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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
If getting hit in the chest by a hockey puck was that deadly, I imagine there would be a lot more dead hockey players, referees, and spectators. That sounds like something that may have been tacked on to the story to give it a little bit of flair.


Players and referees have padding. Spectators rarely ever get hit by pucks because of the protection in place. It's very rare but spectators have died that way.


Oct 29, 2017
Goddamn it, lost my post...

If getting hit in the chest by a hockey puck was that deadly, I imagine there would be a lot more dead hockey players, referees, and spectators. That sounds like something that may have been tacked on to the story to give it a little bit of flair.

Hockey players wear padding, body armor and helmets for a reason. Plenty of people and players have been injured by flying pucks, it's a six ounce piece of frozen galvanized rubber that can go flying at near or over 100MPH. There's not been many dead players or people in the crowd from it because of safety precautions that are in place. Most notable would probably be when a 13 year old girl was killed by a flying puck in the early 2000s.

EDIT: I regret googling "hockey puck injuries".
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Oct 27, 2017
Guys, that outrage was planed and got her more hits, clicks or whatever then simply answering the questions. That is the life of an influencer ...
I assumed that as well. But, it is not like we are buying the stuff she is selling. So, I am not sure what her influence makes us do other than make a thread about her.
Oct 31, 2017
That was a joke or marketing/publicity stunt. She was never going to give oral to random strangers. I'd imagine she was just playing on the negative stereotype people have about porn stars and how they're always available and ready for sex.

Of course she wasn't gonna give head to 60 million people. It's akin to Madonna offering the same to Clinton voters.

She wasn't playing the stereotype though, she was being political in a slutty way, and she did give oral to random strangers on camera.


Oct 25, 2017
If you want to distance yourself from your past as a sex worker, it is probably not a good idea to go around offering to give "free" blowjobs to people who vote for Trump (or anyone else for that matter).


Oct 28, 2017
"She isn't helping herself"

She isn't helping herself do what, exactly?

She doesn't need to discard her "porn name". People need to stop acting like porn is some mark on her career or that just because she was a pornstar for three whole months, it means that's the correct way to segue into an interview about how her boob exploded.

Respect sex workers. Former or otherwise. Their existences don't revolve around their sex work 24/7 and if she's not currently doing porn, or doesn't want to keep talking about that aspect of her career, then respect that as well.

She isn't helping distancing herself from her former porn career by continuing to use the porn alias she used to get famous. Google "Mia Khalifa" and what are the first hits that come up? If she want people to stop being reminded about her porn work maybe stop using the alias that rocketed her into fame while in the industry? This isn't complicated. No one is forcing her to use "Mia Khalifa" in a professional context; she could easily start using her given name and pursue the career she's pursuing. But she's not. Again, she's using her fame as a former porn star for her new career, and then not expect anyone to mention her former sex work? That isn't how things work.


Oct 25, 2017
"She isn't helping herself"

She isn't helping herself do what, exactly?

She doesn't need to discard her "porn name". People need to stop acting like porn is some mark on her career or that just because she was a pornstar for three whole months, it means that's the correct way to segue into an interview about how her boob exploded.

Respect sex workers. Former or otherwise. Their existences don't revolve around their sex work 24/7 and if she's not currently doing porn, or doesn't want to keep talking about that aspect of her career, then respect that as well.

It has nothing to do with not respecting sex workers. People refer to others by what they're most known by. In Mia's case, if someone were to recognize her name there's a 99% chance that it's because she was once a porn star. That's not shaming her, it's just what most recognize her for.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised that it took someone this long to bring up the Drake thing. Didn't know she supported Trump. Everything about the L's she's taken in the past in addition to this incident make me not feel bad for her at all. She's fucking lame and is so into herself and very arrogant. Go read up on some of the past Twitter DM shit that she's gotten herself into.


Oct 27, 2017
Her scenes were so awkward to watch, she worked with guys wayyy too big for her.


Oct 25, 2017
Hockey players wear padding, body armor and helmets for a reason. Plenty of people and players have been injured by flying pucks, it's a six ounce piece of frozen galvanized rubber that can go flying at near or over 100MPH. There's not been many dead players or people in the crowd from it because of safety precautions that are in place. Most notable would probably be when a 13 year old girl was killed by a flying puck in the early 2000s.

EDIT: I regret googling "hockey puck injuries".
I was kinda wondering how she (Khalifa) got hit to begin with, given that the fiberglass barrier seems to stop all the really fast pucks and anything high enough to go over probably has an arc that means it would be slow moving. Even in the case of the girl that died it was a matter of both head trauma and medical oversight that killed her. That's not to say that a puck to the chest wouldn't do serious damage to a person, I just don't see how a breast implant would be the difference between life and death. I'm generally kinda skeptical over something like that, especially if it's a claim made by an aspiring "influencer." I couldn't find anything about her doctors in any of the stories google turned up, so who knows.
Oct 28, 2017
Mia Khalifa claiming to not be a porn star is like when The Rock was claiming he wasn't a wrestler and was only going by Dwayne Johnson

Like, we get that you don't do that anymore, but who the fuck do you think you're kidding?


