
Oct 26, 2017
I really liked a lot of this, combat, gameplay, music and amazing graphics. I hated the dragging out filler content and goimg anywhere taking twice as long as it should.

The biggest killer in my opinion is the decision to split into multiple parts. At best this is taking another 8 years to complete and it could quite easily be longer.
Split across potentially 3 generations of hardware its a mess. Im 43 and can easily see myself playing part 5 at 60 lol

I really wish they had taken the Capcom Re2 or Bluepoint with Demons Souls method and recreated the whole game visually without changing much else (combat system nailed it so a change to real time fair play).

My biggest feeling while playing remake part 1 was a sense of sadness I was only getting 10 percent of the game
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Oct 25, 2017
I think I loved the game too much. I completed it in early May and it has been on my mind since. I am playing it again now on hard mode just to scratch that itch.

If they announce a PS5 version in January I would play it again.
Jun 17, 2018
I kept comparing it to the original (which is vastly superior!) and then gave up just after the part in the town where cloud has to dress up to get inside the building. I got bored and just couldn't play through it anymore.

It would have been an infinitely better game in my opinion if it was just more focused, instead they went for this bullshit episodic route.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
It was ok. Gorgeous, well acted, shamelessly anime with their pathetic female representation. Barrett was also embarrasing to watch. Music was great, combat was decent, story was a nice mix of old and new with a loooot of filler (as in, it says the exact same shit in 5min videos that they did before in 2 text bubbles).
Technically many silly glitches to be GotY, but a solid 7,5-8.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The Honey Bee part was glorious though

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
The Honey Bee part was glorious though
Yeah that part surpassed the original rather easily. I had the biggest shit eating grin on my face during that section. They nailed it.

My dudes, I got to say, I really, really hated the new Wall Market theme. It was legit one of the most annoying songs I've ever heard in a game and it captured none of the original track's sleazy vibes. That was one of my biggest disappointments because I really enjoyed that section of the remake game play wise but had to turn the music audio down because it was irritating.


Oct 26, 2017
the report system will not save you!
Why are you still not banned???
But seriously, what was your issue about VI? Admittedly, I have not played it in a long time but for the platform (SNES) I think it was a spectacular achievement at the time. The soundtrack, the story, the villain and the various characters all had a great impact on me as a kid


Oct 26, 2017
Everything people call padding in this game only seems like padding to them because it wasn't there in the original.

I'm not saying there isn't some padding, but you people really blow it out of proportion. The game has really good pacing. Like, if we consider pacing something that can be objectively determined (it can't), then yeah, this game has really good pacing. If you skip the sidequests the pacing is excellent, save for that one dungeon before you climb the Shinra tower. And that's just ONE dungeon.

If everything people call padding really is so in this game, then about 120 hours of The Witcher 3 are also padding. And the majority of stuff in other RPGs like Persona 5 or DQXI.

It's crazy. They added a dungeon that wasn't there in the original! P A D D I N G, it doesn't matter that other games make you revisit old areas and have you running around fighting boring enemies for hours, it is only padding in this game.

Give me a fucking break. If anything FFVIIR really shows how boring and unimaginative gamers have become, and how much they enjoy only straightforward games that play it safe.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
That it's different approaches is not in dispute. I just found the newer approach markedly inferior from a narrative standpoint. There's no real suspense in it. It's just an action setpiece in a game that already has a lot of action setpieces.

As for knowing the purple goo is from Jenova, that's true if you've played FFVII before. But I'm not just judging based on my own foreknowledge here; I'm judging based on what makes a cohesive story. It shouldn't require foreknowledge about Jenova to understand that sequence, but it does.

And it wasn't just Shinra hanging off the ledge that made no sense. Sephiroth leaves Shinra there, then he leaves, you find Shinra, you have to climb an antenna thing looking for Sephiroth; he's there, then he's not, then you have to climb back down, you have to talk to Shinra, then Sephiroth comes back and stabs him. It was like a sequence designed to showcase a bunch of moments the writers thought up, but they didn't give as much thought to the act of stringing those moments together in a logical way. And there are a lot of elements in the remake that are like that: moments that are "cool" in and of themselves but which aren't strung together in a way that makes sense.

