What would upset you most about an upcoming Direct?

  • More Wii U ports

    Votes: 290 18.8%
  • No Breath of the Wild 2

    Votes: 565 36.7%
  • No Smash

    Votes: 473 30.7%
  • Yes Smash

    Votes: 302 19.6%
  • Heavy third party focus

    Votes: 347 22.5%
  • No new games until June

    Votes: 213 13.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 76 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Feb 11, 2019
United Kingdom
Wanna know how I know a direct hasn't been delayed? Cause third parties haen;t gone ahead with the announcements. They didn't wait a week last year after the Earthquake, what makes you think they'll wait now? These companies have marketing schedules and they're not just gonna sit on their ass if Nintendo delays a presentation.
I think that was a bit different to right now. That direct was announced with a set date and if memory serves correctly, was delayed the day when it was supposed to air. I think for a while before a direct airs they don't have firm dates until very close to them going live, hence why insiders only know the exact dates when they are very very close. For a 3rd party dev I think when you agree to have your game announced in a direct you understand this and plan around it, but because that one was delayed so late devs couldn't stop other marketing materials and such in time so announced it anyway. I'm not saying a direct has or hasn't been delayed but I don't think the lack of other announcements shows that one has not been delayed necessarily.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
Jesus, I'm not saying they do. I'm saying that if the Direct was going to happen around this time then choosing to lead fans on and allow them to create 'hype' instead of being honest about the effects of an international crisis would be in bad taste.

Not everything is some rabid fanboy entitlement rant.
Who are they leading on? Nothing has been teased, or mentioned in relation to a Direct by Nintendo.

People on the internet create their own hype. Nintendo are not responsible for them, no company is. Their (and any company's) default response to any speculation like this is 'no comment' and that's absolutely fine.

Your comments are 100% what a rabid fanboy would rant.


May 29, 2018
United States
Just throwing this in here, Nintendo needs new game announcements soon before the end of the fiscal year briefing (end of April, fiscal year financial report is end of this month) as they always give a "what to expect this year" run down in their presentation to investors before they transition into the summer with E3.

With how bad the market is doing right now, if nintendo doesnt make any moves they could be in serious trouble come time for their fiscal year briefing. i hope they have something soon.


Dec 5, 2017

There's definitely a Nintendo Switch in there.

There definitely isn't..you can count the pixels..it's more like 70ish pixels across on the display area.

It's lower res than the gba (maybe even lower than the gameboy).

Whatever it is, it has its own screen.


Oct 25, 2017
There was never going to be a Direct on a Tuesday (especially that soon) so I don't get why people are saying it is delayed.


May 31, 2018
There's some cognitive dissonance at work here. You're creating hype for an imaginary advertisement reel... because it's Nintendo's fault? And that's not entitlement?

Please refer to:

3) Yeah I'm not going to bother with this point considering it uses the old "call it an ad reel to make the other person sound more silly," trick

I'm not going to argue with people being intentionally disingenious by using the most reductive language to make me look 'silly'.

Who are they leading on? Nothing has been teased, or mentioned in relation to a Direct by Nintendo.

People on the internet create their own hype. Nintendo are not responsible for them, no company is. Their (and any company's) default response to any speculation like this is 'no comment' and that's absolutely fine.

Your comments are 100% a rabid fanboy rant.

Yeah I'm not going to bother anymore. I criticise Nintendo slightly for a thing that I don't even think has happened myself and suddenly I'm being called a "Rabid fanboy who's angry about an ad reel."


May 31, 2019
here is what i expect.
direct late march / early april
something late april
xenoblade late may
something june
here's what I expect
direct early april, probably the 9th
shadowdrop of an NSO game or similar with the Direct
Xenoblade in may
Mario 3D World in June

besides Animal Crossing not an exhilarating first half for me (unless the NSO game is F-ZERO 99 lol), but it doesn't really need to be. I'm just tired of the uncertainty. I don't have expectations for the year that need filled or anything, at this point I just want to know


Jan 25, 2018
Well thats weird. But tbh covid shouldnt have effected the delay. Sure its quite widespread. But they could seriously just do game footage the title cards and a voice over ala nintendo direct mini but instead of 10 minutes make it 25 ish.

All those tasks could be done seperately and in different buildings. And that still doesnt really explain the huge gap.

But tbh announcing the release date of xenoblade remake through a tweet almost garantees low sales. We havent seen anything of it 6 months.


