
Oct 26, 2017
The witch in the woods plays a very, very strong "mother role" throughout the story. Kratos then has to fix her problem for her.

But, that actually brings up another good point. There isn't a single living female character in the entire game that isn't a witch. The only female enemy type are witches. Which, of course, sucks too

This is hilariously wrong. The witch in the woods is literally the only character depicted in the game with unflitching good morals . She is also not exactly a witch but if say more people will cry spoilers.
And the other female enemy type are the valkyries who are the most powerful enemies in the gamr and the only ones who fight kratos not because they are monsters or assholes but because of a certain curse


Oct 25, 2017
her problem was struggling with what to do with her son. Kratos decides for her and kills Baldur

Again, that wasn't a problem. Her reaction to it shows you as much, her son killing her was perfectly okay with her. Killing him didn't have anything to do with saving her, it had to do with stopping cycle that he's been through himself. Also he expressly warned Baldur not to, if Baldur is going to instantly go against that there's no trusting him to not come for Kratos/Atreus.


Feb 19, 2018
Kratos is a demigod so filled with rage that he'll gladly end the world if it means getting revenge. He makes a point of killing anyone who gets in his way...

But he'll gladly stop and have sex with any topless woman who propositions him. The quest for revenge can wait for that. It also brings up the question of why any of these women would want to have sex with Kratos in the first place. He's a maniac on a quest to kill the gods. You'd think they would run away

Actually depending on where the sex is happening most of the time he isn't on an epic quest yet, just doing errands for the gods.

God of war 1, He sleeps with the ladies after he kills the Hydra.
God of war 2, He sleeps with them while he on a quest to time travel so he knows he has time to spare.
God of war 3, He sleeps with Aphrodite because she knows how to get to her husband to get a bridge to get where he needs to be. He is literally stuck there because he has no way to get anywhere.
God of War Ascension, He is in an illusionary Brothel but breaks out of it because he see's the women wearing a ring he made for his wife and he knows she could never have it.
God of War Chains of Olympus, He saves two women and they ask him if they can repay him to which the sex happens.
God of War Ghost of Sparta, He is walking through Sparta ( His kingdom) and A couple Prostitutes at the Brothel Ask if their lord would want to come into the Brothel as he is walking through the Kingdom. Nothing Urgent has happened yet, He got Information from his mom that his brother may be alive and that he might get a clue in sparta in Ares old Temple but nothing was time sensitive.


Oct 26, 2017
That doesn't answer my question. What is so much different about the timing of collecting random orbs of light in Journey than those in God of War?
The context in which they're established.
Yes, I realize you keep saying that but again, I don't agree with you. They go hunting to give the body time to burn, and by the time they return all that's left are her ashes. I don't know how long a human body would actually take to burn on a funeral pyre, so I don't know if the time they spend hunting is a realistic amount of time for that to occur, but that's definitely part of why they were doing it, in addition to Kratos wanting to assess whether or not Atreus is ready for the journey. They aren't pressed for time, so there really isn't any reason for them not to stop and pick up the toy boats. They only become pressed for time after a certain character shows up which is after the entire sequence we are discussing.

Basically, I don't agree with your reading of the material.
Yes, I believe we are at an impasse. My concern however is not about why they are moving into the next segment, but about the establishment of events within that segment in relation to the events established just before it.


Oct 25, 2017
The context in which they're established.

And that is? You were making a big deal about inherently gamey elements being an issue and the orbs in Journey are entirely a gameplay focused element with no context except for how they enhance your flight. They are never explained in the game what-so-ever.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
From memory, I mean I'll admit, it could be off.

I mean you seem to have the numbers or the thread saved for whatever strange reason since you claim to 'Not be making the numbers up' so why don't you just post the data and a link? I'm really not worried about it, just post it man, let's see how well the numbers work out for you.

But seriously dude, how does your response, in any way shape or form prove anything you are trying to say?

So second and third put together equal first place? Thats.. a lot of ways to be Not impressive.

Okay, 1st place got 50% of the votes, second got 30% third got 20%.

That's still seventy fucking percent who dont care to vote for bioshock.

Look im not knocking you for trying to stand for this for whatever strange reason you are.


