Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
I mean, dude opens his door and gets shot. We missing some context but you really gotta wonder how an unarmed dude answering his own door is dead. Swat being discharged on this basis with zero attempt to validate, zero attempt to try and talk the alledged down and really zero attempt preserve life is an issue.

It shouldn't be swept under the rug.

How does on validate that a bomb threat or hostage situation is real before sending in the appropriate authorities?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
Manslaughter seems like too light a sentence. they should go to jail forever a man lost his life on a cruel joke.


Oct 27, 2017
people should be more mad at swat gunning down innocent people than at 2 idiots calling swat.

not saying those 2 are innocent, but if police did its job nobody would be harmed

reading comments above it almost seems like people describe fake call as assassination contract


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure they didn't knock. They were probably setting up outside, tense because they're about to blow open the door and move in on a dangerous situation, when the door opens (no doubt the owner heard some commotion outside and wanted to see what was going on). Should the cop have waited to see? It's hard to say without being there to see what it looked like.

Truly very sad. The kid who called this needs to get manslaughter just to show everyone else that this isn't acceptable.

Yes? Precisely to prevent innocent peoples deaths? In most countries police is not allowed/discouraged to use force until an actual danger/threat is confirmed.


Oct 25, 2017
You should not be sending in a fucking SWAT team over an unverified phone call.
well, it reads like they didn't. It sounds liek they sent some officers but not a swat team. We don't even know if this locality has a swat team.

either way thats not the point. Two issues here. The two players going straight to swatting over bs is fucked up. I hope the one who contacted he swatter and the person who did the call are imprisoned for murder or manslaughter. Sadly I doubt it will fix things.

Second, and equally troubling, what the fuck was this police dept thinking? If this was a hostage situation it doesn't sound like they handled it right at all. On top of that wtf was that cop doing going straight for the kill. Some fucked up shit. To me, that cop shouldn't be an officer, that dept needs a lot of training, and I am almost to the point of thinking the officer needs to be arrested.


Oct 27, 2017
The man opened the door and the SWAT team immediately started shooting at him? What? Death squad much? Ridiculous!


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Here is a tweet by COD Pro player Duarte:

That's a damn hot take. The guy who provided a wrong address is most to blame, not the person who asked for the swat and not the actual swatter?

IMO, the person who provided a wrong address should feel utterly horrible but they're the least responsible (but still partially responsible).


Oct 27, 2017

"A male came to the front door, as he came to the front door, one of our officers discharged his weapon," Livingston said.

Livingston didn't say if the man was carrying a weapon when he came to the door, or what caused the officer to shoot the man. Police don't think he fired at officers, but the incident is still under investigation, he said.

What the actual fuck??? What is wrong with these officers?? This just sounds like straight up murder, though of course the officer won't suffer any consequences, they never do.

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, dude opens his door and gets shot. We missing some context but you really gotta wonder how an unarmed dude answering his own door is dead. Swat being discharged on this basis with zero attempt to validate, zero attempt to try and talk the alledged down and really zero attempt preserve life is an issue.

It shouldn't be swept under the rug. It's America so I know everyone gotta back the boys in blue but I mean come the fuck on. How is this acceptable?
What if the caller said he had a bomb or was dangerous etc?

Sure the swat team was a bit too trigger happy but the caller could have made it sound like a very dangerious situation


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 3, 2017
These guys did an idiotic thing. But really? A cop just shoots an innocent guy opening his door? How much training do these cops actually have. Especially considering they should have been experts tactical police right and not just new cops.


Nov 1, 2017
Is there really a difference between SWAT and the militarised police forces anyway? I imagine police stations are just sending in relatively untrained guys with SWAT levels of firepower these days
SWAT members have specialized training beyond regular officers. Your regular officer shouldn't and legally wouldn't be able to be put on a SWAT team.


Oct 28, 2017
How does on validate that a bomb threat or hostage situation is real before sending in the appropriate authorities?

Not shooting a dude opening his door on sight would be a start. Do police kill people who surrender? No. So maybe start there. And yeah, someone calls in a hostage situation so you send the whole Swat team without any hesitation what so ever? Makes sense. No scoping. No validation attempt. No anything. That's certainly the appropriate approach.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fucking infuriating. Not only did swatting lead to a death, the person who reported the address to the police got the wrong address, so a fucking innocent person not involved at all was murdered.

The person who called in the swat team should be charged with murder. Throw the damn book at him to make an example out of this.

This is horrific. A innocent person dead over two COD players.

So the police or swat team were told of a false homicide and hostage situation and went in guns blazing? Just imagine answering the door and getting shot by police and you haven't got a clue. I hate to say but I bet this way more likely to happen in the US more than any other western country. I find the policing disturbing as an outsider and sure you can find single cases for most countries or regions.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Second, and equally troubling, what the fuck was this police dept thinking? If this was a hostage situation it doesn't sound like they handled it right at all. On top of that wtf was that cop doing going straight for the kill. Some fucked up shit. To me, that cop shouldn't be an officer, that dept needs a lot of training, and I am almost to the point of thinking the officer needs to be arrested.

They were told it was a hostage-homocide. As in, the guy had killed someone and was holding another person hostage.

Pretty much one of the most fucked up things you can report. It puts an already-trigger happy force on high alert.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I have no idea how a human being could shoot and kill an unarmed 28-year old and continue to do what they do. Hope that dude gives it up before he can kill someone else.

