
Dec 9, 2017
I don't know what issue people with gsync monitors are having with the game. I have a Asus PG279Q at 165hz and gsync active, and a GTX1080ti and the game is incredible with it. 4K, uncapped framerate, running in borderless window mode, with gsync set to "Windowed and Fullscreen" in the Nvidia control panel. It's perfect and I was actually hugely surprised just how smooth it is.


Oct 25, 2017
This game makes me so happy. I've been playing it for most of the day and I feel like I'm 10 years old on a Saturday with nothing else to do but play.

Just got to
and I'm excited! It looks so pretty! I particularly like that the combat isn't turn based but as others have said there isn't too much to it. I did run into a monster surrounded by purple mist that kicked my ass though. Gonna go back later for revenge.


Oct 27, 2017
The game looks great. I am not getting a stable 60 fps in 4k maxed settings though. Did anyone do a guide of the performance impact of the various settings?

specs: [email protected], Titan X Pascal, 16Gb RAM, installed on a ssd, running windows 10


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I've found at least half a dozen seemingly completely optional mini-dungeons hidden away on the world map in 5 hours so far. Really impressive. Had to peel myself away from searching because there was way too much ground to cover too.

Make sure to upgrade the walking speed from the explorer guild ASAP when you have your kingdom.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Played three hours and I really don't think this game is any good. The first one was too easy, this one is beyond a joke. The writing is terrible, the encounters are vapid, the exploration is crappy... It's kind of pretty, although not nearly as much as the first one, and that's it, that's all it has going for it so far.


Oct 25, 2017
Enjoying this, but I really wish the combat was harder, because I'm just breezing through it. Will this change or not?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Played three hours and I really don't think this game is any good. The first one was too easy, this one is beyond a joke. The writing is terrible, the encounters are vapid, the exploration is crappy... It's kind of pretty, although not nearly as much as the first one, and that's it, that's all it has going for it so far.
I felt the same way when i played the first one, and I wondered how it got so many good review scores

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
Played three hours and I really don't think this game is any good. The first one was too easy, this one is beyond a joke. The writing is terrible, the encounters are vapid, the exploration is crappy... It's kind of pretty, although not nearly as much as the first one, and that's it, that's all it has going for it so far.
I'm only about 2 hours in and I don't dislike it as much as you do...but it kind of gives me the feeling that a lot of more generic JRPGs from last gen did. It feels extremely straightforward to the point of being bland, at least in the early hours. Coming off of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, where every chapter built up to exciting and shocking moments, and the combat required a ton of thought and strategy, this doesn't seem to scratch the same itch right away.

I don't mind easy and relaxing games. I'm playing Kirby right now and having a great time despite it being a total cakewalk, so there's something here that's just not grabbing me.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 30, 2017
Ok guys, life hack: Change dodge to "L+X" (or A on xbox). Works sooooo much better than clunkily having to press L+L1. It doesn't even interfere with anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Grabbed the premium edition, no idea when I'll get a chance to play, maybe in a couple weeks...

But I'm looking forward to it when I get the time. The negatives aspects of the game that people are bringing up (too easy, too straight-forward old-school JRPG gameplay) is stuff that actually has me excited, as those are the JRPGs I used to enjoy (I'm old), and I honestly don't care for the newer ones.


Oct 25, 2017
I was planning to play for a good chunk of hours today but the easy combat and lack luster story just isn't keeping me engrossed at all. I'll give a third go tomorrow, I'm about 10 hours in now and I start to feel my eyelids shutting and wanting to go to sleep after a little while with the game. I adored the first game so this is a little bit of a disappointment for me, hoping it picks up soon.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I'm only about 2 hours in and I don't dislike it as much as you do...but it kind of gives me the feeling that a lot of more generic JRPGs from last gen did. It feels extremely straightforward to the point of being bland, at least in the early hours. Coming off of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, where every chapter built up to exciting and shocking moments, and the combat required a ton of thought and strategy, this doesn't seem to scratch the same itch right away.

I don't mind easy and relaxing games. I'm playing Kirby right now and having a great time despite it being a total cakewalk, so there's something here that's just not grabbing me.
I'm playing XBC2 directly after this one, can't wait.

As for the difficulty, I don't need games to be challenging at all, Journey is right up there in my favourite games, but a game needs something to grab me, story, the world, wanderlust, entertaining encounters, just something, and as of yet, I'm not finding it. However, I'm a whore for town building and management, so maybe when that stuff kicks in. I'm not bailing yet or anything, I'll press on.