Come on man, do it better.
You can Google it. Those results mean that by the end of 2016, more people thought Bioshock Infinite, a game that came out in March, was a better game than Grand Theft Auto 5 or Mario 3D World. Considering the audience, I would expect more people on that site to be more critical of Bioshock Infinite in particular, yet it still did very well in GOTY votes on that site, as it did on other websites despite coming out 9 months in advance. Therefore its fair to say that the general consensus was that Bioshock Infinite was a very very good game through at least it's first year, which is what I was saying.

I suggest you actually think about your next post instead of just trying whatever first pops into your head again. You're still wrong by the way, first place did not get 50% of the votes. Games like Mario 3D World, which got 4th, got almost as much voters as Grand Theft Auto V. And that's only 4th place. Are you sure you know how percentages work?

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
This is hilariously wrong. The witch in the woods is literally the only character depicted in the game with unflitching good morals . She is also not exactly a witch but if say more people will cry spoilers.
And the other female enemy type are the who are the most powerful enemies in the gamr and the only ones who fight kratos not because they are monsters or assholes but because of a certain curse
Fair point about the witch. I still think GoW4 does an inadequate job addressing the misogyny found in past God of War games.

While I totally forgot about the other enemy type, they are completely optional hidden post game content
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
I remember how after I finished BioShock Infintie, I was defending it against many criticsm, saying how great the story was and all the themes it had and how they were explored.. and I was even defending all the boss battles the game has.. but after some weeks, maybe months later I came to the conclusion that I was only defending the game because of all the hype I had before the release and that I wasted 70 euros for a pretty shity version of a game, that was really a big step down from everything the first two BioShock games were .. I even can't go back to that game, I can't enjoy it because of all the things I know I didn't enjoyed even the first time around playing the game - battle arenas, shity boss battles, not really interesting story with some questionable plot points and themes, not a deep combat system, pretty bad AI of enemies, not interesting and very, very linear level design, etc.. then in the same year I played Metro Last Light, Shadow Warrior and Call of Juarez Gunslinger, and when playing each one of them I suddenly remembered how good a FPS game can actually be - all of those games are in my opinion miles better than Infinite

I mean, that's kind of dumb to let hype get at you like that, but personal opinions vary. I got through the Metro games recently and I didn't really enjoy them, but I still love the BioShock series.

Either way I've always found a lot of the criticisms to be disingenuous or missing the entire point. Infinite is a rebrand of the series' motifs and its core message of corrupting power. The game got flack for not dealing enough with racism and for being "too cartoony" and heavy-handed with racism. And then they had the gall to suggest that the oppressed tend to rise up and act like their oppressors, like that's never happened before in history... They are criticisms fundamentally not taking the game on its actual goals and instead imprinting what they wanted it to be instead.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
So now we're going from stuff in game, to stuff out of game. You're changing the argument. In fact, the developers agreed with you about bros before hos and renamed the trophy with a patch.
The fact that they thought it was a good idea to begin with still speaks to their perspective at the time. And for a game that is meant to acknowledge and reflect upon prior ills, it feels like an odd omission thus far.


Jan 11, 2018
The fact that the lack of VO for the mother seems to be Waypoint's sticking point strikes me as a bit odd, but not for the reasons others are bringing up. People say "a flashback wouldn't make sense because of the continuous camera" in response to this criticism but 1. the camera is ultimately not so pivotal a device that it should compromise good storytelling and 2. flashbacks are not the only way to integrate that story or character. They do... other such things in this game without including any cut-aways or flashbacks, so I don't see why they couldn't do the same for such an integral character. The lack of VO for the mother is just such and odd point of friction because such an addition is of so little consequence. Really, if they had given a female voice actress a pittance to read a small handful of lines, then it would have absolved Kratos and the designers of their previous sins? They do that character justice, even if she is not fully realized within the game's narrative.

For the record, I find the lens of the God of War series to be more generally misogynistic than the character of Kratos himself (though there is certainly room for that accusation as well). With that being said, I think it's more important for SSM as a studio to reckon with the misogyny of the GoW series than it is for Kratos as a character to do so. Santa Monica took some baby steps there by not treating any of their (very few) female characters like garbage.

