
Oct 28, 2017
posting replies from accounts with 26 follows doesn't sound like a very productive use of time
its a legit issue, but I'm not convinced these are actual replies from real people
Oct 31, 2017
From watching Memeoligy101 (Man that dude's channel went on a downward spiral) they also tried blame the abduction of the Michigan governor on us liberals too.

Also it's fucking facebook, the edge of the world full of Karens, Darens (Male karens), religious fanatics, abusive parents, the inbred and all the other unholy abominations of the world, so why do we expect better from facebook and it's users.

But that means the edge of the world is much of the world since so much of the world has a Facebook, which creeps me out. >_>

I mean in my head, I know that many people read these things but don't engage in the comments because they don't want to get caught up in it, but sometimes I feel better if someone calls them out on it (which looks like some of the board have heroically decided to do).

posting replies from accounts with 26 follows doesn't sound like a very productive use of time
its a legit issue, but I'm not convinced these are actual replies from real people

You're 100% right about that concern, but I can confirm that the FB post is real and at a minimum, Bot Sentinel is finding both to not be bots (though wedontwantuhere isn't perfect).
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
If it wasn't true these people wouldn't be so upset that they are being aired out.

Also, these are probably bot/troll accounts, but the point still stands that these fascists believe that they need burners to protect their way of life.


Oct 26, 2017
This reads like white supremicists being upset about being called out. Next we get the hashtag #notallwhitesuptemicists.

Fucking clowns.


Oct 25, 2017
You know they know he's on their team, right? Each of them cheers this shit on and only cries about these "lone wolves" secretly being democrats because they know they can't openly support genocide... yet.

They all salivate over the day they can mass murder their "enemies" and not get in trouble for it.
Oct 31, 2017
These types are beyond tiring. Their entire shtick is so banal - if you've battled in the comments section with one of them you've basically battled with every single one of them. They're all the same predictable, soulless, troglodyte dreg. A bunch of NPCs with their intelligence levels turned down to 10% capacity. They just trot out the same old uninteresting spin that they have been for the past 15 years.

Example on the FB post:


I hear this all the time: it's hateful to point out hate. It's like the mindset that it's worse or as bad to be called a racist as it is to actually be racist. Every time.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
That's their only play. They do things and then say "why are dems doing this?" That's the only thing they do constantly and no one calls them out on it. It's that and always projecting.


Dec 17, 2020
"So, the guy was a racist gun nut who is against immigration and believes in white supremacy, but he is an atheist and also believes in economical solidarity among his fellow racist whites so it makes him actually more of a lib."

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I hear this all the time: it's hateful to point out hate. It's like the mindset that it's worse or as bad to be called a racist as it is to actually be racist. Every time.
For them to realize how backwards their bullshit is would take but a mere second of self reflection. These mindless chuds are 100% incapable of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Any act of violence from right-wing crazies is being framed as "incited patriotism", and it's supposedly the Liberal Democrat's fault this is happening.

So when cops or a white supremacists murder black people, it's because they were incited by liberals/CNN/socialists/progressives/etc....

This is the Trumpist playbook.


Oct 25, 2017
For them to realize how backwards their bullshit is would take but a mere second of self reflection. These mindless chuds are 100% incapable of it.

I think it's more about the fact that they don't want their bullshit to be put under any kind of public scrutiny. Like they all think Charlottesville was a moment of glory and dream of mowing down peaceful protesters by the hundreds but know the majority of the country was horrified by it. The majority isn't "at their power level" yet so they need to bide their time and cry fake news at their heroes while cheering in their own safe spaces.

Honestly I think calling them just too stupid to realize how dumb their bigotry is is being too kind. They're straight-up evil, they know it, and they celebrate it.


Nov 3, 2017
It's because white supremacy IS their honor.
It's literally what they are the most proud of.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Well it's a good thing we happened to arrest the last remaining white supremacist in America.

Racism is officially over!

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I think calling them just too stupid to realize how dumb their bigotry is is being too kind. They're straight-up evil, they know it, and they celebrate it.
It's possible to be both stupid and evil, you know.

