
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I hate Hydreigon's design and it pains me because Deino and Zweilous are delightful
It's like we just can never get a decent looking Dragon type final-stage pseudo legendary. Dragonite, Goodra, Hydreigon, Salamence, Garchomp, none of them work for me.

Metagross and Tyranitar stay winning.

Oh yeah, Kommo-O also exists. Uh... It exists.
Jan 25, 2018
I didn't give a damn about the Fennekin line until Delphox. Screw the haters. I will gladly put a fire wizard fox on my team.


If you want disappointment just look at every water starter outside of Greninja.


Oct 27, 2017
Delphox is a downgrade from Braixen but still head and shoulders above the vast majority of final starter evolutions

a strong line


Nov 18, 2017
Gamefreak needs to keep the evolution the same main color. I just can't stand the random change in color that come out of no where in the next evolution, like Dragonite.

Banana Aeon

Oct 30, 2017
This is so much better than the evolution we got. It might not fit the Pokémon art style but that just shows how bad Incineroar is. Everything about the design screams fire/fighting and they only slapped a dark type on him minutes before going gold.
A wrestling heel certainly screams fighting type. Sure.

Incineroar is infinitely more creative than, "It just gets bigger, lol"


Oct 25, 2017
Dragonite looks like a Chinese ripoff of Charizard, I noticed when my girlfriend said "what's wrong with charizard that looks fake" when I got a dragonite pin


Oct 25, 2017
How do people hate Primarina? It's really unique and creative for a starter and that Sparkling Aria animation is wonderful.

Plus it's an absolute house in-game because the Fairy typing is broken good.

A lot of guys are instantly repulsed by anything which looks girly.

Primarina is indeed fantastic though. I love how Popplio starts out as kind of an ugly duckling, then gets even uglier when it evolves to Brionne (but also cuter, somehow), then finally evolves to Primarina and becomes beautiful, taking on the siren motif. One of the best starter families in the series IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
People bashing Samurott? I'm surprised, considering that iirc Oshawott was bashed when it first was revealed. Well, that and Samurott's design is awesome so what the fuck

Most of the Gen IV evolutions of prior pokemon (Magmortar, Yanmega, Magnezone, etc.) are the real uggos.

Whaaa. most of the Gen IV additions are great. The only really hideous design is Rhyperior's. Yowza. You can't just slap a bunch of orange plates on a blockier body and call it a day, guys.


Oct 27, 2017
Blaziken is perfect, you're all nuts

The Pokémon looks like they designed him for Fire/Fighting and then saw the entire internet's complaints from the last 5 years and went "shit. Uh...Fire/Dark?"
Everything about the design screams fire/fighting and they only slapped a dark type on him minutes before going gold.
Fighting types typically fight honourably, Dark types fight dirty. A heel wrestler was only ever going to be Dark.

Nosepass deserved better.
Nosepass got exactly what it deserved


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Feraligatr best water starter

Salamance - looks like a turtle without his shell
Rayquaza - you got me there, shiny version especially
Hydreigon - no idea what this was since I stopped at Gen 3 but holy edgelord design

What they did to Feraligtr is horrible.

Hell, when I used him in X and Y, they zoomed in so close to him that you could barely see him bottom half.
Nov 15, 2017
There are already multiple quadruped cats. Fire typed ones even.
At the end of the day having quadrued sabertooth fire tiger or a larger version of Torracat with more flames would've been miles ahead of bipedal wrestling cat with derpy cartoon sized hands and a face that's ugly as sin.

Dwl. I need this gif as my dp.

For some strange reason Game Freak refuses to keep the Fire-Starters as quadrupeds. There was no need for starters such as Tepig, Fennekin and Litten to become bipedal. I can at least stand Emboar's design though.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
At the end of the day having quadrued sabertooth fire tiger or a larger version of Torracat with more flames would've been miles ahead of bipedal wrestling cat with derpy cartoon sized hands and a face that's ugly as sin.

I dont like Incineroars design as much as the others but id still take weird/ugly over painfully generic and uninspired with no sense of individuality. Especially in this franchise.

Deleted member 2340

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Oct 25, 2017
Mega Tyranitar is based on Space Godzilla.

The problem is Space Godzilla really sucks.

Worst mega for me is probably Metagross for taking a simple but effective design and turning it into a floating clusterfuck.

So much truth in one post. It Mega design killed any desire I had for breeding me a competitive Metagross.


Oct 27, 2017
I think that for a lot of people it's just disappointing after Braixen. I think Delfox is okay but not great, kinda safe I guess.