Oct 27, 2017
Played three hours and I really don't think this game is any good. The first one was too easy, this one is beyond a joke. The writing is terrible, the encounters are vapid, the exploration is crappy... It's kind of pretty, although not nearly as much as the first one, and that's it, that's all it has going for it so far.

Yep. The irony is, as bad as the combat was in the previous game, I think it was actually better somehow. The game also seems to have taken a dive in overall charm, but I can't quite place why.

I'm playing XBC2 directly after this one, can't wait.

As for the difficulty, I don't need games to be challenging at all, Journey is right up there in my favourite games, but a game needs something to grab me, story, the world, wanderlust, entertaining encounters, just something, and as of yet, I'm not finding it. However, I'm a whore for town building and management, so maybe when that stuff kicks in. I'm not bailing yet or anything, I'll press on.

Town building is
8-10 hours in depending how fast you play/read.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Yikes~!! These comments.

I need a challenge to keep engaged, a desire to implement and utilize the mechanics to their potential to a satisfying end.

Seems this isn't for me, but I have it downloaded and waiting for me....:(


Oct 27, 2017
Downloaded a d played the first few combat encounters and already love it! Unfortunately I'll be having to watch Santa Clarita diet with the wife tonight.


Oct 27, 2017
Just gave it a quick start before going to bed. Really like it already. Haven't played a new game with a classical jrpg vibe in a long time.


Feb 12, 2018
Have we already brought up how this game amusingly throws rocks at Disney the same way animaniacs threw them at TIME after they bought Warner Bros?


Oct 27, 2017
I played up to Chapter 3, I'm enjoying it, but the game is reeeeeally easy so far. I thnk I enjoy NNK1's story so far as well. But I'm trudging along.


Oct 30, 2017
Just opened my Collector's Edition and I'm pretty happy with it. Art book had some really cool things in it. Steelbook is awesome, but I haven't opened the Diorama yet. About to play the game, but one question:

If I buy this game digitally, will my save data transfer from my physical copy? I've heard that some games do and some games don't. So I wanted to make sure before I put a ton of time into this, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Just opened my Collector's Edition and I'm pretty happy with it. Art book had some really cool things in it. Steelbook is awesome, but I haven't opened the Diorama yet. About to play the game, but one question:

If I buy this game digitally, will my save data transfer from my physical copy? I've heard that some games do and some games don't. So I wanted to make sure before I put a ton of time into this, lol.

The diorama is a complete BITCH to put together (at least the premium edition one, I assume it's the same in King's)

I gave up trying lol


Oct 25, 2017
So can someone explain the side quests in more detail? Fetch quests can be fun, but are these fairly monotonous?

Besides that, the combat difficulty sounds very disappointing, and Im hoping they can add in a hard mode.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what issue people with gsync monitors are having with the game. I have a Asus PG279Q at 165hz and gsync active, and a GTX1080ti and the game is incredible with it. 4K, uncapped framerate, running in borderless window mode, with gsync set to "Windowed and Fullscreen" in the Nvidia control panel. It's perfect and I was actually hugely surprised just how smooth it is.

Have 1440p gsync and I'm noticing a lot of hiccups? It's definitly not smooth. Not tearing but low fps, I don't know, it's weird.


Oct 30, 2017
The diorama is a complete BITCH to put together (at least the premium edition one, I assume it's the same in King's)

I gave up trying lol
Oh no.. that's not good to hear, lol. I don't have much room or space right now so I don't really plan on taking it out for a while. I hope I won't have as much trouble when I attempt it myself. I imagine the Papercraft Display thing will be pretty complicated as well. So those two will sit in the box for a while I guess, lol.

Edit: Oh you're only talking about the Papercraft thing. That's good then! Kinda... Haha


Oct 25, 2017
Oh no.. that's not good to hear, lol. I don't have much room or space right now so I don't really plan on taking it out for a while. I hope I won't have as much trouble when I attempt it myself. I imagine the Papercraft Display thing will be pretty complicated as well. So those two will sit in the box for a while I guess, lol.

Oh, I was talking about the papercraft one. Sorry, haha. I assume the diorama is fairly straight forward.


