Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
The thing is, you need to understand that console players haven't really had a chat for people to be toxic in up until a few weeks ago. Apart from interacting with a handful of jackasses over console DMs over the years, OW for me has borderline been a singleplayer game, and then suddenly bam! Toxic chat messages all over the place, and I can't opt out. It's really jarring, that's all.

My Bastion anecdote didn't necessarily make me sad or anything.

I believe someone mentioned under the Cross-Play settings on console you are able to remove Cross-Play chat (which won't stop people from your platform from showing up), so this might help?

I'm confused how people in the console pool are typing so quickly? I see people respond to each other at unreal speed in competitive and I feel like I'm missing something.
Maybe they have a keyboard extension for their controller? Or they could be doing what I hear a lot of players nowadays do on consoles, and they are playing with a keyboard and mouse?


Nov 18, 2017
I believe someone mentioned under the Cross-Play settings on console you are able to remove Cross-Play chat (which won't stop people from your platform from showing up), so this might help?
Mm I did see this some time ago, and it does minimize it most likely. But apparently console people are pretty good at being idiots too so ;) I'm gonna try the /hidechat command though.


Oct 27, 2017
Huh, I came in here to ask about the console text chat and crossplay, seems I'm not alone after all.

Crossplay has been weird to me. Queue times have not improved whatsoever, if anything, they're worse than ever, sometimes even for my most played class, healers. Seeing all the dumb names with all the umlauts and shit is also turning me off.

And the text chat is a cess pool, just yesterday I got shit thrown my way for dominating with bastion on Havana defense and Rialto offense in QP. Bastion sucks and is real easy to counter, kill me once and I'll gladly switch, which I told the haters, but nobody managed to do so. How is that my fault? It was barely a pirate ship strat even.

I also tried pooling with pc unknowingly and man, that shit is hard af. We won once or twice with me as Symmetra without me knowing we were in the pc pool but once I knew, the competition went from normal to extremely difficult and I had to bow out of the group. Not fun. Why can't I have auto-aim in the pc pool? I doubt it would give me that many advantages over a mouse and keyboard player, but not having it sure as fuck is giving me a disadvantage. Really weird design call to me.

Edit: Oh and also, what is up with so many players being named *pants? DeadlyPants, MagicPants, you name it. I had 3 different Pants across two games the other day and have easily seen close to 20 different variations in the last week now, not even exaggerating. Is this a new meme I'm not aware of?

Edit2: More often than not, the tickets for QP dps go unused because the supposed 1-2 minute wait time gets thrown out the window. Feels rather pointless, I usually end up waiting for 10 minutes anyway. Why? Even worse if we're 2 players ofc.

The dev promise of reduced queue times from cross-play never made sense to me. I mean, I'm assuming the same proportion of people in the Xbox pool want to play the three roles as want to play them on Playstation. Cross-play is simply increasing the overall size of people queueing up for games, not magically changing the proportions of people wanting to play DPS over tanks and healers.

The only time I've encountered toxic chat since it opened up for console users is when I backfilled a QP game in which the Reinhardt was in the middle of a long rant badmouthing his team, and who then started cursing at the other team about how much they sucked, which led to multiple players on the other team outlining in detail exactly why he was a terrible Reinhardt. I honestly don't understand how they could all tap out the dialogue so quickly, either.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Maybe I just have a mental made of iron from playing comp on PC where people type and say all types of trash, but does it matter what people say in chat, specially when it's QP? That mode is there just for fun, if people are getting tilted there and typing stuff you shouldn't be upset, you should feel bad for them

Yeah, everyone is used to different things. I mostly just played CS before OW, so even comp OW is a mostly positive experience.


Oct 25, 2017
im a shotcalling tank with like 500 hours of doing so, and over the years of playing overwatch ive adjusted how i talk to people to get them to listen to you (basically trying to suggest/ask for certain strategies/hero picks/etc) and most people are receptive when i do so. really had a good experience overall.

ive won many games due to my calls i think, and it's really gratifying. thats what keeps me playing after all these years.
Last edited:


Nov 18, 2017
The dev promise of reduced queue times from cross-play never made sense to me. I mean, I'm assuming the same proportion of people in the Xbox pool want to play the three roles as want to play them on Playstation. Cross-play is simply increasing the overall size of people queueing up for games, not magically changing the proportions of people wanting to play DPS over tanks and healers.

The only time I've encountered toxic chat since it opened up for console users is when I backfilled a QP game in which the Reinhardt was in the middle of a long rant badmouthing his team, and who then started cursing at the other team about how much they sucked, which led to multiple players on the other team outlining in detail exactly why he was a terrible Reinhardt. I honestly don't understand how they could all tap out the dialogue so quickly, either.
This is eerily similar to my experiences too. Although, I don't think I've seen a single backfill since crossplay started, strangely enough.


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
I've been looking for a loop of that rising section in Honor and Glory forever...and it's like, 10 seconds in the actual soundtrack lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
OW2 looking different, can't believe we're getting Gundam skins

Oct 27, 2017
Hey gang, so I played a lot of OW on Xbox back from launch till like 2018 and thinking of jumping back in, some questions:

- Is the game still getting good content updates or are things in kind of in limbo till OW2?
- What's the chepest way to get it on console (digitally)? I had the disc but it got ruined when my house got flooding a few months back, looking at the xbox store the only version is the "legendary edition" for $60. Is that it?


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
Hey gang, so I played a lot of OW on Xbox back from launch till like 2018 and thinking of jumping back in, some questions:

- Is the game still getting good content updates or are things in kind of in limbo till OW2?
- What's the chepest way to get it on console (digitally)? I had the disc but it got ruined when my house got flooding a few months back, looking at the xbox store the only version is the "legendary edition" for $60. Is that it?