Take the train graveyard as another example. Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith have learned that Sector 7 is about to be destroyed. It takes them three chapters to get there, during which time they fuck around in the sewers for ages and then stop to... help some ghost children and have a bonding moment with them? All while they know all their friends are about to die if they don't arrive in time? Again, the moments themselves are cool, but in the grander scheme of the story they fall apart, and they blow the game's pacing all to hell.

Even if you didn't know about the goo during the sequence, once you fight Jenova and having her spew liquid around you can put it together for those who never played the original. For the uninitiated I can see it being a bit confusing, but part FFVIIR also has a subversive undertone for those who have played it and plays with player expectation. Of course someone who has played it can go oh that's a stand in for the blood trail. It's a T rated game, I doubt an actual blood trail would have pushed it to an M rating.

Again at no point did Shinra say that "Sephiroth left me here," the whole hanging part is an issue I'm not disputing that. There is no logic, I'm not arguing for the logic of it all. I'm saying that there is always a sense of jitteriness, confusion, unease in that particular scene. Jenova-Dreamweaver further enforces that the whole scene could have been a strange illusion considering it all leads to that fight.

I've also made it a point that the pacing probably the weakest aspect of the game. Certain parts go on for too long or are too self indulgent, I'm well aware of that. It's part of how modern AAA video games are more bloated. It's a consequence of having to mold itself to new modern AAA standards - something SE has trouble doing. They have to turn a Midgar into it's own game that conforms to these AAA standards and it suffers for that in many ways.

Even with it's problems it's still the most enjoyable Final Fantasy experience I've had in a long time. I've just come to accept that SE never truly recovered from trying to eclipse the success they had on the PS1 or the fumbles of transitioning to HD and ballooning development time/budgets that were brought forth during the transition to PS3.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything people call padding in this game only seems like padding to them because it wasn't there in the original.

I'm not saying there isn't some padding, but you people really blow it out of proportion. The game has really good pacing. Like, if we consider pacing something that can be objectively determined (it can't), then yeah, this game has really good pacing. If you skip the sidequests the pacing is excellent, save for that one dungeon before you climb the Shinra tower. And that's just ONE dungeon.

If everything people call padding really is so in this game, then about 120 hours of The Witcher 3 are also padding. And the majority of stuff in other RPGs like Persona 5 or DQXI.

It's crazy. They added a dungeon that wasn't there in the original! P A D D I N G, it doesn't matter that other games make you revisit old areas and have you running around fighting boring enemies for hours, it is only padding in this game.

Give me a fucking break. If anything FFVIIR really shows how boring and unimaginative gamers have become, and how much they enjoy only straightforward games that play it safe.

I disagree with each sentence in your post.

As you say, padding can't be judged objectively, but there are good reasons why people complain about FFVIIR. The story drags for the sole purpose of making it a longer game, and there are multiple examples that you can find back in this same thread. Extra content with a purpose is fine, but try to write the main point of FFVIIR story on paper and then write everything you do in the game down (for the main mission only). Hard not to see a mismatch.

The Witcher 3 is the worst example possible. You can't consider optional side-missions "padding". TW3 actually doest a magnificent job in creating extra content that still feels like part of the story and can affect the main one, although optional. Everything in that game has a purpose, be it character/world building or directly affecting the story.

No one here is saying you're wrong for enjoying the game, but I and many other who were disappointed are far from being boring and unimaginative just because we think differently.

I waited for this game for years and bought it full price on day one, playing it felt like a chore because of how it drags. It would have been an amazing shorter game.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
Unfortunately I feel like the sewer part after that part is where the game starts to drag for me. (Not the Abzu fight; that fight was still great.)
The game didn't really drag for me despite the padding. The problems for me were mostly story related and it fell apart around the Shinra HQ. They took out one of the most memorable scenes (blood smearing the walls and floors) because it might have hurt the game's ESRB rating. They also changed important plot points regarding the members of Avalanche. All of that ghost/hollow shit they added was complete trash as well. Who the fuck asked for any of that?


Oct 28, 2017
Everything people call padding in this game only seems like padding to them because it wasn't there in the original.

