Garble Slew

Oct 27, 2017
Atlanta, Georgia
He apparently said last October he'd be up for doing one more film, and I think it's getting attention again because, just a couple of days ago, Heather Langenkamp said she'd like to reprise her role as Nancy again.

Thank you! With the right creative team I would be ecstatic if another proper NOES was announced. Even if they don't seem the obvious choice I'd love for the Astron-6 guys (or at least Kostanski) to get involved.

Anyway, glad to hear they are keeping the old suit. It's 80's as hell and yet still perfect.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
The right man for the job.

I like all his movies but I in particular love
District 9.

You can see the Robocop influence in his work and Robocop is one of my favorite movies of all time so I am a very happy camper.

I really want him on Alien with Sigourney Weaver as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Weird timing. I hadn't thought of Blomkamp in years, then I just saw his Halo pitch for the first time the other day. I didn't realize he'd made a short before actually getting the deal that fell through.

Now this RoboCop stuff has been showing up in my social media my timelines.

Absent Uncle

Oct 25, 2017
Blomkamp is out. MGM can't wait any longer and has to start shooting, and Blomkamp is busy shooting something else.
Not sure who replaces him.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Yeah, just saw Blomkamp's tweet. Real shame. I hope this horror thriller he's working on is shown soon though. I loved his Youtube stuff.


Oct 29, 2017
Damnit to hell, he was one of the few people I'd actually trust to do the series some justice, unlike the "reboot" we got that sucked.

We need someone that can do satire, someone that won't fuck up his iconic "design" and will let Robocop be....Robocop, the robotic movements, the sounds, the color of his armor, etc needs to stay the same as it was either in the first or second movie (the second one had kind of a blue'ish paint with the gray compared to the first), just no more "all black" suit, no more "super fast running" Robocop or none of that shit.

I'd love to see them get Paul Verhoeven to come back to it, he hasn't really made a big western movie for like twenty years now, Starship Troopers was his last big action movie actually, then he did the Hollow Man horror movie with Kevin Bacon and after that it's been mostly Danish thriller/mystery movie sand things.

Hope that Peter Weller is still going to do the role. If not then they need to get someone similar to him in terms of body/face shape and what not, my money would be on Cillian Murphy, he's the closest to Peter Weller imo in terms of all of those.


Oct 28, 2017
Halo fell through, Alien sequel fell through, now Robocop falls through, damn...wanted to see all three.


Oct 28, 2017
Saw the thread. Hyped.

Looked at the date. Uh.

Saw the last couple posts. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm 99% sure any reboot is going to remove the anti-corporate, anti-conservative political message in the film. Which will make the movie infinitely worse anyhow.


Oct 28, 2017
So they need to find an available director who is also talented asap. Who is doing the plannings at MGM?


Oct 27, 2017
Oh God, this is going to completely miss the points of the original, isn't it.

I do not trust Blomkamp at all.

Nah things are looking good for this project.

I'm 99% sure any reboot is going to remove the anti-corporate, anti-conservative political message in the film. Which will make the movie infinitely worse anyhow.

Read the OP, it's not a reboot. Bad as it was the bow abandoned remake Universe was still anti corporate etc.


Fraud & Player Security
Oct 25, 2017
Is this leaning to be be a sequel to the reboot or another reboot?

Edit: Duh, I see OP.

Not sure what to think. While the movie was flawed, I kinda liked Joel in the role and I wouldn't have minded him getting another stab at portraying Murphy.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes but this will be a toned down watered down version of Robocop just like the crappy reboot was and everything else these days? It needs to be an 18 very like the original two movies. That's Robocop. I'm not interested if it isn't. Even a 15 cert isn't enough.