The far right fascists of today can be divided into a few categories.

-There are the dumb and hateful ones at the bottom. The kind who live in trailer parks and run-down shacks due to "economic anxiety" and a lack of social nourishment and public welfare. They live tiny, unfulfilled, and pointless lives and blame all the wrong people because of cultural and tribal trends. If they had a better education they could have potentially seen through their economic masters' gaslighting bullshit. These people are absolutely bottom of the barrel stupid - but don't get me wrong, they're very much at fault for the perpetuation of their own garbage. The fact that they make being hateful not only their only mode of being but a perverted recreation very much makes them evil as well.

-There's the slightly higher up sociopaths who've realize their privilege only exists if they continue to push for it along with all the other fascists. They're very much aware of the pain their favored policies cause but as with all conservatives they're selfish as fuck. The world could burn for all they care as long as they have a their own ladder up above the flames. They know what they're doing and they don't care: pure evil.

-Then there are the truly psychotic far right assholes. The hyper rich ruling class ones who are either bank rolling regressive legislation or quashing progress for the sole purpose of maintaining economic dominance. Or even just the intelligent sociopath types who are prowling the internet creating novel gaslighting and talking points like that creep who made CRT a thing in the Republican sphere. These types are peak evil and malice personified. The kind who have the power, clout, or intellect to make the world a better place and instead use it to propagate hatred.

So, yeah, they're all evil - some are just dumb evil. As I said it doesn't take away their agency or blame. No. They turned down every opportunity in life that could have made them even a slightly better person. I do think at some point there is a point of no return, of course. Aging brains get stiffer, and they get especially watered down with alcoholism or lead poisoning. That and decades of radicalization with FOX blaring 24/7 will sort of seal your fate to the point where there is no turning back. But that doesn't change the fact that they chose that path at some point in time.

The one thing I disagree with in your post is that I don't think they all think they're evil, or on the most evil side, which is why they'll either make shit up or run with talking points that paint the left or progressives as being more evil than they are. For a lot of them this is the coping mechanism that enables their own darkness - basically "they're worse than us, so we have to be just as evil to fight." Essentially if they do think their methods are evil, they believe they are the lesser of two evils. However I think most of the Republican party, especially those who should know better, do know better, and deliberately tow the line that makes society worse in order to maintain minority control. FOX, for one example, abso-fucking-lutely knows what they're doing. They're paid well to be a den of malice and misinformation, and they've long since given up any personal qualms with being as knowingly evil as they are.


Oct 27, 2017
Great Replacement Theory says that Dems are intentionally trying to replace whites with minorities for political power, and that's the cause that this shooter planned out a mass shooting to fight against, so the "he was a Democrat!" line is obviously nonsense on its face.

The bit of reality they are grasping at is that he claims to have been a communist years prior when he was like 15, a literal child with a malleable mind, before getting radicalized by 4chan 2 years ago - and as the shooter says "consistently moved further to the right". Republicans think it's a gotcha that he still considers himself "moderate authoritarian left" but that's just the age-old "Classical Liberal" bullshit where people claim to be left-wing to call their position "moderate" which they view synonymous with "sensible".

Ultimately he was radicalized "to the right" (his own words) and committed a mass murder of human lives based on the common-place Republican talking point of Replacement, and there's no getting around that fact.


Oct 25, 2017
Even if this shooter wasn't racist, which we know he was, and he didn't just spell it out for us in his racist manifesto, which he did, the mental illness angle still would not get these people to care

White terrorists shooting happens

"He was mentally ill"
"Ok, then let's spend money on mental health to try and prevent this from happening again"
"No fuck you, I'm not going to have my taxes increased to give it to others"

There is no winning with these shit stains, so best for them to not have a say in anything


Oct 25, 2017
It really is crazy. Like wouldn't you want to condemn a white supremacist whether they are a democrat or Republican? Boggles my mind
Because "Democrats are the real racists" and "conservatives are the ones who actually care about minorities" (even though decades of proposed and passed legislation contradicts that).


Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
They literally say the same thing every time. They literally claimed the pipe bomber that sent bombs to Trump critics was a liberal even though his van looked like this and the motive would have been backward.


It doesn't matter. First, they claim it was a liberal/or voted for a democrat no matter what the truth is or the person says their political beliefs. Some of them actually believe it, others say it just to add misinformation a doubt. They know other conservatives that just don't want to believe the truth will go, "I knew it," and parrot it whenever it comes up as fact. They know that others, liberals and unaffiliated will say, "I don't know if it is actually true but I have heard that he may have been a democrat", simply because people innocently do not want to assume either way.

Next, they start to blame it on anything other than guns or rhetoric, like mental health or video games because they know again, some mostly innocent liberals and unaffiliated who are sympathetic to very real mental health issues will agree partially with them only for republicans to block any actually help for mental health programs when it finally comes to vote.

Of course, all of this is while deflecting any racial connection with the killing, "oh, he killed 2 white people out of XX that were there, so he wasn't targeting (minority group)," "What about Chicago," "why does the race matter, isn't all murder a hate crime," ect. Then comes the, "it's racist to put labels on this" and " MLK bla bla bla, skin color, bla bla bla, you bringing up his race is where the division is coming from."

It's all the same, It doesn't even matter that they end up contradicting themselves from post to post. Eventually, everyone moves on, nothing gets done and they have successfully muddied the waters enough that if it ever comes up again, you still hear misinformation about the event and they do it again the next event.

I live literally 5 minutes max from the Krogers in Louisville/Jeffersontown, Ky where a white supremacist shot two elderly black people in 2018 where the guy even yelled, "Dylann Roof" while shooting black people and similar to this case, (where they stopped shooting at a white person) told a white person "to not shoot me (and) I won't shoot you. Whites don't shoot whites" and I still remember a month after it happened, it coming up on this site in reference to another shooting and someone saying, "actually it was a black guy that shot them and not a hate crime" and only one reply to the post apologizing for thinking it was a white supremacist followed by nothing else to contradict it because everyone moved on. It's sad but the misinformation works and it drives me mad.


Oct 25, 2017
Well it's a good thing we happened to arrest the last remaining white supremacist in America.

Racism is officially over!

Yeah my biggest takeaway from this was how awful it is that we're at a point that we can't even vaguely acknowledge the *existence* of white supremacists. Nothing was said about white privilege, systematic racism, or anything like that - just stating that white supremacists exist and that they do bad things.

This wasn't a matter for debate 20 years ago in even the most conservative circles but now are we actually trying to deny that the KKK still exists?


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
White Americans have been denying the reality of white supremacy since the end of the Civil War. It's a feature of their culture, not a habit borne of Fox News conditioning.
Oct 31, 2017
They literally say the same thing every time. They literally claimed the pipe bomber that sent bombs to Trump critics was a liberal even though his van looked like this and the motive would have been backward.


It doesn't matter. First, they claim it was a liberal/or voted for a democrat no matter what the truth is or the person says their political beliefs. Some of them actually believe it, others say it just to add misinformation a doubt. They know other conservatives that just don't want to believe the truth will go, "I knew it," and parrot it whenever it comes up as fact. They know that others, liberals and unaffiliated will say, "I don't know if it is actually true but I have heard that he may have been a democrat", simply because people innocently do not want to assume either way.

Next, they start to blame it on anything other than guns or rhetoric, like mental health or video games because they know again, some mostly innocent liberals and unaffiliated who are sympathetic to very real mental health issues will agree partially with them only for republicans to block any actually help for mental health programs when it finally comes to vote.

Of course, all of this is while deflecting any racial connection with the killing, "oh, he killed 2 white people out of XX that were there, so he wasn't targeting (minority group)," "What about Chicago," "why does the race matter, isn't all murder a hate crime," ect. Then comes the, "it's racist to put labels on this" and " MLK bla bla bla, skin color, bla bla bla, you bringing up his race is where the division is coming from."