I'm not saying there isn't some padding, but you people really blow it out of proportion. The game has really good pacing. Like, if we consider pacing something that can be objectively determined (it can't), then yeah, this game has really good pacing. If you skip the sidequests the pacing is excellent, save for that one dungeon before you climb the Shinra tower. And that's just ONE dungeon.

If everything people call padding really is so in this game, then about 120 hours of The Witcher 3 are also padding. And the majority of stuff in other RPGs like Persona 5 or DQXI.

It's crazy. They added a dungeon that wasn't there in the original! P A D D I N G, it doesn't matter that other games make you revisit old areas and have you running around fighting boring enemies for hours, it is only padding in this game.

Give me a fucking break. If anything FFVIIR really shows how boring and unimaginative gamers have become, and how much they enjoy only straightforward games that play it safe.

This. It also helped with developing the Char. Even the train graveyard chapter was a pleasent suprise and helped develop Aerith.

I don't understand why people wanted FF7 with prettier graphics. Final Fantasy is driven by characters and story, if you don't want them to change any of this, then go and play the original. It's still there. I'm happy they are doing their thing. I'm happy they changed things because now i don't know what will happen next. Even if it's the same as in the original, at least i have this small uncertainty every time that they changed something. I think this is really amazing.


Oct 26, 2017
I disagree with each sentence in your post.

As you say, padding can't be judged objectively, but there are good reasons why people complain about FFVIIR. The story drags for the sole purpose of making it a longer game, and there are multiple examples that you can find back in this same thread. Extra content with a purpose is fine, but try to write the main point of FFVIIR story on paper and then write everything you do in the game down (for the main mission only). Hard not to see a mismatch.

The Witcher 3 is the worst example possible. You can't consider optional side-missions "padding". TW3 actually doest a magnificent job in creating extra content that still feels like part of the story and can affect the main one, although optional. Everything in that game has a purpose, be it character/world building or directly affecting the story.

No one here is saying you're wrong for enjoying the game, but I and many other who were disappointed are far from being boring and unimaginative just because we think differently.

I waited for this game for years and bought it full price on day one, playing it felt like a chore because of how it drags. It would have been an amazing shorter game.

The only way you can say the story drags is if you don't care about the extra characterization. A lot of people love these characters, I enjoyed every moment with them, so that can't be padding, to me. It shouldn't be considered padding by anyone, just say I don't care about the characters.

Moving on, people complain about the hallways, the slow walking and having to go through a dungeon to get somewhere. At the same time they praise the battle system.

Okay, fine, now let's take a look at how The Witcher 3 handles some of that. traversing Skellige is a nightmare. It is. If you complain about the skippable sidequests in FFVII Remake, you should also complain about the fucking question marks in the Witcher 3, because they serve the same purpose, a distraction to get you some extra stuff.

How is hunting those god damn question marks fulfilling and meaningful in anyway? Especially in Skellige? And then you are attacked constantly and have to fight battles in the awful battle system.

Seriously, if anyone says the battle system in The Witcher 3 is better, or even close to being as good as the one in the Remake they should be banned from ever having an opinion on video games.

As far as actual sidequests in The Witcher 3 go, yes, they are BETTER than the ones in FFVII Remake, but they serve a completely different purpose, and there isn't an actual equivalent to them in the remake. Like I said, those few sidequests we got in the Remake are more similar to the question marks on the various Witcher 3 maps. An let's not pretend like all of the sidequests in the Witcher 3 are masterpieces, but that's another topic entirely.

Unless you consider Hearts of Stone a sidequests, which is where the story of the entire game peaked.

Anyway, I'm going on a tangent, and am kind of forgetting what i wanted to say lol.
But the main point is that a lot of people treat the Remake unfairly, and don't give credit where it's due.


Dec 26, 2019
I'm not sure they could do it without splitting it up. Junon and the Gold Saucer/Mount Corel are going to be awe-inspiring. Even if they managed it in just one game, I guess Wutai would have been DLC.
To be fair people (myself included) were saying similar things about Midgar in this game and in the end we barely even got to see the upper plate, or any of the other sectors


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
It was much better than I expected to be, as someone who loved every game up to 10. Basically after the merger I've hated every Final Fantasy they've put out. (Except for XIV, I haven't played it because balls to monthly subscriptions on top of game price).

