
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This is why I don't have a lot of faith in the American electorate doing the right thing. Even if Trump loses in 2020, his supporters will still be out there.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm tired of catering to people who make arguments that are not based in reality or evidence, only emotion. Not my job to cater and be 'nice' to folks who dont care to look at the facts.

So you're wrong which is actually kind of funny. There's a large volume of literature supporting the theory that strong economic indicators are a predictive force in presidential elections specifically. Look at Ray Fairs work on the topic as it's probably the most comprehensive and referenced literature on the topic.

We could argue about whether that will be relevant to this election cycle or not , and possibly about some counter arguments to that work, but you've demonstrated yourself to be hostile to the topic. So, you can look that up yourself. Not my job to educate folks who don't want to look at facts.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Even 4/10 is too high. Freaking idiots is all I have to say. Is there any class that he hasn't ridiculed or harassed, outside of the rich? Why the hell do we want this racist, homophobic, clown back in charge again?
As some of my family members would say, I don't like the person, I like his policy. As long as people think Trump and his party is benefiting their pockets and children's financial health, they'll ignore all the crap that comes out of his mouth.

The division is pretty crazy, like you can get into fist fights over politics again just like racism issues. It's a divided group of states and cities over here thats for sure.
Oct 25, 2017
So you're wrong which is actually kind of funny. There's a large volume of literature supporting the theory that strong economic indicators are a predictive force in presidential elections specifically. Look at Ray Fairs work on the topic as it's probably the most comprehensive and referenced literature on the topic.

We could argue about whether that will be relevant to this election cycle or not , and possibly about some counter arguments to that work, but you've demonstrated yourself to be hostile to the topic. So, you can look that up yourself. Not my job to educate folks who don't want to look at facts.

No shit the economy has an impact on elections. Nobody is arguing that it doesn't. Your argument is a 100% if-then statement, which is objectively wrong given the slightest bit of scrutiny. Republicans got fucking roasted in the last election despite the great economy.


Feb 25, 2018
Democrats will eat each other while republicans will rally behind Trump. I say he has a legit chance.

No shit the economy has an impact on elections. Nobody is arguing that it doesn't. Your argument is a 100% if-then statement, which is objectively wrong given the slightest bit of scrutiny. Republicans got fucking roasted in the last election despite the great economy.

It was a midterm election.
Jul 18, 2018
Vocal party voters are not going to change their opinion when asked publicly. You have to understand people do not like to be wrong, so they will always back down on who they supported. I


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
So you're wrong which is actually kind of funny. There's a large volume of literature supporting the theory that strong economic indicators are a predictive force in presidential elections specifically. Look at Ray Fairs work on the topic as it's probably the most comprehensive and referenced literature on the topic.

We could argue about whether that will be relevant to this election cycle or not , and possibly about some counter arguments to that work, but you've demonstrated yourself to be hostile to the topic. So, you can look that up yourself. Not my job to educate folks who don't want to look at facts.

Except the economy was quite good in 2016 and Trump won...so....

Fact is a President usually needs to grow his base for reelection especially when he only won by 80k across three states. Trumps base has shrunk and those three states flipped back to dems. It was also the biggest Dem wave in decades. The economy didnt help him or his party in 2018.

So again, facts matter, emotions dont.
Oct 31, 2017
I don't have anything against Sanders, but I always recoil a bit when I read "Bernie would have won." Could he have won? Sure. But Clinton could have won, too, right up until she didn't. Bernie never faced the full force of the Republican smear machine, and conservative media would've been 24x7 with their "but Socialism" attacks, and digging every skeleton, no matter how minor or inconsequential, out of his closet. Republicans played nice with Bernie when Clinton was the presumptive nominee, as they wanted to push on divisions within the party. I mean, that'll all be true for whoever wins the primary this go around, too.

I'm not saying he'd definitely have lost, but I think it's a bit hard to claim he definitely would have won, especially in light of all the things we learned about 2016 after the fact.

All the more reason I want him to be the nominee.


Nov 11, 2017
4 out of 10 people will vote Republican no matter what, they could run a xenomorph as their candidate and it wouldn't matter to the base.

I can just imagine Lindsey passionately defending acid for blood and how it accidentally cocconed half of the capitol..because it falls under intergallactic immunity and wont happen again. There is no collusion with the queen.


