
Nov 13, 2017
Yeah let's change the way rapid emergency response works so we can facilitate kids* doing pranks**
Well, since you apparently can't stop the kids from doing these "pranks" and since anyone who wants someone killed for any reason could apparently use the same means as those "pranks" to actually get the cops to do it for him, rather than hire a professional hitman or do it himself, yeah, it sounds like some change is in order. Because someone got fucking killed over this.
No matter how you look at this situation, there's a trend of people making bogus calls to police and SWAT for fun. There's needs to be a change in procedure to help prevent murders like this from happening in the future. Somebody opening a door unarmed shouldn't be shot immediately no questions asked. Every party here but the victim did something wrong.
Oct 27, 2017
If this were a regular police officer then this would be an ongoing discussion about how fucked it is over here in the US. I think this being a SWAT holds it in a different light considering these are people trained to quickly dispose life threatening danger. I think the better discussion is, what is it gonna take to get the police to be better at spotting prank threats?

wait so if the swat team is banging at your door you shouldnt open the door?
no, its pretty dumb for a SWAT person to open fire on someone opening the door to an unverified threat

no amount of mental gymnastics will take away this simple truth

If you didn't do anything illegall, SWAT has no reason to take your life. None


Oct 28, 2017
...I was responding to your claim that this happens frequently. Once in how many years is not really frequent.

Swatting does happen frequently. Dying from it doesn't but that doesn't mean I want armed men breaking down my door pointing assault weapons in my face. I fail to understand why this is not an issue for you.

Police != SWAT. Most of the stories you hear about police shooting innocent people are not instances where the swat team shot them up. In instances where the swat team is necessary, I'd rather they not spend time trying to determine if it's some asshole kid fucking up first because instances that require the swat team are normally time sensitive. Rather, we should live in a society that makes swatting something we don't do at all, much like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.

You're not going to live in a world where people just stop being garbage. That's why policy and procedure exist. That's why we have safeguards. But I mean, maybe wjen we just have more people dying you'll take it more serious I suppose?


Oct 27, 2017
internet gaming nerds can be toxic an deadly, they need more Buddhism and less alt right in their lives

Deleted member 11517

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
They were told it was a hostage-homocide. As in, the guy had killed someone and was holding another person hostage.

Pretty much one of the most fucked up things you can report. It puts an already-trigger happy force on high alert.
They also appearantly did not investigate the situation properly at all. There are ways to do this. So what you're saying basically everyone can call a swat team to a random address with the intent of getting someone killed - and you don't think anything should be done about that?

I know you gonna blame the people who called the swat team, the fact that it's so easy to convince them about a - none existent - threat in order to get someone killed or injured isn't on them though, it's on the people who execute this, it's there responsibility to check if there's an actual threat.


Oct 28, 2017
Get ready for the news cycle on this. It's going to be nonstop. It's gonna get moral panic-filled and ugly.


Oct 29, 2017
Swat team is at your door

what do you do?

1.) Answer the door - Congratulations you get shot
2.) Don't answer the door - Congratulations you got arrested for evading arrest and maybe shot

no winning

topic title should read "Man shot for opening door to police officers" and i was half-considering making a new topic for that discussion, because that discussion is completely different from the swatting discussion happening here
Yeah, that's bullshit. That's the most shocking thing. Guy opens door and gets shot by police. Like wtf? I'm assuming the officer is on paid leave and will be back at it in a couple of weeks. bullshit


Oct 25, 2017
Where in the article does it state that an actual SWAT Team was deployed? Because all I can see is them explaining what "swatting" is, which doesn't mean that an actual SWAT Team is involved.

This happens enough that maybe the police ane SWAT in general need to deal with the fact that I can go on google and figure out how to phrase a 911 call to get SWAT in 3 minutes. I really don't grasp how its this easy to get SWAT called in.

"People lie? Like they would just not tell the truth?"

Uh yeah.