The VII Remake I didn't outright hate, I actually enjoyed most of my time with it, even though I think a lot of your criticisms are valid.

Where it fell off with me was that ending. I was hoping for a more fleshed out version of the original, not Nomura nonsense. This is a guy who can somehow make a crossover between Final Fantasy and Disney tedious bullshit, so now they've let him try and ruin their most popular game. I simply don't hold out much hope for the future installments.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
To be fair people (myself included) were saying similar things about Midgar in this game and in the end we barely even got to see the upper plate, or any of the other sectors
If I remember, some people were saying you might get to explore every sector in a open world, which was indeed incorrect...

but still just doing 3D recreations of those cities and world, sounds like a huge undertaking. Even Witcher 3 and RDR 2 only have one pretty big city. (Not including Witcher 3 DLC) I think Assassin Creed Odyssey only has two cities and loads of small ones which look the same.

I'm not a game designer or anything, just guessing it was too much for one game of the same technical prowess


Feb 7, 2018
Where it fell off with me was that ending. I was hoping for a more fleshed out version of the original, not Nomura nonsense. This is a guy who can somehow make a crossover between Final Fantasy and Disney tedious bullshit, so now they've let him try and ruin their most popular game. I simply don't hold out much hope for the future installments.
Apparently, Nomura was the one who was more restrained when making big changes (also regarding the combat, as he advocated for some form of command/ATB-based system):
Nomura: Because the plan for the 'FF7 Remake' was decided from the very start, there weren't any disputes. However, from person to person there were differences in ways of thinking so there were instances where disputes arose as to how much should be changed, unexpectedly in the second half there were many instances where I became a (door) stopper [laughs).

Sure, though, he still approved the Fates twist and the alternative timelines ending, so, whether to give him praise or criticism, it's also on him, ultimately. I wonder if that idea came from him, Nojima or Kitase. They must have talked about the Fates for a loooong time.


Jan 10, 2018
Definately in my top 3 games of the last ten years, top 10 all time. It wasn't that long, I played through twice and got the platinum and would have gladly played more. I'm nearing the end of Mechonis Fields in XCDE and I'm probably 70 hours in, there's way more padding there (huge zones, slow walking, super long story segments).

If a PS5 SKU comes out with a different trophy list I'm definately double dipping and doing the platinum again. Love the combat system.


Oct 25, 2017
I totally disagree that this game says nothing meaningful. It is a game about contending with the legacy of one of if not the most popular RPGs of all time. It is explicitly about living under the shadow of a previously told story and trying to do justice to characters that people, creators included, love. Every aspect of the script and story is part of this.

While I do not love the presentation of Chapter 19, I think it delivers on some of the more thematically clear aspects of the game: that these are characters people are seeing after 20 years and they deserve a fighting chance at something different, despite the cries of legacy fans. This is a culmination of everything FF7 and the people that brought it this far -- fans, creators, collaborators. Nothing is left undiscussed.

It is explicitly about undoing the original. It is a game about remaking FF7. It is a sequel, not a remake.

This is wildly ambitious and interesting storytelling. I am in for the rest.

I was glad to read this. It's how i felt about it too. It may truly veer off into nonsense, but I kind of love the idea that the creators are taking us on a slightly different journey than what was expected. In truth, they have every right to do it, too. They owe us nothing. I often think about the pressure the devs on highly visible remakes have on them, and how that pressure to get it 'exactly right' co-mingles with the desire as a developer to tell a new story. I don't envy the job. I think the way you (the poster I'm quoting) put it sums it up well. It's self-reflexive in a very interesting way to me.

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Based on its lack of quality, it is 100% going to follow the trajectory everyone predicted- the next sequels are going to sell less for sure.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
I totally disagree that this game says nothing meaningful. It is a game about contending with the legacy of one of if not the most popular RPGs of all time. It is explicitly about living under the shadow of a previously told story and trying to do justice to characters that people, creators included, love. Every aspect of the script and story is part of this.

While I do not love the presentation of Chapter 19, I think it delivers on some of the more thematically clear aspects of the game: that these are characters people are seeing after 20 years and they deserve a fighting chance at something different, despite the cries of legacy fans. This is a culmination of everything FF7 and the people that brought it this far -- fans, creators, collaborators. Nothing is left undiscussed.

