
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Finally signed in using my Xbox account that I haven't used since the 360 days. I'm ready to make my way through the Blind Forest.


Alt Account
Aug 17, 2018
I'm trying to upscale it to 4k in my PC, but I can't select the 4k resolution =( I tried the .exe dpi thing and also changed the res in the nvidia panel and still nothing =(


Oct 31, 2017
Do I HAVE to sign in to my xbox live account when I want to play this on switch? I don't really want to.


Oct 25, 2017
Just downloaded the full game, excited to continue playing. My first time and I really enjoyed the demo.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'll probably go more in depth with my thoughts later, but for right now, I just wanna chime in to say that I am really enjoying this game...
Contact email for reporting issues


Game Director at Moon Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Vienna / Austria
So glad to see people who never got to play Ori before diving in! :))

Reading all this stuff is also really motivating for all of us at Moon who are busy finishing up Will of the Wisps! :)

If you find any tech issues at all, feel free to pop us a quick mail: feedback at moongamestudios.com

Wish you all a great time gaming, even if you'll shed a tear or two ;)

Remember that Will of the Wisps continues exactly where Blind Forest ended, so even if you played Ori before, now might be a good time to freshen up on where things were left off again! :)


Oct 27, 2017
So glad to see people who never got to play Ori before diving in! :))

Reading all this stuff is also really motivating for all of us at Moon who are busy finishing up Will of the Wisps! :)

If you find any tech issues at all, feel free to pop us a quick mail: feedback at moongamestudios.com

Wish you all a great time gaming, even if you'll shed a tear or two ;)

Remember that Will of the Wisps continues exactly where Blind Forest ended, so even if you played Ori before, now might be a good time to freshen up on where things were left off again! :)

Email reporting the two issues I detailed at the bottom of the last page has been sent off.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm jumping in real soon! Just played some of the demo which completely sold me on the Switch version.

I've played HK and Blasphemous, which I loved, but they're exhausting experiences. I'm really looking forward to just enjoying myself with a less stressful game in Ori. I'm listening to the OST right now and it's just so beautiful.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna buy this game on Switch tonight, I was expecting it to be way more expensive based on how it looked and its content.

Looking forward to it.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
So glad to see people who never got to play Ori before diving in! :))

Reading all this stuff is also really motivating for all of us at Moon who are busy finishing up Will of the Wisps! :)

If you find any tech issues at all, feel free to pop us a quick mail: feedback at moongamestudios.com

Wish you all a great time gaming, even if you'll shed a tear or two ;)

Remember that Will of the Wisps continues exactly where Blind Forest ended, so even if you played Ori before, now might be a good time to freshen up on where things were left off again! :)
Thank you and your team for bringing this wonderful game to Switch! I'll just be a broken record if I mention already having experienced the game on XB1, but I literally never buy the same indie game twice. This is the first time I have ever done it. I played the demo and I had forgotten the emotions it made me feel, and just the wonder and awe I experienced with how the game's world and characters look and sound. It's cliche to call games a "piece of art," but this game, it's worthy of that praise. Such a charming, gorgeous, challenging, and memorable game. One of my favorite games of this console generation, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

While I wish I could experience Will of the Wisps on the Switch because a lot of my gaming time is portable nowadays, I will absolutely be there day one when it releases for XB1; even if it takes me a bit longer to finish.
Apr 19, 2018
Compared to the original release, I'm still in awe by just how much the Definitive Edition's new additions supplement and improve the fabric of the game. Especially the new skills; Dash makes backtracking that much easier, and Light Burst allows you to pull off some nifty improvised Bashing techniques. Finding all the new lantern-locked collectibles by way of Light Burst is an awesome new sidequest as well.


Oct 31, 2017
Compared to the original release, I'm still in awe by just how much the Definitive Edition's new additions supplement and improve the fabric of the game. Especially the new skills; Dash makes backtracking that much easier, and Light Burst allows you to pull off some nifty improvised Bashing techniques. Finding all the new lantern-locked collectibles by way of Light Burst is an awesome new sidequest as well.

My thoughts exactly. Played it on Xbox a few years ago now, but I was still worried it wouldn't be as fun as my first playthrough. But the new areas and abilities really feel like meaningful additions and don't feel tacked on in the slightest.


Oct 27, 2017
First time playing. Any advice for skill tree ? What I should take first ?

