Lady Siara

Oct 25, 2017
To anyone else who would like an invite, I made an OW discord a while back. Pretty quiet but what are we going to discuss, redesigns?

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Oct 28, 2017
5 hours left and I got a stroke of luck just now, 15 wins in a row in tank queue. Seems as the season ends, alot of people are queueing for healer and dps because even with pass it'll take 12-20 minutes for a game.


Nov 22, 2017
I knew there was a reason I never opened any line of communication with other players, it's been a trip.

Yeah I'd never seen messages to report me for throwing while my PotG plays or been called trash by the enemy team after getting stomped before this patch. Thanks so much, Blizz.

Elsewhere, my brother will often send me music. After a few of these I began to make certain never to watch or listen to them in public because it was either some pretty raunchy stuff or had a lot of bikini babes or was like Die Antwood stuff.

So this week he sends me a song because it contains the original sample for the beat from My Name Is... with Eminem. It's this old big band leader and singer from the 70s named Labi Siffre, and when Dr. Dre was a little kid, this was the music his Mom would blast around the house. That beat comes from the second part of a 2-part song called 'I Got The...'

So I turned it on and was like "oh my God." But I couldn't use the My Name Is beat - it's just too slow paced. Instead, there's the first 2 minutes of I Got The... and then, The Vulture, both off the album Remember My Song (1975).

Happy Friday everybody! It's nice to be playin' Tracer again after months of Ball and support flexing.


Oct 26, 2017
Knoxville, TN
Cross play has significantly increased the frequency with which I queue into a backfill game. They need to add a setting to opt out or something. Legitimately over half of my games tonight have been backfill.


Oct 25, 2017
Cross play has given me more horrible teams than I ever thought possible and it was already pretty bad



Oct 27, 2017
Cross play has significantly increased the frequency with which I queue into a backfill game. They need to add a setting to opt out or something. Legitimately over half of my games tonight have been backfill.

I had four backfill games in a row tonight (yes, I'm including the one in which I got there just in time to see DEFEAT fill the screen). I've never had even two in a row before today.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't even use pass in quick play now because all roles show the same time when searching for game.


May 1, 2018
Just tried to que up cross play with some friends and even though we were all on flex, it never connected us to a match. Played customs for twenty minutes and it still never put us in a match.


Oct 28, 2017
Ehh...not a fan of her helmets as it obscure her eyes too much. Should've been a crown or something.


Feb 7, 2018
I have 100 from some kind of promotion i think but is it possible to get 100 more before the Ana skin goes away?
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I have 100 from some kind of promotion i think but is it possible to get 100 more before the Ana skin goes away?
If you watch OWL matches Live on YouTube and connect your account you get 5 tokens per hour. Between this weekend, which is the last week of qualifiers for the tournament, and the tournament itself next week, you should be able to get them easily.


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
I have 100 from some kind of promotion i think but is it possible to get 100 more before the Ana skin goes away?

Possibly, 5 tokens per hour watched, west streams with encore that starts around 12pm Est are around 8 hours, East is around 4-5 hours if you can set it up, we also have knockouts on Sunday which will be a few more hours. next week is tournament play which doesn't last as long. need about 20 hrs total to get the 100 tokens


Feb 8, 2018
Two questions:

1) How the hell do I disable "text-chat" on consoles, I can't find the setting in the options? It's one of the worst OW updates, aside from a few "GR" or "GG", 99% of messages are Toxic from both friendly & enemy players.​
2) I've been watching the OverWatch League (youTube live streams) on my Roku/Fire TV, but I still haven't got any token drops? Do I need to watch on a PC instead to get drops?​


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
Two questions:

1) How the hell do I disable "text-chat" on consoles, I can't find the setting in the options? It's one of the worst OW updates, aside from a few "GR" or "GG", 99% of messages are Toxic from both friendly & enemy players.​
Apparently there is an option in gameplay under the cross play option for cross platform communication, not sure if that takes away voice chat though. /hidechat had been the way to temporarily disable chat until the game relaunches.​
2) I've been watching the OverWatch League (youTube live streams) on my Roku/Fire TV, but I still haven't got any token drops? Do I need to watch on a PC instead to get drops?​

Has to be on PC or mobile
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
Two questions:

1) How the hell do I disable "text-chat" on consoles, I can't find the setting in the options? It's one of the worst OW updates, aside from a few "GR" or "GG", 99% of messages are Toxic from both friendly & enemy players.​
2) I've been watching the OverWatch League (youTube live streams) on my Roku/Fire TV, but I still haven't got any token drops? Do I need to watch on a PC instead to get drops?​
I can only speak to #2 but on the OWL site for the drops, they say you need to be on YouTube specifically from a PC or the mobile app:

