and it could still be the case that Sony did it (as they did in this case, per credible reporting). Reality doesn't revolve around your personal sense of what makes sense and doesn't.
IGN don't even have a comment from Sony or the devs yet.


Jun 9, 2018
Exclusives are 50% about gaining a game, and 50% about denying the game to other platforms.

Sony still gains a lot by keeping Wukong off of Xbox even if the agreement came too late to impact marketing. A PS5 DE is now the cheapest way for a person in China to play Wukong instead of the Series S.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The way this thread is divided atm, some crow is gonna be eaten with all the foolishness. I hope it's everyone tbh


Apr 11, 2024
There is a lot of subtle pro-PS console warring going on in this thread with the obfuscations/conspiracy theories in this thread.

Microsoft themselves said they "can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders" about Game Science/Black Myth Wukong along with 2 reports of an exclusivity deal including a full IGN article now.

How much more proof do we need when Microsoft themselves explicitly refers to the deal?

It's pretty simple: Sony made a private deal with Game Science with the focus on selling PS5s in Asia/China and gained a worldwide exclusivity to the title in exchange for promoting the title in Asia/China. Sony has been doing a lot of work promoting the game and PS5s in China.

It's becoming public now. There's no need to try to twist the situation to suit narratives.


Oct 29, 2017
both reports deny any technical issue preventing the game from certification/shipping.

the memory leak rumor explicitly said "Due to this issue, the game has not passed Xbox's bug detection tests" and "The studio is already working hard to resolve this issue and achieve the necessary certification." tho. These reports refute that it seems to me.
Did Game Science ever say anything about the memory leak or was that just "insiders"? IIRC all Game Science said was they were "optimizing for Xbox" or some language like that.


Apr 24, 2018
Guys my uncle that works at nintendo told me the reason it's not on xbox is because it was an epic prank.


Feb 12, 2018
there was no Series S memory leak thing. there was a memory leak thing, and in typical fashion, people kind of just decided that the actual problem was Series S

(for those of you who read thru the thread, this is exactly what I'm talkin bout lol)
Don't you know? The Series S has been the bane of so many developers and games! Such as BG3 and, uh, and, others!


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't this one of the project under PlayStation China hero projects? That PlayStation helps Kickstart/ support/ funds in upcoming emerging studios in emerging markets ?

If so I can see why it would launch as exclusive.


China Hero Project | PlayStation

The China Hero Project is a PlayStation mentoring and support initiative for China-based game developers, giving them the opportunity to develop amazing and imaginative games that can reach a worldwide audience.

You can see the games under that banner here.


Apr 11, 2024
500k wouldn't let it surpass COD and Fortnite in revenue.
Also, we have reports that it doubled PS5 sales on Alibaba in China.
The game did move consoles over there for sure at least.
Yeah I was just referring to the split; it's moved a lot of consoles in Asia for sure but likely very few outside of there. Hard to know the exact numbers of course because we've only seen totals including PC.


Oct 28, 2017
there was no Series S memory leak thing. there was a memory leak thing, and in typical fashion, people kind of just decided that the actual problem was Series S

(for those of you who read thru the thread, this is exactly what I'm talkin bout lol)

it's not that crazy to assume that the series s is the problem considering it was the cause of BG3 delay.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Which do you see as the conspiracy theory, that it is a Sony deal or it isn't?

It's not technically a lie if they were paid to finish the PS5 version first. They can "optimize" the Series versions for 6 months to a year, whatever the contract stipulates.

This stuff lol, I want to see the contract that says "Sony payed them to not optimize Series version for 6 months" *puts on tin hat*

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
it's not that crazy to assume that the series s is the problem considering it was the cause of BG3 delay.
i'm just gonna refer you to what I posted a few pages back

yeah, we know. that has since become the single example that people have repeated ceaselessly to justify literally dozens of takes about every single multiplat game that has faced developmental hurdles or design constraints since. almost every single other example ever cited is backed up by literally nothing except for people assuming that Series S held _______ back because "remember Baldur's Gate 3?'. there's never anything to it beyond 'remember Baldur's Gate 3?' but for a lot of people, that's all they need to feel self-assured and 100% confident that Series S is to blame and that they know what they're even talking about - even in the face of myriad more likely alternatives or explanations, and despite the fact that BG3's particular constraints with the hardware are unique to BG3's design and featureset, and are not 1:1 applicable to most other games.

i mean shit we had a thread about that memory leak where the OP literally wrote "not a Series S problem" and the second reply was "so it's a Series S problem?"


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised so many people are shocked that sony would do this. Did everyone forget that xbox orginally had marketing for elden ring then it magically some how switched to only Playstation marketing? Even if it wasn't exclusive it just shows how they play the game. Now they get all of xbox games and can continue their practices with even more money lmao
We really are just making things up.


Feb 5, 2018
Why are people *this* adamant against the possibility of this being true? Just because Sony didn't scream about it more? Not wanting them giving money to Game Science? Like, multiple sources could be wrong, but uh


Apr 11, 2024
it's not that crazy to assume that the series s is the problem considering it was the cause of BG3 delay.
Given these reports and Microsoft's public statement. Yeah it's pretty crazy.

Do we really think Microsoft would put out a public statement about a deal that Game Science might have with Sony if the issue was a problem putting the game on Series S?

If the deal doesn't exist, then Sony/Game Science can just deny Microsoft's statement. Mind you Microsoft's statement has been public now for almost 2 full months without denial.


Oct 25, 2017
The same paragons who are up in arms about their game being associated with "feminist propaganda"? No, I wouldn't put lying about this past them.
They are massive dickbags and I will never support this game but ultimately money talks: it's not in Sony's best interest to keep such a deal secret or instruct the developer to concoct fake reasons for an Xbox delay so until they or Game Science confirm it the smart thing to do is treat such rumours with scepticism.


Sep 6, 2023
I'm trying to argue that Sony never mentioned exclusivity or for how long on Hellblade, and Ninja Theory evidently weren't allowed to talk about other console versions. They gave hints instead like "support from Sony" (money bag), but it's not farfetched for other dev teams like Game Science to handle this differently, even if it means just making up shit, so as long as they don't disclose information that wouldn't be in line with their contract.
I'm pretty sure they said it was console exclusive.


Later in the press conference, Sony confirmed that Hellblade is not exclusive to the PlayStation 4 but will appear first on that platform.
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