Oct 29, 2017
No shit the economy has an impact on elections. Nobody is arguing that it doesn't. Your argument is a 100% if-then statement, which is objectively wrong given the slightest bit of scrutiny. Republicans got fucking roasted in the last election despite the great economy.

You read that as an if-then statement? You're supposed to have read that as an opinion - specifically my opinion. Which is also backed up by hoards of literature. The incumbents are greatly helped by a strong economy. This model also predicted Trump would win back in 2016 btw. The last elections were midterms which is a totally different climate. Let's say it wasn't though, and this was an anomaly to the model, does that mean the model is broken? No. You understand how statistics work, right?

So don't come at me with "objectively wrong given the slightest bit of scrutiny". Just wait until Trump starts campaigning with good economic metrics while calling all the Dems socialists. This election is not even close to a lock.


Oct 27, 2017
You read that as an if-then statement? You're supposed to have read that as an opinion - specifically my opinion. Which is also backed up by hoards of literature. The incumbents are greatly helped by a strong economy. This model also predicted Trump would win back in 2016 btw. The last elections were midterms which is a totally different climate. Let's say it wasn't though, and this was an anomaly to the model, does that mean the model is broken? No. You understand how statistics work, right?

So don't come at me with "objectively wrong given the slightest bit of scrutiny". Just wait until Trump starts campaigning with good economic metrics while calling all the Dems socialists. This election is not even close to a lock.

The model's error in 2016 was 7.1%. It thought Hillary would receive 44% of the vote and she got over 51%.

The model is a favorite among pessimists.


Oct 25, 2017
You read that as an if-then statement? You're supposed to have read that as an opinion - specifically my opinion. Which is also backed up by hoards of literature. The incumbents are greatly helped by a strong economy. This model also predicted Trump would win back in 2016 btw. The last elections were midterms which is a totally different climate. Let's say it wasn't though, and this was an anomaly to the model, does that mean the model is broken? No. You understand how statistics work, right?

So don't come at me with "objectively wrong given the slightest bit of scrutiny". Just wait until Trump starts campaigning with good economic metrics while calling all the Dems socialists. This election is not even close to a lock.
By the time Trump starts campaigning he may also have had a shitload of terrible crimes exposed by various investigations.


Oct 29, 2017
The model's error in 2016 was 7.1%. It thought Hillary would receive 44% of the vote and she got over 51%.

The model is a favorite among pessimists.

Hmm so what if the economy is good under a democratic incumbency and I cite this model? I don't see how it's a favorite of pessimists... maybe recently it is.

I didn't really plan to defend this model to the last man either. Not particularly invested in it. I'm just pushing back against the snark and dismissiveness to my quick thought on the topic.


Oct 25, 2017
According to Republicans, California and New York don't count so it must be higher than that. Typical liberal media trying to make Dear Leader look bad.


Oct 29, 2017
By the time Trump starts campaigning he may also have had a shitload of terrible crimes exposed by various investigations.

I hope so....They need to nail him on something a lot more straightforward and easy to convey to the public. It's kind of backfiring right now in that average joe can't follow these crimes and just digs his heels in and chalks it up to fake news or irrational hatred of Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm so what if the economy is good under a democratic incumbency and I cite this model? I don't see how it's a favorite of pessimists... maybe recently it is.

I didn't really plan to defend this model to the last man either. Not particularly invested in it. I'm just pushing back against the snark and dismissiveness to my quick thought on the topic.

The economy was doing good under a democratic incumbent in 2016. An assumption built into the model is republicans always have a better chance to win. That's explicitly stated.

Nate SIlver wrote an article about these kinds of models back in 2012. They've never been very good:


Did you find the model before or after you came to your conclusion?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How are the republican primaries looking these days?
I'll be really surprised if Trump is primaried. It would take one of the dozens of bombshells to actually have fallout within the republican party. There's a few people talking about it, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope so....They need to nail him on something a lot more straightforward and easy to convey to the public. It's kind of backfiring right now in that average joe can't follow these crimes and just digs his heels in and chalks it up to fake news or irrational hatred of Trump.
Anyone who it's backfiring on is a fucking moron who willfully want to hand wave it all away and vote for him anyway. There's no way a rational, critically thinking person can look at what's happened so far and think "fake news."


