
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently the game has no multiplayer for the campaign and no difficulty settings. The only multiplayer is in the 3v3 mode.

This seems like a really big step back.
So you're telling me that New gundam breaker found a way to be the worst new entry in a series and beat Dynasty warriors 9 in how disappointing a sequel can be. I'd love to see the reactions from Japan on this. Guess i might finally buy the dlc for Break edition.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I mean besides amazon, I still remember the salt Tales of Zestiria fans had with reviews on


Oct 31, 2017
The world needs more Gundam games but honesty I prefer something other than yet another breaker... The series got stale for me after 2.
Where is my gundam battle series? What about those SD gundam/hero/gashpon games? Make those. ;(


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
The world needs more Gundam games but honesty I prefer something other than yet another breaker... The series got stale for me after 2.
Where is my gundam battle series? What about those SD gundam/hero/gashpon games? Make those. ;(
SD Gundams exist in Generation and Super Robot Wars series. They're strategy games, though, maybe that's why you missed them.


Oct 26, 2017
Saw this over at GameFAQs... what the fuck.

Been watching Twitch streams and it seems your story path is based on which waifu you choose. Then after beating the game you can go back and play the alternate paths.

Seriously wtf. Replay the same missions four times with a different love interest. Bandai what the fuck are you thinking. Are you even trying?


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
My local store just got it in stock, but I'm definitely going to take a wait and see approach with this one considering all the negative reactions I'm seeing.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this over at GameFAQs... what the fuck.

Seriously wtf. Replay the same missions four times with a different love interest. Bandai what the fuck are you thinking. Are you even trying?
This wouldn't be so bad if the actual game itself was fun to play. I pretty much did that in GB3 by playing all the difficulties for the platinum only that was all the exact same levels..

Deleted member 5745

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Still going to get it to support Gundam games coming out in the US but man, this sounds like it could have been a lot better but someone dropped the ball.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the Gundam localisation curse all over again. Whenever they bring a game over, it's almost always the worst in the series in recent memory.

But yeah, was blindsighted by the overwhelming negative reaction when the beta launched. Game seemed like a sure thing.


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017

I mean besides amazon, I still remember the salt Tales of Zestiria fans had with reviews on

Yeah, Gundam fans can be pretty fickle about stuff like this.
However, after glossing over some of the reviews there do seem to be some pretty disappointing issues.
Not to say the fanbase can't exaggerate some of the issues...

Gundam VS also got torn a new one for grievances like units from previous games missing, but it was never a terrible game.
Mediocre at worst IMO thanks to the pretty sub-par single player modes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In this thread by BlackKite compares NGB to previous entries and explains some changes in the game systems:

Yeah, Gundam fans can be pretty fickle about stuff like this.
However, after glossing over some of the reviews there do seem to be some pretty disappointing issues.
Not to say the fanbase can't exaggerate some of the issues...

Gundam VS also got torn a new one for grievances like units from previous games missing, but it was never a terrible game.
Mediocre at worst IMO thanks to the pretty sub-par single player modes.
Gundam VS felt like a step back from the previous console version, because it offered much less stuff to do, it didn't look that great, but at least the core gameplay was fine.

NGB plays terribly, jumping has like a half second delay...


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
In this thread by BlackKite compares NGB to previous entries and explains some changes in the game systems:

Gundam VS felt like a step back from the previous console version, because it offered much less stuff to do, it didn't look that great, but at least the core gameplay was fine.

NGB plays terribly, jumping has like a half second delay...

Yeah, it sounds like the issues are much more serious this time. GVS just had an issue with SP modes being lackluster,
but I mostly play the series for the online anyway and in that respect it at least had much better netcode.

I was thinking about picking up NGB this weekend to play with my brother, but I may just leave him out in the cold until there is a patch and better impressions.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it sounds like the issues are much more serious this time. GVS just had an issue with SP modes being lackluster,
but I mostly play the series for the online anyway and in that respect it at least had much better netcode.

I was thinking about picking up NGB this weekend to play with my brother, but I may just leave him out in the cold until there is a patch and better impressions.
If you haven't yet, I recommend grabbing GB3 instead. Even the version without all the DLC is a great treat after all the patches. My only real problem with the GB2->3 changes was changing the parts system. Taking care of all the dupes is a pain.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think the very root of these issues are "more" serious. They just continue to showcase the problem with Bandai Namco's direction with Gundam games. They see that they have a popular series brand for Gundam, but they wonder if they can "reboot" it in ways that would allow them to make something more exploitative. Then they carry out the plan without even understanding what fans liked the most about the series brand they are rebooting. It has happened enough times now that I'm convinced eventually they will trash SRW too.