It's all the same, It doesn't even matter that they end up contradicting themselves from post to post. Eventually, everyone moves on, nothing gets done and they have successfully muddied the waters enough that if it ever comes up again, you still hear misinformation about the event and they do it again the next event.

I live literally 5 minutes max from the Krogers in Louisville/Jeffersontown, Ky where a white supremacist shot two elderly black people in 2018 where the guy even yelled, "Dylann Roof" while shooting black people and similar to this case, (where they stopped shooting at a white person) told a white person "to not shoot me (and) I won't shoot you. Whites don't shoot whites" and I still remember a month after it happened, it coming up on this site in reference to another shooting and someone saying, "actually it was a black guy that shot them and not a hate crime" and only one reply to the post apologizing for thinking it was a white supremacist followed by nothing else to contradict it because everyone moved on. It's sad but the misinformation works and it drives me mad.

I appreciate you typing out all this.

I always wonder if it's the muddying of the waters that makes people move on or if it's too many people in power that harbor those feelings that's the main culprit. Because they can post on FB or Twitter all they want, but at the end of the day, the decisions will be made at the top. I think?

I don't even know anymore; it just makes me sad that any reaction would be how this is white supremacy. Like you have to take out an electron microscope to find the narrow bandwidth of what it actually racism.

White Americans have been denying the reality of white supremacy since the end of the Civil War. It's a feature of their culture, not a habit borne of Fox News conditioning.

You are right, but sometimes I feel like this wasn't even up for debate if we were talking about it in, like, 1996 or something. While I grew up in the early days of the internet, I may have just not been in the mix of these discussions then.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Its like they have this kneejerk reaction thinking you are talking about them. Like getting defensive over that (accurate) claim that they were white supremacists should not get anyone to argumentative but there they go... Almost as if internally they themselves are racist.


Oct 27, 2017
"Fake news. He couldn't possibly be a white supremacist. I go to all the meetings and I've never seen him there ONCE."


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
When this was breaking on Twitter I saw a crap ton of accounts posting 'Guess what the shooter was a Democrat suck it luberal' type comments before ged even been identified. So yeah they don't give a fuck.


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
Who are these people replying? It doesn't seem like anyone has interacted with their tweets at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't his manifesto literally say outright that he was a white supremacist? I haven't read it but I could have sworn when it happened people were saying that he self-identified as one (or a Neo-Nazi?) in it, or was that just people inferring it from all the blatantly racist shit he says?


Dec 17, 2020
Didn't his manifesto literally say outright that he was a white supremacist? I haven't read it but I could have sworn when it happened people were saying that he self-identified as one (or a Neo-Nazi?) in it, or was that just people inferring it from all the blatantly racist shit he says?

He did. The right wing is just doing their usual "Nazis were actually economically left (they weren't really) so they are actually closer to liberals than to us". There are also Twitter conservatives thinking that they can disown him because he is an atheist and therefore must be actually a leftist.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Didn't his manifesto literally say outright that he was a white supremacist? I haven't read it but I could have sworn when it happened people were saying that he self-identified as one (or a Neo-Nazi?) in it, or was that just people inferring it from all the blatantly racist shit he says?

no clue what he calls himself but the dude literally uses the "great replacement" conspiracy theory as an reason to murder people of color

This ain't hard, definitely a white supremacist. And all the people trying to obfuscate it know it.


Oct 25, 2017
He did. The right wing is just doing their usual "Nazis were actually economically left (they weren't really) so they are actually closer to liberals than to us". There are also Twitter conservatives thinking that they can disown him because he is an atheist and therefore must be actually a leftist.

no clue what he calls himself but the dude literally uses the "great replacement" conspiracy theory as an reason to murder people of color

This ain't hard, definitely a white supremacist. And all the people trying to obfuscate it know it.

The only reply I have is just the sound of air and life slowly hissing out of my lungs. Jfc. Of course.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Racist white people with a desire to propagate white supremacy continue to act like their racist desires for a white fascist state aren't real. at 11?

This isn't shocking. And I've entered the stage of my life where I'm more annoyed by the white people who continue to be shocked by that.

Y'ALL annoy the shit out of me.