I suppose it depends on the difficulty level you selected.
I'm playing on Hard, so while I unlocked the first two skills in all three trees, I focused on the top-most tree (Agility? Ability?) in order to unlock new traversal upgrades (with the idea that I'd be able to collect health, energy, and ability cells earlier) while working my way up to the final node, which boosts my defense.

If you're playing on normal, I'd probably focus on the middle tree (Soul?) at least until you get the one that boosts your XP gains. That should also net you a decent amount of map upgrades. Collectibles in this game are all great. They either give you XP, flat-out give you a full Ability point, or raise your max health or energy.

I've mostly ignored the combat tree (for reasons I specified above), but there are some great upgrades there too.
If I were playing on normal, I'd beeline to the XP booster, then spread out across all trees.
I'm fairly sure you can max out all trees in one run, though. So it's probably not THAT critical.

Edit - You can preview all locked away skills, so planning your skill point spends is never blind.


Oct 25, 2017
First time playing. Any advice for skill tree ? What I should take first ?

Personally I like the utility branches for things like breathing in water and the additional jump but efficiency is also great (you'll likely want that XP boost). Combat is the lowest for me just because of how powerful your bash ability is, but there's some good stuff there as well.

I'm fairly sure you can max out all trees in one run, though. So it's probably not THAT critical.

Correct. When I was playing without unlocking abilities—at least in the base game—I had enough Spirit at the end to unlock everything.
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Bob Beat

Oct 25, 2017
Jesus, what is this spike in difficulty trying to get away after the first dungeon? Am i crazy?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Do I HAVE to sign in to my xbox live account when I want to play this on switch? I don't really want to.

You definitely don't have to. But it should be noted that I only signed in once, and have remained signed in. I've open and closed the game several times to test it, and I have remained signed in each time I start the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The Ginso Tree escape? Yeah, that's the first big test of your abilities and something that gives a lot of folk pause; the escapes sequences are basically the boss fights in this game.
It was ridiculous how many times I died on that bullshit.

Can anyone make a game anymore without it being the dark souls of one genre or another?

Kitten Mittens

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 11, 2018
Haven't gotten an Xbox achievement in over six years. Got one tonight... on a Switch. What a world.


Banned for Abusing Giftbot
Oct 25, 2017
So glad to see people who never got to play Ori before diving in! :))

Reading all this stuff is also really motivating for all of us at Moon who are busy finishing up Will of the Wisps! :)

If you find any tech issues at all, feel free to pop us a quick mail: feedback at moongamestudios.com

Wish you all a great time gaming, even if you'll shed a tear or two ;)

Remember that Will of the Wisps continues exactly where Blind Forest ended, so even if you played Ori before, now might be a good time to freshen up on where things were left off again! :)

Please bring Will of the Wisps to the Switch too, thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
Ori is just such a joy to play. Really happy I bought an 8bitdo adapter and am able to use the PS4 d-pad on it.

Simply a delight.

edit: And I am blown away by the performance on the Switch so far. There have been a few weird bigs here and there (random floating objects, weird vortexes) but the performance is solid.
Apr 19, 2018
To be fair on the escape sequences, the game does provide you with the necessary techniques and ample time beforehand to get used to them. It's true that there's a large degree of trial and error to suss out on your first go-around, but muscle memory eventually sinks in, and the insurmountable eventually become joyful challenges.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
First time playing Ori, and I've put a decent amount of time into the game so far. It's kind of annoying, because I've got things to do and did not expect to be as hooked as I am heh...

First of all, just the general aspect of traversal has been great, and the game's exploration hinges heavily on a player's ability to successfully navigate the world. Not to say the platforming is a procession of pernicious pathways (ala Super Meat Boy), but unlike, say, Hollow Knight, where your progression is often challenged by different, more aggressive enemies, in Ori you're often tasked w/ overcoming a few platforming hurdles and some light puzzle solving. It's different than what I was expecting, and as someone who adores HK, I'm actually really enjoying the space that this game occupies w/i the subgenre.

I also want to mention the combat: general consensus amongst players is that this aspect is the "weak link" of the game. While I can understand that criticism, I wouldn't say it's an actual area that the game falters at; it's just not the focus. Maybe my expectations were just lowered because it's such a common complaint (I half-expected to be just spamming the attack button the whole game heh), but I'm enjoying the enemy encounters.
Personally, I'm having a blast redirecting enemy fire back to its source, spewing my little Light Flares as I dash from one platform to the next, and cannon-balling onto other enemies
. Again, it's not exactly as technical as something like HK's enemy encounters, but it compliments the game very well. Many of the powerups you receive primarily enhance your ability to navigate the world (which makes retreading old ground a breeze); what's neat is the unexpected boon you may receive in combating foes.
So yeah, even though Ori is a Metroid-like title w/ its emphasis on platforming, the combat doesn't come across as an afterthought.

