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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Crazy thing is how these guys are limiting themselves. Imagine that game play with Maori or Mongolian warriors


Oct 25, 2017
If they called it the "I am a Nazi" mode it would somewhat mitigate things.


Oct 27, 2017
Add in women and PoC only to add an option to disable them? I thought I had seen/heard it all, yet here we are. I'm at a loss for words to describe how I feel, but they definitely wouldn't be kind words.


Oct 27, 2017
Honest question tho, We're there poeple of color and woman that fought in medieval Europe? I have no historical background of how medieval times were besides GoT haha

One of the most common things people imagine wrongly about pre-industrial Europe is the idea that it was kind of isolated and homogeneous. By medieval times, Europeans had been trading with, fighting with, and migrating to and from other continents for millennia. As a percentage, the black population of Europe was rather low, but definitely present, and present at all levels of society (in varying proportions).

The number of definitively recorded women warriors in medieval Europe is tiny (but non-zero).

I'm sure you're aware, but just in case, Game of Thrones has essentially no historical value and isn't really a depiction of a medieval society. Technology is all over the place. Materials science is in some cases almost early modern, but an army from Three Kingdoms-era China could take any town we see in Westeros (they might struggle with the book version of Casterly Rock, but not the TV show version).

Going back to Mordhau, realism does not appear to be what it's aiming for, which means it couldn't justify a lack of women or ethnic diversity by appealing to realism anyway. However, even if it was aiming for realism, 100% of the characters in the game being white would be very unrealistic.
Oct 25, 2017
Why bother adding female and POC representation to the game if you're going out of your way to alienate and literally erase them anyway? How clueless can you be? This is Boogie-level both sides fencesitting.

Also, someone is going to make a real-life version of this for Google cardboard and make millions selling it to Trump voters, aren't they?

this "see-through cars" tech needs a lot more work, but the concept seems eerily possible

and this was from three years ago! imagine the refinements made since then


Alt Account
Apr 20, 2019
Imagine so brazenly bending to the wills of sexists and racists. Absolute cowards.

Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
Fuck capital g Gamers, and fuck this company trying to service them.


One of the most common things people imagine wrongly about pre-industrial Europe is the idea that it was kind of isolated and homogeneous. By medieval times, Europeans had been trading with, fighting with, and migrating to and from other continents for millennia. As a percentage, the black population of Europe was rather low, but definitely present, and present at all levels of society (in varying proportions).

The number of definitively recorded women warriors in medieval Europe is tiny (but non-zero).

I'm sure you're aware, but just in case, Game of Thrones has essentially no historical value and isn't really a depiction of a medieval society. Technology is all over the place. Materials science is in some cases almost early modern, but an army from Three Kingdoms-era China could take any town we see in Westeros (they might struggle with the book version of Casterly Rock, but not the TV show version).

Going back to Mordhau, realism does not appear to be what it's aiming for, which means it couldn't justify a lack of women or ethnic diversity by appealing to realism anyway. However, even if it was aiming for realism, 100% of the characters in the game being white would be very unrealistic.

To add to this, especially regions/countries in Southern Europe have had a much higher amount of brown and black people due to various reasons, and the notion of race as a concept came about mostly during colonialism in order to morally justify the enslavement and genocide of the native populations of the colonized areas.
For Medieval Europeans, xenophobia was rooted in other aspects - mainly religion and culture.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wow fuck this game then. I played it the first week at launch and had a blast, but if the developers are going to be racist fucks then I won't have this in my hard drive anymore. Shame I can't get a refund for this without fucking my credit.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like a good idea to reduce your customer pool and create bad word of mouth.

May you enjoy your small communities made of pieces of shit.

Deleted member 42472

User requested account closure
Apr 21, 2018
I think there was a recent "artsy" phone app that removed people from pictures.

Didn't specify what kinds of people (it had a message, I didn't read what it was) but I'm sure folk could find ways to set thresholds on skin pigment and feminine characteristics

On a related note: Less than a week and ~2 hours. Let's see if I get a refund


QA Tester
Oct 25, 2017
building stone people
Going back to Mordhau, realism does not appear to be what it's aiming for, which means it couldn't justify a lack of women or ethnic diversity by appealing to realism anyway. However, even if it was aiming for realism, 100% of the characters in the game being white would be very unrealistic.

And that's an obvious problem even with games like Kingdom Come which prouldy claim to be realistic and historically accurate. Which they throw overboard on many occasions (from perks, to armour or society) just never when it comes to representation or skin colour. Realism is a cheap excuse and nothing else.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fair to say that the developers are just straight up cowards then, yeah?


Dec 9, 2017
Please be a horribly revealed troll that actually turns all characters into female PoC ones, horribly disappointing alt-right scumbags.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad I never bought this title and I will avoid this developer in the future. Giving in to the alt-right/gamer-gaters means no money from me.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Huh, I was really close to buying this and trying it out with my friends. That's certainly not happening now.


