Oct 25, 2017
Save scumming and Dance scumming break the game, or at least long stretches of it. I think they're dumb and should be a candidate for getting removed somehow if the game were to get balance patches but, honestly, if you are doing either of those things you absolutely know what you're doing to the game and kind of deserve whatever they lead to.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
So how does the save transfer work from the demo?

I put in the full game cart in the system and it will just seemlessly see my demo save? I can then safely delete the demo?
Start up the full game. You will be prompted in-game whether you want to load a demo save. Then you import it and you can continue in the full game where you stopped in the demo. After that, you can indeed delete the demo.


Oct 26, 2017
Ya'll who haven't been getting good results from Bewildering Grace really should use it max boosted more (tho yes 100x is rare regardless)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I've found all the normal secondary shrines. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of having Ophilia as a dancer and Cyrus and cleric so far.


Oct 25, 2017
The games's OST is constantly outdoing itself. The song in Saintsbridge is just so good. The Sunlands song is also incredible, it reminded me a lot of the music from the original Nier.

I havent been to Saintsbridge yet but I cant wait. Yup, the Sunlands is a GOAT tier track. This soundtrack is just full of em! How, sway? How??


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
For a game that bills itself on its eight different stories, it's deeply frustrating that most of them (and the characters) are so dull. It's making it hard to care about the game, despite the interesting combat system and lush music. I would have been more forgiving of this as a teenager but as an adult, I want more nuance.


Oct 25, 2017
For a game that bills itself on its eight different stories, it's deeply frustrating that most of them (and the characters) are so dull. It's making it hard to care about the game, despite the interesting combat system and lush music. I would have been more forgiving of this as a teenager but as an adult, I want more nuance.

Pretty sure if they're writing this for teenagers, this is doing it totally wrong. They are actually writing these to adults who might appreciate more mundane stories.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Bewildering grace is great but I almost got party wiped in Olberic's chapter 2 boss because my only healer was Alfyn and I lost the ability to use items and got party poisoned. Had to rely on his first aid for the rest of the battle gah. Really thought I was gonna run out of his SP in the last turns.


Oct 27, 2017
Haha, yeah. I feel like nobody would have taken his offer to help him steal stuff just because. Olberic, no. H'aanit, no. Alfyn, no. Cyrus, no. Ophilia, hell no.

Even Tressa who has no real life experience had a moment in her first chapter where she says stealing is wrong.

My headcanon for Therion is that he joined the team after he got in way over his head in Chapter 1.


Dec 10, 2017
Can you savescum path actions like allure? I'm trying to get the old lady in Clearbrook at a 5% chance but I'll give up if you can't. I'm too cheap.


Oct 25, 2017
I've found all the normal secondary shrines. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of having Ophilia as a dancer and Cyrus and cleric so far.

Healing is tied to Elemental Def instead of Atk.

Because of that, I made Cyrus take Dancer so I just have to focus on bumping just that stat to make him a nuker. He's getting there, for sure.

Also, you can swap jobs freely. So you can try some things out to get a feel for how a character flows. If there are turns where a character is just kinda sitting there, consider a change. Just don't need invest too much JP while you're testing.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
For a game that bills itself on its eight different stories, it's deeply frustrating that most of them (and the characters) are so dull. It's making it hard to care about the game, despite the interesting combat system and lush music. I would have been more forgiving of this as a teenager but as an adult, I want more nuance.
I feel like the plot of this game as well as the interaction with the world is more a response to older gamers who aren't looking for something quite so Chunni when it comes to storytelling. 8 stores, some fantastic and ambitious, some mundane and droll, interweaving and intersecting as they do in reality.

Though I say that having only completed everyone's chapter 2, but that's the impression I get at this point.

Can you savescum path actions like allure? I'm trying to get the old lady in Clearbrook at a 5% chance but I'll give up if you can't. I'm too cheap.
You can.


Dec 10, 2017
Why wouldnt you be able to

I thought there was a chance you couldn't since it pretty much invalidates having a fee to restore your rep after failing. Unless there is some other mechanic I don't know about. I can't keep up with this thread. Just had to skip about 50 pages. Y'all too fast. Thanks, all!

Edit: Actually I guess your 5 attempts don't reset if you succeed so eventually you would have to pay if you kept going back. I don't know why I thought it would reset.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey guess I'm stumped on these three sidequest and I can't seem to find trhe answer online. Could someone help. Here's the three quests:

Star of the Stage
Theracio's Tutelage (III)
The Adventuring Life


Oct 28, 2017
I have two major issues with the stories thus far:

1. The "point" of each chapter usually makes itself very obvious within minutes of starting.
(Character chapter 2 spoilers)

Tressa's chapter 2 spoils what it is about within the opening text crawl, and Alfyn's chapter 2 is easy to figure out as soon as the other Apothecary shows up

2. There's no way to speed up cutscenes aside from making the text faster or skipping outright, so there's tons of "dead air" with nothing to read while the sprites make small motions between lines for up to 30 seconds at a time(and the movements aren't expressive enough to justify the lack of text in those moments - one cutscene had a character doing nothing but pacing between lines and took 5x longer than it should)

The skits are by far the best writing in the game so far, IMO. Nice character moments that to me give more insight into who the party members are than the stories.


