
Oct 25, 2017
I noticed a lot of Stewart's activism lately, which is great and I'm thankful for the good work he did here. Anyone know why this is something he seemingly cares so deeply about?


Oct 25, 2017
To the east of Parts Unknown...
I noticed a lot of Stewart's activism lately, which is great and I'm thankful for the good work he did here. Anyone know why this is something he seemingly cares so deeply about?

It goes back to 9/11 when a lot of first responders were dying due to exposure to materials after the twin towers collapsed. He promoted them on the Daily Show and it's been on since. It's hard not to keep involved when the people you were working with at the beginning didn't live to see the day bills like this passed.
Oct 25, 2017
It goes back to 9/11 when a lot of first responders were dying due to exposure to materials after the twin towers collapsed. He promoted them on the Daily Show and it's been on since. It's hard not to keep involved when the people you were working with at the beginning didn't live to see the day bills like this passed.

He has some stumbles lately but is still far ahead of a lot of aging comics to say the least.


Oct 30, 2017
So, absolutely nothing in the bill was changed from last time, right? Stewart literally guilted GOP assholes into it?
It is more that he was able to penetrate the seemingly impenetrable wall of bullshit that is Republican reality which led to pressure from their voting base.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Crazy how history repeats given Republicans, and especially McConnell were blocking, BLOCKING! access to healthcare support for 9/11 first responders so many years ago.

Years of "support our troops!" chants and patriot worship only to stiff those heroes that risked and suffered from leaping into a deadly crater to save lives and we're afflicted with horrendous lifelong effects.

Jon Stewart tore them a new one then. Still recall the image of Jon grimacing on the capital steps as McConnell was forced to finally buckle and approve the vote looking defeated like the villain he is.


Oct 25, 2017

It goes back to 9/11 when a lot of first responders were dying due to exposure to materials after the twin towers collapsed. He promoted them on the Daily Show and it's been on since. It's hard not to keep involved when the people you were working with at the beginning didn't live to see the day bills like this passed.

Wow, well then an extra good on him for sticking with the issue for so long.


Sep 18, 2018
Crazy how history repeats given Republicans, and especially McConnell were blocking, BLOCKING! access to healthcare support for 9/11 first responders so many years ago.

Years of "support our troops!" chants and patriot worship only to stiff those heroes that risked and suffered from leaping into a deadly crater to save lives and we're afflicted with horrendous lifelong effects.

Jon Stewart tore them a new one then. Still recall the image of Jon grimacing on the capital steps as McConnell was forced to finally buckle and approve the vote looking defeated like the villain he is.

I honestly didn't realize this was different than the 9/11 bill for a little bit and got confused how it was still not passed somehow.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
How were GOP against this. This was a layup for their America-first base. How could they think they could vote no on this and not get shit on?

It really is astounding.

We know why they did it: McConnell had threatened to hold the CHIPS bill hostage to prevent the reconciliation bill passing, but since he thought it was dead, he let CHIPS pass. Then Manchin announced it wasn't dead, just renamed (more or less). McConnell was so mad, he whipped up the votes to tank PACT, as punishment.

That's all quite clear. What is not clear is why he thought that blocking it would be considered a win for the GOP. A crowd of veterans was ON SITE, expecting to celebrate its passage.