After the demoshave actually been played, will you buy Anthem?

  • Yes

    Votes: 326 18.3%
  • No

    Votes: 873 49.0%
  • Not at launch, but will see about later on

    Votes: 582 32.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I think Bioware has quite a hill to climb with Anthem, but I don't really see Apex being much of a factor. They offer totally different gameplay types. The appeal is very different.

A little off-topic, but...
Does that matter though? Most gamers don't have the time nor the income to play 2 games at the same time. Would forza coming out on the same period of gears not do anything to its sales?


Oct 25, 2017
A little off-topic, but...
Does that matter though? Most gamers don't have the time nor the income to play 2 games at the same time. Would forza coming out on the same period of gears not do anything to its sales?

Of course it matters. Do "most gamers" want every game? Take the example you provided - There are plenty of folks who love gears-type shooters who don't give a shit about racing games and vice versa. Sure there's some overlap, but the success of one isn't necessarily going to have a noteworthy impact on the success of the other.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Damn, did not expect such a negative response.
Nov 2, 2017
I tried both the PS4 and PC demo. Flying is better on the console, but it's prettier on PC(duh). The slow walking in town and constant loading screens were a turn off. Is voice chat going to be the main way to communicate anything in this game because without it coordinating anything is a pain. When I ran the stronghold the part where you have to stand on the platform to charge a thing was a disaster. I was the only one do it in my group and nearly died. I kept jumping up and down to try to communicate to my team, but they just kept killing bugs. During that same run 2 of the people got dropped, so it was just me and another guy taking on the final boss. Not sure if that people couldn't get in because it was final boss is intended or not, but we killed it after like 15 minutes.

Overall, I'm interested in the game, but not enough for a day 1 purchase.
Jun 1, 2018
I just paid 99 cents for a 10 hour full game trial on feb 15th so when i like the game im gonna upgrade for 14 bucks to origin premiere und play it for a full month

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
I have EA Access on XB1 so I will definitely check out the full version for 10 hours and then make my choice. The demo was disappointing on the technical side but the potential is there.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
Yup. The game definitely needs some work. But my friends and I had enough fun playing. We'll all be in.


Oct 25, 2017
I will buy it cheap. I really enjoyed the gameplay but the game has far too many issues to even consider buying it any time soon at full price. Too many issues that need a lot of patches to fix including loading times and a lot of bugs such as a major one I got in the demo that didn't allow me pass level 12. It also feels like the game will have too little content and since anything meaningful will be free, I'd rather wait.
Jan 2, 2018
I was super hyped on this game going into the VIP Demo, but between that and the open demo I was completely turned off by the game. I spent 90% of my time looking at loading screens, navigating clunky menus, slowly walking around an odd tower hub, and trying to (re)connect rather than playing the actual game. What I did play was frustrating to say the least. Maybe within the first few months of launch if Bioware's made significant improvements I'll be motivated to give it a try, but for now my attention's shifted to Apex Legends and Division 2.

Bioware, y'all dun goofed with these "demos."

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
From the videos Ive seen it looks incredibly boring, I thought it would at least be looker but the E3 reveal seems to have been running on a PS5


Oct 29, 2017
Not sure what to vote for. Won't (and wouldn't) buy it, but I'll be there day 1 (or -7) on PC with Origin Access.

For 15 bucks I'll get a month of a shiny new looter shooter that has potential, even if launch will probably be less than perfect.

Down the line I might buy it, if their promises of non-paid post-launch support come true / prove substantial.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
I'll say that my hype is lower than it was after Alpha, but I currently have Origin Premier so I'll be there when it launches. My hope is that there's enough at endgame to keep me engaged until the next content drop, but I do worry about that based on what they've shown so far.


Oct 25, 2017
No, that demo stomped out any interest I had left. Maybe Ill check back in a year and see how things have evolved.


