
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
what I think of everytime nier uses his big red magic hand



Oct 27, 2017
Should've pre-ordered this one. Sold out everywhere around me unfortunately. Amazon included. But I guess I'll wait. $60 seemed steep for me but I'm really aching for something to play until REVIII.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone playing with Japanese voices. My general inclination is to play Japanese games in Japanese

I'm playing it in Japanese. It's pretty good so far. I'm a little annoyed that the subtitles don't match the dialogue sometimes. But it's a not deal breaker.

Should've pre-ordered this one. Sold out everywhere around me unfortunately. Amazon included. But I guess I'll wait. $60 seemed steep for me but I'm really aching for something to play until REVIII.

I'm assuming you checked Walmart. Only $50 there. That's where I bought my copy. In store only though.


Feb 12, 2018
Playing with that fps mod and now it's like the remaster got a remaster. Apparently motion blur is disabled by it and it's a very clean looking experience now


Dec 6, 2017
It's 100% not running at 60 for me on my PS5. The camera also has this weird stuttering when I move it. Not sure what's going on. Could my TV settings be messing with this?

I know he's a banned source here, but ACG's review at the 0:20 mark has similar behavior and then cuts to a smooth 60 FPS...
Check your controller for drift. My mother in law and was playing red dead 2 on my ps5, she likes horses, and it looked jerky. I tried it and it felt like a horrible stutter when trying to move the camera so I let it go and it would always position to the same weird spot which I figure is drift.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 31, 2019
I'm in part 2 of my first playthrough at the moment- i've enjoyed the story moments so far but wish there was more of them.

For anyone who has played the 2010 version is it similar in how to Automata how the full story is spread across multiple playthroughs?


Apr 13, 2021
Got to the Barren Temple and whoo boy, was that rough.

Only being able to gently walk across that one room was a huge pain in the ass, but most of the others were fine.

Apart from that, I'm really enjoying it. Been taking a leisurely pace, doing most of the sidquests but not in any urgent manner.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Only being able to gently walk across that one room was a huge pain in the ass, but most of the others were fine.
Really hated that specific trial. Found out tho that if you hold Block you walk slow all the time. Or just move around by doing the attack combo where you hold the left face button, thats how i did it after i failed many times by tilting the stick a bit too far..


Apr 13, 2021
Really hated that specific trial. Found out tho that if you hold Block you walk slow all the time. Or just move around by doing the attack combo where you hold the left face button, thats how i did it after i failed many times by tilting the stick a bit too far..
...well shit, I wish I had known that holding block would make me walk slow. I ended up mainly just attacking across the room too.

john tv

8-4 End Boss
Oct 26, 2017
Does the side quest completion rate for completing every part 1 quest still stop at 51%? Sitting at 50% rn and I can't seem to find another quest.
All the guides from the old version say 51%, but in 1.22 it was 50% for me and I definitely did all 36 quests (and double-checked the entire list just to be safe) so I think it's just 50% now. Could've been a rounding error or maybe the devs decided to just make it an even 50/50 - not sure. Either way, if you finished 36 quests, you should be good to move on.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. But I'm still in the first half of the game. Should a put a 2% item increase on or something? I'm just getting Gold Ore, Clay, and Meteorites.

That's definitely where it spawns, so I guess you'll have to keep entering and exiting to get it to spawn.

They really should have fixed that for this release. Even NieR Automata made that shit easy peasy.

dear speaker

Apr 16, 2020
So I've made it a few hours into part 2. And after the slog that was Part 1, I'm happy to see that we're now finally starting to get to the main course.

Here's a hot take to go with that:

I firmly believe that the whole brother-sister relationship is nothing but a clever ruse that Yoko Taro implemented mainly in order to trick people into believing that Nier Replicant is a serious game with a serious story.

In reality, Nier Replicant is a madhouse that Yoko Taro used to investigate how much ridiculous shit he could throw at people before they start calling his bluff.

He then used the results to create a game that perfectly straddles the line between serious and absurd: Nier Automata.

I have collected several pieces of evidence in favor of my interpretation already, but I'm going to try to finish all endings before passing final judgment.
Last edited:


Mar 9, 2021
Reno, Nv.
This time I'll actually get to the 100% ending. I wimped out at a certain point what seems like a decade ago after I looked up spoilers on it. As much as I prefer the aesthetic of Dad Nier, I really can't tell much of a difference between the two, so *shrug*.

Then finally actually get past 40 minutes on Nier automata... (3x and failed)


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Man does this game ever get going? I have played like 4 hours or something and almost nothing has happened.


Unshakable Resolve
Dec 7, 2018
Just unlocked the ability to farm. Should I just plant whatever I've got handy, or is there a strategy here?


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It makes me unreasonably happy that Weiss floats next to you the entire game instead of just showing up for cutscenes.

Shit drove me mad back in the day and they corrected this infinitesimally minor issue.


Mar 25, 2021
Man does this game ever get going? I have played like 4 hours or something and almost nothing has happened.

