
Oct 28, 2017
I can see games like Ring Fit Adventure, Animal Crossing, or Tekken being perfect for digital, but I'll always want a physical copy for RPGs.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
It's definitely a little bit lazy but as a species we're suckers for convenience over cost.

Personally the amount of games I have available to play at a time digitally gives me a bit of choice paralysis (same happens when scrolling through Netflix, Amazon Prime etc.) and actually having a physical copy of something will encourage me to play that game there and then, while also trying to get the most out of it that I can.


Jun 19, 2018
Yea, fuck that shit, only type of games I'm open to getting physical versions of are single player self contained games. Anything with big replay value is digital.


Oct 25, 2017
For online-only games or GaaS where I just wanna pop on real quick for something, I buy digital now cuz swapping discs constantly made it a hassle.

MHW, D2 and OW were the first games where I did this since I was switching between them so often.
Jan 9, 2018
I bet you have a fridge next to your sofa as well OP ^^

But naw, I don't really feel like it's a hassle. I usually only play a few games at a time so me changing discs and/or carts is pretty rare. Doesn't bother me.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't find it "annoying" per se but it can be sometimes the deciding factor if I play a game or not, lol
Same thing with starting the console or the game if it has a bajillion logos.

It's also why I put much hope in the xbox feature allowing you to have two games running at once


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
That's why I buy digital versions of GAAS and racing games, or anything I'm going to play for months/years and is good for quick gaming sessions. All the rest on disc.

That being said, eventhough I tend to play Souls games for months, I prefer to buy them on disc. There's no need to switch discs, when you mostly play that game until it's completed, with some smaller digital titles like Astro's Playroom on the side.
Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
I'm with you but at the same time the huge difference in cost between digital and physical esp around launch of a game I cannot ignore

Having said they I switched from os4 to Xbox as main console last july and thanks to Gamepass have only out one disc in so...


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think people realize how much all digital improves the experience until they've tried it. The frictionless ability to instantly swap titles is great, especially when you have guests over and you're just bouncing from game to game to game.

Regarding access to games, none of my downloadable titles have ever become unavailable. And I don't think that's likely to happen with any major titles. I like how I don't have to worry about fumbling a cart and dropping it down a vent.

So yeah, I try to be as digital as possible. That being said, I never sell my games and I don't mind paying full price for quality. Only real downside is sharing copies.


Oct 25, 2017
I normally stick with one game on a system at a time so I don't really need to worry about changing out the disc until I beat a game. It really isn't that big of a deal to stand up and walk a few feet to change out a disc if I need to.

Just That Simple

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
I'll never go full digital. I prefer a nice mix of the two. If it's full digital in the future then I'll be done with gaming.

I really don't see how it's a hassle to spend less than a minute to change a game (unless you physically can't due to a disability or something).

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing Hades at the moment and Hades main issue with the surface world is it can be a bit windy. For some reason this topic reminds me of that.

That said the new Xbox quick change between games thing might make me a convert to the hating disc swaps.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing Hades at the moment and Hades main issue with the surface world is it can be a bit windy. For some reason this topic reminds me of that.

That said the new Xbox quick change between games thing might make me a convert to the hating disc swaps.

Yea, quick resume is a game changer and digital is required. I'm almost tempted to buy some games on sale digitally that I wanna swap around.


Jul 17, 2019
Changing a cartridge / disc is a very simple task and it certainly takes less time than downloading a game. So I cannot understand your problem. I also never play GaaS or sports games and rarely do I play fighting games though, but I doubt that would be any different if I did.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
This thread is mind-blowing to me, I have a mix of digital and physical games but that doesn't really change what games I will play on a given moment. In my experience digital games don't really make a difference with their convenience, if anything it's annoying because sometimes I forget which games I have installed.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a gamer and a collector with thousands of games across most systems. I love Physical media, but no doubt there is a convenience factor with digital. Especially when playing with my young son who sometimes like to switch back and forth between games.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't mind physical for SP games since I usually focus on one SP game at a time anyway.

But for MP it is important to have it digital. Usually I play a couple of matches and then move on to another game. If I had to do that while constantly changing discs I'd go crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
Changing a cartridge / disc is a very simple task and it certainly takes less time than downloading a game. So I cannot understand your problem. I also never play GaaS or sports games and rarely do I play fighting games though, but I doubt that would be any different if I did.

I have a massive physical collection, probably more than most people in this very thread and I can honesly tell you that since I've been getting more into online and GaaS games in the past 2 years, I've been buying more and more games digitally. I still buy physical but I don't hesitate as much when I go digital now.


Jan 6, 2018
I found that I was playing games less because I couldn't be bothered disc swapping. So I'd end up doing something else instead. Going digital meant I play games a lot more now.


Jul 17, 2019
I have a massive physical collection, probably more than most people in this very thread and I can honesly tell you that since I've been getting more into online and GaaS games in the past 2 years, I've been buying more and more games digitally. I still buy physical but I don't hesitate as much when I go digital now.
For GaaS games, a physical version does not have a significant advantage over a digital version, because when the service gets closed, a physical version is pretty useless as well.