Oct 25, 2017
She isnt a strong performer and by her own accounts doesnt take dick well.

Her scenes were so awkward to watch, she worked with guys wayyy too big for her.

I always presumed some part of her appeal was that in her movies Khalifa seemed like she was in way over her head, and wasn't exactly ready for primetime. I never really liked the whining and begging for mercy bit, but for some it gives her an amateurish girl-next-door quality.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
It's understandable that she want to distance her from her previous career but I would say keeping her adult actress name( that and also Drake shooting his shot at her to boot) is going to be hard to seperate the two when she tries to find a new career path; a simple google search of her and you'll be plastered with adult material.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure I completely get why she's mad. Isn't she famous only because of that?
Yes, she seems angered that people know her for her porn material, feels as if she's ashamed . I feel her response to the DJ sincerity was harsh, alot here would make the same link.

Edit: She's a Trump supporter? Ok, she's a morally broken individual, explains her irrational judgement in general.
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Oct 27, 2017
It has nothing to do with not respecting sex workers. People refer to others by what they're most known by. In Mia's case, if someone were to recognize her name there's a 99% chance that it's because she was once a porn star. That's not shaming her, it's just what most recognize her for.

I was referring specifically to the notion that a person should discard their "porn alias" just because they want to branch out. There ain't nothing wrong with sex work. So it's w/e.

And someone will probably say "Well, SHE was the one that got offended because of the porn mention."

To which I'd say, people are being willfully ignorant of how pornstars are generally viewed. This isn't to say that the radio host was hostile or accusatory in any way, however.

And two, look at my previous posts in the thread. I didn't defend her attitude, but that I could understand it's uncomfortable situation to be in.


Oct 30, 2017
It's the only reason why she ever achieved any fame or money. Either own up to it, or disappear to whatever rock you crawled out from under. No one would give a damn about her opinion otherwise.
Oct 25, 2017
This seems relevant, from the radio host

"Waking up to this is surreal. Thanks for the support. It wasn't my intent to have this happen, but Mia's people never asked us not to mention her former porn career. They asked us to keep the conversation relevant to her boob injury and surgery, but nobody gets to dictate how I introduce a guest"

Stephen Home

Alt account
Dec 17, 2018
I remember at one time her name was number one on the list if you click on the "pornstar" tab on pornhub. I refuse to believe she only did 3 months of porn. How many fucking video can you shoot in 3 months? 100 tops?

Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
"She isn't helping herself"

She isn't helping herself do what, exactly?

She doesn't need to discard her "porn name". People need to stop acting like porn is some mark on her career or that just because she was a pornstar for three whole months, it means that's the correct way to segue into an interview about how her boob exploded.

Respect sex workers. Former or otherwise. Their existences don't revolve around their sex work 24/7 and if she's not currently doing porn, or doesn't want to keep talking about that aspect of her career, then respect that as well.
She should probably tell people she doesn't want it mentioned


Oct 25, 2017
Mia Khalifa was wack AF as a pornstar anyway. Don't be mad people know you literally from that, it'd be like if nomura was like don't mention KH or FF, mention that I sometimes design toys.


Feb 12, 2019
"She isn't helping herself"

She isn't helping herself do what, exactly?

She doesn't need to discard her "porn name". People need to stop acting like porn is some mark on her career or that just because she was a pornstar for three whole months, it means that's the correct way to segue into an interview about how her boob exploded.

Respect sex workers. Former or otherwise. Their existences don't revolve around their sex work 24/7 and if she's not currently doing porn, or doesn't want to keep talking about that aspect of her career, then respect that as well.

She wasnt a prostitute in Germany she took dick on bangbros.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, that's her thing - it's why she's famous. It seems in a similar vein to Billy Bob's blowup on a radio show because he was introduced as an actor before they mentioned musician...because everyone knows him from his movies.

In the same way that Mia's known for porn and bolt-ons.


Nov 15, 2017
I'm surprised that this is what made her angry and not the fact that her most famous scene (the hijab one) straight up got a sequel with a new actress and they talk shit about Mia IN THE SCENE
That shit is so weird man. Those dudes are acting like scorned lovers because she moved on from the industry.

"Man she wasn't that cute no way!............

:'( "


Alt Account
Dec 4, 2018
thats why in all her videos she looks so good

most pornstars become broken inside after years of working in the industry. also they start going crazy with boob jobs and plastic surgery to stay relevant
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