Jun 8, 2018
Some of you act like Nintendo owes you a direct. They don't.

Breathe a little. We'll know more in time.

Also keep in mind that Directs are essentially marketing. What's the point in marketing a console that has global shortages due to a situation that is out of their hands? Best to just focus on Animal Crossing for now.
We don't care about the Direct. We care about games, and the Nintendo Direct are the way Nintendo announce them.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
I'm not going to argue with people being intentionally disingenious by using the most reductive language to make me look 'silly'.
People don't need to try very hard to do that...

Yeah I'm not going to bother anymore. Criticise Nintendo slightly for a thing that I don't even think has happened myself and suddenly I'm being called a "Rabid fanboy who's angry about an ad reel."
Criticise Nintendo all you like when they do silly things (and they do a lot)

But criticising them for fans hyping themselves up, something they have zero control over and for things haven't announced (all seemingly out of disappointment at a Direct not being release yet this year) is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen here


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
with how stocks are going the wealthiest Nintendo fan should become a enou9h of a stock holder to get invited to the shareholder meanings and then demand more directs


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Aaaaaand we're back to that "you entitled child with you 30 minute advertising from a capitalist corporation" shit.

Doesn't get old.


Oct 27, 2017
it sure looks like with this game.uk typo, there have been some type of contingency plans after a failed Direct. maybe it was coronavirus after all?


Community & Social Media Manager
Oct 23, 2019
i read it somewhere here, but I also support the idea that I think they're lowkey waiting on Zelda. Business wise they'd wanna do everything in their power to get ensure it for that holiday/BF sales slot, but I wouldn't be suprised if they wanna make sure their flagship title for 2020 can actually realistically be promised for 2020.

otherwise idk! honestly Directs like this are more for community rather than the larger audience - they've got enough going on to satisfy the general consumers. Perhaps they also just don't feel like there's any need to rush to get the word out.


May 31, 2019
breaking news: raccoon changes his mind about making controversial statements

in other news, donald trump is a bigot and joe biden is creepy
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2019
If anything I see that byline on the GAME page as something that was meant to go up after a longer reveal. Today was a tease. They may dedicate more time to the LEGO product in a Direct. Not seeing how that mistake means a Direct was delayed.


One Winged Slayer
Feb 12, 2019
There was not going to be an announcement today.
There is not going to be one tomorrow.

Trust in Nate, he has set us free.
Yep. I don't see why Nintendo would tease a major new collaboration and then immediately announce a Direct - they'd be stepping on their own toes there. This Mario x Lego product is probably going to get its own reveal in a Youtube video.
Wanna know how I know a direct hasn't been delayed? Cause third parties haen;t gone ahead with the announcements. They didn't wait a week last year after the Earthquake, what makes you think they'll wait now? These companies have marketing schedules and they're not just gonna sit on their ass if Nintendo delays a presentation.
Not bullet-proof reasoning, but also not unreasonable. If there were problems with Nintendo's own internal schedule, third-party publishers wouldn't need to keep their own news under wraps. They're free to announce as and when they please - as Obsidian and Virtuous did when they needed more time to get a physical release ready for The Outer Worlds, for example. If games like BioShock Collection and Catherine were due to be announced, they'd be announced - and not held back because Nintendo have decided not to move.

It's not insane that Nintendo didn't plan a Direct yet. They could simply be getting their ducks in order for the year and giving themselves as much time as possible to do so. It's not as if the last 6 months has been the void of information some people suggest - there's been announcements every month, even while much of 2020 remains a mystery.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
i read it somewhere here, but I also support the idea that I think they're lowkey waiting on Zelda. Business wise they'd wanna do everything in their power to get ensure it for that holiday/BF sales slot, but I wouldn't be suprised if they wanna make sure their flagship title for 2020 can actually realistically be promised for 2020.

otherwise idk! honestly Directs like this are more for community rather than the larger audience - they've got enough going on to satisfy the general consumers. Perhaps they also just don't feel like there's any need to rush to get the word out.
They could have perfectly done a Direct to talk about Q2/Q3 without Zelda.
BOTW2 is an E3 game, and they don't need to wait on it to talk about their release schedule.


Alt Account
Feb 12, 2020
We can't rule out that the GAME PR guy just didn't know that not everything from Nintendo is a 'Nintendo direct'. Maybe they're new or something.
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