Oct 28, 2017
Just noticed that alignment seems kind of buggy on respec. Wanted to go experiment with progression of a non-horse Sohei by taking Beast Rider Cavliar first, and even if I choose Lawful Good as my alignment on first level, the 2nd level selection says I'm neutral so I can't go choose monk.

Also you can try to try Divine Hunter for lvl 1 dip for an animal companion, you also get a neat choose your +2 ability bonus for your companion (which lasts forever). If you have the right amount of Wisdom, Longstrider and Delay Poison is cool for early game (both of them last an hour at level 1 cast).
Jul 7, 2021
So I'm letting my son try out kingmaker. I'm not going to let him play the whole thing (because I don't think some stuff is appropriate for him yet and the systems are beyond him... hell some of it is beyond me!) but he wanted to try the start of the game for a bit and I agreed.

The little guy blew my mind when he:

uncovered a treasure vault in the mansion with the statues. I found the one which opens when all the statues held the sword high, but I never thought that having them all down would open up another one!
Oct 25, 2017
Is my main character getting hit with Insanity when I have no way to cure it just a total game over? They're just stuck there, taking some damage but auto-healing through it.

EDIT: Getting back to town was excruciating, but I did it.
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Oct 27, 2017
So I'm letting my son try out kingmaker. I'm not going to let him play the whole thing (because I don't think some stuff is appropriate for him yet and the systems are beyond him... hell some of it is beyond me!) but he wanted to try the start of the game for a bit and I agreed.

The little guy blew my mind when he:

uncovered a treasure vault in the mansion with the statues. I found the one which opens when all the statues held the sword high, but I never thought that having them all down would open up another one!

That's so cool. I didn't get both doors on my first playthrough, I know that. 😆

I absolutely enjoy the whole start of KM better. The ragtag adventures setting out on the road.


Oct 25, 2017
Made an evil witch, going for winter witch, then actually started playing with yet another new character, this time a paladin (no subclass). Stupid fun so far, the Paladin fits so well. I'll just take 20 levels in Paladin, and I put the game on an easier setting to enjoy it without having to think too much :)
I'm really annoyed they even put that prestige class into the game considering there are next to no cold spells worth a damn across spell slots but looking at their implementation of loremaster clearly they only cared about them being listed not if they even work.

Ivory Samoan

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
I too think Kingmaker is wonderful - maybe the best high-fantasy cRPG I've played since BG2. It has a few qualities that WotR lacks that I find charming - in particular, a pleasing sense of rags-to-riches development, and more a relaxed pacing. It's a ~5 year epic journey, and I kind of liked its long lulls in between crises, even though at a few points they can grate a bit when you're mostly just clicking kingdom management cards for a solid hour. It does a better job than nearly any game I can think of of capturing the classic fantasy cliché of a comparative nobody rising to fame and glory by adventuring in a massive world. It's like a 5-novel fantasy series in game format.

WotR is on a whole different level, though, with the sophistication of its locations and events. Unlike Kingmaker, its story starts with a massive bang, and the level of narrative tension doesn't really flag much at least through the start of Chapter 4 (where my playthrough currently sits). It has some elaborate scripted events and massive locations that have no real parallel in Kingmaker, and these are very well done. It's a little on the buggy side at the moment, but I think I like it even better than Kingmaker so far.
Holy smokes mate....you capture what I love about Kingmaker PERFECTLY.

I can already tell that WotR, with patches and the DLC added, will slay me in the best way possible, can't wait!!

Shake Appeal

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Wrath is superb and will likely be my favorite CRPG for mechanics and scale when everything is all patched up, but Kingmaker does have this cozy fantasy vibe that is just perfect. It makes you feel like you're a kid again, reading about elves and dwarves and trolls and evil sorcerers for the first time.

Shake Appeal

Oct 27, 2017
Well my beginners luck ran out and now everything in the Market Square is kicking my ass in what I'm assuming is still Act 1. I can't get my brain around why some buffs don't stack with others and how to prevent some of these nasty status effects, not to mention stopping the caster enemies. So Mage Armor doesn't stack with normal armor?