In limbo, Event skins are the only new things the game gets.
Cheapest is usually during an event when they'll put it on sale.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
How sad do you have to be to be playing on a brand new account in Plat with hacks on, duo'd with a Gold Mercy constantly damage boosting you? This Cree was a bit sussy to us all, his fan the hammers and shots were weirdly accurate in spurts. We started to take in the killcams and noticed he was using toggable aimbot hacks.

We reported, and much to my surprise I went on just now and got a successful report message. Think it's the quickest turnaround on one of these I've ever seen.

Oh, and btw we still won the game LOL. This person was sooooo bad, even with hacks lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Hackers tend to have the shittiest game sense lol. Fuck them, even if admittedly I see them way more in WZ than OW.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh god that better be fisherman Sigma, hope they get a youtube link up soon to see everyone in that group picture.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I had been playing a ton of mystery heroes because it's a fun way to play DPS without the que time or the "need to be good at DPS" people expect of you if you que up that way.

But man, I'm getting more and more frustrated at the mode. It used to be a bunch of goofy fun, but now it's just so irritating to never have a healer, to die just before ults, and to run into 2 shields and 2 bastions. It's comical how often the rng really screws you over. And shifting through all these heroes, I think just makes me worse at all of them.

Just needed to vent a bit.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
Either I was not using the report function enough, or the moderation of bans is crazy good now. I had noted how quickly one of my reports with a hacker was acted on... So yesterday I had a thrower in my team that I reported and today I got the notice that they got removed as well. Not gonna lie, I'm impressed lol


Oct 25, 2017
Either I was not using the report function enough, or the moderation of bans is crazy good now. I had noted how quickly one of my reports with a hacker was acted on... So yesterday I had a thrower in my team that I reported and today I got the notice that they got removed as well. Not gonna lie, I'm impressed lol

dead game means less people to moderate /s
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I know it's been pointed out already, but these newer skins, emotes, etc just have a way nicer sheen to them compared to the ones from previous years. Love the new skins for this event.

As pointed out in the OWL thread, those who watched the May Melee finals should have the spray available to use now. Sprays for each tournament should arrive some time in the future.

Also, Funky Baptiste Immo Field is now a disco ball!


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale

Bap disco immortality is in and they fixed the King's Row bug where Blizzard can go through the floor

It's time for the 2021 Summer Games! Get wild with Lúcioball Remix, the craziest version of your favorite ball-based sport. Take on the cutthroat competition of Copa Lúcioball Season 5. Celebrate the summer with legendary skins including Poolside Ashe, Sprinkles Mei, and Mermaid Symmetra. Unlock these and more, along with Summer Games items from previous years!

Learn more about this year's Summer Games Event on the Overwatch website 18.



  • Funky Baptiste's Immortality Field device now resembles a disco ball



  • Fixed a bug that resulted in replay lists appearing empty
  • Fixed a bug that causes players to receive an error message when whispering between different platforms
  • Fixed a bug that caused the text chat scroll bar to not function on console
  • Fixed a bug that prevented console players to report BattleTags
  • [Affected Platforms] Fixed a bug that caused gyro sensitivity to be reduced when playing with PC players



  • Fixed a bug with Mei's Blizzard that allowed it to fall into a small section of collision on King's Row


  • Fixed server load problems that could result from moving players between teams
  • Fixed rounding errors that could result in inaccurate coordinates for effect actions that have reevaluation disabled
  • Fixed Evaluate Once values not evaluating as expected when part of consecutive Start Camera actions
  • Fixed a bug in which Start Damage Over Time was unaffected by Start Damage Modification
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Continue action to misbehave if an If action were between it and the enclosing loop
Developer Comments: We're hard at work on an exciting new feature for Workshop users that will be coming in a later patch. In the meantime, a small number of bug fixes found their way into this patch!


Feb 7, 2018
Poolside Ashe went to my TOP 5 favorite skins in the game! It's THAT good! Her weapons, dynamite filled with water balloons, hair, BOB... perfection!







The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Huh, i think some of the maps are getting OW2 sound design. Route 66 in particular sounds crazy different in side the train cars and some tunnels. It . . . honestly sounds disorienting instead of good/better. Anyone else notice this?


Oct 30, 2017
This is why Mystery Heroes is my favorite mode. You can go nuts with characters with characters you would never play and smack 4 mercy's in about a minute.



Oct 28, 2017
Huh, i think some of the maps are getting OW2 sound design. Route 66 in particular sounds crazy different in side the train cars and some tunnels. It . . . honestly sounds disorienting instead of good/better. Anyone else notice this?
I think it's a bug. When the enemy are shooting inside a building, the sound make it seems like it came out of a steel drum.


Oct 25, 2017
I am playing some comp and I am not gonna say that I have any skill or anything and I haven't played comp in months/years but I am currently stunned at some of the stuff people do.

I'm trying to not be pulled into BM of any kind, but like...I swear, people play worse now than they did a year and change back.

I think OW2, above and beyond content and QoL changes, really needs to figure out better ways to teach people how to play it's game better. The tutorial at the start is pathetic.


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
New Deathmatch map was supposed to go to PTR today

The PTR testing period is set to last just over three weeks. Malevento will officially be available for console and standard PC players alike on August 17.

Seven months removed from the last free-for-all deathmatch map in Kanezaka, the latest addition has finally arrived. Blizzard dropped a surprise Overwatch update on July 22, adding the new Malevento map to the Public Test Region.
