
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Zoe is a 1/1 Elusive that "draws" a card if she hits Nexus. She demands an answer or she starts to out value the opponent. In a somewhat aggressive deck, the extra Celestials she can get are quite aggressive for their mana cost as well.

Her level up condition doesn't matter and you don't really make a deck around it. If they used a more than 1 mana card to remove Zoe then she already did her job.


Oct 25, 2017
there's def a learning curve coming from HS, but once you get used to it it's impossible to go back to something with less interactivity

For sure, the learning curve is very much welcome. Even picked up the starter bundle.

He pairs well with Lucian + the new card Grand Plaza - try this one out and let me know what you think:


Also, this deck is ALOT of fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been using a deck by AlanzqTFT which is awesome; go mill or go home type of deck? (my card game knowledge is kinda limited) ...climbing really fast with it and fun to play; features Teemo/Eliza/go hard and the draw engine of the Hexcore Foundry landmarks. I usually cause the opposing player to overdraw and empty their deck or finish with go hard; sometimes just beat them to oblivion with really good aggressive opening hand. I've only been losing to other variants of go hard decks, Ethereal Plaza, and hyper aggro decks that have a great opening hand, though I'm sure its also me just making terrible plays.

Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
i started playing this game (no previous experience with card games) and it wants me to pick a region now. which one should I pick?
jon bones

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
can i unlock the rewards for every color?

yep - as you play, you earn xp (for wins, daily missions) and that xp is applied to whichever region you have selected at the time

you can swap your selected region at every time and no progress is ever lost

i do recommend going through each region to 4, then each to 8

at 4 & 8 you get a very nice cache of wildcards and it takes very little xp to get there. that way you get resources very quickly to build your first deck.

there is also a weekly vault that you level up as well (all xp gained is automatically dumped into it, regardless of region rewards). it opens every Thursday for everyone. if you get it to level 5 , you will get an automatic random champion & epic capsule. if you get it to level 10, you will get a champion wildcard & epic capsule. it's very easy to get to 10


Mar 16, 2018
I've been using a deck by AlanzqTFT which is awesome; go mill or go home type of deck? (my card game knowledge is kinda limited) ...climbing really fast with it and fun to play; features Teemo/Eliza/go hard and the draw engine of the Hexcore Foundry landmarks. I usually cause the opposing player to overdraw and empty their deck or finish with go hard; sometimes just beat them to oblivion with really good aggressive opening hand. I've only been losing to other variants of go hard decks, Ethereal Plaza, and hyper aggro decks that have a great opening hand, though I'm sure its also me just making terrible plays.

Sounds like an awesome deck, will give it a spin. Looking to netdeck a bunch, playing my own decks slows down the climbing a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like an awesome deck, will give it a spin. Looking to netdeck a bunch, playing my own decks slows down the climbing a lot.

Yeah, it catches folks off guard but something that's much more solid --Ethereal Grand Plaza (deck code: CICACAQABEAQGAAKAQAQADYWDITAMAIFAQDQUFJAGEAQEAIFCQVAA) is much more efficient for climbing ranks, IMO. It can be expensive to build so, yeah. I've been breezing through the lower ranks; matches are usually over in a few turns. It is definitely my highest winrate deck so far.


Mar 16, 2018
Yeah, it catches folks off guard but something that's much more solid --Ethereal Grand Plaza (deck code: CICACAQABEAQGAAKAQAQADYWDITAMAIFAQDQUFJAGEAQEAIFCQVAA) is much more efficient for climbing ranks, IMO. It can be expensive to build so, yeah. I've been breezing through the lower ranks; matches are usually over in a few turns. It is definitely my highest winrate deck so far.
The Hexcore Foundry deck is pretty fun and hard to play. I'm winning a lot so far(low ranks). Definitely will enter my rotation.

That Grand Plaza deck seems like a good version of what I built day one of the expansion.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Ah shit, Swim just put out a detailed guide on the refined Scouts Plaza deck. I expect a lot more people to jump on this bandwagon.

And yes I 100% agree with him that Pool Shark makes way more sense for the deck than even Fleetfeather Tracker and Jagged Butcher.

For now this is the best deck in the game, however this deck is quite counterable. Frostbites, stuns and large board clears still beat this deck and it doesn't feature any top end after Quinn so once you survive the turn 4-6 onslaught, you can stabilize and win. However, the high rolls with the deck will still make you feel bad.


