Gacha Santa Alter

"This guy are sick"
Feb 9, 2019
Gacha Hell
Yeah, fuck that noise and fuck ND's leadership. People dropping like flies from overwork and it's the game leaking that suddenly makes them go "pls think of the devs :(((("? Treat your employees better, maybe then you won't have some of them thinking hurting their own workplace is a necessary evil to spark change.


Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm not upset about the spoilers itself. I'm showing sympathy for the team. They've gone through hell to make this game and the fact that it leaks in the final stretches must be extremely disheartening.

Seriously wtf is up with this thread. So many obnoxiously condescending replies. God forbid people show sympathy.

There's 'showing sympathy' and then there's just bloodlust. You have people hoping whoever leaked this gets sued to oblivion, jailed and probably even worse. But yeah, 'sympathy' lol.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
There's no ethical justification for leaking something your colleagues have worked tirelessly towards.

I never said there was, quite the opposite in fact as I clearly said I agree with Jason. I only added to that that if this is representative then it's horrible that the leaker hated the company that much. I've been fired in what I perceived to be harsh circumstances, and even then I did not bear a grudge such as this. The implications just paint a sad situation all round, as someone else aptly summarised earlier.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
can anyone please recomend me so add ons to put in firefox to avoid these spoilers? I already ate one I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I want to avoid anything as much as possible


Aug 29, 2018
Now is a good time to start using a video blocker and backlist some keywords on twitter/tweetdeck

what i use is

Video Blocker

Video Blocker

Block YouTube videos from any channel you want.



Don't let the internet spoil your TV! Block headlines, tweets, facebook posts and everything with Unspoiler.

tweetdeck and the twitter site don't sync your mute list so make sure to do it twice.

here's my list

blocking shirrako is the best thing you can do. how this mofo is still on youtube and appearing everywhere on recommendations is beyond me.

block bossfight database too.

@ thread:

hope ND can get some good news, their latest is a bloodbath. can't imagine what the team has gone thru.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Game dev careers average well under 10 years because the industry is terrible and abusive. It's just a constant churn through college kids. And Naughty Dog is one of the worst offenders. I was going to say something about this being a "dirty secret", but it's not even a secret anymore. Game companies should probably get their act together, treat people better, cause this is an inspiring act of sabotage, and I doubt it'll be the last.
I fully support unionization and better work conditions, but you still have an employment contract that I'm sure has terms about breaking NDAs and such. Professionalism is still key.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if ND has the worst place to work on earth, no one should leak the game like that. That person just destroyed all ND employees and people who wanted to experience the game too.
I think defending that leaker isn't much different than defending crunch...


Mar 31, 2020


Oct 25, 2017
That person fucked over his own co-workers. The issue with crunch needs to be addressed and not ignored but there is no justification for hurting your own co-workers who are in the same position as you because you're unhappy with your work conditions.

I said as much in my post. I'm not justifying it at all, but an the same time I still feel that aspect Shouldn't be swept under the rug, and the people who are furthest out connected to the issue that are tweeting about it aren't even addressing it.

There just saying stuff like just throw him out of the industry and aren't even interfacing with it


Oct 27, 2017
Leaking the work of hundreds co-workers after years dedicated to this project,yeah you are a stupid selfish.


Oct 28, 2017
How do those block certain words things work? Might want to start using one for myself.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 18, 2019
I haven't read anything about the details of the leak. So I'm guessing it's probably some tester or disgruntled employee? The combination of work crunch and COVID 19 just made someone break and say, fuck it.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Has there been any word yet on when PSN preorders will be possible again?


Apr 13, 2020
Don't read any tweet comment section or social media comment section from Sony, naughty dog, etc

I'd also say twitch x YouTube channels/videos

every post will be filled with spoilers
People are inside, bored and love to troll so it's not a good mix

I got spoiled while looking at the Jordan # on Twitter last night. These leaks are going to be everywhere because people suck.


Oct 25, 2017
How do those block certain words things work? Might want to start using one for myself.
Go to your Notifications tab.
Tap the gear icon.
Tap Muted words.
Tap +Add muted or phrase.
Type in the word or hashtag you'd like to mute
If you wish to mute that word or phrase on your Home timeline, check the box.
If you wish to mute that word or phrase from your Notifications, check the box

How to use advanced muting options

You can mute specific words, hashtags, usernames, and emojis from your Home timeline, replies, and notifications. Learn how.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Was it a disgruntled employee? I was hearing stuff about something like on Twitter.

