Oct 25, 2017
Wow, YouTube is at it again trying to bury this video just like they did to the original. Absolutely disgusting.

Fuck YouTube. It will never be deleted forever.

Mate, there's a reason why they are deleting it. I guess everyone grieves in their own way but it's incredibly distasteful to have complete strangers on the internet watching what essentially boils down to a suicide note. I realize it seems weird when it's addressed (presumably, I haven't watched it nor do I intend to) to his fans but I personally consider it way too private to be available for public consumption like that. But that's just me, I guess.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Wow, YouTube is at it again trying to bury this video just like they did to the original. Absolutely disgusting.

Fuck YouTube. It will never be deleted forever.

I think this is a trickier subject than you are making it.

Suicide is contagious so it's normal to delete these type of videos.

He also sort of talks about how people can learn from him, almost like a martyr...

So a suicidal martyr? Yes, we can learn from this. But do we really need people potentially suicidal watching this video? Is it really correct to leave it up?
It's like 13 reasons why. As much as they tried to push suicide as something you shouldnt do, people did it anyways.


Oct 26, 2017
Also keep in mind, the negative reaction from Etika in that other topic was partly because he was spouting racist/homophobic slurs. Of course, people would not give him the benefit of the doubt. (And before you try to go through my posts, odds are, I was one of people too)

You mean of course people repeatedly ignored everyone who is more familiar than they are with mental illness telling them that his behavior was an example of mental illness? Because, sure. That happened.

And now is a really good time for those people to reevaluate their own ignorance, the possibly very hateful and hurtful things they said about Etika and people who might be going through similar things, and challenge their own perspective. It's definitely true that some bad actors are trying to target Era over this, but that doesn't mean posters who showed their asses should take that as a free pass to avoid introspection. It's possible to be on the right side in several cases and wrong in others and vice versa.

A whole lot of people have been wrong about this topic and trying to hide behind the other instances where they're right doesn't fix it.


Neo•Geo Saver
Oct 27, 2017

I stopped following ReviewTechUSA awhile ago, but these are the words that everyone needs to hear. Respect to Rich for putting them out there.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017

I think you misinterpreted my point. What's done is done; calling everyone out for trying to change for the better, just because we didn't do it before, isn't productive. Yes that makes wrong in the past. But that doesn't mean we want things to stay the same either. At least, that's how I feel anyway.

Also keep in mind, the negative reaction from Etika in that other topic was partly because he was spouting racist/homophobic slurs. Of course, people would not give him the benefit of the doubt. (And before you try to go through my posts, odds are, I was one of people too)

There's no point in justifying the shameless cruelty that was present in that thread. "Of course people would not give him the benefit of the doubt" speaks to how poorly understood mental illness is here, and it's a mindset we should 100% abandon.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
People had valid reasons to be skeptical of Etika and be frustrated with him. Look at the things he was saying. This situation isn't as simple as some are making it to be, these words are hurtful.





It's tragic that this man who built up this channel and a lot of fans died in this manner as he didn't deserve to go out like this. However these words were definitely harmful and some people's frustrations were warranted I feel.

Even without the hindsight of his death, a black man praising the KKK and wishing for the death of all black people seems like a huge red flag and cry for help in and of itself.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I looked up some old streams and watched the Xenoblade 2 ending video. Some great moments, especially that certain reveal. RIP


L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Then where were these people during this topic that cause the OP to leave this site for awhile?

Again, this "shame on Era" movement is not in good faith.

Also keep in mind, the negative reaction from Etika in that other topic was partly because he was spouting racist/homophobic slurs. Of course, people would not give him the benefit of the doubt. (And before you try to go through my posts, odds are, I was one of people too)
Issues like this is why I keep speaking of balancing acts. In the early days, ResetEra was brigaded by Neo-Nazis and similar trying to sneak by. There are definitely people sneaking in even now to slip in jabs during topics like this with no intention of actually using the forum afterward.

We can't ignore that people like that are here, of course. But the fact that they're here with disingenuous criticism also doesn't make all criticism disingenuous. We need to be open to recognize our flaws and we need to take some pains to be aware of context or to know when we don't have it.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
You know, I could offer some examples, but that would be calling out.
You clearly did not read the post you're responding to. Note, I did not say that there would be 100% crossover, and no, that was not an advocation to witch hunt to come up with some arbitrary percentage.