The King of Games
Oct 28, 2017
Really hope we get balance notes today. Current meta is fine but Plaza is a bit too good, lots of decks have no answers to a Plaza deck playing on curve. Ladder feels somewhat restrictive at the moment.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
There are around 7-8 "tier 1" capable decks at the moment, possibly even higher. Plaza feels bad to play against for sure but those decks often lose to themselves as well. They should probably address that polarization for sure.

I don't think we are getting balance patch notes this week. We definitely have not had them for awhile now.


Oct 28, 2017
Really hope we get balance notes today. Current meta is fine but Plaza is a bit too good, lots of decks have no answers to a Plaza deck playing on curve. Ladder feels somewhat restrictive at the moment.
we get patch notes on Tuesdays anyway, but I imagine since the labs are scheduled to end next week that's when the patch will come


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Wonder if Grand Plaza switching from summoned to played would be a good balance change, it'd really mess with a lot of the Scout interactions but keep it for the more on curve Demacia stuff I think it was intended for


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Wonder if Grand Plaza switching from summoned to played would be a good balance change, it'd really mess with a lot of the Scout interactions but keep it for the more on curve Demacia stuff I think it was intended for
I think more than anything, that change would completely gut the Hecarim + Lucian deck. They really should avoid that because that's a first time in a while that the Ephemeral/Hecarim playstyle has actually been legit (sporting some solid win rates too).

I think an easy change would be to remove one HP from the buff.

Also today someone used that 8 mana Shuffle a unit or a Landmark into the opponent's deck card. It was in a Scouts deck of all decks loool... they used it to shuffle my Tryndamere. Man people are getting desperate for the land removals.

Also this card:


Its kinda insanely powerful when used right. It hits a lot of decks and people are just scratching its surface.

When I first saw the card, I actually legit thought it created a fleeting copy in hand (because that's almost always how these cards function). It actually creates a permanent card in hand meaning you can always have something to play and use up your mana on later turns. It is also a Nightfall trigger, multiple ones in fact. It fits well in Hecarim Plaza decks, Fearsome decks and Nightfall decks.


Sep 20, 2018
Also this card:


Its kinda insanely powerful when used right. It hits a lot of decks and people are just scratching its surface.

When I first saw the card, I actually legit thought it created a fleeting copy in hand (because that's almost always how these cards function). It actually creates a permanent card in hand meaning you can always have something to play and use up your mana on later turns. It is also a Nightfall trigger, multiple ones in fact. It fits well in Hecarim Plaza decks, Fearsome decks and Nightfall decks.

I'm new to the game and don't have a really competitive deck yet (Hecarim/Zed) but I have won a lot of close matches by having Phantom Prankster (sometimes 3 of them) on the field and this card on my hand.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Scouts everywhere on ladder, I am forced to be using a Ashe deck to counter (even with a Scorched Earth in there). The match up is not as rosy as it once was.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Riot dropped a teaser and it's looking like Shurima is confirmed for the next expansion:


With them (apparently?) saying that they're gonna stop at 10 regions, I'm thinking that they'll probably make the last one Ixtal and do the Void like Yordles - just drop 'em wherever they feel they best fit the theme and mechanics.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Don't tell anyone but Pirate Aggro is really really good right now.

Anyway hyped for today's announcements. With this and PoE league announcement, should be a good day to start off 2021 (especially after yesterday's debacle at the capitol building...).


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
But I can't stop winning with Plaza Scouts

even though it feels so dirty
The first 3 turns of Scouts are actually pretty weak and exploitable now (unless they have the attack token on 3 and Miss Fortune AND Valor). That gives you enough window as Pirate Aggro to deal a lot of face damage and then finish with over the top. Scouts is pretty insane right now not gonna lie definitely best deck in the game.

Also Zoe Lee Sin is a tier 1 deck and very strong. Multiple win conditions in the deck and more consistent. Went on a streak with it last night.
jon bones

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Riot dropped a teaser and it's looking like Shurima is confirmed for the next expansion:


With them (apparently?) saying that they're gonna stop at 10 regions, I'm thinking that they'll probably make the last one Ixtal and do the Void like Yordles - just drop 'em wherever they feel they best fit the theme and mechanics.

oh interesting - didn't know they were stopping at 10

that makes sense - i do wonder how rotations will be introduced


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The card pool currently isn't where it is to need rotations. In fact I wouldn't want them to consider it before all the regions are out.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
New LoR video:

Shurima confirmed, new Targon champion Ophelios (?) coming next month alongside a new coop lab next week!



