Oct 25, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?

Garbodor did nothing to deserve this. Absolutely nothing. How dare you, buddy.


Oct 28, 2017
Sanders is well on his way to be the nominee. I don't think it will be stolen from him because that would be suicide for the Democratic Party.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Chris Matthews spent years basically saying "ewwww, wall on our boarder? That's racist!" but when it comes to someone wanting Medicare for All? "THEY GUNNA SHOOT US IN CENTRAL PARK!!!!!"
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I missed it so I went to the MSNBC site and tried to watch also Youtube and after watch 30 mins or so of the pre-debate the debate is about to start and all I see for 2 hours is a picture of the panel is this happening with anyone else?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
So he can call himself a democratic socialist, advocate for policies that align with democratic socialism, and work within a framework that opposes these things for a better future, but still not be a democratic socialist? Okay.
Yes because policies that typically align with democratic socialists still doesn't make him a democratic socialist. Unless he starts talking about a plan to implement democratic socialism


Oct 25, 2017
So bernie needs about 15%+ more delegates for him not to be fucked by the super delegates? Is that even possible?


Oct 27, 2017
Didnt Bernie champion the idea of superdelegates to vote against the will of the people last time? Hillary had a majority of pledged delegates AND the votes, and the Bernie campaign still wanted to argue to have those superdelegates go against that.

The race in 2016 was, for a long time, really really close. It'd be one thing if the convention was in a week and any of these candidates were neck and neck with sanders, but that's not the case. the sanders campaign floated the idea of swaying superdelegates with a month and change to go; it's very early for these candidates to more or less be saying "I know i can't win outright, but what if i had superdelegates?" (fwiw, i am in total agreement with people who think SDEs are bad)

anyway, it is a moot point, because ultimately the 2016 democratic convention was not contested. bernie dropped out and endorsed hillary.


Oct 27, 2017
Aside from some freak comeback by Biden seems like Bernie's got this in the bag.
If the Buttigieg/Klobuchar spat and Biden's basic cogency leads to a return to him he'll likely run neck and neck with Sanders through the rest of the process.

If instead Warren's strong performance and middling progressive policies lets her be the benefactor of their potential slide? Sanders would begin to look inevitable after Super Tuesday.

Liz is not going to support Bernie at a contested convention
I'd suspect that if she has enough delegates to make the choice she'd take Sanders over Biden. In part her relationship with Sanders and most closely aligned policy positions, in part because I think she genuinely doesn't like Biden as he's been trying to take credit for CFPB and the like from even before Obama was out of office.

I think more than anything though its because Sanders would be open to her as VP, while I'd bet Biden's campaign would be so goddamn out of touch as to insist on picking their own "election strategy" pick.

Tiger Priest

Oct 24, 2017
New York, NY
Well, I got all I came for with all the dunking on Bloomberg. I think his numbers crumble now.

Warren was great, Pete was effective, Biden better than expected, Bernie was Bernie, and Klobuchar shit the bed.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I missed it so I went to the MSNBC site and tried to watch also Youtube and after watch 30 mins or so of the pre-debate the debate is about to start and all I see for 2 hours is a picture of the panel is this happening with anyone else?
Happened with me too. Complete bullshit these aren't easier to access.


Oct 31, 2017
Yes because policies that typically align with democratic socialists still doesn't make him a democratic socialist. Unless he starts talking about a plan to implement democratic socialism
I thought we were for allowing people to be called what they want to be called, but okay. I guess not being realistic about goals and trying to push the party left doesn't matter.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, this isn't like 2016. Bloomberg is not Clinton. Bloomberg is arguably more racist than Trump. He, as an executive, instituted Jim Crow style policies/laws for his city.

Unless you mean in general and say a Warren got it in that scenario. I'd just hope that the DNC leadership/delegates are smart enough to know if they do not give it to the person with the most votes coming out of the primaries (hopefully that isn't Bloomberg), all hell will break loose for the party. Now if Bernie got the most, and it ends up as Warren or something, then sure, that's something to get over and suck it up and go vote. But Bloomberg or someone from the opposite wing that got the votes - that's a risky move.....

Yeah I've never thought comparisons to the 2016 election are really fair since it was only ever Hillary and Sanders and there was clearly a presumed winner/favorite from the start. There was a HUGE tent this time and if Sanders comes out ahead the DNC will not be bold enough to not give him the nomination. It would be blatant as shit and people would lose their minds.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?

...I like Garbodor...


Oct 25, 2017
The race in 2016 was, for a long time, really really close. It'd be one thing if the convention was in a week and any of these candidates were neck and neck with sanders, but that's not the case. the sanders campaign floated the idea of swaying superdelegates with a month and change to go; it's very early for these candidates to more or less be saying "I know i can't win outright, but what if i had superdelegates?" (fwiw, i am in total agreement with people who think SDEs are bad)

anyway, it is a moot point, because ultimately the 2016 democratic convention was not contested. bernie dropped out and endorsed hillary.
I get why people rhetorically feel the need to bring it up, but yeah, Bernie dropped out and endorsed Hillary, who had the most delegates. And candidates this time should do the same.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
HOLY SHIT! anyone watching steve kornacki bit....Bloomberg is spending hella cash....and it's fucking having an effect....*barf*


Oct 25, 2017
Warren just makes such obvious gaffe's that I cant see her getting past them.

