Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
2 is my favorite, followed by 3. Maybe that'll switch this time around. Which is your favorite?

Between 2 and 3 for me. I honestly haven't played any of these since the DS collection. But 2 was the one I played most as a kid. Probably because if was so bad at it, but that intro was so cool and I was really pushed to get through it. 3 was a bit easier and just more fun if I remember right.

So I can't pick a favorite yet until I replay them in full.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Between 2 and 3 for me. I honestly haven't played any of these since the DS collection. But 2 was the one I played most as a kid. Probably because if was so bad at it, but that intro was so cool and I was really pushed to get through it. 3 was a bit easier and just more fun if I remember right.

So I can't pick a favorite yet until I replay them in full.
I'm the same as you on every statement you just stated. I can't wait to dive back in!


Jun 29, 2019
It been a long while, but you are not suppose to use the cyber elves for what reason?
Oct 25, 2017
I love the Zero series, but this port isn't up my standards. The collection is capped at 1080p, I can't rebind the keys, the brightness is messed up in fullscreen, the game stretches to 21:9 in borderless mode, the sprite filter is permanently enabled during cutscenes...

I'll either wait for a patch or a sale before purchasing it again.


Apr 21, 2018
It been a long while, but you are not suppose to use the cyber elves for what reason?
If you are aiming for an A or S rank run through the game, then avoid using Cyber Elves. If you are not willing to reset after every death in order to get a high score, don't worry about it.

There are reasons to pursue an A or S rank in the Zero games. Most notably, bosses will use additional attacks they don't normally use if you fight them with a high rank. This mostly just adds to the challenge in Zero 1, but you can also earn special EX skills from bosses if you fight them at high rank in Zero 2 and 3. However, you can still get a few of those skills on a low-rank run by using particular Cyber-Elves which temporarily boost your rank.

Now you can use Satellite-type Cyber-Elves in Zero 3 without hurting your score, since they don't die with use. So feel free to use those. The Cyber-Elf from Zero 4 works differently than the others, and can also be used freely, so long as you pay attention to its level limit.


Jun 29, 2019
Cool. I haven't had any I felt like using on the first boss (who I just beat after a few retries from the checkpoints).

Now with this release I would love if Konami would follow suit and do a GBA/DS Castlevania Collection at 30 dollars.
Oct 25, 2017
The Zero artist even went on to do some pretty rad Kamen Rider fan-art.

Goddamn a Kamen Rider game with the depth and sprite work of the Zero series makes me hot under the cybernetic collar.
He actually worked on some, uh, 18+ sentai books if you catch my drift.
I love the Zero series, but this port isn't up my standards. The collection is capped at 1080p, I can't rebind the keys, the brightness is messed up in fullscreen, the game stretches to 21:9 in borderless mode, the sprite filter is permanently enabled during cutscenes...

I'll either wait for a patch or a sale before purchasing it again.
You absolutely can. For each game and for Z-Chaser. Not sure what you mean about the filter in cutscenes, do you mean the illustrations?
Oct 25, 2017
Between 2 and 3 for me. I honestly haven't played any of these since the DS collection. But 2 was the one I played most as a kid. Probably because if was so bad at it, but that intro was so cool and I was really pushed to get through it. 3 was a bit easier and just more fun if I remember right.

So I can't pick a favorite yet until I replay them in full.
3 does away with WALL OF SPIKES, FLOOR OF SPIKES, ENDLESS GAPS, ARE YOU ENJOYING CHAIN ROD YET from 2, so in that sense it's much easier (well, that and subtanks/life increases not being tied to Elves anymore).

Alright geuss I'm starting with 2 or 3 when I start the series.
Start with 1, it's a good game! o:


Oct 25, 2017
Dude I had forgotten how terrible ZX /advent were because of the map navigation. Who on earth thought it was okay to make navigation be both open and completely nonsensical. I literally can't play it.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Been playing zx and I love it so far. The ability to swap the screen position to center and toggle second screen on and off is awesome. Map.is straight shit but game is straight fire. I love the henshin between human and kamen rider megaman lol. I do it in town to get different traversal and to get mets to stop attacking me like a maverick. Currently finding the 4 dudes in town to pass my trial. I see a lotta potential for the formula this game laid down...