Someone in this thread mentioned being a tad confused w/ certain attributes within the Ability Tree, and I can kinda agree with that to an extent. It's a little peculiar how you can unlock something w/i the Ability Tree, but because you've yet to discover a powerup in the overworld, you'll be unable to take advantage of what you've unlocked until you discover it. It's not a huge deal--especially since you can revert back to earlier auto-save points when selecting your file (nice option, btw!)--but just something that didn't feel completely intuitive (then again, I probably just fail @ reading comprehension teehee).

But yeah, I'm lovin' the crap outta Ori. The pacing is pretty much perfect so far, the visuals are obviously amazing, the music is something I'll be seeking out when I complete the game... I'm just incredibly appreciative of the powers that be for affording me the means to play this gem of a game <3

Jesus, what is this spike in difficulty trying to get away after the first dungeon? Am i crazy?
I'm pretty sure I know which part you're talking about--and I totally agree that the platforming in this section ramps things up to 11--but for the most part I absolutely loved it. I think it was smart having the music not be interrupted after your inevitable death... it kinda made the scenario more of a "Keep going!"-type moment rather than a "git gud"-type one, if that makes any sense. I dunno, maybe I'm just so enamored w/ the game that I'm slowly becoming blinded to any potentially perceived faults lol
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Apr 19, 2018
Someone in this thread mentioned being a tad confused w/ certain attributes within the Ability Tree, and I can kinda agree with that to an extent. It's a little peculiar how you can unlock something w/i the Ability Tree, but because you've yet to discover a powerup in the overworld, you'll be unable to take advantage of what you've unlocked until you discover it. It's not a huge deal--especially since you can revert back to earlier auto-save points when selecting your file (nice option, btw!)--but just something that didn't feel completely intuitive (then again, I probably just fail @ reading comprehension teehee).

This really only applies to the two new Skills introduced in the Definitive Edition, Dash and Light Burst. I mentioned prior that it might have been a good idea within the upgrade tree to list the Skill associated with the Ability you're looking to unlock as a requirement. For instance, Air Dash "Requires Double Jump, Charge Flame Efficiency and Dash" -- just so the player knows you need the Dash Skill before Air Dash actually becomes usable.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
Played this game for first time this morning. I only meant to just check it out for 10 mins. I think next thing I knew an hour or so flew by. Entranced I truly was til I got stuck. I had just made it to
Spirit Tree. Ori's daddy? Think I made a little progress but got stuck. Need to watch a guide.

the Art and music is truly captivating. And man does it look majestic on ultrawide (sorry playing on PC because of the xbox game pass). I do own a Switch but not this game on it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This really only applies to the two new Skills introduced in the Definitive Edition, Dash and Light Burst. I mentioned prior that it might have been a good idea within the upgrade tree to list the Skill associated with the Ability you're looking to unlock as a requirement. For instance, Air Dash "Requires Double Jump, Charge Flame Efficiency and Dash" -- just so the player knows you need the Dash Skill before it actually becomes usable.
Oohhh... hehheh, yeah, those were the 2 abilities I had in mind when making that statement. I guess that explains it lol

EDIT: I just processed that Dash wasn't in the original release. Interesting... love its implementation. I'm used to Mega Man's or The Knight's wimpy little shuffle-dash. Ori moves like electricity in comparison--great ability that makes traversal a lot of fun!
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Oct 27, 2017
One of my favorite games of all time. I did a 100% run this summer so I think I need a short break before I'm jumping in again on Switch. Checked out the demo though and I can't believe they got it to run this well. Looks as amazing as ever and still 60fps.


Alt Account
Aug 10, 2019
Triple bought, Switch version runs great but it's by far the buggiest one. I've run into numerous glitches, none game breaking and all visual and pop in, which is only glaringly noticeable as the game is so polished otherwise. Still, it's just amazing having this on a portable.

Wisps on Feb 11th, TLoU 2 on the 20th. Going to be a great month next year.