Swatters should go to jail. The murderer probably should too but obviously won't.
Oct 26, 2017
Of course the swat team is trigger happy, they are meant to deal with things like armed hostage situations and suicide bombers. Though I have real problem with police brutality in these instances, I can't fault the swat team for being jumpy because they are trained to be jumpy. They are not supposed to be called in to raid normal civilians. Thats why this should be a huge fucking deal. As far as I'm concerned, the person who called in the swat team pulled the trigger.
The last part is true. But the militarization of the Police is what enables this shit in the first place.

Still, that's neither here nor there, the fact is that two kids basically sent a hit on each other, which one of the two shitbags got an unrelated third party killed. That is fucked up.

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
and that instantly gives them right to just murder people? "but the dude on the phone said" ?
No, ofcourse not but ultimately the caller called them he is to blame. And i edited my post just before you quoted me the swat team is not fault free. They also should be considered into the court case.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
What if the caller said he had a bomb or was dangerous etc?

Sure the swat team was a bit too trigger happy but the caller could have made it sound like a very dangerious situation

And you solve a dangerous situation by shooting the first person you come across?
The guy they shot might as well have been the hostage, forced to open the door by the people that held him.


Oct 25, 2017
Man answers the door at his home. Is immediately shot by police.

Hmm yeah I'm going to say something is wrong with this situation. Sounds like a few manslaughter charges should he handed out


Oct 28, 2017
What if the caller said he had a bomb or was dangerous etc?

Sure the swat team was a bit too trigger happy but the caller could have made it sound like a very dangerious situation

And you could validate that all from a single phone call? Enough to unload on a dude opening his door? How do the police even know the dude opening the door isn't a hostage? How do they know anything? Is policing just taking any call at fast value and blowing people away?

Your standard of police conduct is low.

Soony Xbone Uhh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
people should be more mad at swat gunning down innocent people than at 2 idiots calling swat.

not saying those 2 are innocent, but if police did its job nobody would be harmed

reading comments above it almost seems like people describe fake call as assassination contract

No. Fucking don't call a SWAT team under knowingly false pretenses.

Don't redirect the blame. This is happening way to often in todays society.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
It seems to me that both of these guys should be charged. The guy that knowingly gave out a false address isn't innocent in this either.

There needs to be some reflection on why "swatting" is this effective but I'm sure that there won't be any.


Oct 27, 2017
No, ofcourse not but ultimately the caller called them he is to blame. And i edited my post just before you quoted me the swat team is not fault free. They also should be considered into the court case.
no, this guy died because swat pulled the trigger. and only that.
just because someone started chain of events doesnt make him main offender. yes, he is at fault. yes, without this call nothing would've happened. but this also wouldnt've happened if SWAT didnt gun people down on sight. each action carries different degree of guilt, and caller definitely has less degree of guilt in the incident than trigger-happy officer.

what if it was legit call? what if it was hostage answering the door?

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
And you could validate that all from a single phone call? Enough to unload on a dude opening his door?

Your standard of police conduct is low.
Sorry i did not ment it like that english is not my first language so i don't always get my points across well so i will just keep it that the situation could have been handled better.

Swatting people is not cool and it does not endsl well it, should become a serious crime since it happens quite alot nowadays.


Oct 27, 2017
Since I´m from Europe I can´t really comment on how police handles these affairs...

Afaik this incident is completely unique so no one really knows how it will be handled. I don't think anyone has ever actually been killed as a result of swatting before (though everyone knew it was only a matter of time), and usually when swatting occurs the person who made the call is anonymous, though here the guilty appear to be known. The police will probably get away free as always, but anything less than jail time for the caller, if found guilty, would be absurd imo.

Deleted member 4541

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
2 fucking dollars?

EDIT - misread.. A DOLLAR FUCKING FIFTY? What the fuck is this?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Why not both

Sensible opinion is to investigate the shooter and the caller together for appropriate sentencing, instead of playing the blame game like some sort of lawyer. I'm not an expert, but I would throw manslaughter charges at both of them.


Story Director
Oct 30, 2017
A local news website in Kansas has reported that the Wichita police were responding to a homicide and hostage situation, and when a 28 year old man answered the door, the officer in attendance discharged his weapon. The man was taken to hospital but later pronounced dead.

This seems... extreme. The Police in the US is really trigger-happy, isn't it?


Oct 27, 2017
Swatting happens all the time to streamers and I can't figure out why people get off on doing it. It puts so many people in the path of danger for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Most of the time the major problem is the person doing it might be out of the country or unable to be traced due to using online calling / proxys it's insane that it isn't easier to figure out.


Oct 28, 2017
Sorry i did not ment it like that english is not my first language so i don't always get my points across well so i will just keep it that the situation could have been handled better.

Swatting people is not cool and it does not endsl well it, should become a serious crime since it happens quite alot nowadays.

It's not even that I totally fault the police but it shouldn't be this easy to kill someone. Call the police, make shit up and law enforcement is so down to take your word at total face value that they murder people on sight?

Is that the kind of police force people want?

As far as the 2 CoD players are concerned I think everyone agrees fuck these guys, send their asses to jail for a long time. But Swatting is so effective because the police enable it to be.


Oct 26, 2017
Both the idiot and the SWAT are guilty as fuck. SWAT being trigger happy doesn't mean his job is to just straight murder anyone that opens a door. This is more close to being a killer than an officer.

And of course the idiot calling should be charged because this stupidity needs to stop. Eat your consequences if you act like a dumbass.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure that's even true when applied to a SWAT team. And if it was a danger, the cop would likely be dead. It's not so easy an answer is all I'm saying.

Better risk the life of the cop than the life of innocent people, the cop knowingly signed up for that risk when taking that job

Of course, the US seems to have a wildly different interpretation of what the police force is supposed to do, but in the rest of the west, the police's job is to protect people, at all cost.