It really does suck for many. Now it's a social media and Youtube minefield to navigate.
Supposedly a QA tester that wasn't being paid at all.

edit: since people gonna quote this. information that i had on monday compared to what I had today had changed. "people get things wrong all the time". Lol cut me some slack m8.
Last edited:


Aug 31, 2018
There are spoilers on Youtube already, so It's going to be tough for those trying to go blind

I was spoiled, but I'm a strange person that get hyped after seeing spoilers, so I'll be there Day 1

And Jason's words are also mine: what a jackass for doing this

No matter how the company treated you, doing something like this is just juvenile and unfair to his/her coworkers still at ND

I hope that he/she suffers the consequences for his/her actions. And also ND for not paying him/her or whatever they've done to him/her (if they've done anything)

This is not justice by any means. Seeing people defend the leaker is so shameful. Like, to the point of questioning the maturity level of all of you.

The leaker and ND should both go to court, to solve their unfinished business there.


Apr 7, 2019
Not a 100%. If you want to avoid the spoiler thread you can PM and I can confirm/deny what is and isn't true or ask in the spoiler thread without reading what was written.

Just not doing that stuff here because I don't want people getting spoiled.

Oh, I'm yet to be spoiled. A few friends have, and they're surprisingly very down about the actual spoiler.


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
Bad situation and hopefully everyone can avoid being spoiled. Can't wait to play the game, because Part 1 is one of my favourite games of all time.


Oct 25, 2017
Spoilers sucks.
But so do awful working conditions.

That's certainly a take and a half.
Sure but it's not just about spoilers. It's leaking a game that multiple people worked hard on and runining it for millions of people.

There was ways to call out ND without trying to fuck over the product they worked hard on.


Nov 4, 2017
I fully support unionization and better work conditions, but you still have an employment contract that I'm sure has terms about breaking NDAs and such.
The rumour is they weren't paid and that's why they did it. I can understand the other employees being upset by the leak but I can also understand the attitufe of "fuck them, they broke their contract, why should I stick to my end" when you don't get paid during a pandemic. There's a time when you just get so broken. I do feel really sorry for the other devs but Naughty Dog's work practices have been an industry open secret for years, it sounds inevitable that they were going to break someone this far at some point, especially when they've had years to change. Mostly really angry at Sony and Naughty Dog leadership that caused the situation in the first place. It shouldn't have come to this.


Oct 25, 2017
Now is a good time to start using a video blocker and backlist some keywords on twitter/tweetdeck

what i use is

Video Blocker

Video Blocker

Block YouTube videos from any channel you want.



Don't let the internet spoil your TV! Block headlines, tweets, facebook posts and everything with Unspoiler.

tweetdeck and the twitter site don't sync your mute list so make sure to do it twice.

here's my list
No luck with Video Blocker. Added a couple of keywords, but they still show up? Or are subbed channels exempt?


Oct 26, 2017
Not everyone thinks someone should be jailed, besten, sued into poverty (if he's not already) and beaten to a pulp because he leaked the details to what equates to an expensive toy. Crazy, I know.

There are massive legal ramifications to what the person did on top of just generally being an incredibly shitty thing to do. I don't believe in jail time for non violent offenses (and in this specific case would be completely ridiculous) personally but it seems pretty obvious they're going to have to pay. A lot.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
The rumour is they weren't paid and that's why they did it. I can understand the other employees being upset by the leak but I can also understand the attitufe of "fuck them, they broke their contract, why should I stick to my end" when you don't get paid during a pandemic. There's a time when you just get so broken. I do feel really sorry for the other devs but Naughty Dog's work practices have been an industry open secret for years, it sounds inevitable that they were going to break someone this far at some point, especially when they've had years to change. Mostly really angry at Sony and Naughty Dog leadership that caused the situation in the first place. It shouldn't have come to this.
Damn. Not even getting paid. Wow.

I doubt we will ever know the details, but I do wonder if it was an HR/payroll issue.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I was reading Benji & ZhugeEx sales tweets about unrelated shit and got mega spoiled.
Oh well, out of context plot points won't make or break the experience for me. It's not like a 2 hour movie; there are 20+ hours of gameplay surrounding those spoilers to put them in context, and most of my enjoyment from games comes from playing them rather than hearing specific plot points. Still, people suck
Yeah same. I was reading a random wario64 tweet and saw shit. I'm disappointed I was spoiled but the experience is what ultimately matters.


Oct 27, 2017
Not everyone thinks someone should be jailed, sued into poverty (if he's not already) and beaten to a pulp because he leaked the details to what equates to an expensive toy. Crazy, I know.

He should get a pat on the back for knowingly breaking the law and screwing over countless people. Fuck them


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, New York
Its gonna be a long 2 months. Man I really do hope they catch this person and put him under the spotlight. All the hard work, sweat and tears these people were put through for some dipshit to ruin it in one swoop.