As for Kratos as a character, the game attempts to redeem him, so it makes sense that criticism would hone in on the one area in which no effort is made. It's so distracting because Kratos has only been an utter asshole up to this point-- why would his wife, the entire crux of the story, decide to forge a life with him? Developing this one aspect of the story would have done a great deal in both redeeming Kratos and making the mother feel like a more consequential presence in the early stages of the story. But alas, that's not the game we got.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
You can Google it. Those results mean that by the end of 2016, more people thought Bioshock Infinite, a game that came out in March, was a better game than Grand Theft Auto 5 or Mario 3D World. Considering the audience, I would expect more people on that site to be more critical of Bioshock Infinite in particular, yet it still did very well in GOTY votes on that site, as it did on other websites despite coming out 9 months in advance. Therefore its fair to say that the general consensus was that Bioshock Infinite was a very very good game through at least it's first year, which is what I was saying.

I suggest you actually think about your next post instead of just trying whatever first pops into your head again. You're still wrong by the way, first place did not get 50% of the votes. Games like Mario 3D World, which got 4th, got almost as much voters as Grand Theft Auto V. And that's only 4th place. Are you sure you know how percentages work?

Yes, yes i do, and that's why it doesn't matter. That helps me bro, not you, percentages are out of a whole.

But come on dude. Put your money where your mouth iwant YOU to post the numbers.

Let's go.

It's ok I did it for you.

Looking at the thread it' even more hilariously lopsided than I generously gave in my example showing why that number isn' inductive of what you are trying to state(I told you this would happen)

So there were 20 games in the running, and a whole total of 12,228 points.

Bioshock got 1080, which is a whopping 8.8% heck I'll just flat say 9% of that whole point total.

Or 91% against.

This is why your goty argument you are trying to make with these numbers is such a bad argument. At your very very very best with second place, you are going to be sharing something under half with everything else. And even if it was first, that still doesn' mean much, when you have numbers like this, with no commanding lead.

The vast majority of votes, will be against it. It was a bad, doomed argument to make.
Last edited:


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
If context is so important, can I ask why you think Kratos and Atreus buried their wife/mother?

Or how he/she literally completely missed Atreus's comment on the toy collecting stuff, which happens during the very first toy you find. This comment, like the one about Faye being buried, is completely wrong.

"The toy collecting starts apropos of nothing. If Atreus made a comment or put it in some context as the event was presented to us, I'd have considerably less issue with it. But it's clearly not that."

For someone who cares so much about context or plot legitimacy, they sure don't pay much attention to the story or context actually being provided.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The context in which they're established.

Yes, I believe we are at an impasse. My concern however is not about why they are moving into the next segment, but about the establishment of events within that segment in relation to the events established just before it.
I don't think you've made a compelling argument for why it's totally dissonant. No one else seems convinced either.


Oct 26, 2017
And that is? You were making a big deal about inherently gamey elements being an issue and the orbs in Journey are entirely a gameplay focused element with no context except for how they enhance your flight. They are never explained in the game what-so-ever.
Well, the game provides no direct context for anything given its general lack of text, so the only thing you can really assume is that the lights are metaphorical, given your goal is always a giant shining pillar of light in the distance. So light relating to progress is probably about the most context you can draw from them. Journey is mostly read as a meta-text rather than a direct text. I'm not really sure the comparison to God of War is all that apt, and it wasn't my intention to directly compare the two, only that it's a game where the elements are contextually cohesive (i.e., they make sense given the small amount of information you're given and within the time frames they are presented).
If context is so important, can I ask why you think Kratos and Atreus buried their wife/mother?
I mean, there could be any number of reasons given the establishing shot. It's clear there are elements bound up in tradition and familial piety, as well as characterizing the world and presenting us to the main characters.
I don't think you've made a compelling argument for why it's totally dissonant. No one else seems convinced either.
Yes, I don't think I'm going to dissuade fans of the game to change their opinions. At least for the moment. I suspect opinions might be more open to change in a few years, but for most it's still too raw for them to see outside a context which isn't positive.


Oct 25, 2017
If God of War goes the way of Bioshock Infinite, then everybody will forget about it by the end of the year.

I don't see it happening due to the game being an exclusive.


Oct 26, 2017
Fair point about Freya. I still think GoW4 does an inadequate job addressing the misogyny found in past God of War games.

While I totally forgot about the other enemy type, they are completely optional hidden post game content.

The game isnt an apology letter to people got offended years ago. Those games were a product of their time and this is this.
Kratos is on a journey of repentance and making sure his kid grows up a better person than he is. It clearly establishes he was a massive asshole in every respect and to everyone regardless of their gender.

And mind the spoilers.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
The idea that God of War 2018 has to somehow atone for the sins of previous games strikes me as kind of silly criticism, so long as they aren't making the same mistakes.