The police is obliged to take any and all calls seriously. The people taking the phone calls on dispatch are not trained psychologist which can analyze if people are lying on the phone in a matter of a few seconds. That's unfortunately just not how it works and in real scenarios every single second counts.

This situation in particular is just fucked up, because it doesn't seem that they got a better picture on the situation. We have seen a lot of these incidents in the past and luckily all of them turned out non-lethal for the people mistakenly involved.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait, is this the first time someone has been killed due to being swatted? I know it's been used a lot, but I swear I've never heard anyone die from it. If this is the first, then oh boy...


Oct 27, 2017
US SWAT is basically a trigger happy hit squad at this point. Tax payer funded assassins that any shitheel can hire with a simple phone call.

I really would love to know the number of legit SWAT scenarios. I feel like I never hear of a legit case. You'd think these idiots would assume by now that it's probably a crank and that unless you have collaborating evidence from neighbors, assume it's a crank and proceed with extreme caution. I guess they don't really care. Adrenaline >> all else.

So you're saying when someone calls in a bomb threat or a hostage situation anonymously, they shouldn't be taken seriously?

No, sorry, the opposite is true. They should be taken very seriously and responded to by the appropriate team, which SWAT is. Rather, pieces of shit like this guy shouldn't be playing around with threats that warrant the swat team.

Except when do you ever hear of these events happening at private residences. And if they do, you can be sure it's by some psycho that the neighbors will all know about. The SWAT team could figure this out with a couple knocks on the neighbors door in these scenarios.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait, is this the first time someone has been killed due to being swatted? I know it's been used a lot, but I swear I've never heard anyone die from it. If this is the first, then oh boy...
Depends on how you look at it. The intended victim wasn't the one who died. It was a neighbor minding their own business.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
In this thread: people who don't understand what SWAT is (or riot/specialist police worldwide), thus diluting how dangerous swatting is right when it reaches what we were all expecting to come from the acts, and diverting much-needed focus.

You wanna talk police brutality? Brother, there ain't slim pickings on that front sadly, but you picked slim here.


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Honestly, I'd say the list of people deserving the harshest punishment to the least harsh punishment (relatively speaking) goes:

1) The person(s) who authorized a SWAT team based on a single unverified call (and perhaps most importantly didn't even say "hey this was just some rando who could be pranking us so maybe hold off on shooting until you're sure this is legit")
2) The SWAT team member who killed an innocent man
3) The little shit who made the call in the first place

Because in the end the moral of this story is less "people on the internet are shitty" and more "American law enforcement is a fucked up system infested with shitty incompetent people."


Oct 25, 2017
Posted this every single time swatting was brought up and I'll post it again: it should be treated as a murder attempt.


Oct 25, 2017
wait so if the swat team is banging at your door you shouldnt open the door?
no, its pretty dumb for a SWAT person to open fire on someone opening the door to an unverified threat

no amount of mental gymnastics will take away this simple truth

If you didn't do anything illegall, SWAT has no reason to take your life. None
And I agree with you. I'm just saying that the way these calls are happening needs to be better examined before engaging with false info.

Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
Swatting does happen frequently. Dying from it doesn't but that doesn't mean I want armed men breaking down my door pointing assault weapons in my face. I fail to understand why this is not an issue for you.

Compared to the number of non-swatting incidents? No, swatting is very infrequent in number compared to the number of incidents swat teams deal with.

And you guys don't seem to get that the entire reason they respond as though the threat is credible is because SWAT team responses are time sensitive, and the calls swatters make are designed to intentionally sound credible, right? Launch an investigation? If you're being held hostage by a person who has already killed someone else, do you want police treating the phone call alerting them to your plight with initial skepticism?

Deleted member 12447

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
A few things. I never believed in Capital Punishment but I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you my views haven't changed. Everybody's life is important is a fucking joke. Convince me that either of these dudes who threatened to SWAT each other over a dollar have something to give to society. Simply put, these two clowns thought they were being hilarious when joking about it, up until someone died over it. This shit isn't manslaughter anymore. We all knew this was going to happen eventually. It's been preached for years that it's not funny and someone's going to die over it. Well, someone died. Someone thought it was funny to call in America's Home Based Elite Death Squad and a man was executed over it. That's murder.