Anyone got a link to something that explains buffs?

You can't stack multiples of the same bonus type; you can only ever have the single best one at a time. But you have to read the tooltips carefully to figure out what type of bonus you're getting and whether it will stack. You're looking for keywords like "deflection bonus," "morale bonus," etc.

Some common early-game spells that grant AC:

"Mage Armor" grants a flat armor bonus, which means it won't stack with actual worn armor, no (or with Bracers of Armor); it's designed for mages and others who wear little to no protection. There's also a dedicated mythic ability that gives it a further +1 AC per mythic rank, which is wild.

"Shield of Faith" gives a deflection bonus, which stacks with your armor bonus but not with other deflection bonuses (for example, from a Ring of Protection). It's a good early buff on tanks, but quickly gets outstripped because of the abundance of magic items that give deflection bonuses.

"Barkskin" grants an enhancement bonus to your natural armor, which is potentially confusing because this does stack with a permanent source of natural armor like the passive Iceplant hex, but not with other spells or items that grant a similar enhancement bonus (for example, an Amulet of Natural Armor). Natural armor is better than worn armor because you don't lose it when caught flat-footed, though it doesn't help with touch attacks. This one remains useful on lots of characters if their amulet slot is taken (Camellia!).

"Shield" gives a shield bonus (and blocks magic missiles entirely). This doesn't stack with an actual shield, but is otherwise pretty useful.

"Reduce Person" includes a size bonus to AC because you're smaller and harder to hit. ("Enlarge Person" includes a size penalty.)

"Veil of Heaven," an early Paladin spell for Seelah, gives a sacred bonus to AC, which is a rare bonus type that will stack with everything except other sacred bonuses. The evil version of this is a profane bonus, which some spells and items grant.

Another bonus you'll encounter early is a resistance bonus (usually from cloaks) that improves your saving throws. Again, resistance bonuses do not stack with other resistance bonuses.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in on the "this will be regarded as the best of the CRPGs of this style, once it is patched" wagon. It avoids so many traps that the genre usually hits.
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Oct 27, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
I guess I am still a little confused about how Difficulty Class (DC) works. I assumed the DC of your spell was your base number that goes against an enemy's Spell Resistance, and it's the enemy who is supposed to make a roll against your spell to either take partial damage, or avoid it entirely if a full save is allowed.

Why, when I just cast a spell with a DC of 23 against an opponent's 18 Spell Resistance did I get "Fails to overcome the spell resistance of" and the combat log shows me trying to bypass that 18 Spell Resistance with a weak roll of 6 + 9 modifiers? Nowhere does it show my actual DC in the equation, or how the opponent rolled against it, only that I somehow "missed". Not using a touch attack either.


Feb 5, 2019
Act 1-3 of this game is amazing and is firmly up there with best of the Genre. However, act 5 has lot of issues. Beside the bugs, writing for some of the characters and mythic path completely falls apart. The level and encounter design in act 5 is awful. Not sure what's up with Owlcat and final act sucking.


Feb 5, 2019
I guess I am still a little confused about how Difficulty Class (DC) works. I assumed the DC of your spell was your base number that goes against an enemy's Spell Resistance, and it's the enemy who is supposed to make a roll against your spell to either take partial damage, or avoid it entirely if a full save is allowed.

Why, when I just cast a spell with a DC of 23 against an opponent's 18 Spell Resistance did I get "Fails to overcome the spell resistance of" and the combat log shows me trying to bypass that 18 Spell Resistance with a weak roll of 6 + 9 modifiers? Nowhere does it show my actual DC in the equation, or how the opponent rolled against it, only that I somehow "missed". Not using a touch attack either.

Some enemies have Spell Resistance. So in order for your spells to work you need to first pass the spell resistance check and then the DC check. For Spell resistance the check is (1d20 + your char level) > enemies spell resistance. If you roll lower than enemies spell resistance it auto-fails and if you seduced than you do your DC check. Spell resistance can be increased with spell penetration feat.