"Yeah, Casino Royale was good but it doesn't make up for all the dumb shit in Die Another Day."

I think this is a valid point.

It's disingenuous to attribute the issues in God of War III and try to find fault in God of War 2018 because of it. God of War III issues are God of War III issues. God of War 2018 isn't retreading on that so they should not be God of War 2018 problems.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that they thought it was a good idea to begin with still speaks to their perspective at the time. And for a game that is meant to acknowledge and reflect upon prior ills, it feels like an odd omission thus far.

I'm curious exactly what you wanted to happen? Kratos by his very nature through out the game is a comment on the original series. No it doesn't tackle specific elements head on and directly but the entire game is about Kratos dealing with the aftermath of everything he did, or rather trying not to deal with it.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, yes i do, and that's why it doesn't matter. That helps me bro, not you, percentages are out of a whole.

But come on dude. Put your money where your mouth is want YOU to post the numbers.

Let's go.
TLOU got 2268 points
Bioshock Infinite got 1080 points
Grand Theft Auto V got 1058 points
Super Mario 3D World got 915 points
A Link Between Worlds got 905 points

That's just the top 5, TLOU doesn't even account for 40% of the top 5 and there were hundreds of games on the list. I don't know what else to say dude.


Dec 25, 2017
Patrick always pops up every few months to say something negative about PlayStation in some form. Look back at his previous work, even as far as the 1UP Show. He has always been down on Sony. Where was this article for the similar reception to Breath of The Wild last year? Oh right, it's not a Sony product so there's no incentive to type up a cynical article.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, the game provides no direct context for anything given its general lack of text, so the only thing you can really assume is that the lights are metaphorical, given your goal is always a giant shining pillar of light in the distance. So light relating to progress is probably about the most context you can draw from them. Journey is mostly read as a meta-text rather than a direct text. I'm not really sure the comparison to God of War is all that apt, and it wasn't my intention to directly compare the two, only that it's a game where the elements are contextually cohesive (i.e., they make sense given the small amount of information you're given).

As I said this all seems incredibly arbitrary just so you can stand your ground on this point. Nearly everything you've asked for to make collectibles work in a game happens in God of War and none of that happens in Journey. You're literally just making up your own interpretation of the what the glowing orb collectibles to justify them as something more than a gamey element.


Oct 25, 2017
Patrick always pops up every few months to say something negative about PlayStation in some form. Look back at his previous work, even as far as the 1UP Show. He has always been down on Sony. Where was this article for the similar reception to Breath of The Wild last year? Oh right, it's not a Sony product so there's no incentive to type up a cynical article.

The Zelda article you are mentioning was from a nobody that later got fired from Destructoid iirc. Lol. Patrick Klepek is a relatively well regarded gaming journo.


Oct 25, 2017
It is true that past misogyny isn't put on trial like violence is but there is a nod that shows that the series is pointed in the right direction to address it in the future.

In the past games, women were either sex objects, motivation or witches. In the new God of War it is Faye's wish, her last piece of agency that is the motivation for the plot. Also Freya starts out as being called a witch but is revealed to be a goddess. I do hope that we get to the "How to interact with women" part in the later games and that it isn't disappointing.


Oct 25, 2017
As for Kratos as a character, the game attempts to redeem him, so it makes sense that criticism would hone in on the one area in which no effort is made. It's so distracting because Kratos has only been an utter asshole up to this point-- why would his wife, the entire crux of the story, decide to forge a life with him? Developing this one aspect of the story would have done a great deal in both redeeming Kratos and making the mother feel like a more consequential presence in the early stages of the story. But alas, that's not the game we got.

Take a look around in the world. Not very many decent people around. She knew who Kratos was and probably saw something in him. He was in the unique position to have walked this path of vengeance till the end and apparently learned his lesson.

I also think that the absence of the mother is intended. As thats what Kratos and Atreus are confronted with. Atreus even shortly clings onto the hope of talking to her again through the magic of some spirit, and yeah, it doesn't turn out as he had hoped. Her story is revealed at the end and I think it was done very well and the fact that we didn't learn more about her before was rather important for the ending.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Patrick always pops up every few months to say something negative about PlayStation in some form. Look back at his previous work, even as far as the 1UP Show. He has always been down on Sony. Where was this article for the similar reception to Breath of The Wild last year? Oh right, it's not a Sony product so there's no incentive to type up a cynical article.
Because BOTW doesn't have the baggage inherited from the Zelda franchise the way God of War does.