Person who's responsible deserves nothing less than Death Row
Person who joked about it deserves jail time
SWAT member who shot the man needs a shrink and a new career not involving a gun.

I can't believe we're deflecting this onto SWAT when the problem starts with the idiot who made the fucking call thinking it was FUN.
Oct 27, 2017
And I agree with you. I'm just saying that the way these calls are happening needs to be better examined before engaging with false info.

you're trying to make the issue about swatiing, i'm trying to make the issue about being a trigger happy SWAT Officer

clearly, i should make an OT thread for that aspect of the discussion, because as i said, its completely different and they're both problems

i made a thread in EtcetEra to discuss the larger police issue at hand for those interested in segwaying away from the swatting aspects of this story:
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Oct 26, 2017
so you think they shouldn't gauge the situation before acting?

What does it matter what I think? They are going to gauge the situation anyhow. They are trained specialists. But eventually they are going to gauge it wrong. An eventual mistake is going to happen.

They (cop/swat) obviously made a huge mistake. A huge mistake is different in nature than a malicious unnecessary "prank" with deadly consequences.

You think that we should retrain swat teams so that salty videogame players can swat each other safely?


Oct 25, 2017
Someone decided to pull the trigger without assessing the situation, so they're to blame here too.

Charge both the cop and the asshole swatter. This is getting ridiculous.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on how you look at it. The intended victim wasn't the one who died. It was a neighbor minding their own business.

Ah, I see. I read it as one of the two guys online was killed. Still, someone did die due to the situation, so I guess it would count. I always figuered once someone died due to swatting that it be taken more seriously, but that was before the movement against cop killing, so I figure now nothing will happen. Sad...

Deleted member 11517

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Oct 27, 2017
Where in the article does it state that an actual SWAT Team was deployed? Because all I can see is them explaining what "swatting" is, which doesn't mean that an actual SWAT Team is involved.

The police is obliged to take any and all calls seriously. The people taking the phone calls on dispatch are not trained psychologist which can analyze if people are lying on the phone in a matter of a few seconds. That's unfortunately just not how it works and in real scenarios every single second counts.

This situation in particular is just fucked up, because it doesn't seem that they got a better picture on the situation. We have seen a lot of these incidents in the past and luckily all of them turned out non-lethal for the people mistakenly involved.
Then you need to change this system, I read about a swat case where the person who called wasn't even in the US, it would have been super easy to see it's a fake "threat", but every second counts!

I'm pretty sure in most other countries there would be at least some kind of observation and investigation before going in with a swat team, it is in my country, and the teams are also trained to not shoot innocent people here and it basically never happens, so there are proper ways to do this, but making excuses like "every second counts" is not one of them.

PS: I think you're right we don't really know if this was a "swat team", what I said above still applies, there needs to be some kind of confirmation or investigation before going in like that, it's just common sense.

Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
Except when do you ever hear of these events happening at private residences.

Uh, overwhelmingly? The vast majority of swat operations target private residences. This is because -- and I think this is actually really fucked up and a misuse of swat teams -- they are used to serve drug warrants, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone involved in this should be sent to prison. Absolutely disgusting. No amount of money would justify it, but two fucking dollars? Really?
Oct 27, 2017
What does it matter what I think? They are going to gauge the situation anyhow. They are trained specialists. But eventually they are going to gauge it wrong. An eventual mistake is going to happen.

They (cop/swat) obviously made a huge mistake. A huge mistake is different in nature than a malicious unnecessary "prank" with deadly consequences.

You think that we should retrain swat teams so that salty videogame players can swat each other safely?
when did i say that? never said swat shouldn't attend those calls as fast as they can, just said that once there they need an effective way to gauge the situation, verify if the call wasn't false


Oct 27, 2017
Well, since you apparently can't stop the kids from doing these "pranks" and since anyone who wants someone killed for any reason could apparently use the same means as those "pranks" to actually get the cops to do it for him, rather than hire a professional hitman or do it himself, yeah, it sounds like some change is in order. Because someone got fucking killed over this.

