For how long will Nintendo drink our tears?

  • Until March 2020

    Votes: 1,043 53.8%
  • Until April 2020

    Votes: 207 10.7%
  • Until E3

    Votes: 244 12.6%
  • Forever (no more Directs)

    Votes: 444 22.9%

  • Total voters
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Jul 17, 2019
Really conflicted about the Mini thing.

On the one hand, yeah, that YouTube activity is suspicious and clearly points to something Direct-related being released tomorrow.

On the other hand... It's just plain weird to me that they would release a Mini right now, given all they potentially have to announce. Except if the plan is to release a that Mini now, use it to announce mostly ports and maybe a small game for April-June, and THEN have a general one in March where they would announce the big hitters for July-November?


Jan 23, 2020
Wait why would Nintendo set the Febuary direct to private. Has this happened before when a Direct is about to happen? Also if it is for tommorow it could be a direct mini or AC direct.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow you guys made 5 new pages in like an hour. Just because they changed the YouTube Direct playlist? Or was there something else?


Jan 8, 2018
I'm not sure I believe a Direct Mini is happening but what would be the reason for hiding the February Direct? Why would they want to avoid confusion? With what? I feel like we can't completely ignore this.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
Really conflicted about the Mini thing.

On the one hand, yeah, that YouTube activity is suspicious and clearly points to something Direct-related being released tomorrow.

On the other hand... It's just plain weird to me that they would release a Mini right now, given all they potentially have to announce. Except if the plan is to release a that Mini now, use it to announce mostly ports and maybe a small game for April-June, and THEN have a general one in March where they would announce the big hitters for July-November?
Its tough, because the first half of the year does seem to be port/remaster heavy aside from AC. Back in 2018 when they had the mini direct they also announced a lot of ports, such as DKCTF and Hyrule Warriors: DE. They could easily do the same with a mini tomorrow. Have one true original game, maybe Mario Golf or Paper Mario, and then announce SM3DW, Pikmin 3 Deluxe and more info On Xenoblade Chronicles.


May 12, 2019
My uncle works at Nintendo and said they will drop a mini direct tomorrow showing a F-ZERO GX remake, trust me


Jun 5, 2019
Ive been seeing you talking about work and was wondering, what type of work do you do on movies?
I graduated from Syracuse University back in May, so as of September I've been getting my feet wet as a PA (Production Assistant) on a bunch of movies shooting in Central/Upstate New York. Basically assisting production in any way possible to make the shooting process as expedient and pain-free as possible.

I've done the grunt work like loading/unloading all our gear off the production trucks, I've personally driven, escorted, and gotten our main cast members "through the works" (i.e. through hair, makeup, and wardrobe) on time to meet our shooting schedule, I've been a Locations Assistant (location scouting, performing lockups on major highways with police so we can shoot stunts safely, etc.), and many more things!

Kind of a Swiss army knife position as I keep building my credits and work hours in the hopes of eventually joining the Directors/Producers guild as an Assistant Director OR Creative Producer/Development Executive. Leaning towards more creative than set-based -- working 65-75 hour weeks is not sustainable for me long term, especially when I do want to keep a dating life and eventually start a family lol.


Feb 19, 2018
We are pretty much in new territory here given the gap since the last Direct, so for me there's a few important points to remember:

1) Nintendo's "first half of the month" pattern might be about to get broken in the next 2 weeks. I'm not sure what to expect, but wouldn't rule it out. We're in the longest stretch between Nintendo Directs, after all.
2) Given Nintendo's financial year ends in March and they'll be briefing investors about their next financial year forecasts at the end of April, so I'd absolutely expect significant announcements in the next 2 months. Anyone jumping on the 'no Directs till E3' is ignoring how Nintendo structure their year. The financial year is important and they'll need to have a line-up of products confirmed by then which demonstrates how they're going to hit their FY targets. We could easily be looking at an Animal Crossing Direct later this month and a general Direct on something like March 5th.
3) While we are in the longest ever gap between major Directs, it would be wrong to say we've had zero communication from Nintendo since the last general Direct. There's been a drip-feed of bits and pieces over that time that have actually fleshed out 2020 in some small and significant ways. I'd say the Pokemon expansion was the most significant news, because it indicates a major change in strategy for that franchise and points to a non-Pokemon title headlining Q4 this calendar year.
4) Not from Nintendo themselves, but we did have the Nintendo-adjacent Wonderful 101 news, too.

There's a bunch of interesting stuff that either will or might land this year, too: Xenoblade DE, Bravely Default 2, No More Heroes 3, Detective Club, Zelda, Bayonetta 3. That's ignoring the ports and new titles which have been heavily rumoured. So I wouldn't jump to doom and gloom. Sure, it's disappointing when it's been a while since we last had several first-party announcements at a time - we had 3 retail and 2 digital back in February 19, and since then we've only had 3 further retail and 1 digital confirmed (Zelda @ E3, Xenoblade DE, Ring Fit, Stretchers). On the flip side, that means there are absolutely projects in development which are going to appear sooner rather than later.

I get for those who aren't catered for with software this is especially disappointing, but I think what's likely happening is Nintendo are getting their ducks in order for the year. For example, Luigi's Mansion 3 seemed a little uncertain at times last year - Nintendo weren't willing to commit to a release date (outside of 2019) at E3 and didn't show it in the February Direct (along with Animal Crossing). Suggests to me that there was a period of uncertainty about the game hitting its release window, so Nintendo kept it out the spotlight till they were more confident it was coming. Nintendo could well be juggling multiple titles along those lines and are only going to do a Direct when they can confirm 6 to 9 months of fairly solid release windows. An extra month (or two) could make all the difference to their plans.
Great post, btw. Maybe too reasonable for most folks here, but worth the read.
Chauzu Thanks for highlighting this again a few pages ago, overlooked it myself.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What's that? Sony and Nintendo are back at the Arrogant Wars again! Who will out-arrogant the other? I can't wait to see!


Jan 23, 2020
I don't know. I mean I get it they could have a mini tommorow and it makes sense why they would update their playlist in such a way.
So it could be:
Febuary: Mini Direct and AC direct
March: General Direct
June: E3 direct

The only thing I am conflicted with is that would Nintendo have a mini direct less than a month from a general direct?
I guess they could.
But this could point to no general Direct till E3.

We know they have ports and a couple extra games like Paper mario and maybe metroid 2d.
They could just announce those in the mini direct and then have a AC direct.
they would then wait it out till E3 to have a huge Direct.

I guess the question is would you all be fine with AC, Paper Mario, 3 wiiU ports (3d world, pikmin 3 and Xenobalde) and a couple third parties to hold us all till E3. I guess its not bad by itself but shows nintendo are again focused on the second half of the year.


Oct 25, 2017
What's that? Sony and Nintendo are back at the Arrogant Wars again! Who will out-arrogant the other? I can't wait to see!


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
The way this thread creates a situation only to be disappointed / angry after it doesn't happen should be studied by experts. It's perfect to study psychology.
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