Oct 25, 2017
That's why I can't imagine finishing the game once the game is broken by dance stuff. The stories generally aren't strong enough to be the sole motivator to keep playing.


Bonk initiated
Oct 24, 2017
I have two major issues with the stories thus far:

1. The "point" of each chapter usually makes itself very obvious within minutes of starting.
(Character chapter 2 spoilers)

Tressa's chapter 2 spoils what it is about within the opening text crawl, and Alfyn's chapter 2 is easy to figure out as soon as the other Apothecary shows up

2. There's no way to speed up cutscenes aside from making the text faster or skipping outright, so there's tons of "dead air" with nothing to read while the sprites make small motions between lines for up to 30 seconds at a time(and the movements aren't expressive enough to justify the lack of text in those moments - one cutscene had a character doing nothing but pacing between lines and took 5x longer than it should)

The skits are by far the best writing in the game so far, IMO. Nice character moments that to me give more insight into who the party members are than the stories.

Alfyn's Chapter 3 turns it on its head a little bit though.


Oct 29, 2017
A few hours in... having a good time so far. Started with Haanit and went on to Ophelia.

quck question for those of you who are further in:

I am assuming the people with the orange marks above them are side quests.. but after talking to the person a name of what I guess is the quest shows up and quickly disapears, I cant seem to find them anywhere in the menu? Am I still too early in the game?


Oct 25, 2017
A few hours in... having a good time so far. Started with Haanit and went on to Ophelia.

quck question for those of you who are further in:

I am assuming the people with the orange marks above them are side quests.. but after talking to the person a name of what I guess is the quest shows up and quickly disapears, I cant seem to find them anywhere in the menu? Am I still too early in the game?

It is in the journal. Press R and you will see them.


Oct 25, 2017
A few hours in... having a good time so far. Started with Haanit and went on to Ophelia.

quck question for those of you who are further in:

I am assuming the people with the orange marks above them are side quests.. but after talking to the person a name of what I guess is the quest shows up and quickly disapears, I cant seem to find them anywhere in the menu? Am I still too early in the game?

Journal in the menu. Shoulder button to switch from main to side stories.


Oct 30, 2017
A few hours in... having a good time so far. Started with Haanit and went on to Ophelia.

quck question for those of you who are further in:

I am assuming the people with the orange marks above them are side quests.. but after talking to the person a name of what I guess is the quest shows up and quickly disapears, I cant seem to find them anywhere in the menu? Am I still too early in the game?

Journal option in the menu screen should have them listed.


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017
Cyrus is the best. Especially when...

you have him as a Sorcerer and he pulls off the Dr. Strange look like a boss.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I've seen one exp x 2 proc and I've used the skill a pretty good amount of times. I'd say it fucks me over about 80% of the time. 10% of the time it's just meh, and 10% it's varying degrees of good.

People here must just be lucky. I've also only ever seen one Cait and that was like an hour or so into the game and didn't have any skills to take it out. It left before I could even do anything at all. No other ones have shown up since.
Dude I've seen like four and the only one who didn't flee at the very beginning of the battle, dodged all my attacks until it ultimately fleed lol.
Ya'll who haven't been getting good results from Bewildering Grace really should use it max boosted more (tho yes 100x is rare regardless)
I actually don't ever use it without boosting to the max. Hell, last night I accidentally killed Therion's chapter 2 boss before one of its minions and since it was so weak, I started defending with everyone go make turns pass and accumulate BP to spam bewildering grace. I managed to do three fully boosted ones and all I got was an exp x2 which didn't amount to much since I got like 300 exp in the end lol.

It's no big deal tho, I think I prefer it this way, I'm way too strong for the bosses I'm fighting as is.
Pretty sure if they're writing this for teenagers, this is doing it totally wrong. They are actually writing these to adults who might appreciate more mundane stories.
Not saying this approach is superior or anything, but people have to understand that stories being simpler doesn't always mean they're worse or for kids.

I've played so much melodramatic stuff in my life, especially RPGs, that sometimes simpler narratives are very refreshing. Especially when they're as well told as Octopath's.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit Dreisang

Dem debuffs and 200k health

My headcanon for Therion is that he joined the team after he got in way over his head in Chapter 1.
That makes much more sense, but then that still wouldn't explain the stealing after he joined the group and the rest begrudgingly letting it slide haha.