So because one person has died after years of people doing these pranks, you want to make changes that could result in tens if not hundreds of people dying each year who actually ARE in hostage, etc. situations???

Terrible that this happened to this innocent person but these swat teams exist and operate in the way they do for a very good reason and are responsible for saving thousands of lives over the years.


Oct 27, 2017
If you're being held hostage by a person who has already killed someone else, do you want police treating the phone call alerting them to your plight with initial skepticism?
Maybe I don't want them treating my plight with scepticism, but I certainly don't want their response to be to immediately shoot anyone who exists at the address to which they're called. The reason that I wouldn't want that is that it's a stupid, imbecilic response. A zero-information, zero-questions-asked instant-kill is not an acceptable response to any situation from any law enforcement agency, ever.


Oct 26, 2017
Well, since you apparently can't stop the kids from doing these "pranks" and since anyone who wants someone killed for any reason could apparently use the same means as those "pranks" to actually get the cops to do it for him, rather than hire a professional hitman or do it himself, yeah, it sounds like some change is in order. Because someone got fucking killed over this.

I don't believe that it can't be stopped. It hasn't been taken seriously. That's a faulty premise.

Anything that can be done on the professionals side is of course welcome.

I take issue with the idea that someone should be able to call an armed response team on someone and just assume that noone to ends up dead. Eventually, a mistake is going to happen. That's why it's dangerous.

Deleted member 12447

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Someone decided to pull the trigger without assessing the situation, so they're to blame here too.

Charge both the cop and the asshole swatter. This is getting ridiculous.

Also we're assuming he didn't assess the situation. They went to that house believing someone was dead, and there was a hostage situation at hand. It's this dudes job to make sure to resolve the situation quickly, and keep his team safe. We don't know if he heard something when that door was being opened. Details are light at the moment regarding the shooting itself. Until we get more details it's better to reserve judgement. This isn't the same as a cop shooting a man of color simply because it's easier than chasing him down. This was an alleged hostage crisis with a body already on the floor.
Oct 27, 2017

A 28-year-old man is dead after being shot by a Wichita police officer who was investigating a call of a possible homicide and hostage situation at the corner of Seneca and McCormick on Thursday night.

Deputy Police Chief Troy Livingston said police received a called of a shooting at around 6:15 p.m.

"It was a shooting call involving hostages," he said. "The original call, we were told someone had an argument with their mother and dad was accidentally shot. And now that person was holding mother, brother and sister hostage. We learned through that call that a father was deceased, and had been shot in the head. That was the information we were working off of."

Officers went to the 1000 block of McCormick, preparing for a hostage situation, he said.

Are you not allowed to open the door to police officers anymore?

The man was targeted by a SWAT prank call he was completely unrelated to between 2 guys arguing over Call of Duty, and if you want to discuss, the swatting aspect of this incident, there's a thread on gaming side for that.

To me, the bigger issue here is getting shot for opening the door. Just how do you survive an encounter with police anymore? You don't even have to do a crime to get killed and have the officer get away with it.


Oct 30, 2017
This is what swatting was about from the beginning, it wasn't a "prank", a prank is ordering a disgusting pizza to someone's house, or is remotely funny in any way. This is a digusting game played by stupid people.

I hope the ones responsible for this are properly charged and accounted for, and I hope swatting/doxxing and internet crimes get more attention after this, it is not a joke, it was never a joke.


Oct 26, 2017
when did i say that? never said swat shouldn't attend those calls as fast as they can, just said that once there they need an effective way to gauge the situation, verify if the call wasn't false

When you asked me if I think a swat team should not gauge a situation before acting, I thought that type of question was fair game.


Nov 13, 2017
I take issue with the idea that someone should be able to call an armed response team on someone and just assume that noone to ends up dead. Eventually, a mistake is going to happen. That's why it's dangerous.
Who said that should be the assumption? The assumption after all this shit is that anyone can get a SWAT team over to someone's house and get someone killed for no reason, that's why change is needed.