  • Can I earn rewards / link my accounts if I'm watching YouTube on TV or media devices?
  • Rewards are available only on computer, the YouTube mobile app, on YouTube's mobile website, and through picture-in-picture viewing. If you watch on embedded players or using the YouTube app on TV or on media devices, you will not be eligible for rewards. Learn More


Feb 8, 2018
Apparently there is an option in gameplay under the cross play option for cross platform communication", not sure if that takes away voice chat though. /hidechat had been the way to temporarily disable chat until the game relaunches.​
Okay I disabled the "cross platform communication", but like it says it ONLY disables cross-platform text, so other PS4 players can still communicate with me. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Has to be on PC or mobile
I can only speak to #2 but on the OWL site for the drops, they say you need to be on YouTube specifically from a PC or the mobile app:
Well that sucks, my 10 y/o laptop can barely run Chrome browser and I don't want to burn out my phone battery watching OWL.

I hate this youTube OWL exclusivity deal, the only reason I watched OWL was for tokens, but now I can't even get them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Okay I disabled the "cross platform communication", but like it says it ONLY disables cross-platform text, so other PS4 players can still communicate with me. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Well that sucks, my 10 y/o laptop can barely run Chrome browser and I don't want to burn out my phone battery watching OWL.

I hate this youTube OWL exclusivity deal, the only reason I watched OWL was for tokens, but now I can't even get them.
One thing that helps is setting the quality of the stream as low as possible. It'll basically be 8bit video, but a weak pc should still be able to stream ok enough. Just click the gear and you should see the options.


Feb 7, 2018
Got the Ana OWL skin. Do i love it? Not really. But she is one of my most played heroes and i really, really like that weapon. I feel like the part i dislike the most is her helmet.
I hope that Moira and Ashe are getting OWL skins soon and then i am done with buying OWL skins. I got Mercy and Echo so far and that's it i think. I kinda regret not getting GOATS Brigitte tho.


Nov 22, 2017
To disable text chat on console...

Start a game - qp or arcade or comp.

Open the Social menu - it lists both teams.

In the upper-left area of the screen are 3 listing. Idk what the first is, second is your team with a text bubble next to it, third is the enemy team with a text bubble next to it.

Select both speech bubbles so they're crossed out, with a line through them. This will last until you log out, and must be done again for subsequent sessions.

To re-enable aim assist on console, turn off crossplay.

Edit: oh and if Blizzard's listening Crossplay seriously harms the game and should be removed.


Nov 22, 2017
The only time aim assist is turned off is when you play with a PC player in your group, As long as you don't have a PC player in your group you'll have aim assist.
The fact that they said that was the case and people keep insisting that's the case when I bring it up really doubles down on how frustrated I am with it.

It may not be intended, but on PS4 at least just being in the console pool removes aim assist. Or maybe my copy is bugged, idk.

But it's real and it's happening.


Oct 25, 2017
So close to getting out of Bronze on tank ;_; was one game away so of course I lost the next two.

Feeling a little braver these days and using more Winston in comp. Mostly just to make 2v1s when I have more mobile/"independent" DPS. The mobility is fun over Rein. I'm definitely more of a slow, take space MT than a dive-y one. Dancing around shield buys me a lot of time down here but I'm sure with more focus fire I'd just be feeding lmao.


Feb 8, 2018
One thing that helps is setting the quality of the stream as low as possible. It'll basically be 8bit video, but a weak pc should still be able to stream ok enough. Just click the gear and you should see the options.
My laptop is on it's last leg, so it will randomly freezes, even while doing something simple as using Microsoft Word *lolcry*

To disable text chat on console...

Start a game - qp or arcade or comp.
Open the Social menu - it lists both teams.

In the upper-left area of the screen are 3 listing. Idk what the first is, second is your team with a text bubble next to it, third is the enemy team with a text bubble next to it.

Select both speech bubbles so they're crossed out, with a line through them. This will last until you log out, and must be done again for subsequent sessions.

Okay thanks, I'll try that, I just wish there was a way to make mute text permanently.
To re-enable aim assist on console, turn off crossplay.

Edit: oh and if Blizzard's listening Crossplay seriously harms the game and should be removed.
1) Never turn off cross-play because that will severely limit your player pool, increasing queue times.

2) The only time aim-assist is turn OFF is if you intentionally group-up with a PC player. Otherwise all console players will only play against other console players, with aim-assist enabled.