Oct 27, 2017
Some spells are also unaffected by Spell Resistance, but they're pretty rare and usually not as helpful.

If you've got a pure caster level spell penetration helps a lot and you can gamble and pass SR too. But if you're a hybrid you're better off using spells to either buff your team or SR-unaffected spells against the enemy.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Act 1-3 of this game is amazing and is firmly up there with best of the Genre. However, act 5 has lot of issues. Beside the bugs, writing for some of the characters and mythic path completely falls apart. The level and encounter design in act 5 is awful. Not sure what's up with Owlcat and final act sucking.

Im still in Act 4 but are you saying there are more bugs in act 5 compared to act 4?


Oct 27, 2017
Some enemies have Spell Resistance. So in order for your spells to work you need to first pass the spell resistance check and then the DC check. For Spell resistance the check is (1d20 + your char level) > enemies spell resistance. If you roll lower than enemies spell resistance it auto-fails and if you seduced than you do your DC check. Spell resistance can be increased with spell penetration feat.

This still doesn't explain what the actual DC check is then. Like I said, I thought the DC of a spell was to determine whether or not an enemy actually saves against it with their roll (in which their SR is added), not whether or not you actually overcome their Spell Resistance with a roll of your own. I thought the entire point of casting higher DC spells was because they had a higher chance of overcoming Spell Resistances.

So there are two rolls then, the first is you needing to bypass an enemy's Spell Resistance first, and then even when that works, they get to roll against it to save anyway?

Also, why am I getting "Damage Reduced 0" with some attacks on weapons that have additional effects vs certain enemies? Like my current sword does an additional 1d3 damage against chaotic enemies. The total damage I rolled was 15, but it shows that only 12 went through and that additional 1d3 was completely negated. The enemy has 5 damage reduction, but my weapon is enchanted with the "Good Alignment" property to bypass damage reduction. Does that enchantment only work for the base damage of the weapon, and it excludes any additional damage that might be done as an extra effect?
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Feb 5, 2019
This still doesn't explain what the actual DC check is then. Like I said, I thought the DC of a spell was to determine whether or not an enemy actually saves against it with their roll (in which their SR is added), not whether or not you actually overcome their Spell Resistance with a roll of your own. I thought the entire point of casting higher DC spells was because they had a higher chance of overcoming Spell Resistances.

Spells have different affects based on whether or not you pass DC check. Some spells won't work at all if the DC fails and others will only half damage/last one turn etc. Essentially, for certain enemies you need to pass two checks for the spell work. if resistance check fails the spell won't work at all. If dc fails, the spellt either won't work at all or do like half damage depending on the spell. For example: For Fire Snake if the DC fails against enemy reflex, it will only do half damage.

Also, why am I getting "Damage Reduced 0" with some attacks on weapons that have additional effects vs certain enemies? Like my current sword does an additional 1d3 damage against chaotic enemies. The total damage I rolled was 15, but it shows that only 12 went through and that additional 1d3 was completely negated. The enemy has 5 damage reduction, but my weapon is enchanted with the "Good Alignment" property to bypass damage reduction. Does that enchantment only work for the base damage of the weapon, and it excludes any additional damage that might be done as an extra effect?

Yeah, the 1d3 additional chaos damage that is not part of the good aligned weapon damage. Same applies any fire, ice or elemental damage you have on your weapon.


Jul 21, 2020
Making my way through Core with my Kineticist, and so far it's been fairly good. My Seelah doesn't splat like she did with my first attempt at Core-like settings, but the occasional crit still screws her up. Anyway, what's the deal with enemies that do not have True Seeing being able to see through Greater Invisibility, and initiate combat because I'm somehow detected? Blind Fighting shouldn't be triggering it, but I can't seem to sneak up on Vescavor Swarms, because they have Blind Fighting...which does not say it sees through Invisibility, only that an Invisible attacker gets no advantage.