Please note: I am using GaaS as a very specific term here. Some games have GaaS aspects that do not make the base game worthless without the internet, e.g. Mario Maker 2 with its Nintendo-made levels or Smash Bros Ultimate. I am not interested in discussing how the term can be used to for a large majority of games.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm getting flashbacks of people saying that they would want to buy Ring Fit Adventure (a literal exercise game where you have to put on additional gear as well) but having to change the cartridge for that game was too much of a hassle for them.


Oct 25, 2017
For GaaS games, a physical version does not have a significant advantage over a digital version, because when the service gets closed, a physical version is pretty useless as well.

Please note: I am using GaaS as a very specific term here. Some games have GaaS aspects that do not make the base game worthless without the internet, e.g. Mario Maker 2 with its Nintendo-made levels or Smash Bros Ultimate. I am not interested in discussing how the term can be used to for a large majority of games.

Yea, I totally get your point and I had a similar view to yours as well before I changed my own. But even for small indie games, I will just buy digitally these days unless there's a nice CE version.
Jun 20, 2018
I've stuck to getting physical media for games (I don't mean limited run indie games on disc, just games you'd expect to have traditionally come on disc), despite moving to digital for everything else, as I worry about things being available in the future. I never have to worry about classic movies, TV or music becoming inaccessible, but for some reason games are still made with these limited time licenses and it just makes me nervous. It's never bothered me either... but since getting a Series X, for the first time I'm constantly thinking this would be so much easier all digital.


Mar 21, 2018
Tell me about it, I'd never buy physical games anymore. Quick resume has even made me impatient with the PS5. We're spoiled.


Jan 24, 2020
Yes you're lazy, but I think most people find it a pain. I rarely play more than one game at a time on a console so it never really bothers me, or I'll juggle between a physical and digital. That said having Animal Crossing physically was absolutely a pain in the ass when it's the kind of game you just jump on daily for 20 mins. You either play it and don't play others because you have to change cartridges so often, or you play others and stop playing AC.

That said, with games going up in price for next gen to insane levels, I think if I'm getting something close to release I'll buy play then sell to keep it affordable. I almost never sell games, but these price bumps are just not sustainable.
Last edited:


Nov 16, 2017
Don't think I'll ever understand why people on here insist on making these topics on a weekly basis. You enjoy digital, ok, well done friend, it's been a thing for like a decade plus now.


Nov 27, 2020
The Netherlands
I've gone full digital the past few years, mostly because of other reasons; I like a minimalist aesthetic and from an environmental viewpoint I try to avoid unnecessary plastic / buying new physical things in general.

But now that I think of it, I do really dislike the act of changing discs and using their cheap feeling cases, with discs not wanting to get out of the case, or sitting loose in the case etc. I realise that may sound silly :p

Physical (+ buying/selling secondhand) is definitely more affordable however.


Nov 23, 2017
pretty much how i've felt my whole life

I used to download shady exe cracks as a kid just to avoid having to switch disks on my computer


Feb 19, 2018
With how used to apps I am thanks to Smartphones and such, consoles start to feel the same for me as well, especially the Switch. I can't be arsed to exchange the physical media any longer, going all digital is simply too convenient.

I still want physical to keep on existing to keep companies in check and having the option to switch over if I ever want to. Having options is the best way, no matter which you prefer in this moment.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I have great shelf full of old carts, and generally stick to 2-3 games at a time, usually on different consoles from different generations. So switching games isn't something that happens every day in my setup.

Plus I only play for an hour or so at a time so I'm not switching games mid-session very often. So I still go physical a lot of the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Devil World, Toronto
Yeah, that just sounds like laziness.

Honestly though, having ADHD, physical games make me enjoy the game easier. I've always known how digital would go thanks to playing roms as a kid and digital games mean I am far less likely to stick with a game. It's not that a game is bad, it's that my brain constantly wants to hop to something else and not get invested. It's why I only recently finished Last of Us 2 despite starting it the day it came out. Every single game I've bought digitally in the past 5 or 6 years I have not beaten.

This has been the result of digital video too. I'm far more likely to watch youtube than netflix. The long form of a show or a movie coupled with selection fatigue and uncertainty of how I will enjoy it, my brain wants to stop every show after 5 minutes. Many times I do, because it is way too easy to not get invested in things. It's so easy to turn shit off, so I do. Everything is too boring. The future is evil for me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I feel it's a like a load screen dealie. Sometimes you may not mind a little bit of loading, but it's mighty convenient when you don't have to deal with it at all.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Not necessarily lazy, we're in the age of convenience, getting rid of little annoyances. We paid our dues having to change casettes, cd's, vhs, dvd's. Imagine telling a kid to swap discs to listen to a different album, because "Physical 4 life!". They'd think you nuts!


Mar 12, 2020
I'm turning more and more to digital, too. Playing games is the end result, physical media was simply the means. Of course, physical media feels extra pointless this gen because you're not able the play directly off of a disc. The disc is just for install/license check.
PC gamers have been 99 percent digital for a while now.
I buy games on sale most of the time, so it's cheaper than physical for me.


Feb 19, 2018
My Switch has a cartridge slot?!


Mar 9, 2020
Yes it is. It kills me when I'm switching between fighting games.