Jesus, is this seriously the fucking thread for console warriors?

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, the game provides no direct context for anything given its general lack of text, so the only thing you can really assume is that the lights are metaphorical, given your goal is always a giant shining pillar of light in the distance. So light relating to progress is probably about the most context you can draw from them. Journey is mostly read as a meta-text rather than a direct text. I'm not really sure the comparison to God of War is all that apt, and it wasn't my intention to directly compare the two, only that it's a game where the elements are contextually cohesive (i.e., they make sense given the small amount of information you're given).

I mean, there could be any number of reasons given the establishing shot. It's clear there are elements bound up in tradition and familial piety, as well as characterizing the world and presenting us to the main characters.

Yes, I don't think I'm going to dissuade fans of the game to change their opinions. At least for the moment. I suspect opinions might be more open to change in a few years, but for most it's still too raw for them to see outside a context which isn't positive.
Or maybe people just don't agree with your reading of the game. This is very dismissive and a bit condescending tbh.
Oct 26, 2017
I always thought the perceived misogyny was about the sex and not the women murder.

Hell, I saw the women murder as pretty progressive back then. Was a great way to avoid the Men are the more expendable gender trope and show that there's absolutely no discrimination in Kratos' unapologetic rage. That goes a long way toward equality imo.

... What.

She's begging and pleading her to not murder her while being forced through the situation like it's a domestic violence situation and her breasts are out the whole time. After Kratos murders her a trophy pops up basically saying "wish I had raped her first!"


Oct 26, 2017
As I said this all seems incredibly arbitrary just so you can stand your ground on this point. Nearly everything you've asked for to make collectibles work in a game happens in God of War and none of that happens in Journey. You're literally just making up your own interpretation of the what the glowing orb collectibles to justify them as something more than a gamey element.
Is your goal to just get me to say criticism is arbitrary? I mean, I agree, it is, but continually making this argument just seems like you're trying to shut down discussion. My points are no more arbitrary than any other criticisms though, including your own.
Or maybe people just don't agree with your reading of the game. This is very dismissive and a bit condescending tbh.
You may be right, but I've yet to see a compelling argument as to why my reading is incorrect. Just lots of people stating why their reading is correct (mostly by obfuscating away from the point of discussion regarding the transition and context).
I keep bringing it up because you don't even stand by your own argument as to what collectibles work in a game and what don't.
Because context matters. Collectibles might be appropriate at one moment and inappropriate in another, even within the same game. Collectibles themselves are not the issue, timing and the manner in which they're presented are.


Oct 25, 2017
... What.

She's begging and pleading her to not murder her while being forced through the situation like it's a domestic violence situation and her breasts are out the whole time. After Kratos murders her a trophy pops up basically saying "wish I had raped her first!"

That trophy is really fucked but Kratos kills quite a few people, men and women, who are begging for his help. Its almost a running joke in the original games.


Oct 25, 2017
Is your goal to just get me to say criticism is arbitrary? I mean, I agree, it is, but continually making this argument just seems like you're trying to shut down discussion. My points are no more arbitrary than any other criticisms though, including your own.

I keep bringing it up because you don't even stand by your own argument as to what collectibles work in a game and what don't.
Oct 28, 2017
Change your opinion if you feel. Its yours to change, and it doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things. As long as this game is still critically acclaimed, fun, sells millions, and allows SSM to make whatever game(s) they want to make next, I don't care who has what opinion on the game. When you're good, there are going to be haters. When you're the shit, you're going to attract flies. Thats their job, thats what they're here for. It makes for entertainment reading.

Like, this whole collectible argument. You have to sit back, take a breath, and admire how much effort people put into their criticisms. Its almost another game by itself!

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Is your goal to just get me to say criticism is arbitrary? I mean, I agree, it is, but continually making this argument just seems like you're trying to shut down discussion. My points are no more arbitrary than any other criticisms though, including your own.

You may be right, but I've yet to see a compelling argument as to why my reading is incorrect. Just lots of people stating why their reading is correct (mostly by obfuscating away from the point of discussion regarding the transition and context).
No, they are giving you examples from the game to support their assertion. You don't have to agree with their interpretation, but you also don't need to handwave away someone else's argument by saying they aren't far removed enough from the game to be objective, but somehow you are.