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh. Bestbuy never game me the preorder bonus. Will it ever become free? Can't recall if the Mega Man 11 ones did.


Oct 26, 2017

Zero 1 kicked my ass back in the day and scared me off the series but the new save point system seems like a nice way to ease into it.

Actually loved ZX and especially ZX Advent quite a bit. Gimmicky games for sure but the transformation feature was pretty awesome, especially the silly bosses in Advent.

(I recall Time Stop dude being broken)


Oct 27, 2017
What is this game? I've only played x1 and x4 are these games sequels? What order do I play them? Are they just more X type gameplay? What makes them any different? Are they just called ZX because they were handheld games? I don't really get megaman as I've only ever played 2 of the games and they were the X ones. There's so many spinoffs. Legends, Battle Network, X and others ok so confused

would I like this game if I like jrpgs and x4? Do they have nice cs quality music like x4 did too?

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
What is this game? I've only played x1 and x4 are these games sequels? What order do I play them? Are they just more X type gameplay? What makes them any different? Are they just called ZX because they were handheld games? I don't really get megaman as I've only ever played 2 of the games and they were the X ones. There's so many spinoffs. Legends, Battle Network, X and others ok so confused

would I like this game if I like jrpgs and x4? Do they have nice cs quality music like x4 did too?
Mega Man, in order:
  1. Mega Man classic series
  2. Mega Man X series
  3. Mega Man Zero series
  4. Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent
This is a collection of the Zero series and the two ZX games.

Have you read the OP?

Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
What is this game? I've only played x1 and x4 are these games sequels? What order do I play them? Are they just more X type gameplay? What makes them any different? Are they just called ZX because they were handheld games? I don't really get megaman as I've only ever played 2 of the games and they were the X ones. There's so many spinoffs. Legends, Battle Network, X and others ok so confused

would I like this game if I like jrpgs and x4? Do they have nice cs quality music like x4 did too?

You seem to be overthinking things.

They're just just mega man games that have a bit more story and with the ZX games try some metroidvania styled level design.

Gameplay is similar to X (how zero plays in X) but arguably faster and more strict. Just play them in production order Z1 through 4 then ZX then ZXA. They have great music btw.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Tried 1 and I am getting my ass handed to me. i am out of retries so now every time I attempt a mission I die and go directly to game over? I don't remember how I got past this in my youth lol


Oct 25, 2017
Started Zero 1. Beat Aztec, Anubis, and the Engine. It really helps if you take the time to grind and level up your weapons.


Oct 25, 2017
What is this game? I've only played x1 and x4 are these games sequels? What order do I play them? Are they just more X type gameplay? What makes them any different? Are they just called ZX because they were handheld games? I don't really get megaman as I've only ever played 2 of the games and they were the X ones. There's so many spinoffs. Legends, Battle Network, X and others ok so confused

would I like this game if I like jrpgs and x4? Do they have nice cs quality music like x4 did too?

The Zero series takes place "100 years after the end of the X series". Supposedly, this follows up on one of the endings from X6, but that's never made perfectly clear. Zero's body has completely changed due to the art style of the series. They play like the X series, but adapted for the GBA.

The ZX duology takes place "several hundred years after the Zero series" and stars new characters, but brings back the old ones from the X and Zero series in the form of biometals, which you can change into on the fly.
Oct 25, 2017
Alright sounds good I wasn't sure if shield or hook were OP by end of game or something like that.
Ah, not at all. There's some minor use for the chain here and there (pulling shields and such), but you'll do fine unleashing the saber on everyone's heads.
Tried 1 and I am getting my ass handed to me. i am out of retries so now every time I attempt a mission I die and go directly to game over? I don't remember how I got past this in my youth lol
You can toggle the new save system which basically gives you free checkpoints.