Core has been pretty good so far, but two things I don't like about it: randomly spawning enemies from the rear that were never there in the narrow tunnel you just walked through, nor Gibber. Is there a way to protect against Mind-Controlling spells and effects other than hope your Will saves, or using copious amounts of Unbreakable Heart? Early on in Market Sqaure, a certain Succubus kept Dominating my highest damage melee character, so I had to cheese the fight by just switching him to fists.

edit: Also, why is my non-lethal damage on my Kineticist skyrocketing when I use 1 point of burn and an ability that also says it does 1 point? It used to just be 1:1, but now I'm taking a whopping seven points just using a skill that uses 1 burn on top of the additional 1 burn from another source?

I believe protection from evil will protect from charm/dominate from evil entities. Or does it give you a second save? I can't quite recall, but it's handy to cast communal protection from evil on your party when dealing with succubuses. I don't think the game has anything that outright makes you immune to mind effects (in a generic sense, anyways; there could be something in an archetype or prestige class or something). The closest you've got is mind blank, an 8th level spell that gives +8 resistance bonus to saves against mind effects. Used to be outright immunity in D&D 3.5, but that was honestly kinda busted, and +8 is a good boost (although it's resistance bonus, so it overwrites a cloak of resistance, it doesn't stack with one).

As far as the kineticist, you gain 1 non-lethal per level per point of burn. So if you're level 7, you get 7 points of non-lethal per burn. The way I think about it, you lose +1 constitution mod worth of hp per burn. Kinda balances out the fact that Kineticist can take Con as an offensive stat.

I guess I am still a little confused about how Difficulty Class (DC) works. I assumed the DC of your spell was your base number that goes against an enemy's Spell Resistance, and it's the enemy who is supposed to make a roll against your spell to either take partial damage, or avoid it entirely if a full save is allowed.

Why, when I just cast a spell with a DC of 23 against an opponent's 18 Spell Resistance did I get "Fails to overcome the spell resistance of" and the combat log shows me trying to bypass that 18 Spell Resistance with a weak roll of 6 + 9 modifiers? Nowhere does it show my actual DC in the equation, or how the opponent rolled against it, only that I somehow "missed". Not using a touch attack either.

This still doesn't explain what the actual DC check is then. Like I said, I thought the DC of a spell was to determine whether or not an enemy actually saves against it with their roll (in which their SR is added), not whether or not you actually overcome their Spell Resistance with a roll of your own. I thought the entire point of casting higher DC spells was because they had a higher chance of overcoming Spell Resistances.

Also, why am I getting "Damage Reduced 0" with some attacks on weapons that have additional effects vs certain enemies? Like my current sword does an additional 1d3 damage against chaotic enemies. The total damage I rolled was 15, but it shows that only 12 went through and that additional 1d3 was completely negated. The enemy has 5 damage reduction, but my weapon is enchanted with the "Good Alignment" property to bypass damage reduction. Does that enchantment only work for the base damage of the weapon, and it excludes any additional damage that might be done as an extra effect?

Yeah, spell DC and spell resistance are completely separate. You have to first beat spell resistance, and then the enemy gets to save against your effect. It's why both spell penetration feats, and mythic spell penetration, are so important in this game. Normally spell resistance is decently rare, but, well, demons. At least they give you the tools in mythic spell penetration to deal with it. Also one of the things that makes the merged angel or lich so powerful; since you check caster level against spell resistance, increasing your caster level via a merged spellbook is a direct increase in ability to overcome spell resistance.

As far as added damage, yeah, typically weapon added damage is subject to damage resistance. Which kinda feels like shit. It's one of the reasons why elemental weapons are much weaker than normal in this game (with the exception of weapons with multiple elements to proc the mythic ability elemental barrage). In something like Pathfinder Kingmaker, a weapon with +2d6 acid damage is excellent, you're looking at an average of 7 more damage per hit against 90-95% of the enemies in the game. But in wrath, against demons that all seem to have acid resist 10, it will hardly ever even do damage. Demons aren't all the enemies, but they're common enough that I mostly discounted elemental weapons. Which is a big bummer. Unless you're using the elemental pen mythic abilities, but I can't really imagine making use of those on a martial. Too rare a use case.
Oct 25, 2017

You can't stack multiples of the same bonus type; you can only ever have the single best one at a time. But you have to read the tooltips carefully to figure out what type of bonus you're getting and whether it will stack. You're looking for keywords like "deflection bonus," "morale bonus," etc.