Why are treating it like its mutually exclusive? ResetEra being a safe space for minorities doesn't give those same people carte blanche not to treat people who are suffering from mental illness with human decency.
i'm speaking from the perspective of the marginalized and their reaction to seeing vitriolic posts on social media.

also emphatically disagree with your assertion that Desmond "could've" gone for help, considering his mental illness has altered his judgment to the point where he could not properly get the help he needed on his own + there was nobody around to give him the proper treatment he needed either (his stays at the mental health clinics were pretty much a catch and release)
I am in no way saying that he didn't try to go for help. Just that the issue wasn't treated properly. Like you said, he was released from a mental health clinic WAY too fast.


Jul 6, 2018
Sydney, Australia
RIP Etika aka Desmond and condolences to his family and friends.

As for the broader context - I try to make a point never to join social media pile-ons when someone says or does something bad. You just never know what's going on in someone else's head, and what a million condemnations can do to someone's mindset.


Oct 25, 2017
and he isn't wrong. and evilore has the balls saying we bullied etika, he shouldn't talk either that piece of shit
But he's not wrong, we did bully him and it was disgusting, another voice stamped out on the most ""liberal"" forum on the internet.

I can't imagine a world where I mock a depressed person who's clearly crying out in an episode of some sort but I'm also not a cowardly piece of dog shit who would do so for forum clout or to appear the "wokest". I'm not sure what to make of this situation other than that this place really needs to re-evaluate how they judge issues related to mental health because as it stands now ResetERA is 100% not a safe place to discuss it.
Regarding the previous topic on this incident

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Oct 25, 2017
Issues like this is why I keep speaking of balancing acts. In the early days, ResetEra was brigaded by Neo-Nazis and similar trying to sneak by. There are definitely people sneaking in even now to slip in jabs during topics like this with no intention of actually using the forum afterward.

We can't ignore that people like that are here, of course. But the fact that they're here with disingenuous criticism also doesn't make all criticism disingenuous. We need to be open to recognize our flaws and we need to take some pains to be aware of context or to know when we don't have it.
I doubt anyone including the staff disagrees with this, to be fair.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
i'm speaking from the perspective of the marginalized and their reaction to seeing vitriolic posts on social media.

That's something we share in common, then. But I think there's a healthy middleground between "ResetEra is garbage dumpster fire" and "ResetEra is completely fine the way it currently is." We don't need to address disingenuous trolls, but we shouldn't lump legitimate concerns in with them either.

I am in no way saying that he didn't try to go for help. Just that the issue wasn't treated properly. Like you said, he was released from a mental health clinic WAY too fast.

Oh. Glad we're on the same page.


Oct 25, 2017
Shame it had to end like this, he deserved to be surrounded by better people wiling to help him, not internet users. Condolences to his mother.


Oct 30, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Thank you.


Oct 27, 2017
If we take just one thing away from losing Etika, it should be this...let love be the driving force in all you do, every aspect of your life. Your words and your actions have consequences, in your life among your family, friends and world community, or online, behind a computer screen and anonymous, we need to show more love and empathy, all of us, to our fellow humans. I think that is what Etika wanted people to realize when he posted his final video. So next time you get all cozy behind your computer monitor, take a second to remember that you are talking to a real person with blood in their veins, a person you have no idea what they may be going through in their life.

It's like your mother used to say, "don't have something nice to say? keep your mouth shut" and "treat others how you would like to be treated"

Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Thank you.


Oct 26, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Genuinely appreciate this. Thank you.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
I feel like further punishing users for the way the moderation team handled the situation is a strange move. Hopefully the review of how the staff and mods here handled this situation goes far beyond this


May 31, 2018
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Good call, thank you for this.


Oct 11, 2018
You mean of course people repeatedly ignored everyone who is more familiar than they are with mental illness telling them that his behavior was an example of mental illness? Because, sure. That happened.

That's great, but how is anyone here supposed to know who is far more familiar with certain issues than anyone else?

