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Oct 30, 2017
So, is there really no (planetary) map system in this game that is all about exploring and discovering things..? Or do I unlock that tech eventually?


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
If I had to guess, the locked date for the Xbox launch put them behind the 8 ball this time. There are some very ambitious technical improvements in this game, along with all the new features and overhauled systems, and just couldn't quite get it done and tested in time. The fact that they had to launch with lower-detail clouds and no tessellation kind of speaks to that.

On the upside, they've always done a good job of sorting these issues out and they are working really hard to do so.

Yeah, I mean I stay on it, don't get me wrong, the game is just too good, but it's just frustrating as hell, specially when the first patch breaks more serious stuff than it fixes....


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Wow, this whole base archive quest is completely fucked up broken and it makes me angry again.

Not only do I had to build a base in the system where it started and restart the game cause the emblem was in space, now, for the second part of the quest, the emblem is again in space, in a whole nother system! So I have to build a stupid trash base again. -.-

Come on Murray, get your shit together, Jesus Christ.

I love this game to death and no other game this gen had me sucked so deep into it for almost a week now, but the whole amount of huge, not small, huge and game breaking bugs is laughable. Have they even tested NEXT?

if anyone is having this problem:

there is something broken with this quest, i had to do the steps described there to finally interact with the computer...seriously mind boggling solution but it there are sure some aggravating bugs present

on a sidenote, the reward is a blueprint for the base container where you can store items!

the solution works, had the same shit happening


Oct 27, 2017
I think you would still have that same problem if you played on Normal. I'm pretty sure you aren't going to be finding uranium in any of the starting systems. It's rare and only available in other colour stars I believe. You craft Starship Launch fuel for your landing thrusters. The game's tutorial should have told you that. It actually does so once you run out I think? You craft it with ferrite dust and dihydrogen jelly. Dihydrogen and Ferrite are everywhere.

So, to reiterate: uranium isn't what you need to recharge your landing thrusters at the beginning of the game. Everything you can get from a planet resource-wise is listed on the popup the shows its name when you scan it from space. I think that list is also ordered by rarity of deposits with common on top and rare on the bottom. The purple "exotic" item is at the very top of that list and it'll require Hazmat Gauntlets to collect. You have to buy better hyperdrives to get to other colour stars that have rarer items.

You should still switch back to Normal as it is much less stressful and more people play on that mode then others. I switched back to normal after playing on Survival since that mode was introduced. Normal is so much more chill and it actually feels weird to be on planets where I don't need hazard protection (basicially every planet will be hot, cold, radioactive, or toxic on Survival). I was also so used to stockpiling stuff for life support and hazard protection that I have more than enough now.

What is the name of the type of planet it is?
its a thirsty planet lol


Oct 25, 2017
So should I be selling the bulk of resources I'm not actually using atm? I've started to get so many various ones that while they might be necessary later, they're taking up too much room right now. And I've got a few storage containers already built, I simply see this getting worse the more I play. There's so much to collect, not sure what I really should be saving for... whenever.


Oct 26, 2017
Must have fallen down a rabbit hole...



One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Omg finally figured out a reproduceable way to get the hyper forward momentum bowthrow.

If you are in a sliding state, say going down a steep decline, and perform the Melee jetpack bowthrow you wavedash into the super fast boost.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Just drop a base computer at the site of an abandonded building and claim it. Build a wall around one of the egg sites with enough space room for the aliens to spawn. Break on the eggs and that section and watch all of the aliens spawn inside trapped in the wall. Then just casually go and pick up all the other eggs.
Where does one acquire a base computer?
Oct 26, 2017
Well I am officially fucking sick to death of trying to find a base to reclaim my old base. Used about 25 navigation data things. Worst thing is my ship keeps tellin me it's found a suitable base location but doesn't fucking show it on the radar. I've been doing this for days.


Oct 25, 2017
So.... bolting in to space after agro-ing the sentinels doesn't get you off the hook anymore huh?

Yeah, it's best to actually run away on foot or dig yourself deep into a tunnel with the terrain manipulator and wait the 30s. If you've alerted the Sentinels and you go to space, there's no way to escape them apart from docking to a station or freighter, or going down to a planet, landing and running away/hiding on foot until they give up.
Apr 18, 2018
Got a 13m loot item from one of the ancients ruins with keys, had a load of keys in my inventory though so I've been somewhere else and not realised the chest was in the vicinity!

Also had a go at harvesting those whispering eggs and got 5 @ 95K each. Probably not worth it if those big finds are on most planets.

What I really need is more inventory space, anyway of doing that without buying a new ship?


Oct 27, 2017
I built a room in my freighter which opened up a hole in the wall which I fell through, out into space, and after wandering around for a bit on the outside of my ship the game killed me. My inventory is gone. I've seen a lot of bugs, mostly of the annoying type, but this might be enough for me to drop the game. I spent so fucking long grinding for those materials.

