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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
That's sexual assault and harrasment. She should be fired and be shunned from the industry.
Oct 27, 2017
Watch the video and then say that. I disagree wholeheartedly.

Luke was the one that asked if he kissed a girl. It was asked right after the contestant was talking about a perk of his job being getting cute girls to talk to him.

Guess I'm not sure how that matters. He clearly didn't want to be kissed on the lips and she did it anyway. It may not be the worst thing in the world but it's inappropriate regardless.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't help but put myself in his position and imagine myself at age thinking that it would be the most amazing thing to ever happen. Problem is, I'm not that kid.


Oct 26, 2017
The only reasonable position based on the article is this:

1. Katy Perry was wrong to do this, especially because he made it clear the kiss was unwanted, and because of the power dynamic in that situation.
2. An apology would be a reasonable expectation.
3. Reacting as if this is "nothing" conveys either a) a lack of understanding re: our need to respect people when it comes to their own bodies / acts they perceived as intimate, or b) that you're projecting your personal reaction to the situation onto this guy, which doesn't make sense.

Watching the video, he doesnt really make it clear it was unwanted. He says to her "can't kiss a girl if I haven't been in a relationship". To me it came across as him saying he just hasn't had the opportunity. Katy was still wrong to do it either way though.
Oct 25, 2017
I think she should apologize but not get fired even though all the judges should be fired for being abysmal.
Others here think she should suffer more severe consequences and that's fine but I'll leave it at that.


Dec 10, 2017
User has been warned for: being dismissive about the issues of unwanted contact
Man people have intense feelings about a kiss. I am sure the guy has been kissed on the mouth before. It's not like they made out. This whole romanticization of stuff is kinda silly. Do people actually give a shit about their first peck on the lips? Seems like hollywood, I certainly do not remember mine.


Oct 30, 2017
Literally not what this is about.

If I'm applying for a job, no matter how casual the interview, if the producer just fucking kisses me? That's a severe overstep.

This is a reality tv show/contest not an interview for employment. On top of that, she didn't just kiss him out of nowhere. What she did was a surprise but there was already some ridiculousness going on. It is all taped and is supposed to be entertaining (including drama, silliness, controversy, etc).

Get back to me when they have a show called "Mike's Interview for a Middle Management Job at ACME Offices".


Oct 25, 2017
Man people have intense feelings about a kiss. I am sure the guy has been kissed on the mouth before. It's not like they made out. This whole romanticization of stuff is kinda silly. Do people actually give a shit about their first peck on the lips? Seems like hollywood, I certainly do not remember mine.

He had not been kissed on the mouth before and he wanted to save it for his first relationship. This is uncommon in society at large but not really within very conservative religious circles.

When I was younger, I thought the same way.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope I live to see the day when reputable news sites stop writing stories about how outraged the Twitter twits are.

Oh good, it's difficult to tell here.

Also important:

"The kiss did result in his getting more screen time, which has helped draw attention to his music. "So in that way," he said, "I'm glad she did it because it's a great opportunity to get my music out."

He said he does not feel he was sexually harassed and is grateful to Ms. Perry for tweeting about him."
Oct 25, 2017
I'm having trouble telling which posters are genuinely upset, and which ones are here just to make a point about society/liberals/feminists having a double standard.

I really can't know anyone's intentions for sure, but with how many people have already popped in just to say something like "Imagine the outrage if the roles were reversed".....yeah I'm out.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
stupid thing to do. keep your body to yourself plz

also when you kiss a katy perry you kiss everyone else she ever kissed, thats science


Oct 25, 2017
This man has every right to his complaints and Katy Perry should lose her position on the show from this.

Unfortunately the more the man complains, the more society will label him. Really unfortunate when considering what this picture would look like if the roles were reversed.
I remember you from the other site. Didn't you vote for Trump? If so, that's an amusing double standard.


Oct 27, 2017
She should apologize, but its not severe enough to have her fired or anything like that.