What this did show though, is she would be a absolute monster as FTC chair. I mean, could you picture her just ripping companies and billionaires new assholes every week? She'd be in freaking heaven.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I want Bernie to win, but man, how unbelievably devastating if he loses against Trump. It'll set back the Progressive wing of the party by twenty years ("We need to be more moderate and less extreme to beat the GOP").


Nov 6, 2017
Bernie is the realest candidate out there. Surprised how bad Bloomberg was. Are youtube ads really that powerful to make him so relevant out of nowhere? He didn't do himself any favors either. What was that jab at the end about how he didn't need to raise any money. No shit, you're a billionaire.


Oct 25, 2017
The race in 2016 was, for a long time, really really close. It'd be one thing if the convention was in a week and any of these candidates were neck and neck with sanders, but that's not the case. the sanders campaign floated the idea of swaying superdelegates with a month and change to go; it's very early for these candidates to more or less be saying "I know i can't win outright, but what if i had superdelegates?" (fwiw, i am in total agreement with people who think SDEs are bad)

anyway, it is a moot point, because ultimately the 2016 democratic convention was not contested. bernie dropped out and endorsed hillary.
It wasn't. Clinton had the nom effectively locked 4 states in.

2008 was what a close race looks like.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What if there's a scenario where Bloomberg is on the path to the nom and the superdelegates block that and throw to, let's say, a second-place Biden? How would people feel about that hypothetical? Or let's go crazy and say that the superdelegates throw to Bernie over Bloomberg. Who hates that? Isn't preventing a not-so-secret-secret-Republican stealing the nomination part of the system?


Oct 25, 2017
I want Bernie to win, but man, how unbelievably devastating if he loses against Trump. It'll set back the Progressive wing of the party by thirty years ("We need to be more moderate and less extreme to beat the GOP").

I legitimately believe that any Dem candidate will easily beat Trump come Election Day, except Bloomberg.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Many people like to basically have the view point of "ewwww, wall on our boarder? That's racist!" but when it comes to someone wanting Medicare for All? THEY GUNNA SHOOT US IN CENTRAL PARK!!!!!
As an immigrant and the son of immigrants, these are the kind of posts that made me hesitant to support Bernie.

You do not need to belittle other issues to promote medicare for all.

Deleted member 41980

User requested account closure
Apr 11, 2018
chicago, il
Will later debates allow more time for candidate responses? This is my first time following politics and I was expecting candidates to expound on their policies and critique others. Instead it just felt like people tweeting on television.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I legitimately believe that any Dem candidate will easily beat Trump come Election Day, except Bloomberg.
I am not the kind of person who encourages pessimism, but it sure as hell won't be easy. Trump's approval numbers are higher than they've ever been and the economy is still (numerically) doing well. It'll be a hard fight, so be sure to get out and volunteer!


Oct 25, 2017
As an immigrant and the son of immigrants, these are the kind of posts that made me hesitant to support Bernie.

You do not need to belittle other issues to promote medicare for all.
it'a literally what Chris Matthews said on MSNBC - about a Berne presidency in general, not m4a in particular


Oct 25, 2017
I want Bernie to win, but man, how unbelievably devastating if he loses against Trump. It'll set back the Progressive wing of the party by twenty years ("We need to be more moderate and less extreme to beat the GOP").
I mean, if we don't win this time then when? It's honestly all or nothing.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Warren and Sanders better look out for the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you.


Oct 27, 2017
Will later debates allow more time for candidate responses? This is my first time following politics and I was expecting candidates to expound on their policies and critique others. Instead it just felt like people tweeting on television.

No, that's American Politics. It's more akin to a rap battle than an actual policy debate.


Oct 25, 2017
People say they want the good Proportional Representation, but they really want the bad First Past The Post, apparently.


Dec 2, 2017
HOLY SHIT! anyone watching steve kornacki bit....Bloomberg is spending hella cash....and it's fucking having an effect....*barf*

He had a lot of ground to make up for not being involved in the first two primary states. Frankly tonight has just built up a lot of relevant, current campaign material for everyone not named Bloomberg between his horrible answer about the NDAs, his inability to communicate, gaslighting stop and frisk, and so on and so forth.

Clips of this debate will be shown on every cable news channel for the next few weeks. If he shows up to debates after this it will continue to be brought up. His ads were successful because the only voice being heard was his. Now when he's actually put to task he crumbles when he's actually got to defend himself.

That's not going to play well with people, especially when considering how he'd theoretically have to do against someone like Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Will later debates allow more time for candidate responses? This is my first time following politics and I was expecting candidates to expound on their policies and critique others. Instead it just felt like people tweeting on television.
nah this is it. they're all like this, except usually with worse questions if you can believe it


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
it'a literally what Chris Matthews said on MSNBC - about a Berne presidency in general, not m4a in particular
And that poster had to use the contrast of "ewww racism" why?

I think Chris Matthews is full of shit and I want universal healthcare. I'd also really like it if we could avoid hysteria about "identity politics" distracting from "real issues".