Some common early-game spells that grant AC:

"Mage Armor" grants a flat armor bonus, which means it won't stack with actual worn armor, no (or with Bracers of Armor); it's designed for mages and others who wear little to no protection. There's also a dedicated mythic ability that gives it a further +1 AC per mythic rank, which is wild.

"Shield of Faith" gives a deflection bonus, which stacks with your armor bonus but not with other deflection bonuses (for example, from a Ring of Protection). It's a good early buff on tanks, but quickly gets outstripped because of the abundance of magic items that give deflection bonuses.

"Barkskin" grants an enhancement bonus to your natural armor, which is potentially confusing because this does stack with a permanent source of natural armor like the passive Iceplant hex, but not with other spells or items that grant a similar enhancement bonus (for example, an Amulet of Natural Armor). Natural armor is better than worn armor because you don't lose it when caught flat-footed, though it doesn't help with touch attacks. This one remains useful on lots of characters if their amulet slot is taken (Camellia!).

"Shield" gives a shield bonus (and blocks magic missiles entirely). This doesn't stack with an actual shield, but is otherwise pretty useful.

"Reduce Person" includes a size bonus to AC because you're smaller and harder to hit. ("Enlarge Person" includes a size penalty.)

"Veil of Heaven," an early Paladin spell for Seelah, gives a sacred bonus to AC, which is a rare bonus type that will stack with everything except other sacred bonuses. The evil version of this is a profane bonus, which some spells and items grant.

Another bonus you'll encounter early is a resistance bonus (usually from cloaks) that improves your saving throws. Again, resistance bonuses do not stack with other resistance bonuses.

What a fantastic quick n dirty explanation. Thank you.

It seems my power level has swung the opposite direction again as I hit level 5 and received some level 3 buffs like Haste. Now things just die before I even understand why, which is at least a better problem to have.


Jul 21, 2020
Man, looking at the options for all the items you can develop (the relics you get, that you can develop into different item types), it's such a bad system. You make these vague choices about what equipment slot you want, but since you have zero other information (unless you looked it up outside of the game), you're just guessing. Turns out I missed out on an item I would have really liked, because I chose ring instead of circlet; at the time I didn't have great rings. And then it turns out the ring options were buffs for melee flanking, which is good but I didn't need, whereas one of the circlet options was great for casters and could have been quite useful for the entire party. If you're going to ask the players to make choices, you should give them all the info so that they can actually make a choice, rather than just rolling some dice. And some are just really cool effects; a pickaxe or bardiche that uses int instead of strength, for example.

For anyone who wants, here's a google spreadsheet that appears to have all the relevant info:

Pathfinder Wrath Relics


Oct 27, 2017
Man I still have barely touched he game since hitting act 3. I just hate dealing with this crusader shit so much. But the "auto crusader" mode has that ominous threat about some sidequests becoming incompletable.

Saito Hikari

Jul 3, 2021
The weirdass thing is that the lack of transparency on the relics weren't an issue in the beta. You could craft any option as soon as you got them. Problem is, it looks like the devs had them take multiple steps in the full release while only explaining stats on the final step because the prior method led to incredible amounts of card clutter.

What a fantastic quick n dirty explanation. Thank you.

It seems my power level has swung the opposite direction again as I hit level 5 and received some level 3 buffs like Haste. Now things just die before I even understand why, which is at least a better problem to have.

Also going to add that there are some items that don't specify what type of bonus they grant, and in the majority of situations, they stack with everything, which makes them ultra valuable.