Oct 27, 2017

and i actually thought the demo was quite alright. performance issues sure but no doubt they'll be worked out, i really didn't have any major qualms. but it needed to make a case why i had to choose that over Division 2 and it was a hard nope. unless the D2 private beta is a spectacular dumpster fire tomorrow i can't see my opinion swaying.

i don't mean to make it all about Division but you can only commit yourself to one of these games at once unless you have no job or whatever


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
My expectations were super low to begin with and the trouble I had with the VIP demo days where I couldn't even play gave me a sour taste in my mouth. When I finally could play it, I just didn't have much fun. Maybe when it's on sale at some point, i'll consider giving it a shot.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. I need something to scratch the Destiny itch since I'm kind of over that at the moment and I have a hard time getting in to The Division's modern day setting and didn't really click with the first game. I fully expect it to have some issues at launch and have a lot of room to improve on, but I expect it to not be a crazy technical mess like the demo (though time will tell). Even with the issues, I had fun with the demo and spent way longer playing it than I intended.


Oct 27, 2017
It's great that they have a plan to support this game post launch with lots of new content, but it is becoming more-and-more apparent that it isn't worth jumping in on launch date but maybe the game will be in a good place later this year or next year.


Dec 11, 2018
No, not at launch. First the infinite loading screens then the demo crashes. I will wait for the inevitable price drop.


Nov 10, 2017
80% of voters won't buy it Day 1,that's certainly interesting.

If anything,history has showed us that these games certainly get good after months of patching and improvement and content release.

Personally,I certainly won't be buying it Day 1 and they'll have to convince me real hard to buy it later on

Wreck We Em

Oct 27, 2017
My plan is to pay for EA Access for a month to get the 10 Hour trial and to play it on the 15th.

As long as the game runs smoothly and there aren't server issues and the like, I'll be there day 1.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
nah, it just aint my bag

maybe sometime down the line, but im not feelin it right now


Oct 25, 2017
Even disregarding the technical issues, which shouldn't be ignored, it's just not a very fun game

The guns and action were competent, but nothing felt great.

the flight cool down overheat shit is one of the lamest versions of that mechanic I've seen.

the encounter design/enemy ai is about as boring and basic as a video game can have

The small bits of story were not good (characters, writing)

Destiny 1 got (rightfully) shat all over for 95% of the missions being "run to area, have your ghost scan a box, now defend this area during enemy waves" and that was every fight I did in the demos

Anthem went from a game I was curious about before and would wait for real impressions, to completely off my list and something I don't give a shit about at all.

I have origin premier through the end of the month but I probably won't spend any real amount of time with Anthem


Oct 25, 2017
That's a no for me. It just doesn't look great from everything I've seen and read. Seems like it needed more time in the oven.


Oct 25, 2017
No. Performance wasn't that bad to me on Pro, but the gunplay and special abilities were completely unremarkable and not even remotely fun enough to play over and over Ă  la Diablo etc


Oct 27, 2017
San Diego
I actually just tried to cancel my preorder on PSN to no avail. I should have known better, I just never would have expected the "demo" to be THAT broken. Here's hoping that they somehow manage to fix all the technical issues in the next....... 16 days #facepalm


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Oct 27, 2017
Combat turned me off, and its loop is similar to Destiny which turned me off.

But if the story ends up being bomb, I'll pick it up later.


Dec 21, 2017
Didn't even get to play the demo, but I'll wait and see what the reviews and community have to say. Truth be told, I'll probably wait for a sale because I have so much to play as it is.


Oct 28, 2017
Booted that thing up and was immediately put off by the FOV and movement in the town, went out into the world in the basic suit and REALLY hated the way movement and combat felt, closed it after 10 minutes and removed it from Origin. I'll give it a couple months and check in.

True Underdog

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I did not have as much time as I wanted with the open demo but I enjoyed what I played for the most part.

I'm interested enough to purchase it and see what it's all about but I'm on the fence between waiting for impressions once it's in the wild or just saying "fuck it we'll do it live" and buying it on day one.
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