Oct 29, 2017
The economy was doing good under a democratic incumbent in 2016. An assumption built into the model is republicans always have a better chance to win. That's explicitly stated.

Nate SIlver wrote an article about these kinds of models back in 2012. They've never been very good:


Did you find the model before or after you came to your conclusion?

That model is cited in political science and economic courses quite often. It's been a long while since I've looked into it. The only thing I looked up today was what it thought about the 2016 elections. I'm sure there's plenty of literature refuting the findings as well. Either way, it's still a factor and I think it's an important factor. I mean it's fine to disagree respectfully idc.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
The Dems need to just make sure they put up someone who is able to beat him. And they need to not tear eachother apart in the process...just win this one for the party, now is not the time to get too cute.


Oct 27, 2017
That model is cited in political science and economic courses quite often. It's been a long while since I've looked into it. The only thing I looked up today was what it thought about the 2016 elections. I'm sure there's plenty of literature refuting the findings as well. Either way, it's still a factor and I think it's an important factor. I mean it's fine to disagree respectfully idc.

But it looks like you came to your conclusion without any evidence first and then went to backfill after the fact with something that supported it. It's literally one cherry picked positive factor in a sea of negative indicators for Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
that was no hot take. stop getting so angry reading something you might not agree with.

midterms are a different beast. Obama got a self described shellacking in 2010 and still managed to win in 2012.

I dont trust polls 2 years out. the polls had hillary leading in ohio, WI, Michigan and PA days before the election.
But you're factually wrong. Stop offering opinions if you can't get the simple things right. And it's not something to agree or not agree with. You're just wrong in this instance.


Oct 27, 2017
All the Republicans I know hate Trump with a passion but still vote Republican because they believe they have to no matter who the candidate is, sigh... Kind of like that Simpson halloween episode where alien dictators were running on both tickets so one of them gets voted in anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm reading this as "4/10 Americans admit they would re-elect Trump"

Exactly this. This should be more disconcerting that people here are arguing.

There were many people who were ashamed to admit publicly that they were voting for him. If this is his floor, we should all be very very concerned.

In fact, if this were closer to the election I'd be preparing for another Trump victory. Luckily plenty can and will happen from now until the 2020 election.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I'm reading this as "4/10 Americans admit they would re-elect Trump"
Yeah, same here. I think there's potentially a lot of Trump supporters who are ashamed to admit they're support, for a myriad of reasons. I thought the government shutdown would tank his support (and I still believe that was at least partially his intention), but it seems not to be the case.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't mean much. How many voters would vote for Trump? That's the only question that matters. America is too polarized for a lopsided victory of even Obama 2008 proportions. Obama won by 7 points. Trump will lose the popular vote, again, but by less than 5 points. He still, after everything, has a shot at winning the Electoral College again. He's going to win Ohio and Florida. That gives him a path. Disgusting but true.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't put much stock in polls anymore. Back in 2016 all polls pointed to Clinton winning. The only way I'll know if trump will loose is after the election next year. In the meantime organize and vote.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
I don't put much stock in polls anymore. Back in 2016 all polls pointed to Clinton winning. The only way I'll know if trump will loose is after the election next year. In the meantime organize and vote.
The polling leading up to the election showed Hillary and Trump basically neck and neck - or close to the margin of error. And Hillary still got the most votes by a large margin. The polling proved to be pretty accurate.

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
As long as there are idiots out there which would rather support Trump than giving their vote to a former cop he still has a chance.


Nov 8, 2017
I'm morbidly curious about whether Trump's potential primary challengers will seriously criticize him or if they'll try to be even further right of him, and then of course I'll take bets over how quickly all of them turn into sniveling cowards and urge their supporters to back Trump after he's commented on the sizes of their wives vaginas and how ugly their kids are.
Oct 28, 2017
I hope not but i'd bet he's getting re-elected.


i didn't think he had a snowballs chance in hell to even make the primaries in 2016 so...


Oct 25, 2017
The polling leading up to the election showed Hillary and Trump basically neck and neck - or close to the margin of error. And Hillary still got the most votes by a large margin. The polling proved to be pretty accurate.
A 10 point spread is bigger than the margin of error. They were way off.