There's also oddities like a ring that's sold in chapter 1 that says it grants an additional +2 AC bonus if the wearer is using the Iceplant hex, along with an additional +2 natural armor AC on top of that, but the latter bonus somehow stacks on top of other natural armor bonuses. That ring is considered a must have for Camellia for that reason alone, and it's also a major reason why Camellia becomes the best tank out of all of the companions assuming single-classed. (Although Seelah's mount can be built for much higher AC, if you choose to go that route.)

Every debuff stacks too, there's a reason they aren't categorized.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, looking at the options for all the items you can develop (the relics you get, that you can develop into different item types), it's such a bad system. You make these vague choices about what equipment slot you want, but since you have zero other information (unless you looked it up outside of the game), you're just guessing. Turns out I missed out on an item I would have really liked, because I chose ring instead of circlet; at the time I didn't have great rings. And then it turns out the ring options were buffs for melee flanking, which is good but I didn't need, whereas one of the circlet options was great for casters and could have been quite useful for the entire party. If you're going to ask the players to make choices, you should give them all the info so that they can actually make a choice, rather than just rolling some dice. And some are just really cool effects; a pickaxe or bardiche that uses int instead of strength, for example.

For anyone who wants, here's a google spreadsheet that appears to have all the relevant info:

Pathfinder Wrath Relics

Yep, the entire time with my first actual playthrough it was mostly just "Hmm, what slot do I need?" And "I guess I can get more gold from this weapon...".

I don't think the game has anything that outright makes you immune to mind effects (in a generic sense, anyways; there could be something in an archetype or prestige class or something).

There's a ring in the game (Martyr's Testament) that claims to give immunity to Mind-Affecting Conditions, but it must just not be working right now, because right after equipping it on Woljif, the very next fight he got Dominated, and then later was hit with Confusion.

There's also oddities like a ring that's sold in chapter 1 that says it grants an additional +2 AC bonus if the wearer is using the Iceplant hex, along with an additional +2 natural armor AC on top of that, but the latter bonus somehow stacks on top of other natural armor bonuses. That ring is considered a must have for Camellia for that reason alone, and it's also a major reason why Camellia becomes the best tank out of all of the companions assuming single-classed. (Although Seelah's mount can be built for much higher AC, if you choose to go that route.)

Oh damn. I don't really like bringing Camellia along if I don't have to, but is that ring only accessible in Act 1, or can you get it from the Cleric vendor at any point?

Saito Hikari

Jul 3, 2021
Oh damn. I don't really like bringing Camellia along if I don't have to, but is that ring only accessible in Act 1, or can you get it from the Cleric vendor at any point?
I don't remember ever seeing that ring after act 1 every time I skipped over it in the earlier beta phases, and I've seen comments from people saying that it sucks that they missed it after advancing into act 2 and beyond.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally had a few more hours to sink into this and just did the Swarm in Act 2.
I thought, oh nice - a mini boss. Afterwards down the caves to collect whatever reward there is - turns out it's another Mini-Boss. But now to th... what is that giant spider doing there?
And no to the side-caves to collect my... What are all these Ghouls doing in here? Why is there a named one? What is this? At least the way out should be without any problems, I am down to my last few spells - turns out there's two giant enemies waiting in the last room.

This was an insane stack of a bit more difficult encounters. The rest after it was well earned I'd say.
Oct 31, 2017
Finally had a few more hours to sink into this and just did the Swarm in Act 2.
I thought, oh nice - a mini boss. Afterwards down the caves to collect whatever reward there is - turns out it's another Mini-Boss. But now to th... what is that giant spider doing there?
And no to the side-caves to collect my... What are all these Ghouls doing in here? Why is there a named one? What is this? At least the way out should be without any problems, I am down to my last few spells - turns out there's two giant enemies waiting in the last room.

This was an insane stack of a bit more difficult encounters. The rest after it was well earned I'd say.
Fun fact: the "giant boss" was far less annoying than the trash mobs that preceded it.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't think any of them (Demon, Lich, and Trickster or w/e it was) are entirely safe yet. Demon got some fixes but it didn't sound like it was fully fixed.