Yeah, this level of "oops" is simple apology level, not fucken Weinstein we gotta put it in perspective. People are allowed mistakes and hopefully this adds to the #metoo zeitgeist of how double standards are treated and how we should react going forward.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude sounds like an idiot, Katy fucked up and overstepped bounds and should catch a bunch of shit for it, but nothing is gonna happen.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Man people have intense feelings about a kiss. I am sure the guy has been kissed on the mouth before. It's not like they made out. This whole romanticization of stuff is kinda silly. Do people actually give a shit about their first peck on the lips? Seems like hollywood, I certainly do not remember mine.
Were you hit on the head with a mallet after your first kiss? How can you not remember it?

Also, you're saying the kid is a liar?


Oct 25, 2017
Man people have intense feelings about a kiss. I am sure the guy has been kissed on the mouth before. It's not like they made out. This whole romanticization of stuff is kinda silly. Do people actually give a shit about their first peck on the lips? Seems like hollywood, I certainly do not remember mine.



Dec 10, 2017
He had not been kissed on the mouth before and he wanted to save it for his first relationship. This is uncommon in society at large but not really within very conservative religious circles.

When I was younger, I thought the same way.

I guess it's possible that no one had ever given him a peck on the lips but I'm skeptical. To me the probability that he had never been kissed is in the same ballpark as never been hugged or held hands.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess it's possible that no one had ever given him a peck on the lips but I'm skeptical. To me the probability that he had never been kissed is in the same ballpark as never been hugged or held hands.

I'm going to take a wild guess you didn't grow up in a conservative religious family, which he probably did. His claim isn't unusual at all to me.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I don't get how people still don't understand not touching or grabbing or kissing someone without consent, especially someone who seems at least a bit socially aware like her. A big step would be getting it out of our media, like people complain when I bring it up but in TLJ Rose, without consent, plants a kiss on Finn who up to that point has shown no romantic interest in her at all. It's played up like a touching moment, and that's a problem that people are still being told to see it that way. You see the same thing in a lot of movies and TV shows and it's never shown to be something wrong.

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
Watching the video, he doesnt really make it clear it was unwanted. He says to her "can't kiss a girl if I haven't been in a relationship". To me it came across as him saying he just hasn't had the opportunity. Katy was still wrong to do it either way though.
You may be right - i was going by the article and now that i read it again I could imagine her interpreting him the way you said. When i read that he pointed to his cheek and said "on the cheek?" I interpreted that as him conveying again that he didn't want a kiss on the lips.

That said, I still think the reasonable expectation is that she apologize and that she ask for permission in any future similar scenario where it's unclear. Anything beyond that feels unreasonable.


Dec 10, 2017
Were you hit on the head with a mallet after your first kiss? How can you not remember it?

Also, you're saying the kid is a liar?

I am saying he may be exaggerating a little. I certainly remember the first time I made out with a girl. The first time a girl kissed me, no chance. When I was a kid guys did rough and tumble things and hanging out with the girls was like playing house and weird shit like that, it was all just a ploy so the girl would try and kiss you. I thought nothing of it.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Not cool, she should probably apologize. I know the show is supposed to be fun, but there should still be a minimal amount of professionalism. How big of a deal it is is really up to him though.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Katy Perry fucked up. this is probably the last thing she expected.
He had a laundry list of reasons why he didn't want this to happen to him, while I'm guessing most would either be ok with it or would be upset but let it slide quietly.
At the end of the day she was "playing her character" and it backfired on her.
She should definitely apologize.

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
I am saying he may be exaggerating a little. I certainly remember the first time I made out with a girl. The first time a girl kissed me, no chance. When I was a kid guys did rough and tumble things and hanging out with the girls was like playing house and weird shit like that, it was all just a ploy so the girl would try and kiss you. I thought nothing of it.
Consider that everyone didnt grow up with your experience. I grew up in the same situation as that kid. It's not outlandish to take him at his word.


