Is 13 our luck number?

  • Yes

    Votes: 352 32.9%
  • No

    Votes: 263 24.6%
  • Dill Spowser

    Votes: 303 28.3%
  • Phoug Bencer

    Votes: 152 14.2%

  • Total voters
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Jan 8, 2019
Would be a big yikes if next week was another partner showcase. People would go crazy lol.
Honestly I'd be a little bummed to not see some 1st part Nintendo talk.


Jun 30, 2020

I don't really get this. Who has a least wanted character? I either want a character or are indifferent. People only don't want a character because of the perceived idea that they're "taking someone else's spot", which this hypothetical makes clear isn't the case. Also, as someone else pointed out, you can always just... not play as a character you don't want. So I don't really see why anyone would say no to this.


Jul 31, 2020
I mean, I get it. If I was grubb I wouldn't say "oh yes it's a 75 minute long super general direct" when the partner direct burned bridges last time. Nintendo is doing something, it's a direct of some sorts, some games are coming out soon and some later, so between then and now Nintendo's gonna say something.


Oct 31, 2017

Kiryu gets in but so does Waluigi? I'll take it.

I don't know what my most wanted character is. Maybe a new Zelda char a la Skull Kid, or Rex someone from Xc2, or if I really can wish for something crazy, Estelle Bright.

My least wanted one is clearly Sora from KH, but having the option to destroy him would be not bad at all.


Oct 25, 2017


Jul 14, 2020
I wonder if he knows there is a Third Party announcement next week in a Direct but isn't sure if it's a General or a Mini.
Yep that's what it is. I'm sure of it. Hence why he doesn't know if they'll throw a partners mini in there. The partners thing really muddies the waters for folks guessing when directs are going to be.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really get this. Who has a least wanted character? I either want a character or are indifferent. People only don't want a character because of the perceived idea that they're "taking someone else's spot", which this hypothetical makes clear isn't the case. Also, as someone else pointed out, you can always just... not play as a character you don't want. So I don't really see why anyone would say no to this.
I can think of several characters I don't want in smash, several that are in that I don't think deserved to be playable too.
Sep 14, 2018
Remember when Captain 100% totally dropped a hint by saying that he has played over 640 hours of Super Mario Party with his family? But then he said that it wasn't a hint and that not everything he says is a hint?

So take 640 and divide it by 60 and you get 10 and 2/3 minutes of Nintendo Direct goodness.

BUT WAIT! Captain said it wasn't a hint. Well "hint" has four letters in it, so you take 640 and divide it by 60 and then multiple it by 4 and you get 42 and 2/3 minutes! What a Direct that would be!

But he plays the game with his wife and kids, and what do kids do? Destroy stuff because they are evil. This is a fact, do not try to argue against it. So you take that 42 and 2/3 minutes and smash it into little tiny pieces.

You're left with a 4, a 2, another 2, a /, and a 3. Now let's see what we can do with this.

I shouldn't have to explain to you why the 4 stands for Metroid Prime: Pinball. Moving on.

Now what's the deal with that freaky deaky 2 that we all know and love? It's really quite simple. That's right, we are getting a remake of the best NES Zelda game, and the fourth best 2D Zelda game, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link! Everyone will cheer.

BUT WAIT AGAIN! There's another crazy 2 in there! I know what you're thinking, and you refuse to believe it, but I assure you that it's true. I have no sources on the inside telling me this, other than love inside my heart, and are you really going to deny the power of love? Use your smooth and silky brain for one moment in your beautiful life and realize how ridiculous that sounds. We are getting an HD remake of the second Smash game, Super Smash Bros. Melee! Released exclusively for the Wii U.

The / is another easy one. The Trails in the Sky trilogy is coming to the Switch. I hope I don't have to explain something so obvious.

I know that you're getting a little nervous. So far there's been four ports of either niche JRPGs or a spinoff pinball game, and two HD remakes. No need to fear, because Captain wasn't messing around. That's why he decided to both tease and/or tantalize our tastebuds with that juicy 3. I'll just get right to the point, we are finally getting a remake of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776! Shut up, I know you're confused. Let me explain. In Dondon151's 0% growths, SSS rank, low turn count playthrough of Thracia, he beat the game in a total of 165 turns, a whole 14 turns below the SSS rank requirement. However, he didn't know back then that if Tanya had been captured before chapter 4, then Dagdar will still join you after chapter 8, you can get Tanya back in chapter 21x, and chapter 8x is skipped while still allowing you to recruit every character and keep them alive. Dondon151 had to go to chapter 21x anyway, so skipping chapter 8x would have saved him a total of, get this, 6 turns! He could have finished the game in 159 turns, assuming that the loss of any weapon or character experience gained in chapter 8x didn't cost him turns later, of course.

