
Oct 29, 2017
Bournemouth, UK
They are credited though

Not a single reference to the voice actor is made in the trailer is my point. I'm just questioning the value of putting Refn's face onto a virtual character which is not being played by him, where everything in the pre-release trailers and marketing attaches his name to it as if he is. Why not just use the voice actor's face, or like most other games create one.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a single reference to the voice actor is made in the trailer is my point. I'm just questioning the value of putting Refn's face onto a virtual character which is not being played by him, where everything in the pre-release trailers and marketing attaches his name to it as if he is. Why not just use the voice actor's face, or like most other games create one.

Because having Refn's face is a more fun novelty.


Alt Account
Jul 4, 2019
DECIMA on PS5 is going to be something else...


Rndom Grenadez

Prophet of Truth
Dec 7, 2017
Garbage. Every thing I hear or see about this games makes me less and less interested. Will still play it because I'm a fan of Kojima's games (although I don't care for his writing).

Rndom Grenadez

Prophet of Truth
Dec 7, 2017
And you are the only negative in this thread so far. Nice.

There have been plenty of negative comments so far. The gameplay shown thus far, apart from the Hades portions, looks mundane to me.

Someone commented that the only thing people who are down on the game can say about it is that "it's weird and i hate it". Seems to me like all the people who are in on this game say the exact thing but in reverse. You can't just throw celebs and great graphics at me and have me like what I see. As someone who relies more heavily on gameplay I expect that to be what wows me and so far nothing really has. The combat shown looks uninteresting and the vehicle he rides looks pretty boring as well.

The one thing that has been awesome so far has been the boss fight from the extended footage of the release date trailer.

People can have their opinions, you're mad because I'm down on the game. Did I troll and say anything about the people who have loved what they've seen? No. But congrats your post literally added nothing to the conversation and was factually incorrect.

I think the idea for the character COULD potentially been interesting but the writing during the conversation, because it was out of context, felt dumb.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's good that the engine had issues with one long shot. Cutscenes flow WAYYYYY better than in MGSV if this scene is any indication.

There have been plenty of negative comments so far. The gameplay shown thus far, apart from the Hades portions, looks mundane to me.
So the only interesting bit to you is the part with the shooty bang bang?


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
Weird question, but does he feel pain when those 21 minutes go by and has to die? It would be fucked up to feel that pain all the time. Imagine trying to sleep before you die for the 4th time since you got in bed.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't wait to get high as fuck and play this game while Kojima casuals complain about how weird and pretentious it is.


Oct 27, 2017
One reason I'm excited for this is the tone and general atmosphere has been potentially heavily inspired by Twin Peaks The Return. Look at some of these tweets from the man himself:

If DS manages to communicate even a whiff of what The Return managed I will be a very happy camper indeed. The more bananas the better. Just uh, remember to sprinkle enough gameplay in there. Long cutscenes are fine just give us a nice balance with interactivity as well, don't need a repeat of MGS4 with the cutscene/gameplay ratio.
Oct 27, 2017
This dude recreated Heatman's office under 2 hours using UE4 and it looks graphically awesome . Maybe even better reflections than the original.


Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
doubt it's engine issues, one-shot is expensive in terms of the extra work design and narrative have to put in because their favourite trick has gone
then there's the question of bang-per-buck
(I didn't even notice it in MGSV)
Could've sworn they said they weren't doing one long take being of framerate issues.

Looks like in the world of Death Stranding 4k is the way to go.

Heartman has a nice 4k Blu-Ray collection.
Game set super far in the future......4k is still the standard for resolution. 😂

Rndom Grenadez

Prophet of Truth
Dec 7, 2017
It's good that the engine had issues with one long shot. Cutscenes flow WAYYYYY better than in MGSV if this scene is any indication.

So the only interesting bit to you is the part with the shooty bang bang?

Yeah, not a fan of the walkie walkie put up ladders portion of the game. But because it's retractable it's awesome whoaaaa.

Stop trying to trivialize my opinion because it's not yours.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Maybe Heartman is a hipster. 🤣

Yeah, not a fan of the walkie walkie put up ladders portion of the game. But because it's retractable it's awesome whoaaaa.

Stop trying to trivialize my opinion because it's not yours.
I mean it's a game centered around exploration and resource management instead of combat. It's awesome because presumably there will be a lot of player agency and moments where players exchange stories about how they dealt with the same scenarios like in MGSV except with less of an emphasis on stealth and combat. The potential for a game like that is indeed very awesome.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's a game centered around exploration and resource management instead of combat. It's awesome because presumably there will be a lot of player agency and moments where players exchange stories about how they dealt with the same scenarios like in MGSV except with less of an emphasis on stealth and combat. The potential for a game like that is indeed very awesome.


Dec 12, 2018
Garbage. Every thing I hear or see about this games makes me less and less interested. Will still play it because I'm a fan of Kojima's games (although I don't care for his writing).
Sorry, but I absolutely hate comments like that. It's okay to not like a trailer but calling a project garbage that a lot of people spend years on developing with a lot of passion and heart is fu... rude. Would you ever tell somebody in real life that the thing he is working on hard for years is "garbage". Definitely not, but being on the internet it's okay, nobody seems to care...


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, but I absolutely hate comments like that. It's okay to not like a trailer but calling a project garbage that a lot of people spend years on developing with a lot of passion and heart is fu... rude. Would you ever tell somebody in real life that the thing he is working on hard for years is "garbage". Definitely not, but being on the internet it's okay, nobody seems to care...
Just because someone works on something for year. Doesn't automatically means it's any good.


Nov 30, 2018
I mean it's a game centered around exploration and resource management instead of combat. It's awesome because presumably there will be a lot of player agency and moments where players exchange stories about how they dealt with the same scenarios like in MGSV except with less of an emphasis on stealth and combat. The potential for a game like that is indeed very awesome.

Well said.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand what the premise of this game is?
Still, it looks superbly well animated.


Oct 28, 2017
MGSV, while amazing from a pure gameplay perspective, punished players who didn't play non-lethal. I hope this is truly open in this regard.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
It's good that the engine had issues with one long shot. Cutscenes flow WAYYYYY better than in MGSV if this scene is any indication.

I don't believe he has completely abandoned the one long shot.

This trailer is in that format for the most part till the void out. I think this was nicely paced and played out very well.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm I don't know man... I need at least 15 to poop and wipe my ass extensively. Can watch stuff during toilet sessions though so yeah multi-tasking is possible.
I think they were perfectly clear. He has just enough time to poop and watch 21 minutes of love, and then make it back to his chair to have another heart attack.


Oct 8, 2018
I still don't understand what the premise of this game is?
Still, it looks superbly well animated.
In the near future, mysterious explosions have rocked the planet, setting off a series of supernatural events known as the Death Stranding. With spectral creatures plaguing the landscape, and the planet on the verge of a mass extinction, it's up to Sam Bridges to journey across the ravaged wasteland and save mankind from impending annihilation.