Oct 26, 2017
Katy Perry fucked up. this is probably the last thing she expected.
He had a laundry list of reasons why he didn't want this to happen to him, while I'm guessing most would either be ok with it or would be upset but let it slide quietly.
At the end of the day she was "playing her character" and it backfired on her.
She should definitely apologize.

This is my take.

Apologize to the kid, make a light hearted joke, and stop trying to kiss 19 y/os.


Dec 10, 2017
Consider that everyone didnt grow up with your experience. I grew up in the same situation as that kid. It's not outlandish to take him at his word.

I'm not going so far as to call him a liar. I am saying the probability seems unlikely to me. I personally don't see any issue here. I can't see any loss or damage inflicted. If he was uncomfortable than she should probably make a private apology to him.


Oct 25, 2017
In this day and age I would think most people would consider it insane unless you're super conservative (which I also think are nearing a level of insanity in relation to what is and isn't allowed). We aren't puritans right? Kissing doesn't mean losing your virginity unless something's changed in recent years.
calling it insane is insulting, not everyone has to or wants to adhere to hookup culture, etc. If this guy wants to live his life on "puritan" rules, that's fine, it's not doing anybody any harm. There is literally no reason to shame someone for doing this.

fwiw i dont share his beliefs on the subject either


Oct 25, 2017

Holy shit! That's the dude from the other vid! Yay??
God it still looks awkward.

Dude sounds like an idiot, Katy fucked up and overstepped bounds and should catch a bunch of shit for it, but nothing is gonna happen.

Yeah I'm having trouble taking sides.
Sure more uproar in here than when the reverse DOES happen (the "it's just a kiss" comment would still happen no matter).

Anyways yes double standard, yes Katy did bad, yes that kid has some weird views about kissing, but I do think this is a weird situation to completely throw the book at --- no one was seriously emotionally damaged and this presents as an otherwise relatively harmless learning opportunity (by comparison to other scandals of this nature) and just move along, this is far from the biggest hill to die on given serious sexual assault happens way less on the surface level.

It shouldn't have happened, but it did, it sucks, and I hope there's some exchange of apologies -- I also really doubt Katy's gonna ask for this kid to come back to her trailer.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I guess it's possible that no one had ever given him a peck on the lips but I'm skeptical. To me the probability that he had never been kissed is in the same ballpark as never been hugged or held hands.

Theres people here on this site who are adults and haven't been kissed. Trust me. Its a very real thing.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I would love a kiss from Katy Perry.

But the fact is this dude did not want it. Perry is pretty cool, I'm sure she'll address it and apologize and not rush into kissing people randomly in the future.

Dude is from my hometown, BTW. Weird seeing it in an article, that town blows.


Dec 18, 2017
Aw, that's kinda sweet that that guy was saving his first kiss for someone special. Weird, but sweet.

Katy messed up here. I'm not going to be any more offended/outraged than the guy, though. She shouldn't have done that.


Oct 25, 2017
The dude's entitled to feel how he feels about it - based on the video it was a gag peck, but I can see how a person would feel pressured to play along.

If it's any consolation I'd say if tongues aren't involved it doesn't really count as your first kiss.


Oct 26, 2017
This is a very tough thing for me. It's the same conflict I have with the teacher/student relationship topic. I know that if it were me, I'd be over the moon excited that I just got to kiss her. Same as if I was able to get with an attractive teacher as a student. But just because I personally would have loved it, doesn't mean it isn't wrong. He didn't ask for it and she had no right to spring it on him. My first instinct looking at this is for me to say "Lucky bastard", but I know that if I had seen a male judge do that to a female contestant I would have immediately felt it was wrong and inappropriate. This is a problem with how I look at things, and it's something I'm getting better at recognizing as time goes on. Regardless of the gender, unwanted or illegal physical contact is not okay.
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