Edit: It was floating in space and I got most of it back. I think. I have more free slots open now than before, but who knows how sorting might have affected that. I think that's my first death in 147 hours of play. If I ever died before, I can't remember it.

Anyway. Be wary of holes in your freighter.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's best to actually run away on foot or dig yourself deep into a tunnel with the terrain manipulator and wait the 30s. If you've alerted the Sentinels and you go to space, there's no way to escape them apart from docking to a station or freighter, or going down to a planet, landing and running away/hiding on foot until they give up.
Does going into a building and waiting still work or do they follow you in now? Going by some impressions I thought that they were bugged and would never give up, glad to hear you can still get away from them.


Double Eleven
Oct 27, 2017
My progress so far....

Built a wee base. (By wee base i mean it's a 4x4 wooden shack with a roof, but my family love it).
Just acquired HyperDrive.
Still have dogshit craft.

What and where am i looking for these ancient ruins things?
I need to make some coin, help me Resetera, you're my only hope.
What should i be focusing my efforts onto now in the bigger scheme of things?


Oct 27, 2017
Does someone sell condensed carbon or warp fuel on a space station? I dont want to mine again...


Oct 25, 2017
Does going into a building and waiting still work or do they follow you in now? Going by some impressions I thought that they were bugged and would never give up, glad to hear you can still get away from them.

They followed me into a building the other day. Except they couldn't see me. They were flying into me and pushing me out of the way, but not seeing me lol. I just had to wait 30 seconds, then they got bored and flew out of the building.


Oct 28, 2017
Brittany, France
Are the materials needed to add slots to the exosuit in drop pods always the same or do they change ?

Had a bug with a main quest today at the point where I needed to travel to another system. I did that, explored a bit, and then the quest reset and asked me to craft antimatter, etc. again and to travel to another system again... a bit annoying.


Oct 27, 2017
Do mods like "take off requiring less fuel" still work? Because it's so tedious at 25% per launch.

I have one mod that for sure works, away from home at the moment but I can take a screenshot if it helps probably tomorrow.

I made a friend today.


Couple of other favourites from today:



Middle one is my favourite but all great Kyuuji you "playing-the-game" swine ;)

Does going into a building and waiting still work or do they follow you in now? Going by some impressions I thought that they were bugged and would never give up, glad to hear you can still get away from them.

I've lost both land based and space faring sentinals in structures since NEXT, though it seems one persons experience is no guarantee :)
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Had an interesting encounter last night. I'm flying through a system which is frankly shit (all the planets sucked and there were lots of instances of pirates). I'm in deep space, 30+ seconds of pulse jump from anything, when I get a message: hostile sub space scan. Shit. I'm still in the starter ship, there's no way I can fend off half a dozen pirates. I tried to bribe them, which I guess was insulting because they told me to prepare to die. I see ships start to warp in on my left. Shit shit shit. OK, fine.... maybe I can outrun them. So I just step on my pulse engines and act like I'm Vice Admiral Holdo, keeping just out of range of their fire. And then we hit the asteroid field. I really like how they've increased the density of asteroid fields as a general rule. But that shit is treacherous if you're running from space pirates. I'm not risking a head-on engagement though; let's do this. I jackknife between asteroids without laying off the afterburners, assuming at any minute I'm going to smash into one head-on and die. But lo and behold, it works! 30 seconds of intense asteroid dodging later, I get my ability to pulse jump back and I warp out of there like my hair was on fire. Jesus God.

Artemis finally got back in touch with me, and I ended up trading out for his/her busted-ass ship. Rather than repairing the extensive damage, I did enough to get myself airborne and then swapped it out for a ship with a couple fewer slots but no damage at my frigate. And I realized that another crashed ship I had claimed earlier but never repaired had mysteriously made its way to the frigate as well, so I sold that broken piece of shit for another, slightly improved, spacecraft. Suddenly I own two working spaceships. They're both hot garbage as far as upgrades go, and I'm not thrilled with their looks, but it's better than nothing.

I also got the Scanner-A upgrade for a new multitool, then found a Scanner-S upgrade and installed that too. Do the bonuses stack? If so, I'm on 14,000+% fauna scanning bonus.


Oct 25, 2017
So... Story progression question

I am on the "The Space Anomaly" primary mission now... I have been to that anomaly and talked to the NPCs a couple of time, including one full 2h cooldown cycle... Is this just a repeating quest for the rest of the game? Is that it?

I did get just now the Atlas Pass v1 blueprint so I guess that's good?

Also is the door behind Polo supposed to open?

I know it's kind of a freeform exploration game and that's basically the whole point but I do like it when there's some directions to follow lol.


