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Oct 27, 2017
I think it is. Two sides of the same coin. She was addicted to adoration and massacred people when they continually rebuffed her. Freeing slaves wasn't her goal. That was just a consequence of her campaign to regain the Irone Throne. Remember how quickly she abandoned the cities she conquered / freed in Essos only for them to be reclaimed by their previous masters?

She could have chosen to have ruled them well but ultimately she's a conqueror driven by her own insatiable and entitled need to be on top. She's not the breaker of chains. She's the one that binds Westeros in figurative chains of fear and tyranny.
Freeing slaves absolutely 100% is her goal. It's even stated in this episode (though with some added D&D stupid that follows). She didn't abandon the cities as much as she was just too inexperienced to understand that they wouldn't be able to organize enough or have the expertise/power to oppose the slave masters. It wasn't until Meereen that she understood that she'd need to stay (partly to make certain the changes stick, partly to learn some tricks of the trade before going ahead and ruling Westeros).


Oct 25, 2017
Dany: I'm gonna kill Cersei

Book!Tyrion: Um bitch I think the fuck not, I'm gonna kill Cersei.

Show!Tyrion, wringing his hands: oh nooooooo but you seee she's a good person deep down because she's a motherrrrrrr

I saw a great post on reddit (shockingly) about how this show has a terrible Madonna-Whore complex, which. Yeah.
Sep 28, 2018
Only 1 week left of ever speculating about Game of Thrones' ending. I'll start.

How is the first scene of Episode 6 NOT Dany busting in the throne room and having a good sit? Cersei is dead and the battle has ended. She has the IT she's wanted so badly. However, her first time reaching for it is when she dies. (?) Which we have several scenes before that. Tyrion's arrest/resignation as Hand, Jon talking to Tyrion in prison, and Dany giving her victory speech.


Alt Account
Dec 4, 2018
Dany avatars are the new Sanic avatars.

Becoming mad was her destiny. It was just idiotically rushed in the show. Also Tryion sucks at acting. He's got such a mush mouth.

Hound fight scene was Bollywood CGI tier. Infact the whole episode was missing 40% of its CGI budget.

I want the night queen ending to be real. Where Jon goes and sees her in the North every so often until his death.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
I've been lucky enough until now to not have gotten into a show where by the end i disliked everything had turned into. It helps that I would only ever start watching a show that finished airing, so I knew whether the quality remained based on reviews.

But here I am with Game of Thrones feeling completely let down and upset with how everything has turned out. I've always been one to accept the director's vision instead of my own head canon, so what happens in this final season isn't the problem - it's the fact that none of this was earned or developed properly. Everything has been pure spectacle with no substance. Visual porn for the dumb. I hate it all.

Now I wish I didn't pick up Game of Thrones again three years ago after having left off after season 3. Seems like much better times.
I had to quit after second season despite loving the show, long story.

I was this close of jumping in again after Endgame, but since I had just marathoned all the MCU films I decided to rest a bit on that and start from the beginning after it ended.

This might be the first time that I got spoiled by the internet and didn't end up mad, but relieved. At least now I'm good with having to drop the show and kinda happy I won't have to marathon it to get to the end.

So I guess... Thanks X-Men Origins: Wolverine guys? Now please let this backfire so bad that they stay the fuck away of my Star Wars.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Well at least we can blame George for this mess because it's clear as day that after all the book material was done the show went downhill, hard. Like holy shit what a spectacular failure. We can pretend the last four seasons never happened lol


Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
Well at least we can blame George for this mess because it's clear as day that after all the book material was done the show went downhill, hard. Like holy shit what a spectacular failure. We can pretend the last four seasons never happened lol
I like the last four seasons way more than 1-4. The action is top notch. Some of the best moments on tv ever created.


Oct 27, 2017
Well at least we can blame George for this mess because it's clear as day that after all the book material was done the show went downhill, hard. Like holy shit what a spectacular failure. We can pretend the last four seasons never happened lol

The frustrating thing is there have been plenty of great moments/episodes/instances of good writing in the last 4 seasons.

Shit really went downhill in the last 2 seasons IMO primarily because of the Star Wars deal. D&D got that deal and basically told the show to fuck off but were too proud to let someone else take over.


The Fallen
Sep 26, 2018
I'm sorry, I don't buy the whole Daenerys going mad angle. Every decision she's made on the show was a decisions that is analogous to one another "sane" character made, or a decision that they would have made.

Essentially they decide "oh no, she's actually crazy" at the beginning of the episode.


Oct 27, 2017
I like how the Golden Company was absolutely useless lol. Like what was even the point of introducing them when they don't even get a single fighting scene and all they do is staring outside of the walls?


Oct 25, 2017
Since it seems leaks are 100% real, I wonder how will Drogon take Jon gutting Dany.
"Whatever bro" and just flies away?

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
I imagine that, when all the dust is settled, this season will result in a lot of think pieces on what makes a good story.

Fans can argue all day long about whether the character arcs make sense or whether certain actions were foreshadowed, but that isn't sufficient to determine the quality of a story. A good story, that captivates your mind and resonates with you emotionally, is more than a series of logically coherent sentences.
Game of Thrones has shown that, if you can't at least have a series of logically coherent sentences, none of the other stuff really matters.


Oct 26, 2017
do we know where the leaks came from?
pretty insane, there was not a single surprise in this episode


Jul 24, 2018
After thinking about it some more I'm 100 percent convinced this all happens in the book, only Cersei may already be dead before it happens. But Dany going mad and committing genocide is what GRRM is building her up to.