T.Rex In F-14

Oct 25, 2017
Tressa's Ch. 2 boss is wrecking me. Think I have decent gear and am over the recommended level but the boss and his goons have high break points (and the boss's gets higher as the fight goes on) and all three of them can attack my entire party for 400+ damage per attack. Feels like I am constantly healing and not getting any momentum going. Got rid of his goons once and thought I was on my way to victory but then the boss has a shield of 9 so I wasn't getting too much damage on him when I could finally break him and it took long enough that he summoned his goons back and stomped me.


Oct 30, 2017
Not sure what those have in common. I'm guessing you're just trying to be an ass though, got it.
I just read about ten whiny posts in a row from you from yesterday, that were in no way trying to be productive, as several people were attempting to help you.

It seems like you are one of those people that prefers to complain about everything.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I don't get the complaints about the stories. They're sometimes mundane because life is mundane. They feel real in a way FF and most JRPG's never do. Makes the world feel more atmospheric and I'm loving it.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I'm so tempted to google a bunch of my quests because they just keep piling up and some I have no clue what to do, like the one in Therion's opening town with the in-love soldier and unique looking lady.
Did you try dueling/provoking them? Never did it myself, but losing a fight in one town made some lady interested in a guy and finished a quest.


Feb 23, 2018
Therion Steal/Terresa Purchase question

I thought I had seen a link to a site that had a list of all possible steal/purchase items by city a few days ago but just went through this thread looking for it and was unable to find it. Did I imagine this or does someone have a link? thanks in advance if so


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Hey guess I'm stumped on these three sidequest and I can't seem to find trhe answer online. Could someone help. Here's the three quests:

Star of the Stage
Theracio's Tutelage (III)
The Adventuring Life
I havent done the second one yet but what is it asking for? I think I might know the answer if it's what I think it is


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm kind of pissed,
I beat the boss of the Whistling Cavern and got barely any xp and fuck all items. I was underlevelled as well, what is the point of these caves if the rewards are so meager, is it just the challenge? I beat that butterfly creature, took a few items and tons of healing from Ophilia but was left a bit deflated. On the upside, the first random mob I encountered outside included a Cait (my first encounter) and I got a ton of SP and levelled up two of my lowest characters


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure if they're writing this for teenagers, this is doing it totally wrong. They are actually writing these to adults who might appreciate more mundane stories.
I do think they're trying to write for a broader audience. If they were going full adult, I think they would have pushed the envelope more. I see a lot of pulling back when broaching darker subjects.

Sorry but as a writer, I don't like the mundane justification. Mundane stories are not only necessarily intended for adults, nor are fantastical stories restricted for kids/teens. Well-told stories are well-told stories. Cliched stories are cliched stories. OT is a mixed bag to be honest; I had expected it (as someone aptly described it as jrpg comfort food), but it's still a little disappointing.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Tressa's Ch. 2 boss is wrecking me. Think I have decent gear and am over the recommended level but the boss and his goons have high break points (and the boss's gets higher as the fight goes on) and all three of them can attack my entire party for 400+ damage per attack. Feels like I am constantly healing and not getting any momentum going. Got rid of his goons once and thought I was on my way to victory but then the boss has a shield of 9 so I wasn't getting too much damage on him when I could finally break him and it took long enough that he summoned his goons back and stomped me.

I did this one yesterday... Are you using a Therion or a thief subclass, by chance? After wiping on my first attempt, the second went way better once I used his shackle ability on the boss. Boosted up, it lowers his attack for 6 turns. If you can get rid of his goons (I used Cyrus for damage output) you can start managing the boss and keep him debuffed.

Plus the double dagger attacks are great for breaks. Not sure how your party is built for damage output, I relied on boosting Cyrus' double hit spells.

Hope that helps. Good luck!


Oct 25, 2017
I do think they're trying to write for a broader audience. If they were going full adult, I think they would have pushed the envelope more. I see a lot of pulling back when broaching darker subjects.

Sorry but as a writer, I don't like the mundane justification. Mundane stories are not only necessarily intended for adults, nor are fantastical stories restricted for kids/teens. Well-told stories are well-told stories. Cliched stories are cliched stories. OT is a mixed bag to be honest; I had expected it (as someone aptly described it as jrpg comfort food), but it's still a little disappointing.

Talking in the context of JRPGs here.


Oct 25, 2017
One amazing thing about this game: when you're sick of doing what you're doing (e.g. roaming around collecting secondary jobs) you can switch it up on the fly (e.g. begin chapter 2s). Love that on the fly flexibility


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm kind of pissed,
I beat the boss of the Whistling Cavern and got barely any xp and fuck all items. I was underlevelled as well, what is the point of these caves if the rewards are so meager, is it just the challenge? I beat that butterfly creature, took a few items and tons of healing from Ophilia but was left a bit deflated. On the upside, the first random mob I encountered outside included a Cait (my first encounter) and I got a ton of SP and levelled up two of my lowest characters
Most of them are a waste of time honestly. In that time you could get way better gear if you'd just snoop around in newly discovered towns.