Nobody's saying they shouldn't be quick to respond to real situations, that's a strawman's argument, there was no situation here, just a prank.

Bomb threats someone mentioned are a different thing altogether, you can cancel classes and get everyone out of the school and then verify if it was real or not without any deaths, only a day of classes lost, this used to happen here when I was in school but with current laws I believe they have managed to stop it (ie you can't even have a mobile phone without your real name and what not registered to it).
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You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This is incredibly messed up. I remember people saying someone was gonna be killed eventually doing this on GAF. Well, here it is sadly. I hope this is a wakeup call to these idiots. I hope the judge throws the book at the guy.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
The real problem here really is the polices ability to use deadly force for absolutely NO fucking reason. Forces in other more civilized countries actually use their brains and make calculations before discharging a weapon. Deaths like these are very rare in a country like the UK. In America it's basically "if they do ANYTHING remotely weird they're dead".

They could barge in on someone who's stoned or drunk and doesn't know what the hell's going on and one wrong move and they're dead. That isn't a just use of force.

Yeah sure these fuckwit's who started this need seriously dealt with as well but the fundamental problem is how fucking awful the American police are. How badly trained and how cowardly they are to presume everyone is guilty and having no mental faculties or bravery to allow themselves a moment to assess a situation before acting


Oct 25, 2017
Then you need to change this system, I read about a swat case where the person who called wasn't even in the US, it would have been super easy to see it's a fake "threat", but every second counts!

Are you familiar with spoofing numbers, because that's what is happening in most of these cases. You can spoof a number to make it look like somebody in that specific town is calling you and dispatch wouldn't know. They would know afterwards, when they launch an investigation and realize it was a fake call.

I'm pretty sure in most other countries there would be at least some kind of observation and investigation before going in with a swat team, it is in my country, and the teams are also trained to not shoot innocent people here and it basically never happens, so there are proper ways to do this, but making excuses like "every second counts" is not one of them.

That's what I literally said in the 3rd paragraph of my post. Nowhere did I make an excuse on the actual procedure in this specific case, but I questioned the procedure.


Oct 27, 2017
And you guys don't seem to get that the entire reason they respond as though the threat is credible is because SWAT team responses are time sensitive, and the calls swatters make are designed to intentionally sound credible, right? Launch an investigation? If you're being held hostage by a person who has already killed someone else, do you want police treating the phone call alerting them to your plight with initial skepticism?

It's real easy to sit behind your computer screen and judge.

What happened is tragic, but when you've got a situation where a guy just shot his father, and has his mother and sister at gunpoint, there's no time for verifying claims.

If someone calls in a bomb threat at a school, should the claim be verified before taking action?


Oct 25, 2017
A local news website in Kansas has reported that the Wichita police were responding to a homicide and hostage situation, and when a 28 year old man answered the door, the officer in attendance discharged his weapon. The man was taken to hospital but later pronounced dead.

This is horrific... The US is a really scary place.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
The SWAT angle changes the whole rules of engagement IMO. Yes its still very bad the guy got shot but they are going to be incredibly on edge if they think the guy has hostages and has already shot one.

Deleted member 12447

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The real problem here really is the polices ability to use deadly force for absolutely NO fucking reason. Forces in other more civilized countries actually use their brains and make calculations before discharging a weapon. Deaths like these are very rare in a country like the UK. In America it's basically "if they do ANYTHING remotely weird they're dead".

They could barge in on someone who's stoned or drunk and doesn't know what the hell's going on and one wrong move and they're dead. That isn't a just use of force.

Yeah sure these fuckwit's who started this need seriously dealt with as well but the fundamental problem is how fucking awful the American police are. How badly trained and how cowardly they are to presume everyone is guilty and having no mental faculties or bravery to allow themselves a moment to assess a situation before acting

What do you mean no reason? They went in believing they were dealing with a hostage situation that already resulted in a dead body.