I feel like it's kind of by design. You're a young kid running around collecting chicken eggs to whimsical music for ten hours and then you're a depressed mess for the next ten. It helps if you skip the side-quests, but I never do.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Firstly i am rather impressed by how little the game actually changed.
Apart from the polish, OST and the graphics, it's exactly how i remember it, and i mean that rather positviely so.
They could have easily made some things less annoying and more accessible for newcomers, but explicitly chose not to (except for a few small moments like the fishing minigame). They did keep the original experience 100% in tact and that is rather good.

I'm still not too fond of how the OST was arranged at times, a lot of songs get stuck much less in your head now as i'm not fond of how Kaine was prettie'd up.

The new stuff they added tho was mostly great. The mermaid part is a bit tedious on the additional routes, but the handful of new scenes were appreciated.

Regarding Bro NieR, i really didn't like him much in the first half. He just ain't dad.
In the second half on the other hand, i've really warmed up to him, the VA did a lot for that.
It also feels like the character growth between the first and second half is a lot bigger than in Gestalt.

Playable Kaine is a dream fulfilled after 10 long years, HOLY FUCK.

The actual ending itself was some unusual level of fan service for a Taro game, but i liked it.

The choice to give back the player his safegame will probably take away a lot of impact from D to new players, but as someone who deleted his savefile 10 years ago, the option to get it back in some way is, just an incredible and unusual feeling.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
The voice acting of the runaway son is fucking cursed and I love it.


Oct 25, 2017
Just unlocked the ability to farm. Should I just plant whatever I've got handy, or is there a strategy here?

Rice is really good for making money. Buy a bunch of rice seeds, fill the rows with them, fertilize and water. Next day you've got at least multiple thousands of gold worth of rice. But you can also speed it up by altering the time on your console, because plant growing is based on real time. I think I did this a bunch and had a million gold relatively quickly lol.

Also there is eventually a quest for breeding a certain flower and it is the worst bullshit imaginable, because it can take up to 2 weeks real time to complete, unless you alter the time on your console.


Oct 28, 2017
Got to the Barren Temple and whoo boy, was that rough.

Only being able to gently walk across that one room was a huge pain in the ass, but most of the others were fine.

Apart from that, I'm really enjoying it. Been taking a leisurely pace, doing most of the sidquests but not in any urgent manner.

I just kept jumping. Jumping on top of the boxes makes them disappear for a few seconds.


Unshakable Resolve
Dec 7, 2018
Rice is really good for making money. Buy a bunch of rice seeds, fill the rows with them, fertilize and water. Next day you've got at least multiple thousands of gold worth of rice. But you can also speed it up by altering the time on your console, because plant growing is based on real time. I think I did this a bunch and had a million gold relatively quickly lol.

Also there is eventually a quest for breeding a certain flower and it is the worst bullshit imaginable, because it can take up to 2 weeks real time to complete, unless you alter the time on your console.

damn thank you!


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone notice that they updated the black scrawl? It used to be the same characters repeating for ACGT but it looks like the new texture has a different character set?

Wonder if this was intentional or not. 🧐


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Yonah letters? Is that something in Part2? Or did i miss something completely in Part1 so far?

Ok I finally got it.

First letter is doing a few sidequests after the first trip to the Aerie (Kainé and Hook).

I was not able to trigger it by picking the sea front main quest first (yonah choice), I got it by picking junkyard heap quest. (I didn't do it)


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Thinking of getting this on my ps5. How is the combat?

On hard you have to pay attention the RPG systems (word enhancements, items stat boosts, weapon upgrades).

If you're not into that you can ignore those and play on normal like a typical action game.

The game goes out of its way to make sure it explains nothing about its mechanics and combo system so if you feel like you are missing something, ask us here and we'll help. This comes with almost everything modern action games have, but some of it isn't obvious in its layout.


Oct 25, 2017
Rice is really good for making money. Buy a bunch of rice seeds, fill the rows with them, fertilize and water. Next day you've got at least multiple thousands of gold worth of rice. But you can also speed it up by altering the time on your console, because plant growing is based on real time. I think I did this a bunch and had a million gold relatively quickly lol.

Also there is eventually a quest for breeding a certain flower and it is the worst bullshit imaginable, because it can take up to 2 weeks real time to complete, unless you alter the time on your console.

so i just have to change the time of the console and it also works on replicant 1.22?


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Oh fuck the Forest of Myth is voice acted now.

Edit: Damn, false alarm.


Oct 25, 2017
so i just have to change the time of the console and it also works on replicant 1.22?

In theory. It used to work on ps3 and 360 so I hope the newer consoles and pc let you fuckbwith it the same way. Easy way to test is I think set it forward 20 hours after planting watering and fertilizing. If there's drastic change like a new plant or a dead plant, then it worked.

Might have to save, close, change time, relaunch.

Its kind of a pain but the alternative is waiting something like 19 real hours for a plant to grow


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Whyyy do my cutscenes on Xbox have a transparent letterbox? It's so annoying. I turned off cutscene subtitles but it's still there.