Would you buy a $499 next-gen system at launch?

  • Yes, price is irrelevant

    Votes: 664 18.2%
  • Yes, if the tech justifies it

    Votes: 1,328 36.5%
  • Yes, if the games justify it

    Votes: 1,161 31.9%
  • No, $499 is too high, I will wait for a price cut

    Votes: 795 21.8%
  • No, and it has nothing to do with price, I just don't want to buy a console at launch

    Votes: 431 11.8%
  • No, I am not yet sold on a next generation console

    Votes: 382 10.5%

  • Total voters


Nov 20, 2017
No. I bought the PS4 at launch and the first year was not particularly exciting. By the time games I wanted to play were out, there had been several price cuts or sales.

And honestly, I don't foresee myself buying any consoles in the coming years. I think there's plenty more for this generation to give.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. The tech I am looking forward is full PS4 b/c and how PSN accounts deal with both PS4 and PS5 as primary console.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely not.

But I'm not really in the market for PS5/Scarlett at launch regardless. I'll wait for a price drop and games I actually care about that I can't also play on PS4.

Xbox Live Mike

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I'll buy pretty much anything at any price from Nintendo,Sony or Xbox on day 1but the Tech has to justify the price and it has to have a clear purpose.
Oct 25, 2017
For improved BC on my entire and extensive digital library I will be there day one for PS5.

I will also be there day one for PSVR2.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, but it has to be worth it tech wise.

Having said that, I plan on trading in my Pro anyways, so I think I can knock off a good chunk of that price.


Oct 27, 2017
I normally wait a year for new tech to let them fix any bugs and manufacturing faults, but if the PS5 plays all my PS4 games (ideally in 4k), I think I'll bite.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
Nah. Next-gen will be the first where I just stick with PC.

Everything I want comes to the platform, even if on a year-delay, it's no biggie. Sony's lack of support for 1st-party JP-Exclusives and or JRPG's in general has me completely uninterested in their 1st party, not to mention the large shift to Western ideals and games. MicroSoft's stuff is coming to PC anyway. And Nintendo, eh... I'd say maybe they could be the one to get me to own a console, but we just got Octopath on PC so even if they're funding 3rd-party exclusives, it doesn't look like they'll stick.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I know this is an enthusiast forum but damn I didn't think people would be so willing to drop that amount of cash on a launch system these days.
Oct 31, 2017
I buy consoles for the games.
Will buy ps5 when GoW 2 or Horizon 2 drops
Scarlett...still waiting for the exclusive to make join xbox again but probably black friday 2022


Jun 6, 2019
I'd say yes to buying it but then again as people mentioned if the tech is good ENOUGH to justify it. I'm not too keen on breaking into next generation yet. Until I see what I want to see. Overall I'd probably just buy the Xbox One X if Xbox doesn't release the cheaper alternative to next generation or if Sony DOESN'T phase the PS4 Pro too soon.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
Depending on the games at launch, yes. I expect Sony to have enough games at launch this time to make me buy a PS5 on release. I did not buy a PS4 at launch but this time I'll do it with the PS5. Horizon 2 will for sure be ready by 2020 and I expect to see it at E3.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
I want them to be $499 actually. I think it will help the gen last longer and make the tech upgrade more meaningful. I think cross gen is going to be longer this time around so I think that's a good compromise
Ha, no...no, I absolutely wouldn't. That's an insane amount of cash, and I'd probably feel guilty that my money is not going to something more useful/less selfish.

I don't even buy games for full price anymore, especially with all the discount programs dying out.


Oct 31, 2018
Sydney, Australia
I'm a PC gamer, so no real need for an Xbox and a PS5 would only be for exclusives.
While price is a factor, the bigger incentive would be enough exclusive games to warrant the purchase to begin with.
May 1, 2018
A PS5, absolutely. Because I know the games will justify it and there are a ton on PS4 I still need to get to that will be BC with it. XBox whatever, no. MS has a whole hell of a lot to prove with exclusives before I'll buy another one of their consoles. And if E3 is any indication, it's going to be a couple more years before that happens.


Oct 27, 2017
Im planning on it unless there isn't a compelling reason to

With Xbox getting Halo and I'm assuming the PS5 will have something compelling to go with it (though history shows with Sony this would be new)


Apr 20, 2018
399 is day1
449 is probably
499, u will have to justify it, and its not even sure id pull trigger


Oct 25, 2017
depends if the ps4 is truly 100% backwards compatible with my digital ps4 games i will be there day 1 as i will sell my pro to use towards my ps5 if not i will wait a bit i didnt buy a ps4 till about 2 years in and i would do the same for the 5.


Oct 30, 2017
If the next PlayStation is BC with PS1-PS4 in some capacity, I'd pay $499 without hesitation.

I'm expecting a PS4 BC only console, which means I'll need to see a promising lineup before ponying up the cash.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like 399 for a PS4 Library I had to build from scratch was a much harder sell than 499 for a PS5 that i'll be able to play hundreds of games on day one


Alt Account
Apr 6, 2019
Never, will wait two years until Pro version. First two years of PS4 were unimpressive anyway.

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Only buying console revisions at this point, early console adoption has somehow managed to become even more trivial with official refreshes.


Oct 31, 2017
I don't know if I would buy at launch, but I would pay $499 for a PS5 that was backwards compatible with PS1, PS2, and PS3 games on disc.


Oct 27, 2017
If it is something I want then price is irrelevant. I mean I just spent $800 upgrading my PC, which will still end up out performing Next gen systems. But as of know we have no information other than the dick measuring contest going on about which one will have teh mozt powahz. Until I know what games it will have, I have no inclination on buying any.


Nov 27, 2017
If a game I want is out, I will. Price in that range is not really a big deal, per say. It's like saving up for a plane ticket for a mini vacation.

I mostly play fighting games now, but since there's probably won't be a fighting game at launch, might hold off

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Depending on when they launch yeah I'll get it. It also depends heavily on the launch line up. I'm sure Last of Us 2 is going to be great and all but I'm not here for that.

If it launched with

That leaked Harry Potter game
Some niche JRPG's
Horizon 2
Any game I find remotely interesting

Then yeah I'll be there day one. If not, maybe I'll wait.


Oct 25, 2017
I've decided to not buy any more consoles at launch moving forward. Besides the hige backlog, I rather wait for cheaper/quieter/slimmer revisions or a "Pro" "X" model later down the road.

I'm patient :)


Oct 26, 2017
Beautiful Chapel Hill, NC
Checking an inflation calculator shows that a $300 PlayStation in 1995 would cost $500 in 2018, and that's the price point that got applause for not being $400 ($667 adjusted for inflation) that the Saturn launched at. So, even if I'm not likely to pay $500 myself at launch, it seems likely that we're going to see that price point become pretty standard in the near future.

All that said, for the right From Software release, yes, I have $500 for a console at launch. For almost any other situation I'm waiting for at least a $100 price drop from whatever the launch price turns out to be.