
Oct 28, 2017
Felt good to read that his Australian tour was cancelled too. The guy is a joke.
Jan 10, 2018
It's $2mil debt according to the Guardian.

Emails show Yiannopoulos attempted to add more far right guests to the bill. In October, in an email with the subject line "Roger Stone really wants to join tour", Yiannopoulos tried to get the Infowars broadcaster and Trump adviser on the bill, commenting that "Mueller investigation won't have tightened the noose by December".
How wrong can you be...

Also, this part needs to be published on Literotica, because it definitly got me hard.
At one point, as he attempts to negotiate the transfer of more funds from the Spillers, Yiannopoulos remarks in a message that "I am less financially secure, more panicked and stressed, and more miserable than when we started", and then says he returned his wedding ring to Cartier to wipe out the debt he had with them.