Oct 29, 2017
I loved the ginzo tree section myself outside of one single section, which really isnt the hardest in it by any means but it disrupts the flow of the run. Outside of this part you dont ever stop for a second, here you have to wait for a 1-2 second to time :P

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Oohhh... hehheh, yeah, those were the 2 abilities I had in mind when making that statement. I guess that explains it lol

EDIT: I just processed that Dash wasn't in the original release. Interesting... love its implementation. I'm used to Mega Man's or The Knight's wimpy little shuffle-dash. Ori moves like electricity in comparison--great ability that makes traversal a lot of fun!

Yeah they're actually pretty powerful. The Dash helps in a lot of sections where speed is critical and the Light Burst allows you to do some tricky things with Bash that circumvent the need for the Triple Jump in some places.


Game Director at Moon Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Vienna / Austria
I also want to mention the combat: general consensus amongst players is that this aspect is the "weak link" of the game. While I can understand that criticism, I wouldn't say it's an actual area that the game falters at; it's just not the focus. Maybe my expectations were just lowered because it's such a common complaint (I half-expected to be just spamming the attack button the whole game heh), but I'm enjoying the enemy encounters.
Personally, I'm having a blast redirecting enemy fire back to its source, spewing my little Light Flares as I dash from one platform to the next, and cannon-balling onto other enemies
. Again, it's not exactly as technical as something like HK's enemy encounters, but it compliments the game very well. Many of the powerups you receive primarily enhance your ability to navigate the world (which makes retreading old ground a breeze); what's neat is the unexpected boon you may receive in combating foes.
So yeah, even though Ori is a Metroid-like title w/ its emphasis on platforming, the combat doesn't come across as an afterthought.

I think I'm part of the problem why everyone calls out the combat as 'weak'... mea culpa. When we did the first interviews for Will of the Wisps, I made it clear that we made the combat system a LOT deeper this time around, since Blind Forests focus was very much on the platforming and not necessarily on the combat, which is why you're often better served to use your platforming abilities like Bash against enemies instead of just trying to evade and hit them with the Spirit Flame. That's why many enemy encounters are near spikes, etc., so that the player is actively encouraged to use the environment to his advantage, by bashing enemies into spikes instead of just dealing with them through brute force. Similarly, it's often advised to redirect projectiles back at enemies instead of using the Spirit Flame, etc. The idea with Blind Forest was to just always keep the player moving, always jumping around, like a little Spirit Ninja :)

For Will of the Wisps, we just decided to give the player way more options. You can still use your platforming abilities to deal with enemies, but in the sequel you have a much wider repertoire of skills to deal with enemies. So yeah, while I'm also not super comfortable with just calling Blind Forests combat 'weak', it probably wasn't what typical Metroidvania players expected. A lot of people come into the game expecting the same gameplay they know from Castlevania, etc. - which they got with Hollow Knight. For Blind Forest, we tried something different and some players adapted to that while others didn't. Btw, this is also why we added the Light Burst and Dash/Charge Dash into the Definitive Edition, so that players get even more variety for dealing with enemy encounters.


Oct 25, 2017
It was ridiculous how many times I died on that bullshit.

Can anyone make a game anymore without it being the dark souls of one genre or another?

It's certainly one of the most divisive elements of the game. You do have the option to drop down the difficulty for those sequences to add checkpoints if you prefer not to be required to do it in a single run.

Mana Latte

Jul 6, 2019
Pretty sure my save is bugged. Made it to Thornbelt Swamp where you push the rock toward the save room with the 3 spinning death pillars and the rock is stuck and I can't progress


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
You definitely don't have to. But it should be noted that I only signed in once, and have remained signed in. I've open and closed the game several times to test it, and I have remained signed in each time I start the game.

Works just like (new) MineCraft for Switch.
Sign in once, and you're all set to start earning achievements and enjoy any other benefits for that that come with the XBL integration. (Cross-save? Cross-play? Cross-purchases? Not sure. Don't play MC).


Nov 6, 2017
Will of the Wisps will be much more ambitious, so it will not be able to run on Switch at a later time right? Or is it still the same engine? I am still stunned this game runs and looks as good as it does on Switch, great work!


Oct 25, 2017
Will of the Wisps will be much more ambitious, so it will not be able to run on Switch at a later time right? Or is it still the same engine? I am still stunned this game runs and looks as good as it does on Switch, great work!

It's still the same tech driving Will of the Wisps but it's pushing a lot more with things like the change to 3D models instead of pre-rendered sprites.

No one but Moon knows if it could run on Switch, but they're pretty adamant that it's 60fps or bust for their games so you imagine it would have to hit that target for a port to happen.