Oct 28, 2017
On people saying this was always Dany's destiny, her character was about trying not to be her father, sure with that storyline they are of course going to dangle "will she or won't she" elements on you but her character wasn't at a point where it was believable that she would.


Feb 6, 2019
Planet Earth
so ,fucking Bran as the king is 100% real



Jul 24, 2018
On people saying this was always Dany's destiny, her character was about trying not to be her father, sure with that storyline they are of course going to dangle "will she or won't she" elements on you but her character wasn't at a point where it was believable that she would.

The books highlight her struggle way better. The POV chapters show someone who's basically constantly at odds with her own psyche.


Oct 31, 2017
It looked like 3 fucking dothrakis survived that completely dumb charge

Well, not many where shot surviving, but you actually saw quite a lot in the final moments of the battle, and both Jorah and Ghost surviving were a pretty good indicator that while the charge was a disaster, a decent number managed to get away. Also, it's likely that Dany left some in Dragonstone and with the fleet.

I don't want to end up defending the show more than it deserves, but something something seems dumb because the question itself is seeded with dumbness.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry, I don't buy the whole Daenerys going mad angle. Every decision she's made on the show was a decisions that is analogous to one another "sane" character made, or a decision that they would have made.

Essentially they decide "oh no, she's actually crazy" at the beginning of the episode.
The problem is that D&D wanted to end it the same way as the books despite the show being radically different at this point. This led to them doing stuff like making Dany mad despite the show not properly setting it up until the last episode, thus making it feel forced.

Then they made it even worse in he "Inside the episode" segment. Like jesus guys just



Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Jorah survived, Ghost survived. Probably a good half of the Dothraki survived.

This thread is embarassing.
The previous episodes showed only a handful of them remaining. D&D even called the moment the swords were extinguished effectively "the end of the Dothraki".

For them to suddenly multiply by several thousand in this episode makes no sense whatsoever, and shows that D&D don't know what the fuck they want.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Arya usurping Jon's arc and one-shotting the Night King

Jaime 180'ing and going back to Cersei, and dying under a falling rock.

Bran being democratically elected as King.

Good lord, I know D&D want this to be over so they can do Star Wars, but not like this guys, please.

HBO should have sacked these guys and just gone for the original 10 seasons, 10 eps a season for the last push.

I really hope the "Dany becomes the Ice Queen" rumours are true, just fully shit on it at this point.


Oct 28, 2017
The problem is that D&D wanted to end it the same way as the books despite the show being radically different at this point. This led to them doing stuff like making Dany mad despite the show not properly setting it up until the last episode, thus making it feel forced.

Then they made it even worse in he "Inside the episode" segment. Like jesus guys just

I don't think they even know how the books will end, those elements are in the books so they probably assumed this is how it would end


Jul 24, 2018
So Ending 2 with Tyrion's Trial is pretty much confirmed to be fake at this point

Seems really obvious to me that Tyrion will get in deep shit with Dany but Jon kills her before she actually executes him.

They've already turned the entire audience against her, killing Tyrion on top of all this would be pointlessly cruel. They'll make us think she's about to kill him and then Jon saves the day.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
Seems really obvious to me that Tyrion will get in deep shit with Dany but Jon kills her before she actually executes him.

They've already turned the entire audience against her, killing Tyrion on top of all this would be pointlessly cruel. They'll make us think she's about to kill him and then Jon saves the day.
Ending 1 with the Council is all but confirmed
Oct 26, 2017
Dany becoming the mad queen is the least suprising thing ever.

The steps towards that was rushed though.

What would you say the steps towards that were?

Dany's probably the only character in the show that's always done her best to seek a better ending for everybody e.g. She spared literally slavers because she saw the systemic issue of being born into the position, Arya on the other hand butchered the Frey's when they sins were they were born into the family and Rob fucked them all over. If anything Dany's mistakes were that she didn't just murder all of her rivals people. The worst she did was murder turncloaks who did utterly horrible shit to her when she was always loyal to them, which is less terrible than the shit Ned pulled in the first episode where he murdered someone for being terrified and warning them of white walkers because he blindly followed law.

Also I'm not buying anybody trying to say this is a nuanced show with no good and bad sides. The only greyish characters were Melisandri who's blood magic feel failed during her most powerful sacrifice then came back as a level 20 cleric with no need for sacrifice, Stanis because he tried to end battles with the fewest casualties through nefarious means who died to a legit evil person, then the High Sparrow who legitimately fought for the small folk and against the corruption of power/money at the cost of radical religious authoritarian rule who also died to a legit evil person who gave him power in the first place.

There's blatant good and bad in the show. The conclusion then needed to resolve conflicts of interest between good characters so they had the person who's done the most good turn evil because she saw a building. When the writers suggest there's no build up to this and it's just random as fuck maybe don't support their shitty decisions.

Also a reminder that Bran could have saved all the lives at Winterfell given he knew it just required him and Ayra plus all the civilian lives at King's landing. He just seemed to want to go with what got him the throne...


Oct 31, 2017
In the battle they allude to the Dothraki basically being wiped out and in the funeral you see a few scattered about. The way the scenes were shot made it look like they suddenly had another massive army of Dothraki.

Having 1000 dothraki left is fully compatible with it being the end of the dothraki. The entire khal Dany had reunited initially was tens of thousands strong.
Sep 28, 2018
Only watching now for King Bran. I wanted something truly outrageous this season like NK winning, Cersei winning, or a Jon/Dany happy ending . MQD ain't it, even if it wasn't rushed and built up properly. Not a surprise, tbh. The last big WTF is King Bran.
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