It is explicitly about undoing the original. It is a game about remaking FF7. It is a sequel, not a remake.

This is wildly ambitious and interesting storytelling. I am in for the rest.
my exact feelings on the matter. A 1:1 remake would have done nothing for me. As it stands I'm actually left wondering what's gonna happen next instead of already knowing everything.


Nov 15, 2017
While I agree that not everything that was added was padding. In fact, I'd say most of what added was quite good. But I do think some areas went on too long. The big offenders are the trip to the second reactor being two full dungeons, the sewers and train graveyard going on for too long, and the final dungeon. The final dungeon isn't so terrible on its own is the fact that it plops right in the middle of the climax and grinds it to a halt.

Still loved the game altogether though.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked it enough while playing but the further away I get the more disappointing it is. FF7s themes are still very relevant and powerful but they threw it away to make it meta and nonsensical. Complexity does not equal depth or quality.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Unfortunately I feel like the sewer part after that part is where the game starts to drag for me. (Not the Abzu fight; that fight was still great.)

I was able to tolerate that first visit. The second trip had me actively groan. And I felt like I could never fight those Sahagin enemies well on either visit.


Oct 27, 2017
Great gameplay and graphics, bad characters and a shit story. Stay engrossed in the gameplay and then play on your phone during cutscenes.


Corrupted by Vengeance
May 29, 2020
Motherwell, Scotland
Like, it's so bad at what it sets out to do that it could be considered fascinating if not for the fact that it's 30 hours too long. I got up to Ch.19 and had to put the controller down, literally, and walk away.

So you play the entire game, found an extra chapter anyone else has yet to find and then put the controller down and walked away - deciding you didn't like it? Cool.


Oct 27, 2017

I feel like I should explain.

I actually found Jessie to be charming and fun as hell. Was she cartoonishly thirsty? Maybe, but it didn't bother me. Her Chapter was one of my favorites and I was disappointed as hell the game never expands itself in that way again.
Her actual death is nonsense but that's because the game's pacing is already fucked at the point and it's hard to be invested in any sense of tension/momentum as it takes you 2 hours to get to that story beat, whereas in the original, it's like 10 - 15 minutes after Don Corneo/sewers.


Oct 31, 2017
I concur. The remake was a big reason why I got PS4, and I ended up selling it without finishing the final boss. After the demo I thought they can't possibly fuck it up, but the pacing and the story that's been imo completely ruined (it just became an incoherent, KH levels at times mess).

and let's not kid ourselves SE did that so that they can milk money out of this project.


Jan 10, 2018

Opinions should be celebrated or at least acknowledged, not mocked...
Not mocking your opinion. I'm sure the best film/car/album of all times have people that think it's not good (not saying FF7R is GOAT). I do think that someone on the cusp of buying the game and trying it out for themselves should know which opinion is a edge case.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I really loved it
But there was clear padding. Like that section where you're walking on roofs with Aerith. That was terrible and could've been a cutscene.
Also the collapsed expressway dragged on way too long even if the music was great.
Even with the padding and messing around with some side stuff like the VR missions, my playing was about 40 hours, which is definitely on the lower end for a JRPG

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
Why are you still not banned???
But seriously, what was your issue about VI? Admittedly, I have not played it in a long time but for the platform (SNES) I think it was a spectacular achievement at the time. The soundtrack, the story, the villain and the various characters all had a great impact on me as a kid
FF6 is one of the most boring games I've ever played with a (mostly) unlikable cast.


Jun 3, 2019
i hoped FFVIIR wins GOTY but luckily it didn't because people will find fault by saying its not a full game and it just Part 1 of a rumoured trilogy

in my fantasy world , its GOTY in 2020 for me


Oct 27, 2017
I tried the demo, wasn't much a fan of the combat system.

Loved the OG. Really wish they did a straight up remake, keeping the same combat system, with all the bells and whistles of current gen hardware.

Never bought the full game.
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Oct 27, 2017
News Alert! ------ "Opinions Differ" ----- "Now back to our regularly scheduled programming"

On a more serious note, FF7:Remake is one of those game were I completely understand just about all the criticism it gets, yet I personally found the game incredible!