Honestly I don't think now is the right time for people to go on witch hunts calling other people out. In the same way people are saying the problem with the culture here and all over the internet is people dunking on each other that's exactly how a lot of these posts are coming across whether or not that's the intention.

Edit: glad to see the mods are re-reviewing the original thread.


Oct 26, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Thanks for doing that.

Would it also be possible to create a seperate discussion where the meta actions can be discussed so that this thread can serve it's primary purpose of mourning the tragic death of a person?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Thank you for looking into this.
Nov 13, 2017
If we take just one thing away from losing Etika, it should be this...let love be the driving force in all you do, every aspect of your life. Your words and your actions have consequences, in your life among your family, friends and world community, or online, behind a computer screen and anonymous, we need to show more love and empathy, all of us, to our fellow humans. I think that is what Etika wanted people to realize when he posted his final video. So next time you get all cozy behind your computer monitor, take a second to remember that you are talking to a real person with blood in their veins, a person you have no idea what they may be going through in their life.

It's like your mother used to say, "don't have something nice to say? keep your mouth shut" and "treat others how you would like to be treated"

I love this! Well said, thank you for sharing this perspective.


Oct 28, 2017
There's no point beating a dead horse and I'm not going to call anyone out but I'll just say this whole situation was handled terribly, that goes for some of the members of this site, some of the moderators, and especially to most of Etika's fanbase

I was always shocked by how many people quickly dismiss the whole thing as a hoax when the signs for so clear, none of his actions during his mental breakdowns were benefiting him, people were watching a man destroy himself and then applauded while he sunk deeper

I almost took my life years ago but I won't act like I know what Etika was going through, depression and mental illnesses hit people in different ways but I'll just say this there is always a brighter tomorrow


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Thank you.

Scarlet Spider

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Thank you for this.

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Nice one.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Fuck yes

Definitely appreciated

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Thank you. As always, I hope that we can successfully continue to improve this site and its community going forward.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.
Hi. Thank you. For what it's worth as someone who's dealt with suicidal feelings for years this means a lot.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Thank you so much.


Nov 8, 2017
Bit disgusted with this forum to be honest. Just going through that old thread...

Yea. Think I'm done with this place. The moderation here is fucked.

Good job everyone.
Jun 17, 2019
But he's not wrong, we did bully him and it was disgusting, another voice stamped out on the most ""liberal"" forum on the internet.

I can't imagine a world where I mock a depressed person who's clearly crying out in an episode of some sort but I'm also not a cowardly piece of dog shit who would do so for forum clout or to appear the "wokest". I'm not sure what to make of this situation other than that this place really needs to re-evaluate how they judge issues related to mental health because as it stands now ResetERA is 100% not a safe place to discuss it.

I'm going to not try to politicize this issue any further than it needs to be, but there's no need to scare quote liberal there, this is a pretty inherent part of liberal online communities. There is a massive current in liberal culture to be as punitive to people as possible, and rehabilitation is generally not seen as a necessary principle, or it is a complete afterthought at the very least. This creates a big problem for those who are mentally ill, who often times of no fault of their own, act out in ways that aren't socially acceptable. Despite that, that understanding isn't afforded to them by current liberal orthodoxy. And before people accuse me of being a conservative or whatever, this is a criticism coming from the left of resetera generally speaking, not the right.


Oct 27, 2017
Official Staff Communication
As staff we should in fact have paid more attention to and done better with the initial thread, and that's something we've been agonizing over for days. We do usually moderate mental health topics much more vigilantly and that did not happen in this case. We regret that enormously and it's taken a personal toll on all of us.

We do not usually retroactively revisit old threads to issue a lot of bans, but this is an unprecedented situation and we feel it is both appropriate to correct a mistake and also the best way for the community to heal. We will be reviewing the thread again. We have to balance what was known at the time with what is never appropriate, but the bans will not be short.

At the end of the day we are a small team of volunteers trying to keep up with a massive community as best we can. We are members as well and we feel the same things you do.

Thanks to all of you.
Really appreciate your work and feedback.

¡Hip Hop!

Nov 9, 2017
RIP man. I hope you found peace.

As for the board, I revisited the last thread and it is a shining beacon of some of the worst parts of this site.