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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still standing by what I've said since the start. I want to play the beta. Something like this is 100% gonna come down to how fun the game is to play. The superficial stuff is whatever if the act of just smashing shit up feels good. And that's usually tough to tell just looking.

So until I can get my hands on it I can't really say I'm up or down on it.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread reads like the SWJFO threads:

"Combat looks rough"
"The main character is ugly"
"This is going to flop"

Game came out, good reviews, people loved the game and over 8 million copies sold in 6 weeks.

You're not wrong, but at the same time, JFO had less of an initial 'rough' look to it, and even then people were skeptical until more previews started coming out saying that the game felt good AND Star Wars-y. And even then, people still criticized the combat and some of the bugs/jank it had - which did make its way into discussion from the press at release.

Avengers, so far, has botched its initial reveal (variably, depending on who you ask), and I have not seen super-positive press footage/discussion regarding it - granted, we've got 6 months to change that mindset, but we'll see.

It'll sell just fine, no question, but for a GaaS, I'm not sure it'll have legs.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm mildly interested in this, but I've never been a big fan of Marvel for a GAAS game. A big part of the fun for me in games of this type is collecting gear and the whole fashion aspect. Marvel is pretty strict with how you can portray characters, so there's not a lot of customizing how you look or getting to show off new gear. Thor gotta look like Thor. So it removes a lot of the interest in progression for me.

But hey i'll try it out regardless.


Oct 25, 2017
This is about as confident as I've been in a while that a game will be underwhelming-to-bad. It just comes off as the most uninspired type of AAA release, and they haven't even gone into detail about the GaaS component(s) yet. Hopefully I'm wrong, if for no other reason than all the hard work put into it. It should sell well regardless, though.


Nov 17, 2017
I still don't know what this game is, which is my biggest complaint. I think it looks fine, but it's it just a linear brawler, an open world destiny like, action game? WTF.
Oct 24, 2019
Captain America is dead, but he's the main character on the box set? Surely Crystal Dynamic haven't been lying to us about his fate?

I never understood how some people ACTUALLY thought Captain America would really be dead the whole time. Like... they made a whole moveset for him (not to mention he's one of Marvel's biggest characters) just to permanently kill him off in the tutorial level?

People need to use their fucking heads


Oct 25, 2017
if Fallout 76 and Anthem can somehow keep chugging, this game will have absolutely no problem whatsoever with legs

The former is chugging along (somewhat, presumably Bethesda is hoping the new expansion and steam release will give it a shot in the arm), the latter not so much (moreso plodding, if even that), but even if that's the case, is that what SE and Disney want?

They want a cash cow that'll rake in the bux (apparently only with skins, since most everything else will be free), but if it's mission-based for all the co-op stuff, they're going to have to spend a LOT to keep things from getting repetitive.


Jun 13, 2018
The thing about a game like this is that it's really a lot harder than you would think to make. All of these characters are so different in how they should be played that you're basically making 6 games and then mashing them together.


Jan 8, 2020
I don't get the sudden hate for crystal dynamics
What they did with that tomb raider reboot was amazing
I'm definitely giving this a chance


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Those character designs and that box art...

Captain America is dead, but he's the main character on the box set? Surely Crystal Dynamic haven't been lying to us about his fate?
No one's ever really gone.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have to ask them because they are not the target.
I don't like Marvel to begin with but despite not liking it, this game is going to sell millions of copies and fans will be happy.
What's your point though? Does that discredit observations of the game not looking good lol? Most people aren't worried about this games sales.
Oct 24, 2019
The former is chugging along (somewhat, presumably Bethesda is hoping the new expansion and steam release will give it a shot in the arm), the latter not so much (moreso plodding, if even that), but even if that's the case, is that what SE and Disney want?

They want a cash cow that'll rake in the bux (apparently only with skins, since most everything else will be free), but if it's mission-based for all the co-op stuff, they're going to have to spend a LOT to keep things from getting repetitive.

my point is that this game will not be plodding. It's an IP that people *adore* and it literally could not launch worse than FO76 or Anthem.