I don't like my current build anymore and I don't want to restart, again, especially because of the whole crusade management being so tedious.
I guess I will risk to respec my character, and will keep a "clean" save game in case :/


Dec 11, 2017
just for the fun of it, trying to build a character for a solo run and stumbled on inquisitor monster tactician. I'm struggling to find any build that is as well prepared for a solo run as a pure inquisitor.

You get:
- summons that stay for minutes instead of seconds
- animal companion at lv4 through animal domain.
- rank 6 divine caster
- 5 skill points/level, if you go human with base 10 int. Enough for mandatory trickery/perception/persuasion/UMD and another of your choosing.
- 3/4 BAB progression, decent fighter with solid armor

As self-sufficient as it gets and dont even have to multiclass. Missing arcane spells can be covered through UMD + scrolls/wand.
Kind of funny, all the multiclassing choices and i cant come up with anything better than a class that already exists :)

[edit] mistakes were made, inquisitor is rank 6 divine caster, not full.
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Feb 19, 2018
Act 1-3 of this game is amazing and is firmly up there with best of the Genre. However, act 5 has lot of issues. Beside the bugs, writing for some of the characters and mythic path completely falls apart. The level and encounter design in act 5 is awful. Not sure what's up with Owlcat and final act sucking.
Kingmaker's final act was great, it's the second to final act which sucked hard with the single worst dungeon in the game (the house at the edge of time) making up the largest chunk of it.

Not really everything she always said was always classist or psychotic. I didn't even have to hear her talk though really once I got her and saw her necklace I already saw it coming.
The character thinks she is smarter than she actually is, and believes that the necklace and the odd 'oh yes, I do care about the poor people very much, what a tragedy they must suffer' are a good enough cover. However even without the stuff she says in combat, it's easy to read between the lines of her comments that she's at the very least bloodthirsty, egoistic, snobbish and selfish.
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Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Now that everyone has had some time with the game I'd like to update the OP with more general gameplay tips or FAQ questions. Please give me your best!
Oct 28, 2017
Some of these mythic feats are something everyone desired on their builds.
Unlimited Rage, Unlimited Judgement, 24 hours buffs (for 1 hour spells), Thundering Blows, etc.

Few, now I want to reroll my MC again.


Oct 25, 2017
Now that everyone has had some time with the game I'd like to update the OP with more general gameplay tips or FAQ questions. Please give me your best!
reword it but
there are books in the game that, if you read them, give the MC passive bonuses
in the combat log you get a "you learned something from this book" after reading it as confirmation that the bonus is applied
you can check your character page under special abilities to see them


Oct 25, 2017
so bloodline ascendance doesn't work with serpentine bloodline, which as far as I can tell it should.

thank god for toybox. Otherwise I'd have to start rebuilding Regill again from scratch. I went a bit mental with his build just now going
Armiger 7 Hellknight 1 Monk 1 Rogue 2 Bloodrager 1 Dragon Disciple 1


Oct 25, 2017
I have long suspected that Steam card drops/packs aren't actually random. There are 11 cards in the full set.

Oct 31, 2017
Enemy does his first cast in the entire combat: the entire party permanently blinded.
I swear I fucking hate this game at times.

And it wasn't even a tough encounter, but god if they don't go out of their way to annoy the player at times.

P.S. I'm not even one of these persons who hate permanent status effects in general. I think they have their place to raise the stakes in a game.
It's just that Owlcat is annoyingly "liberal" with their abuse.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Enemy does his first cast in the entire combat: the entire party permanently blinded.
I swear I fucking hate this game at times.

And it wasn't even a tough encounter, but god if they don't go out of their way to annoy the player at times.

P.S. I'm not even one of these persons who hate permanent status effects in general. I think they have their place to raise the stakes in a game.
It's just that Owlcat is annoyingly "liberal" with their abuse.

There is a reason I had to give my melee front liners blindfight and whatnot...