Oct 27, 2017
My progress so far....

Built a wee base. (By wee base i mean it's a 4x4 wooden shack with a roof, but my family love it).
Just acquired HyperDrive.
Still have dogshit craft.

What and where am i looking for these ancient ruins things?
I need to make some coin, help me Resetera, you're my only hope.
What should i be focusing my efforts onto now in the bigger scheme of things?

I'll spoiler the below out of courtesy for others...

When you fine a "normal" pre NEXT "Ruin" you'll typically be asked if you want language help or a history lesson (paraphrasing here) selecting the second will point you to an ancient ruin. While using the visor you should see in the ground several "ancient cases" and a single "ancient chest" by digging with the terrain modifier you'll get keys from the former to open the latter, bingo! Now you have (if you're lucky) millions of units of rare goods. :)

Of course you can get lucky and come across them randomly, also I'm away from home and addled by heat, wine, toddler and newborn so most of those terms are likely incorrect but if you've half a wit you'll translate it fine :D


Oct 27, 2017
Is there anyways to move your life support and hazard protection from General to Tech?

Can't move modules or upgrades, dismantle and rebuild (or rebuy in the case of the latter), I'm afraid :(
Many is the time since launch I've bollocksed up a suit and needed to rebuild. I honestly wouldnt mind a unit (or nanite) cost to move modules around.

[edit] as Kadin reminded me that doesnt include the "key" modules the game automatically places
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Oct 25, 2017
Had an interesting encounter last night. I'm flying through a system which is frankly shit (all the planets sucked and there were lots of instances of pirates). I'm in deep space, 30+ seconds of pulse jump from anything, when I get a message: hostile sub space scan. Shit. I'm still in the starter ship, there's no way I can fend off half a dozen pirates. I tried to bribe them, which I guess was insulting because they told me to prepare to die. I see ships start to warp in on my left. Shit shit shit. OK, fine.... maybe I can outrun them. So I just step on my pulse engines and act like I'm Vice Admiral Holdo, keeping just out of range of their fire. And then we hit the asteroid field. I really like how they've increased the density of asteroid fields as a general rule. But that shit is treacherous if you're running from space pirates. I'm not risking a head-on engagement though; let's do this. I jackknife between asteroids without laying off the afterburners, assuming at any minute I'm going to smash into one head-on and die. But lo and behold, it works! 30 seconds of intense asteroid dodging later, I get my ability to pulse jump back and I warp out of there like my hair was on fire. Jesus God.

Artemis finally got back in touch with me, and I ended up trading out for his/her busted-ass ship. Rather than repairing the extensive damage, I did enough to get myself airborne and then swapped it out for a ship with a couple fewer slots but no damage at my frigate. And I realized that another crashed ship I had claimed earlier but never repaired had mysteriously made its way to the frigate as well, so I sold that broken piece of shit for another, slightly improved, spacecraft. Suddenly I own two working spaceships. They're both hot garbage as far as upgrades go, and I'm not thrilled with their looks, but it's better than nothing.

I also got the Scanner-A upgrade for a new multitool, then found a Scanner-S upgrade and installed that too. Do the bonuses stack? If so, I'm on 14,000+% fauna scanning bonus.

Where did you find the scanner upgrades? I've been checking space station shops for those but no luck so far.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't move modules or upgrades, dismantle and rebuild (or rebuy in the case of the latter), I'm afraid :(
Many is the time since launch I've bollocksed up a suit and needed to rebuild. I honestly wouldnt mind a unit (or nanite) cost to move modules around.
Life support and hazard protection can be dismantled and rebuilt? Don't see an option for that.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
Coming from playing so much of the base game, it's amazing to finally get oceanic planets.



Double Eleven
Oct 27, 2017
I'll spoiler the below out of courtesy for others...

When you fine a "normal" pre NEXT "Ruin" you'll typically be asked if you want language help or a history lesson (paraphrasing here) selecting the second will point you to an ancient ruin. While using the visor you should see in the ground several "ancient cases" and a single "ancient chest" by digging with the terrain modifier you'll get keys from the former to open the latter, bingo! Now you have (if you're lucky) millions of units of rare goods. :)

Of course you can get lucky and come across them randomly, also I'm away from home and addled by heat, wine, toddler and newborn so most of those terms are likely incorrect but if you've half a wit you'll translate it fine :D

I came across one a few days ago, and chose...poorly! 8).

Thanks man...


Oct 25, 2017
Can't move modules or upgrades, dismantle and rebuild (or rebuy in the case of the latter), I'm afraid :(
Many is the time since launch I've bollocksed up a suit and needed to rebuild. I honestly wouldnt mind a unit (or nanite) cost to move modules around.

So there is no way to dismantle everything in general? Like my life support? I dont remember installing it. Hah
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