
Nov 10, 2017
Atlas Rises added so many cool little features, and the new ground textures looked so nice. Do we have a photomode/screenshot thread?

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
It wasn't my intention to shit about this game. Maybe I just overreacted.

nah man I don't believe you, you've been shitting your own thread up multiple times, it's perplexing. I wish people that still have a bug up their asses about LYING SEAN (I prefer to think of it as overpromising tbh, ambitions before ability) would just leave the NMS community well alone. I think it's a shame that the person who posted this news needs to be such a vocal hater.


Nov 2, 2017
Sony "bought" No Man's Sky in much the same way as Microsoft "bought" Cuphead.

Quit with the bait posts.

Cuphead was always described as "only ever on Xbox and PC".

Sony bought timed exclusivity for NMS but never advertised it as such. And clearly didn't allow anyone to state it was timed. This is the sort of thing MS get absolutely crucified for.


Oct 28, 2017
Some people just like to hate on things.
Good on them for trying to make up for the catastrophic release. The amount and quality of free content they've been pulling out is excellent, can't wait to see what this update will bring to the game.


Oct 27, 2017
I last played after the base building was added. I wonder if I should pick up where I left off or start over fresh. Either way I definitely appreciate the support the have had received since launch and am looking forward to see what this update brings.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the point in making a new thread for this patch on the forum?

This is just going to start the big shitwar again between people that feel cheated and people that don't.

And honestly, this game has had it's chance in the light, there are other games far more deserving of the attention.

It's called news...?
Oct 26, 2017
Some people just like to hate on things.
Good on them for trying to make up for the catastrophic release. The amount and quality of free content they've been pulling out is excellent, can't wait to see what this update will bring to the game.

Exactly, if this game released with no history with the way it is right now and the way it will be on Xbox then it would review pretty highly!


Oct 25, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Guys, let me clear this.
I was super hyped for this game, It was a huge letdown for me. I still think it's a good game and unique. But Sean lied to us. It just still frustrates me because I was really anticipating this game. Their post content is amazing and it's good to see, that they are still sticking with it. But some things are inexcusable.
I think it's maybe time to get over the game's very shaky launch. Or at least, not having to mention it twenty times in the same thread?

They fucked up. They made it right. The end.


Oct 28, 2017
Critizicing NMS at launch for the lack of MP was akin to criticizing a COD game for not being an RPG after having the lead dev once promise a once in every thousand campaign replays chance of finding a character with a dialogue tree. Murray promised a one in a million chance of seeing another player around doing their own thing, without any way of interacting with them. That kind of rarity is less than that of coming across a hidden easter egg. Was it in the game? No. Yet did people really expect MP?

The fact remains that many were anticipating a backlash at launch and not exactly because of any lies. People did this to themselves by building up in their heads a game that didn't exist and they found in Murray their scapegoat, and in his supposed lies their way of rationalizing the fact that they were bored to tears by a game that *clearly* and from the beginning was not much more than a shinier looking Noctis IV.

So yeah, the abuse these people got was embarrasing and a blemish in the face of the so-called gaming culture. Fuck every single person who took part in that and every single other online abuse campaigns against specific individuals who never did anything wrong, something that's very easy to forget in the face of such an epic and wholly unjustified shitstorm.

Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
nah man I don't believe you, you've been shitting your own thread up multiple times, it's perplexing. I wish people that still have a bug up their asses about LYING SEAN (I prefer to think of it as overpromising tbh, ambitions before ability) would just leave the NMS community well alone. I think it's a shame that the person who posted this news needs to be such a vocal hater.
For someone with an official Twitter account this is really something you would not expect.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Eh I prefer the game I am playing now with all the updates to what they initially promised. Just need a release window for the NEXT.
Oct 25, 2017
No Man's Sky became a nice place for me to visit for a while here and there, and the patches have added new mechanics and quality of life improvements which make the game even better than it was before. It sure was a mess at launch, and we should look to the curious case of Sean Murray's overhype as an example for dev studios to learn from when it comes to speaking about your own game, but I have to admit that every update makes me pretty excited to exist in that universe again. If only for a little while.

Can't wait to see what NEXT will bring us!


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
Regrets? They have done a lot of money on that game, I don't think so... maybe it's the opposite :'D

I'm with you, Sony made money, they're happy. I'd go so far as to say that it had no impact on the Sony brand at all. Gaming is such a busy space that people move on really quickly. It's a pretty limited group of people who are still sour about a shit launch and an even smaller group of people who experience corporate allegiance to such an extreme that they're upset about a port.

Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
What's the point in making a new thread for this patch on the forum?

This is just going to start the big shitwar again between people that feel cheated and people that don't.

And honestly, this game has had it's chance in the light, there are other games far more deserving of the attention.

So the game coming to other platforms now is not worth discussing?


Oct 28, 2017
No Man's Sky will forever be a blemish on gaming and gaming culture.

And I'm not talking about broken promises shit. I'm talking about the inexcusable abuse hurled at the developers. It makes me feel ashamed to share a passion with those people.

I sincerely hope the devs found a way to deal with the anxieties that must have stemmed from that lynching. They should all be proud as hell for delivering another big free update. Most would have buckled under that backlash.