Watch this video, @ 2:10 Aaron explains:

The fact that they said that was the case and people keep insisting that's the case when I bring it up really doubles down on how frustrated I am with it.

It may not be intended, but on PS4 at least just being in the console pool removes aim assist. Or maybe my copy is bugged, idk.

But it's real and it's happening.
(see my reply above)

Are you grouping up with someone on PC?
Do you have auto-aim in the "practice range"?


Oct 25, 2017
Eichenwalde, we're defending on the bridge. We've managed to stem the bleeding, have plenty of ults, and just 30ish seconds left. The enemy D.Va airmails a bomb over us. I'm Rein, so I easily turn around and setup to block the bomb as there's no risk of getting CCd from behind and dropping the shield. We have a Hog on our team, and I think their intention was to hook the bomb and send it off the bridge...but they fucked it up royally and instead hook the bomb into the team. 4k, we lose the game as we had to hold them at the bridge to win.

I can't with these teammates sometimes


Oct 25, 2017
Played a match so damn laggy even my highlight is fucked up, still dominated and won, not surprising considering 4 players on the other team were PS lel.

I hate that my generic and automated bnet tag is now what shows up :(

walking simulators don't prep for multiplayer games that well ;)

LOL. Honestly, I don't know what's up, I'd thought It'd be so much better but maaaan the people i've run into are a new kind of wack. Not to mention the fucking outright weirdos posting shit in chat. I immediately leave voice and chat when I play.


Nov 18, 2017
Huh, I came in here to ask about the console text chat and crossplay, seems I'm not alone after all.

Crossplay has been weird to me. Queue times have not improved whatsoever, if anything, they're worse than ever, sometimes even for my most played class, healers. Seeing all the dumb names with all the umlauts and shit is also turning me off.

And the text chat is a cess pool, just yesterday I got shit thrown my way for dominating with bastion on Havana defense and Rialto offense in QP. Bastion sucks and is real easy to counter, kill me once and I'll gladly switch, which I told the haters, but nobody managed to do so. How is that my fault? It was barely a pirate ship strat even.

I also tried pooling with pc unknowingly and man, that shit is hard af. We won once or twice with me as Symmetra without me knowing we were in the pc pool but once I knew, the competition went from normal to extremely difficult and I had to bow out of the group. Not fun. Why can't I have auto-aim in the pc pool? I doubt it would give me that many advantages over a mouse and keyboard player, but not having it sure as fuck is giving me a disadvantage. Really weird design call to me.

Edit: Oh and also, what is up with so many players being named *pants? DeadlyPants, MagicPants, you name it. I had 3 different Pants across two games the other day and have easily seen close to 20 different variations in the last week now, not even exaggerating. Is this a new meme I'm not aware of?

Edit2: More often than not, the tickets for QP dps go unused because the supposed 1-2 minute wait time gets thrown out the window. Feels rather pointless, I usually end up waiting for 10 minutes anyway. Why? Even worse if we're 2 players ofc.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
Maybe I just have a mental made of iron from playing comp on PC where people type and say all types of trash, but does it matter what people say in chat, specially when it's QP? That mode is there just for fun, if people are getting tilted there and typing stuff you shouldn't be upset, you should feel bad for them


Oct 25, 2017
IMO, people have different levels of tolerance, and different things affect different people. If people are bothered by the toxicity of chat they have every reason to feel that way, particularly since people in this thread have given examples of their experiences - it's not a general "OW is toxic" perspective to just shit on the game.

Anecdotally? Honestly I barely encounter toxicity in the game, but in high bronze/low silver most people don't give a fuck either way lol. I'd imagine as you go up in rank comms get sweatier and more toxic.


Nov 18, 2017
Maybe I just have a mental made of iron from playing comp on PC where people type and say all types of trash, but does it matter what people say in chat, specially when it's QP? That mode is there just for fun, if people are getting tilted there and typing stuff you shouldn't be upset, you should feel bad for them
The thing is, you need to understand that console players haven't really had a chat for people to be toxic in up until a few weeks ago. Apart from interacting with a handful of jackasses over console DMs over the years, OW for me has borderline been a singleplayer game, and then suddenly bam! Toxic chat messages all over the place, and I can't opt out. It's really jarring, that's all.

My Bastion anecdote didn't necessarily make me sad or anything.


Nov 27, 2017
I'm confused how people in the console pool are typing so quickly? I see people respond to each other at unreal speed in competitive and I feel like I'm missing something.