Now what is 179 (the max turn count for SSS rank) minus 159? 20. You see where I'm going with this? I imagine that most of you do, but I'm going to spell it out for those that don't. There's nothing wrong with being bad at math. We all need a shoulder to lean on every now and then. Think of all the greatest athletes in the world. Would they be anywhere without their shoulders? Would Captain Tsubasa have scored the world's first ever soccer goal without his shoulders? I don't think so. Be nice to shoulders.

So you take that 20 and you divide 776 by 20, and what do you get? That's flipping right, 38.8! It's so clear. What chapter was skipped to increase Dondon151's buffer from 14 to 20? Chapter 8x. Now do 38.8 divided by 8x, and if you remember your basic algebra then you'll know that the 8 in 8x cancels out both 8s in 38.8 and the x cancels out the decimal point, leaving us with juicy 3 that our loving and attractive Captain served up on a silver platter.

Why would Nintendo remake Thracia 776 before Genealogy? Because the love in my heart tells me that they got sick of people saying that they're just going to wait for a remake instead of playing Genealogy. Go play FE4, it's amazing.

To recap, Captain Tsubasa has dropped hints confirming without a shadow of a doubt that the Direct is 42 and 2/3 minutes long and will feature:

1. Metroid Prime: Pinball port
2. Zelda II HD remake
3. Super Smash Bros. Melee HD remake for the Wii U
4. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
5. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
6. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd
7. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 HD remake

That is one spectacular Direct. The 3D Mario collection was canceled, btw.


Feb 9, 2020
I mean, I get it. If I was grubb I wouldn't say "oh yes it's a 75 minute long super general direct" when the partner direct burned bridges last time. Nintendo is doing something, it's a direct of some sorts, some games are coming out soon and some later, so between then and now Nintendo's gonna say something.
But he's been saying on Twitter this whole time that he expects a Direct (General or Mini) by the 18th of September, his stance seems to be very reserved


Oct 27, 2017
I swear Grub hasn't ever said specifically it's on the 28th anyways just that it's a wild card for the end of August/beginning of September?
Cap and Nate have been hinting at a general on the 28th but whether it's a general on the 28th, or SOMETHING on the 28th and a general shortly thereafter, it doesn't really matter to me. I'm just happy something is coming.


Dec 12, 2017
I mean, I get it. If I was grubb I wouldn't say "oh yes it's a 75 minute long super general direct" when the partner direct burned bridges last time. Nintendo is doing something, it's a direct of some sorts, some games are coming out soon and some later, so between then and now Nintendo's gonna say something.

It's not just that.

Grubb basically leaked the date of the March mini, but he thought it was a general because some games that were supposed to be there got pulled. Even the indie, a lot of people thought their were some Microsoft games that were supposed to show up that got delayed.

The year is just like that, because even if you're told that X, Y, and Z are all supposed to be there it doesn't mean they will show up or something happened.


Feb 9, 2020
Just set your expectation for a Direct next week. Stop obsessing over how it'll be branded.
My work schedule just came in, either I'm screwed and am working during the Direct on Thursday, or I'm lucky as hell and just got the date of the "mammoth" Direct (the 28th) off, this is what I'm really worrying about Nate


Jul 14, 2020
I'm just picturing Nate scrolling through twitter, seeing the Grub tweet, cursing under his breath, and then coming here to pick us all back up since he knows at any sign of a setback this thread Chicken Littles.


Jul 31, 2020
But he's been saying on Twitter this whole time that he expects a Direct (General or Mini) by the 18th of September, his stance seems to be very reserved
Indeed. We know there's a direct next week almost certainly. He knows that. He doesn't know what kind of direct & he's not gonna say what he thinks it probably is, because Nintendo do what ninten-do. Like with the partner direct, everyone thought it was the E3-replacement direct. Instead, they fulfilled Obligations and did the bare minimum announcement-wise. But the stuff that would've been at E3, for this year, has to be announced before it releases - there's that inevitable timeframe. But just like last time, nobody wants to say "Yes this is the General Direct 10,000%" because that was the assumption last time, that the 'closest direct to E3 would be the replacement'. Nintendo could just... do a Mario direct. It could be a Zelda Direct. It could be a Mini, a Partner Showcase, or just a General.


Oct 25, 2017
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