
Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I don't post a lot here, mostly lurk but something happened to me this week that honestly I wouldn't have thought possible beforehand. I was infected by a rare eye amoeba that eats corneal tissue.

Acanthamoeba Keratitis: What Contact Lens Wearers Need to Know

If you wear contacts, here are ways to avoid getting this serious eye infection.

It started out at the beginning of the week, in which I woke up with pink eye. I went to a walk in clinic and they gave me antibiotics. That night, my eye felt like it was melting in the socket. I took some Tylenol and tried to sleep through it. I woke up the next day, blind in my right eye. I got a ride to the eye doctor and after 4 people looked at it for about an hour they told me to go see a specialist.

Long story and more than 500 dollars in eyedrops short, apparently while having a shower in my contacts, my eye was infected with this amoeba. Now I face never regaining 20/20 vision without a cornea transplant and I have to take eye drops literally every 30 mins for days to ensure that my cornea doesn't dissolve. I'm not depressed or looking for sympathy or anything, really more interested in warning others because I know lots of people that were like me that wear contacts everywhere.

While I know it's rare, it fucking sucks, it's painful and I cannot see well enough to drive. Please if you are reading this and you wear contacts, a little bit of care can keep you from having the same issues. Thanks for reading.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was going to be a "I got grit in my contacts while swimming and it hurt for a while" and this is... a lot worse than that. Advice noted. Jesus christ. Good luck mate.

Deleted member 8901

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
Damn. Hope you get better soon. I know I've been guilty of showering with contacts on sometimes when I get lazy but yeah, eyes aren't something any of us should mess around with.


Oct 28, 2017
Holy shit. Is showering with contacts in the most common cause of this? Or is wearing contacts in general a bad idea?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Man that sucks, I hope things get better for you OP.

I'm gonna keep on being a glasses-only man for the rest of my life no doubt.


Dec 10, 2017
Man that sucks, I hope things get better for you OP.

I'm gonna keep on being a glasses-only man for the rest of my life no doubt.

It's fine, you just have to take out your lenses before showering/swimming, and wash your hands before touching anything. The vast majority of issues though is caused by not cleaning monthly lenses every night before placing them in the container and not replacing the fluid every day/the container every month. A lot of people love to blame the contacts instead of changing their filthy habits.
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Oct 25, 2017
This makes me feel even better about having not worn contacts in nearly a decade. Last time was for my wedding. I have astigmatism and allergies so they were just too painful.

So sorry OP. :( I hope you can fully recover.


Dec 20, 2017
Geez now I'm terrified to take a shower with my contacts. Horrible luck Op, hopefully you can recover your eyesight.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking hell, I'm sorry op. I gotta remember to take my contacts out more often


Oct 27, 2017
This sounds like the rare thing where someone will get a brain amoeba from using a neti pot, when they use bad/unchlorinated tap water without boiling it. I had no idea this could happen to your eyes as well. Get well, OP.


Oct 29, 2017
That sucks, I hope your vision gets better.

I usually always take them off, always if I take a shower, but I can imagine keeping them on at the beach. Gonna have to be careful!


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
It's fine, you just have to take out your lenses before showering/swimming, and wash your hands before touching anything. The vast majority of issues though is caused by not cleaning monthly lenses every night before placing them in the container and not replacing the fluid every day/the container every month. A lot of people love to blame the contacts instead of changing their filthy habits.

Yeah I used to wear monthlies and was terrible for changing the solution/container. Now I have dailies and much prefer it.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for sharing this.

That's crazy..

I've been wearing contacts daily pretty much for 8+ years. I've never had any significant issue. I use new cases every 2 to 3 months and I empty out/ use brand new contact fluid every single day. My contacts are bi weekly

Duck Sauce

Oct 30, 2017
United States
Happend to my brother. Slept, showered with the same contacts for almost a month. He nearly lost his eye. He had to get anitibotioc drops and had to use it every hour for like almost a week or something. He told me he can still see a spot in his eye where the infection was. He also will only wear contacts only if its the last resort (he has a real bad glasses tan). I too wear contacts but I can't shower or sleep with them on but yeah use caution.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow I'm sorry OP. I shower with mine and swim in pools and the ocean with them in, never had an issue.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry, OP, that's so scary!

Why is it specifically contact lens wearers though? Does the amoeba "stick" more to the contacts or something? Like if it's in your tap water, why is the problem showering with your lenses vs. not getting water in your eyes period (even without lenses)?


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Wait why does this impact contact lens wearers more than those who don't wear lenses? If you wear dailies, then how do the lenses make things worse?

My admittedly limited understanding of this is that it thrives on the contact somehow. I'm not adoctor but 6 physicians and a number of nurses looked at my eye and agreed this was the cause.

For the many of you offering condolence, I appreciate it. Honestly, I'm very hopeful that I caught this early enough to regain most of my sight but even so, I have one good eye which is better than many.


The Fallen
Nov 20, 2017
Thanks for the reminder OP. I used to swim with my contacts - simply because I like seeing better in the pool. After reading your post- ill be making sure I don't every do that


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Losing my vision would be the one thing that would promptly freak me the fuck out. Hope you get through this okay that sounds like a lot to deal with to say the least.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I often wear them in shower and always when I'm swimming... I like my sunglasses. Thanks, now I'll constantly think about this. :(

Sorry that happened to you though. Sounds terrifying.