Also never underestimate the power of children with access to their parent's credit cards. Despite having a DISASTROUS launch, Battlefront 2 is still going strong and probably making a fuckton of money off kids who love Star Wars.

it's almost irrelevant what hardcore gamers think, they're not the true audience


Shinra Employee
Nov 1, 2017
Why would they make a statue of the character with the design that got the most negative feedback?
Oct 24, 2019
The thing about a game like this is that it's really a lot harder than you would think to make. All of these characters are so different in how they should be played that you're basically making 6 games and then mashing them together.

yep. Also there's 0 chance that there's just these six as playable.

disregarding the characters that will be added as free DLC later, there will assuredly be playable characters in the base game that they haven't revealed yet. If I had to guess, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel would all be likely.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
If you would have told me three years ago that I wouldn't be excited over a AAA Avengers game developed by Crystal Dynamics, I'd have called you a liar. This is just the most bland looking game I have seen in ages.

That collector's edition is a joke too, aside from the statue, it literally includes one of every junk item from collector's editions imaginable down the keychain and belt buckle.


Oct 28, 2017
So are we expecting GTA numbers or Mario Kart numbers? Hard to say, but yeah, going to probably break 10-15 million.
Dec 23, 2017
To bad I couldn't really appreciate it with the rough performance and subpar gameplay.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I just beat the story mode for the second time and its actually starting to grow on me.

I kinda stopped thinking of it as a modern brawler and more akin to something like an old school brawler.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
This game could be a soccer player with how hard it's going to flop...we've seen nothing positive so far and it has only one gameplay trailer...which looked like trash...the combat looked so bad I thought that Bioware was making this game!


Nov 7, 2017
I'm hyped for this!

And for those saying it's gonna flop.... No. This is the Avengers.
I remember people saying that exact same thing about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, that Marvel was the hottest thing around, Infinity War had just dropped and people would buy the game like crazy.
We all know how that one turned out.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I remember people saying that exact same thing about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, that Marvel was the hottest thing around, Infinity War had just dropped and people would buy the game like crazy.
We all know how that one turned out.
Fighting games are inherently more niche, & that game had literally everything working against it outside of netcode & gameplay.

Deleted member 57990

User requested account closure
Jun 18, 2019
So, I guess Sony's exclusivity deal for this is similar to the one they had for Destiny, where MS aren't even allowed to acknowledge it's coming out on Xbox?

Not a fan of having to make an additional Square Enix account to play it.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember people saying that exact same thing about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, that Marvel was the hottest thing around, Infinity War had just dropped and people would buy the game like crazy.
We all know how that one turned out.
You're comparing a fighting game to a AAA third person open world action game. Two different lanes.
Oct 24, 2019
I remember people saying that exact same thing about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, that Marvel was the hottest thing around, Infinity War had just dropped and people would buy the game like crazy.
We all know how that one turned out.

Fighters are different.

They're just about the most inaccessible genre for casual fans of the IP to pick up. This game will draw in people who aren't hardcore gamers, but just love the hell out of Marvel


Oct 28, 2017
I don't like the art style at all and what I've seen of the combat so far has been very lackluster. Definitely have low expectations for this, but would love if it turns out to be a good game.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
Feels a lot like Fallen Order to me. I think it'll be a solid game but nothing that makes it great, but it will still sell because there really ain't much else out there as far as the property goes.


Oct 28, 2017
They started the marketing cycle wayyyy too early for this game. Even if it hadn't been delayed, it just feels like its been stuck as "coming soon, get HYPED now" for years.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
I don't doubt that, neither of those are anywhere near as big a property as this. I more mean that I don't think it will come close to meeting Square Enix's expectations and won't have a great critical reception.

Bland looking combat, bland character design, weird lack of footage shown so far, unrelated to MCU (I think that's a good choice but idk if "the market" does), close release to cyberpunk....
All of these things. Also, the last Deus Ex and Tomb Raider games didn't exactly set the world on fire, so it's not a hard bar to meet.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Marvel: We have thousands upon thousands designs of these iconic characters, feel free to use anyo*
Square Enix designer: I got this.
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