They ruined ACE, they ruined Versus, they ruined Breaker. They suck.


Nov 28, 2017
Going by the reviews on Amazon I dodged a bullet, time to fire up 3 again.


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
I don't think the very root of these issues are "more" serious. They just continue to showcase the problem with Bandai Namco's direction with Gundam games. They see that they have a popular series brand for Gundam, but they wonder if they can "reboot" it in ways that would allow them to make something more exploitative. Then they carry out the plan without even understanding what fans liked the most about the series brand they are rebooting. It has happened enough times now that I'm convinced eventually they will trash SRW too.

They ruined ACE, they ruined Versus, they ruined Breaker. They suck.

Well, if we take the impressions and reviews at face value it seems like they managed to screw up the core gameplay with this one. That's a lot worse than skimping out on single player modes and other content IMO.

I never really agreed with the backlash against GVS. The issues were very easy to ignore thanks to the core gameplay still being solid. It was just underwhelming, not terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
If you can read past all the shitposting, /m/ is usually a good indicator of whether a /m/ game is good or not; and they ripped a new one for this game.

Can I just like cheatengine all the parts and just spend hours upon hours on the customization aspect once it comes out on steam? It's pretty much what I did in the previous games anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
I was going to pick this up (i imported all three Breaker games before this) but hearing impressions and just how they have ruined the gameplay turned me off. Upsetting as well.


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017
Shit. Totally forgot I pre-ordered it and it just showed up at work today. Time to enjoy some gunpla waifu romances, I guess... xD
Last edited:


Nov 2, 2017
I was buying this for the coop on PSN since I bought GB3 on disc and cant play online with my 2nd PS4 with my brother.

Well this sucks. I wouldve looked past all the faults if it had coop. Will wait and see for more info before buying.


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
Even though I'm a big Gundam fan, I do not subscribe to the mentality of "I will buy it to support the franchise in the west."
Bring over a good product and you'll have my money Bandai Namco. Otherwise, keep trying.


Oct 27, 2017
Just saw the impressions... That's disappointing.

Yah I'm out.
Gameplay Issues and waifu shit.
The only good part about this game is that its coming to the west.

That's not even a good part, if they bring a shitty game to the west it will kill the series and make them think twice about bringing another Gundam game.


Oct 27, 2017
Ugh, one of my controllers goes out and then this news...

I wonder at this point if BN is trying to sabotage Gundam games?


Oct 25, 2017
That's not even a good part, if they bring a shitty game to the west it will kill the series and make them think twice about bringing another Gundam game.
I'd like to think that, with the game seemingly getting trashed everywhere, that the suits at Namco are smart enough to connect any bad sales in the west with the quality of the game itself and not the viability of the market.


Oct 26, 2017
My copy should be here today. Yay?

On the bright side, when one console Gundam game is released Bandai normally announces another one.

And for me, at least I'm still playing Super Robot Wars X.


Nov 1, 2017
I just played an hour of this. I can't believe how bad it is.

I loved 2 and 3.

It feels very unresponsive not to mention the frame rate seems quite low. Around 20 or thereabouts on the 2nd level. The battles on that level were complete chaos because of those two things. The engine doesn't seem to be able to handle a battle involving 10-20 mechs at one time.

The screen is also cut off at the top and bottom and there is no option to fix it in the game. Might be my TV but even changing the screen size on the remote didn't fix the problem. I also find the new low budget anime story to be an unnecessary addition.

I don't understand how they butchered this so badly when they had a solid framework in the third game to work from. I'm selling my copy off ASAP.


Oct 27, 2017
How is the game for people who never heard of the series but like anime games? I don't think the changes would much matter, right? Assuming they don't mind 20fps ...


Oct 25, 2017
It's gonna burn when Namco Bandai hits us with the "Western fans don't buy Gundam games!" mixup.

Framerate issues is one thing, but to have clumsy gameplay on top of that is rough. There's no reason for the actions to feel so unresponsive, especially when Breaker 3 was just fine.