Deleted member 6215

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The article isn't totally clear, but this is caused by wearing contacts that have been contaminated and not cleaned properly, correct? It's not just showering with contacts that's the problem, it's that the contacts aren't disinfected enough afterward?

I guess I don't understand why it's contact lenses and not just everyone who can get the parasitic infection. Is it that the lenses provide a place to hang out and increase the odds? And daily disposable contacts seem to not be an issue regardless of swimming/showering?

Scary stuff, sorry OP. 🙁

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Damn that sucks op, sorry to hear

I've heard of this happening while swimming, too. The amoeba gets trapped between your eye and the lens and essentially burrows in. Aka never wear contact lenses in water.


Oct 25, 2017
Not to lessen the OP's point -- because eye care is indeed of paramount importance, especially for contact wearers, who really shouldn't do reckless things like sleep in them (I know from personal experience and consequence) -- but this particular infection is literally a one-in-a-million diagnosis. The article even states this. It can also occur to non-contact-wearers.

Further, again stated in the article, basic daily contact lens hygiene with proper product generally prevents it / kills it.

Your eyes probably aren't going to melt from showering in your contacts as long as you clean them daily and take them out at night, stored in proper disinfectant.
Nov 30, 2017
So there basically is a bacteria/virus/amoeba/peon for every single cell in your body

lasik surgery was the best thing I ever did


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I don't wear contacts much anymore, mostly because I'm looking at screens all day. When I did, I'd occasionally shower with them if I ended up taking a mid day shower for some reason. Will use this to make sure my wife improves her contact hygiene. She often sleeps with them in and leaves them in for days, including showering. Also need to start replacing cases more often. It's dumb, they're cheap, it's just a lazy thing on our part.

Hope your eye issues clear up and you regain full vision. Thanks for the advice.


Oct 28, 2017
Sorry to hear OP, hope you're able to recover as much as possible.

My optometrist gives a pretty firm warning about never showering with contacts on ever for this very reason.

For those asking, the danger comes down to the modern floppy contacts being permeable. Showering or swimming in them risks them absorbing that water which in turn can cause bacteria to grow in the contacts.

If you're using monthlies and are good about cleaning them nightly with proper solution any such risk is basically nonexistent.

In short, don't get water on your contacts (you don't need to freak out if you get rained on), clean them with proper solution nightly (the peroxide based one is typically overkill though), wash and dry your hands before touching them, don't reuse solution.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Not to lessen the OP's point -- because eye care is indeed of paramount importance, especially for contact wearers, who really shouldn't do reckless things like sleep in them (I know from personal experience and consequence) -- but this particular infection is literally a one-in-a-million diagnosis. The article even states this. It can also occur to non-contact-wearers.

Further, again stated in the article, basic daily contact lens hygiene with proper product generally prevents it / kills it.

Your eyes probably aren't going to melt from showering in your contacts as long as you clean them daily and take them out at night, stored in proper disinfectant.

Having posted this, I 100% agree. It's rare, really rare. But being a person who wears dailies, I never sleep in my contacts. I've never been in the same pair for more than 12 hours tops..I just would not have thought this was possible much less something I would personally go through. Some people are way more careless with contacts than I am, but a smidge of precaution would have saved me a lot of misery over the past week. Yes, chances are nothing will happen to most people, but before this week, I had never even heard of it. Knowledge is power, right?


Nov 21, 2017
Dang man...I wore contacts for 20yrs before having lasik...wore them in the shower, pool, ocean...basically everywhere. I got lucky. Life is so much better without contacts.

best of luck OP!


Oct 25, 2017
Having posted this, I 100% agree. It's rare, really rare. But being a person who wears dailies, I never sleep in my contacts. I just would not have thought this was possible much less something I would personally go through. Some people are way more careless with contacts than I am, but a smidge of precaution would have saved me a lot of misery over the past week. Yes, chances are nothing will happen to most people, but before this week, I had never even heard of it. Knowledge is power, right?

Absolutely. People should be aware of what can happen to them. Just didn't want people to think this was common, or have hypochondria over it.

I personally developed giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), something that affects ~5% of soft contact wearers, because there was a period where I slept in my contacts. Had to switch from wearing them daily to wearing them infrequently, as well as to using a more potent kind of contact solution (Clear Care). It's gone now, but for a year or two after diagnosis, my eyes would be irritated by contacts and have more discharge, which could in turn damage the given pair of contacts.

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
My admittedly limited understanding of this is that it thrives on the contact somehow. I'm not adoctor but 6 physicians and a number of nurses looked at my eye and agreed this was the cause.

For the many of you offering condolence, I appreciate it. Honestly, I'm very hopeful that I caught this early enough to regain most of my sight but even so, I have one good eye which is better than many.
Oh man, so even though you wear dailies, that amount of time was enough. ☹️ I wish you the best, recovery-wise!


Dec 18, 2017
Roseburg Oregon
I thought this was known by people? Never get any water in you're eyes when wearing them. Also don't nap or sleep in them. And of course wash hands before putting them in or taking them out.