!!! I take offense to this, GTFOutta here, Primarina is like the best water starter. It's an awesome and beautiful design, it was an amazing turn around from how much I was meh at popplio.

Always sad at the people that don't like incineroar. I think the design is apt and cheesey, but still great. Gen 7 had the best starters in a long asstime : (

This was easily my vote when I saw the title. Gen 5 had the WORST starters. Best one is emboar and he's barely okay. At least 6 had greninja.

Look at how a cute evolution evolved into a perfect second form. You got the samurai motif, kept the essence of the original design, and still made it its own. Then you get fucking samurott. The white beard just makes it seem like an old man, I hate it. Gen 5 seriously sucked for the starters lol.

As soon as I saw serperior it went into the box. Evolution line was going great until that happened.

Also hate slaking.



Should evolve into this:
Not this


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
The most important aspect of pokemon are the leaks/rumors.
From alolan version to evolutions. I remember ekans poison/fight, electabuzz fisher legend, Salazze cleopata, etc...
Even black/white rumors/fakes are better than the proper evolutions.
Oct 25, 2017
I appreciated the Knight/Mage/Thief thign the Gen 6 starters had going on but man.. what did they do to you, Fennekin?


Also, Chesnaught is the best Gen 6 starter and I will have no one else tell me otherwise.
I'm so glad this design leaked like right before the American launch of the game, was gonna pick Fennekin but decided to go with Greninja instead
Oct 25, 2017
Oh ya I forgot about Incenaroar(?), same thing happened where I was really hyped to pick Litten and thought Poplio was kinda ugly and going for a clown motif. When the final designs came out the only good decision left to make was "forget Litten now Primarina is my best friend"

Having the fire starter start cute and then turn into some unholy abomination seems to be a habit of theirs since Tepig for some reason. Shame too since Infernape is my favorite Pokemon in general.


Oct 26, 2017
Gonna throw in a very unpopular opinion and say that I'm personally not a huge fan of Greninja. Good design on its own, but it just doesn't work alongside its pre-evolutions. It's super angular and doesn't look like a coherent progression from Frogadier. Like what the fuck are those sharp ass fin things on its head anyways? The palette as well. It doesn't mesh right among Frogadier and Froakie's. It's kind of a similar issue I have with Chesnaught after Quilladin and Chespin. Meh...

Deleted member 42686

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Apr 26, 2018
Waaaaay better than what we got. Don't know how you can think that looks uninspired. lol

I have Incineroar and sincerelly think its design is dissapointing. Being a quadrupede Tiger would really be a better route(even Torracat could still be a middle evo). I for one would love if it turns up into a Manticore.
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Deleted member 29682

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Nov 1, 2017
I feel like I'm the only one here who likes Magmortar and Electivire.

I mean I hate that they're trade evos but they look like natural evolutions.

Deleted member 2340

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Oct 25, 2017
I'll never forget the time I fell asleep training my beloved Vigoroth and awoke to a Slaking, unable to remember the last time I saved... the disappointment was real.

That's why I'm going Mega Evolutions isn't done. Slaking Mega is just going to be him standing up (no Mega redesign just him standing up) with a added Fighting type and a massive boost to speed and Physical Attack and Adaptability ability.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'm the only one here who likes Magmortar and Electivire.

I mean I hate that they're trade evos but they look like natural evolutions.

I like them both (Electivire being one of my favorites) I just wish they would get a base stat boost and Electivire a better ability like Alolan Golem's ability which turns Normal moves to Electric moves. I totally don't know how to spell it.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'm the only one here who likes Magmortar and Electivire.

I mean I hate that they're trade evos but they look like natural evolutions.
Initially I remember being disappointed by Electivire.
I've grown to like it more than Buzz now and Buzz was one of my faves when I was younger.

Always liked Magmortar, the lovable oaf with a blaster, rejected robot master.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
I like them both (Electivire being one of my favorites) I just wish they would get a base stat boost and Electivire a better ability like Alolan Golem's ability which turns Normal moves to Electric moves. I totally don't know how to spell it.
I think both Magmotar and Electivire have fair abilities (not OP, but still not 'keen eye')... What I still don't get its why they lose base speed. This making much Electabuzz fabs ragequit the evolution.
I good with their design, but still they could do much more about design choises. In the same way Incineroar loses a tons of speed, both are most used in your previous evolution to a ignore evolution pkmns.
Making a evolution more slow than pre-evolition its always wrong.