Oct 25, 2017
Because context matters. Collectibles might be appropriate at one moment and inappropriate in another, even within the same game. Collectibles themselves are not the issue, timing and the manner in which they're presented are.

And I'm just saying your rules as to what timing and context work seem to change from game to game. But this is going round and round and I don't think I'll ever quite get what works for you or not so I'll just drop it here and say we'll agree to disagree.


Jan 11, 2018
Take a look around in the world. Not very many decent people around. She knew who Kratos was and probably saw something in him. He was in the unique position to have walked this path of vengeance till the end and apparently learned his lesson.

I also think that the absence of the mother is intended. As thats what Kratos and Atreus are confronted with. Atreus even shortly clings onto the hope of talking to her again through the magic of some spirit, and yeah, it doesn't turn out as he had hoped. Her story is revealed at the end and I think it was done very well and the fact that we didn't learn more about her before was rather important for the ending.
Yes, but my issue is the "probably" in the sentence. It is subtext when it should be text. We could have learned about that aspect of her relationship with Kratos without spoiling any of the later details around her.

Given the revelations at the end of the game, I think it'd be great if we learn in the sequel that
Faye actually really didn't like Kratos (at least at first), but indulged him (and ultimately made him a better person by her influence) just as a means of fulfilling the giants' prophecies. Atreus/Loki is just that important--Faye had to endure a marriage to this horrible man (who she knew would become better) out of love to her yet unborn child. This could also be problematic, yes, but through it all Faye has retained her agency as demonstrated by this game's final scenes. I think if the story were to take this direction (it won't), the Kratos' reaction to this news could do a lot to address his misogynistic origins.


Oct 26, 2017
No, they are giving you examples from the game to support their assertion. You don't have to agree with their interpretation, but you also don't need to handwave away someone else's argument by saying they aren't far removed enough from the game to be objective, but somehow you are.
They're generally not addressing how we go from a period of mourning to toy boats in less than five minutes. Or perhaps more importantly, what's so important about the toy boat that it can't wait?

Ironically enough, my own thoughts were about how, if this were put at the foot of the boat in the opening scene, picked up by Kratos in response to Atreus playing with it - that might have been a great moment with some pathos attached to it, and established both the kinds of characters Atreus and Kratos are. Additionally, it would have helped establish a moving away from innocence.


Oct 25, 2017
They're generally not addressing how we go from a period of mourning to toy boats in less than five minutes. Or perhaps more importantly, what's so important about the toy boat that it can't wait?

Its not important. Its a passing moment in a small part of a greater journey. Kratos and his son are out hunting and happen across some random items, in this case old toys of Atreus'. That's it.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
They're generally not addressing how we go from a period of mourning to toy boats in less than five minutes. Or perhaps more importantly, what's so important about the toy boat that it can't wait?
Except it can wait, because Kratos only picks up the boats if the player directs him to. They are completely optional. If you don't think they are important don't pick them up. I'm sure there is a significant number of players who didn't even bother. You would have a point if they were a required item, but they aren't and thus only have an effect on the game's pacing or presentation if the player so desires.


Oct 26, 2017
Its not important. Its a passing moment in a small part of a greater journey. Kratos and his son are out hunting and happen across some random items, in this case old toys of Atreus'. That's it.
If it's really this unimportant, why would it matter if it were simply moved elsewhere in the timeline, so as not to interrupt the current tone of the game? Same with the treasure chest under the stairs.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's really this unimportant, why would it matter if it were simply moved elsewhere in the timeline, so as not to interrupt the current tone of the game? Same with the treasure chest under the stairs.

Because it doesn't interrupt the tone. They pick up a toy, make a comment, and are already moving on in less than 10 seconds.

If I came home from a funeral to find my kid's toy lying in the corner and made to pick it up and put it away that is not somehow disrupting the mournful mood I'm in.


Oct 26, 2017
Because it doesn't interrupt the tone. They pick up a toy, make a comment, and are already moving on in less than 10 seconds.
I strongly disagree. It interrupts what was, up until that point, something fairly serious and solemn.
If I came home from a funeral to find my kid's toy lying in the corner and made to pick it up and put it away that is not somehow disrupting the mournful mood I'm in.
But this isn't you coming home from a funeral. This is a story, and things that exist in the world should be in service to that. That includes mood and flow of the game - the toy appearing there interrupts that.