Dec 25, 2017
Finally started playing and I'm about 2-3 hours in. Really liking the combat and I'm pretty happy it's easier than most games that I've been playing recently! Really liking Roland and Evan, though I have to admit, I'm missing the familiars of Ni No Kuni 1 right about now (Playing Ni No Kuni 2 completely blind so I have no clue if familiars are still a thing)


Oct 25, 2017
Played three hours and I really don't think this game is any good. The first one was too easy, this one is beyond a joke. The writing is terrible, the encounters are vapid, the exploration is crappy... It's kind of pretty, although not nearly as much as the first one, and that's it, that's all it has going for it so far.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Thank fucking god. Came into this thread to share my impressions and this is basically what I was going to say. I'm 3.5 hours in or so, around the same as you, just started chapter 3. I want to hold on until I get to the skirmishes, side quests, and kingdom building, because there is literally nothing so far that is at all compelling. I'm not even sure those could save the game for me, I hate it so much. Musou random enemies take longer to beat than the encounters in this game. Bosses included. The story is shit, the music is repetitive to the point of being downright annoying (part of it is because you're constantly getting in and out of battles and thus resetting the music every fucking time, part of it being the reuse of dungeon music for seemingly every dungeon thus far), the exploration in both dungeons and the world map is poorly designed hot garbage, shitty annoying puzzles, graphics aren't even as impressive as the first game... this game has it all. I had pretty low expectations coming into this, but hoo boy, it blew right past them in the wrong direction.


Oct 27, 2017
3 hours in and I'm having some of the same complaints...this game is boring. I actually forgot that I had preordered this until it was delivered to my house and now I regret opening it

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
Pretty much agree with the consensus so far, starting chapter 4. Enjoying it, but quite a few problems. Game feels like it could have used a few more months in the chamber. The lack of voice acting in general is a huge missed opportunity at fleshing out some of these characters/scenes. It's some real PS1 RPG era stuff of "characters get one five word voiced introduction and then nothing ever again." The combat feels like they didn't actually play it to see if the current values were balanced. I shouldn't kill a boss in literally twenty seconds. I don't even know how to heal in this game, I've never needed to. You would have actively try to die in a fight to actually die.

Also the new Drippy's design is straight up hideous.

Still a fan, but this could have been so much better. I'd take the garbage AI combat from the first game just to have everything else.


Oct 25, 2017
3 hours in and I'm having some of the same complaints...this game is boring. I actually forgot that I had preordered this until it was delivered to my house and now I regret opening it
Thank fuck for Amazon Prime. I got it for 20% off, thus I can very easily make my money back or close to it by reselling it.

Pretty much agree with the consensus so far, starting chapter 4. Enjoying it, but quite a few problems. Game feels like it could have used a few more months in the chamber. The lack of voice acting in general is a huge missed opportunity at fleshing out some of these characters/scenes. It's some real PS1 RPG era stuff of "characters get one five word voiced introduction and then nothing ever again." The combat feels like they didn't actually play it to see if the current values were balanced. I shouldn't kill a boss in literally twenty seconds. I don't even know how to heal in this game, I've never needed to. You would have actively try to die in a fight to actually die.

Also the new Drippy's design is straight up hideous.

Still a fan, but this could have been so much better. I'd take the garbage AI combat from the first game just to have everything else.
Yup, this game was obviously rushed. The character intro thing (5 second voiced cutscene then the rest unvoiced dialogue in-game) reminds me of Lunar, which is an over 25 year old game. Except for Lunar, the reason for the short anime intros for each character was because they literally could not afford the disc space to do much more at the time because it was on a CD. This has no fucking excuse other than a lack of budget/time.

I have no idea if the AI is actually better than the first in this one because everything dies so quickly, your party members are actually useless by default.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, I'm really enjoying it. 3.5 hrs in. So beautiful, and I'm finding it really engaging. Now, the only JRPG that I've even tried to play in recent memory is FFXV, and I couldn't get into it. This...has a gentleness to it that I'm finding really appealing.


Jan 14, 2018
About 5 hours in and havinng a lot of fun. My only complains are the chibi chars on the world map and the difficulty being far too easy.
What does the hammer symbol in each weapon mean?

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
Thank fuck for Amazon Prime. I got it for 20% off, thus I can very easily make my money back or close to it by reselling it.

Yup, this game was obviously rushed. The character intro thing (5 second voiced cutscene then the rest unvoiced dialogue in-game) reminds me of Lunar, which is an over 25 year old game. Except for Lunar, the reason for the short anime intros for each character was because they literally could not afford the disc space to do much more at the time because it was on a CD. This has no fucking excuse other than a lack of budget/time.

I have no idea if the AI is actually better than the first in this one because everything dies so quickly, your party members are actually useless by default.

I was actually going to specifically mention Lunar, but I thought it might be too specific for what I was getting it. It's 100% that.
And even Lunar had more voice acting that this does.