I am not fan of it for MMZ since I like restarting the whole level but am 100% using them on ZX to not have to travel again and again.

I'm rusty as all hell, died like 10 times to Aztec Falcon, then I perfected him...
Grinding the either weapon helps :D
Oct 25, 2017
Should I even worry about ranks in Zero 1?
There's one unlock tied to it, but unless you like chasing high scores, do not bother.
You can unlock an Elf for your next playthrough that is essentially god mode/all effects on by finishing the game with A/S rank or by evolving all elves to the max and never using them
Okay but it's less punishing in those games right? Reading up Zero 1 penalizes you for messing around with Elves at all.
Z2 is the same, Z3 and Z4 changes things up, both for elf usage and how score is calculated. Though I do not, on any way, shape or form, recommend chasing ranks to unlock Z3's minigames. The runs are hard and the minigames are not even remotely worth the effort.


Oct 26, 2017
Okay guess I'll just go for story completion my first time.

Those EX Moves seem cool though...are they easy enough to get with some decent skill? I imagine using the save states helps.


Mar 5, 2018
How is the input lag for this? I'm talking about the PC version.
The latency of X1 to X3 in the first X legacy collection bothered me but X4 to X8 were perfect so if this collection plays like those I might get it.


Oct 25, 2017
How is the input lag for this? I'm talking about the PC version.
The latency of X1 to X3 in the first X legacy collection bothered me but X4 to X8 were perfect so if this collection plays like those I might get it.
Seems flawless. The issue with XLC1 was the emulator used for X1-3, but these are ports like X4-8 were.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How is the input lag for this? I'm talking about the PC version.
The latency of X1 to X3 in the first X legacy collection bothered me but X4 to X8 were perfect so if this collection plays like those I might get it.
Am on Switch, not PC, but the input lag feels low to non-existent like X4-X8, not definitely high like X1-X3. There seems to have been a problem with how X1-X3 were implemented in MMXLC. Zero/ZX collection feels good!


Mar 5, 2018


Oct 26, 2017
Holy fuck deja vu with the Disposal Center mission song...

I swear I've heard this tune outside this game though? It sounds like a song from something else but I can't place it.
Oct 25, 2017
Okay guess I'll just go for story completion my first time.

Those EX Moves seem cool though...are they easy enough to get with some decent skill? I imagine using the save states helps.
Getting A ranks is really not that hard, just practice defeating the bosses as fast as you can (easy enough with their weakness) and learn the level layout to avoid taking much damage. The unintuitive part is that you need the rank before trying the mission that gives you the EX Skill, because the EX Skills are moves you learn from the bosses, and they only use their EX attack if you are at A or S rank when fighting them. So let's say you want Anubis' EX Skill; you don't necessarily need to A/S rank his mission, but you do need to A/S rank whatever mission you do before his.

(This is true for all 4 games, bosses have an extra ""super"" attack at A/S rank, though there's no notification, pop up or special effect to make them noticeable)


Oct 26, 2017
Getting A ranks is really not that hard, just practice defeating the bosses as fast as you can (easy enough with their weakness) and learn the level layout to avoid taking much damage. The unintuitive part is that you need the rank before trying the mission that gives you the EX Skill, because the EX Skills are moves you learn from the bosses, and they only use their EX attack if you are at A or S rank when fighting them. So let's say you want Anubis' EX Skill; you don't necessarily need to A/S rank his mission, but you do need to A/S rank whatever mission you do before his.

(This is true for all 4 games, bosses have an extra ""super"" attack at A/S rank, though there's no notification, pop up or special effect to make them noticeable)
Wow that's weird...so I need to look up which mission proceeds a boss?
Oct 25, 2017
One and done (just not save after the mission if you want to retry). You can visit the areas over and over again to find elves or secret disks (and subtanks, in Z3 and Z4) though.