Fucking right on, man. I couldn't have said it better.
Oct 27, 2017
I think Sony regrets it big time, one of the biggest clusterfucks in gaming history and associated with Playstation brand.
Nah, Sony totally separated themselves from the controversy, the bulk of the anger fell on Hello Games

Masterful PR

On topic, I'm interested in the game, I need to research everything that's been added


Oct 25, 2017
What's the point in making a new thread for this patch on the forum?

This is just going to start the big shitwar again between people that feel cheated and people that don't.

And honestly, this game has had it's chance in the light, there are other games far more deserving of the attention.
Next time, bring a more compelling argument when you whine about threads :)

Static Veins

Oct 25, 2017
Always enjoyed this game, really loved it since the last update. Excited for what's next, but will be starting fresh and picking it up on X1X for those enhancements.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The Foundation, Pathfinder, and Atlas Rises updates have been fantastic for NMS, so looking forward to whatever NEXT brings to the game.

Also good to see Xbox One finally getting the game too, I wondered when the exclusive deal would be over.


Oct 30, 2017
At the end of the teaser trailer it flashes up a logo for "V/RE" underneath the platforms, anybody know what this is referring to?


Oct 25, 2017
I was satisfied with what No Man's Sky was at launch, and have been delighted with the free updates since.

I did figure at some point they would need to charge for them (or add microtransactions) to stay funded, so I'm glad they will be selling on Xbox to enable the free updates to continue instead.

I do hope the folks in the community who felt burned initially could either give the game another shot, or simply move on and let the rest of us enjoy it without them.

Lukas Taves

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, it seems Sony bought a timed exclusivity here and made sure it won't hit the media so there was no public outrage. I think the same applies to The Witness.
It was always clear, now it's just blatant, that the reason for the outrage when Ms signs a timed deal was never about misleading consumers, it's about the game not coming to Ps4. And as such the same doesn't apply when the same kind of deals makes the game a ps4 exclusive.


Nov 1, 2017
Timed exclusive? No way. They simply didn't have the money to make another version. If Sony had give them money none of this would have happened.


Oct 27, 2017
After the disastrous launch they nailed it with the free updates. The last two were awesome so I can't wait to see what's next.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
I can't agree with anything trying to legitimise that reaction, sorry.

Yeah. Death threats are inexcusable no matter what. People have a right to justify their dislike on NMS for valid reasons, but they will NEVER live down those reactions.

Those folks are far worse and then the perceived unforgivable act than the coy misinformation Sean Murray was touting.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't care what anyone says the no mans sky engine is one of the most ambitious and gorgeous games going around , that feeling of exploring a massive galaxy is amazing.

New updates bought more interesting stuff but I still just love selecting a star / warping and seeing something new . Yes it gets abit all samey after awhile but it still brings out the inner kid in me.

It create some gorgeous vistas with planets overhead , clouds , space stations , massive fleets etc

It's probably my most played game this gen and I never get bored of just flying .

Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It was always clear, now it's just blatant, that the reason for the outrage when Ms signs a timed deal was never about misleading consumers, it's about the game not coming to Ps4. And as such the same doesn't apply when the same kind of deals makes the game a ps4 exclusive.
Yep. Again, I said this a lot of times, a very big strength from Sony is media control and handling. Something that is also quite bad for Microsoft. Search how many threads are about RE7VR or Arkham Asylum VR both being timed exclusive for PSVR on this forum and how media reception was, although it is publically available information.


Oct 27, 2017
It wasn't my intention to shit about this game. Maybe I just overreacted.

I've kept out of most NMS threads (old place & here) simply because I don't like the atmos, and I try not to get into arguments on forums (even "gentle" ones) as I find you lose a lot of context & friendliness across text and possibly languages and it only serves to make the atmos worse.

That being said ;) I know you and a lot of people were annoyed by the launch and Hello Games, but we've had 2 years to discuss the annoyance, look at the lists of "content" and "lies" and frankly it's just boring now, we're treading the same ground over and over. Had they taken the money and ran then I may be less well disposed to them and the game but aside from being uncommunicative HG have taken the massive hit to their reputation and delivered large content patches and updates since day 1, all for free and massively improved the game.

Like WesleyShark just said, "They fucked up, they made it right" You may still dislike the game, fair enough but can we at least have a conversation about those criticisms rather than go round and round and round again about "lies", "promises" and "scams".

Not wanting to pile on Turkoop, just wanted to chime in a little, as I found this news genuinely great.
Oct 30, 2017
2 years later and people here still reacting like children whenever Hello Games gets mentioned. Move on already. At least they've chosen to work continuously on improving the game instead of sending it out to die.


Oct 27, 2017
No Man's Sky will forever be a blemish on gaming and gaming culture.

And I'm not talking about broken promises shit. I'm talking about the inexcusable abuse hurled at the developers. It makes me feel ashamed to share a passion with those people.

I sincerely hope the devs found a way to deal with the anxieties that must have stemmed from that lynching. They should all be proud as hell for delivering another big free update. Most would have buckled under that backlash.

Well said Gino.


Jan 26, 2018
Thanks for beta testing this, my Sony dudes. I hope they have multiplayer in it, though. I can't say I'm interested without it. :/

Deleted member 2172

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
What's the point in making a new thread for this patch on the forum?

This is just going to start the big shitwar again between people that feel cheated and people that don't.

And honestly, this game has had it's chance in the light, there are other games far more deserving of the attention.
Well thank god you don't get to decide whats thread worthy huh?