Oct 28, 2017

excited that they're willing to release new champs outside of the fixed release shcedule. bummed the expansion got pushed back lol they totally blew up the tiemline they announced last year

just as long as I get my Corki


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Damn three expansions back to back from May through July. That's a lot of content for half a year. I am assuming the 2nd region of the year is in the latter half of 2021 meaning we should be at 10 regions by end of 2021!

More news here:


Legends of Runeterra

Choose your champions, make your move, and be legendary in the League of Legends strategy card game: Legends of Runeterra.

Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
All of this seems really cool. Also seems like they are finally adding Champion skins in May! And it looks like there will be a specific expansion event with the new expansion in March. Wonder if that will be the Shadow Isles event they were teasing or something actually specific to the expansion.


Oct 25, 2017
Aphelios is really interesting from a conceptual perspective; Though only speculated by Swim, I wonder if there is some room and viability of a recruit style deck (utilizing Cresendum) as I find that potential the most exciting.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Yeah it looks like they're shaking up how they drop expansions, the smaller releases have been sped up with the additional champ drop. May to July with new cards every month is a really fast pace. 8 weeks may be too long for content, I think 4 weeks is too short, it's be cool if they settled in to 6 weeks maybe.

also I can barely tell what's new with Champion Mastery. I like the idea but I wish these cosmetics went further. Also watch me get MF mastered in a day


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Aphelios is really interesting from a conceptual perspective; Though only speculated by Swim, I wonder if there is some room and viability of a recruit style deck (utilizing Cresendum) as I find that potential the most exciting.
Everyone is going to be using this to tutor out the Butterfly. At least starting out.

It's only followers though so that's limit things.


Oct 25, 2017
The theory going around is that Aphelios is coming out by himself because the main expansion needed to be delayed to the point where it couldn't release at the same time as their cross-game Chinese New Year event but they still wanted to release something. So they took a champ that was planned for the Shurima expansion cycle and released them early. That's also why the Shurima expansion cycle is being released over the course of around 5 months instead of 6 like Targon. I guess they liked the idea of it though because they're apparently dropping another single champ later after everyone else in July. I'm guessing that champ will be Viego the Ruined King to tie in with some other cross-game event because I'm assuming the expansion cycle after Shurima will be the 10th region.

I'm also excited about them adding in more fun game and casual game modes, Runeterra is a fantastic game but I think it can be a bit too hardcore for the casual card game fan so I think that having modes to cater to those sorts of players can help broaden the game's appeal. Also all of the cool modes and features that have been added to LoR have got me really excited to see what stuff they might add to the fighting game when that finally comes out. The automated tournament mode that LoR's using for seasonal tournaments could be really cool in the context of a fighting game, they could have daily free to enter tournaments that can give you qualifications for a bigger one later on.


Aug 3, 2020
Not the biggest fan of stand alone champ releases. I feel that it will lead to everyone trying out the same few decks. It's a minor criticism tho, I trust the team and I feel really good about the future of the game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Go Hard's Pack Your Bags nerfed to 5 mana. Pretty reasonable nerf, now that can't be tutored from Zap or be used in one turn with Ledros. Still a powerful card and will be built around but is more beatable once they have the card.

Also new coop labs sound fun, hopefully they make a true PvP 2v2 mode in the future as this seems fairly well thought out.


Oct 25, 2017
Go Hard's Pack Your Bags nerfed to 5 mana. Pretty reasonable nerf, now that can't be tutored from Zap or be used in one turn with Ledros. Still a powerful card and will be built around but is more beatable once they have the card.

Also new coop labs sound fun, hopefully they make a true PvP 2v2 mode in the future as this seems fairly well thought out.
I came in here to laugh at

It's just crazy that it had such a cast change with no other change lol.
Watch it still not be enough :P


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It will still be good but it will definitely impact its win and playrate. Might even drop to top of tier 2. I think this was the best change they could have made, because if it was 4 mana then you could still do Ledros plus Pack Yo Bags.
Oct 27, 2017
Almost 2 months until the next Event-Pass?

This will be ever a larger gap than Spirit -> KDA. I don't understand why is Riot doing this. Literally every other Battle-Pass I have ever bought ran for months, almost back-to-back.

• Champion mastery seems super useless.
• Duo-queue can be god-tier if the mode is fun, or it can be a complete disaster if it is just two people playing the same deck.
• Aphelions as a solo-debut not relevant for me.
• Shurima Expansion better be good upfront.
• Expeditions/Limited environment seems to be ignored


Dec 1, 2017
Damn, I got absolutely reamed in my first co-op match. I'm actually glad you can't breeze through the AI.