Jun 14, 2018
Yeah, either the devs are cowards or racists themselves.Probably both.

You know Viking and Knight imagery always have a sweet spot for those degenerates who daydream about white power, but they would 100% have been slave farmers 1000 years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Whatever stance we take officially, some group of people are going to be upset with us. And so, ideally we'd put the power in the players' hands, and give them the option to enable and disable different things.

So on one side, you have the stance of "let people play whoever they want". Even if someone is weirdly against playing as something other than a white male, they'd never be forced to.

And on the other side, you have the stance of "no females or people of color allowed. Ever."

How could anyone see these two "stances" as equally worth catering to?

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Let's establish that the "free speech" bigots are lying through their teeth. They have always wanted censorship of things they hate in games.


Oct 27, 2017
To add to this, especially regions/countries in Southern Europe have had a much higher amount of brown and black people due to various reasons, and the notion of race as a concept came about mostly during colonialism in order to morally justify the enslavement and genocide of the native populations of the colonized areas.
For Medieval Europeans, xenophobia was rooted in other aspects - mainly religion and culture.
Yep - much of Europe would not have been particularly tolerant of varying ethnicity, but the idea of any particular skin colour denoting inferiority or superiority was not a common concept. Non-white people would still have experienced various levels of discrimination, but for actual collective hatred and organised discrimination, the focus was primarily on religion.

And that's an obvious problem even with games like Kingdom Come which prouldy claim to be realistic and historically accurate. Which they throw overboard on many occasions (from perks, to armour or society) just never when it comes to representation or skin colour. Realism is a cheap excuse and nothing else.
Yes, it's always a telling sign when complaints about realism bypass hundreds of blatantly unrealistic choices and zero in unerringly on "unrealistic" inclusiveness.

It's fair to say that the developers are just straight up cowards then, yeah?
Cowards or intentionally pandering to racists in the hope that their game audience loses some sensible people but gains more fuckheads.

I'm not sure which is worse.


Oct 25, 2017
What's Steam's refund policy like? Would someone be able to to make a claim that they don't support companies who pander to alt-right douchebags and want their money back?


One Winged Slayer
May 17, 2018
I am laughing trying to picture the team high fiving themselves as they came up with this idea to avoid controversy only to stumble neck deep into it. Because that explanation is barely plausible compared to the more plausible explanation that they are just alt-right sympathizers.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Who are they and what did they make? I'm going to make sure I avoid their games. If I'm not already avoiding them.


Oct 25, 2017
Cowards or intentionally pandering to racists in the hope that their game audience loses some sensible people but gains more fuckheads.

I'm not sure which is worse.
I'd like to give them some benefit of the doubt since they're making it an option.

But I just looked through that other thread (about turning a blind eye to the racism and such on their forums) and now I'm not so sure they should be given even that much. =/


Oct 28, 2017

One of the most common things people imagine wrongly about pre-industrial Europe is the idea that it was kind of isolated and homogeneous. By medieval times, Europeans had been trading with, fighting with, and migrating to and from other continents for millennia. As a percentage, the black population of Europe was rather low, but definitely present, and present at all levels of society (in varying proportions).

The number of definitively recorded women warriors in medieval Europe is tiny (but non-zero).

I'm sure you're aware, but just in case, Game of Thrones has essentially no historical value and isn't really a depiction of a medieval society. Technology is all over the place. Materials science is in some cases almost early modern, but an army from Three Kingdoms-era China could take any town we see in Westeros (they might struggle with the book version of Casterly Rock, but not the TV show version).

Going back to Mordhau, realism does not appear to be what it's aiming for, which means it couldn't justify a lack of women or ethnic diversity by appealing to realism anyway. However, even if it was aiming for realism, 100% of the characters in the game being white would be very unrealistic.
Fuck capital g Gamers, and fuck this company trying to service them.

To add to this, especially regions/countries in Southern Europe have had a much higher amount of brown and black people due to various reasons, and the notion of race as a concept came about mostly during colonialism in order to morally justify the enslavement and genocide of the native populations of the colonized areas.
For Medieval Europeans, xenophobia was rooted in other aspects - mainly religion and culture.

Thank You for this. I'm all for accuracy, if everything else in a game is consistent with it.... but it seems all the devs had to do was repeat what yall said... hell they should copy and past it for that vocal crowd.

If these gamers, who want the game a certain way, they can just mod it no? So no need to pander to them, at the expense bringing bad press to yourself.


Oct 27, 2017
Was thinking of purchasing their game but glad that they made up my mind for me.

Won't be giving them a cent of my money.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I need to see this actually happen, no one can be this dense. Might as well add the swastika as your logo.
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