
Oct 25, 2017
Just found this interesting article on the subject. Frankly. I've only really just start paying attention because of the way this stupid thing works. I dont vote until well into March at which point even more candidates will have dropped out. Have to wait for the earlier to states to tell my state who we can choose from.

Haha I love that there's scientific backing. Honestly I'd just noticed from side-by-side comparisons.


Oct 31, 2017
If he's a democratic socialist and calls himself a democratic socialist but doesn't actually advocate for democratic socialism and instead pushes for regulated capitalism he's being disingenous at best.
Medicare for all, free education, and no student loan debt are consistent beliefs with democratic socialism.


Mar 17, 2018
It's great to see that Liz and Bernie did well tonight, should keep Bernie comfortably in the lead.
Pete vs Amy was a murder-suicide. Pete took Amy down, but man did he look bad doing it.
Biden did okay, but now that he's not the frontrunner doing just okay isn't good enough.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bloomberg sticking with the "three houses" thing reminds me of when George obsessed over his "jerk store" line in Seinfeld.

"Don't you understand? It's not about him. To have a line as perfect as 'jerk store' and to never use it? I, I couldn't live with myself."


Oct 25, 2017
Bloomberg sticking with the "three houses" thing reminds me of when George obsessed over his "jerk store" line in Seinfeld.

"Don't you understand? It's not about him. To have a line as perfect as 'jerk store' and to never use it? I, I couldn't live with myself."
Someone should have warned him that people wouldn't take kindly to that line after Byleth.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Medicare for all, free education, and no student loan debt are consistent beliefs with democratic socialism.
Sure but they're not required of democratic socialists nor does it automatically qualify someone that believes in those positions to be a democratic socialist.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
If he's a democratic socialist and calls himself a democratic socialist but doesn't actually advocate for democratic socialism and instead pushes for regulated capitalism he's being disingenous at best.
A Democratic Socialist looking at America right now would probably be begging for a Social Democratic platform to stop the bleeding first and foremost, imo.


Oct 27, 2017
Go ahead and endorse bernie mr. Yang... please.
Didn't he just take a CNN gig? He likely won't officially endorse anyone and position himself as one of the few mainstream pundits this cycle arguing for progressive policy.

Everyone losing: "No, I should not lose"

The one person winning: "Yes, I should win"

what did that accomplish
Pretty much nothing. Tuck Chode asks stupid questions. Of course all the rest are going to make the argument that they'd like to win.

fucking democrats.
Bernie is the only person up there that has back bone.
He's the only one with a clear path to the delegate and total vote lead before the convention. They are all ultimately politicians who do want to actually win.

I know this forum is super excited that Sanders is the clear front runner currently, but y'all need to keep some perspective.

Food for thought for the Democrats:

If they choose to utilize superdelegates to take the nomination away from Sanders at a contested convention despite him having the most delegates, I will not fucking vote for the Democratic nominee in the general. Fuck around at your own risk.
That isn't the purpose of how they set up the super delegates this time.

Currently on 270towin if you have the delegate calculator use national average in states without a relatively recent poll you get this:
Sanders - 1598
Biden - 1554
Bloomberg - 548
Warren - 182
Buttigieg - 75
Steyer - 14
Klobuchar - 7

It'll be real easy if that comes to pass for a Biden/Bloomberg tag team to get past 1991 to win on the first ballot. Super delegates won't ever even vote at the convention.

If this debate drives Bloomberg below viability and/or if Biden struggles with viability in a few big states, that is when the whole thing gets much more interesting.

Then you might have a case where a Sanders/Warren coalition lands just shy of the ~1900, a Biden+ coalition lands just shy as well, and someone like Steyer has just enough to prevent either from hitting 1990. In that case you'll go to the second round and suddenly need 2375.5, i.e. someone would either need a major delegate holder to flip or the super delegates would need to near unanimously pick the coalition.

Its a super narrow window in which the super-delegates could actually matter. You would need just the right split where one person sitting out flips over the whole thing, because otherwise its designed to award 3979 delegates, i.e. 2x1989.5.

In reality if we were to land in a scenario where it was that close the super delegates likely would only have one viable choice as you're only talking <125 supers who can defect before its non-viable.

Eh, I would still vote for her but I do not think this helped her if she was aiming for any of Bernie's base.
She's not. She's spent a lot of effort aiming for Sanders' base with a more measured approach and has made zero ground. Tonight was her pushing herself as the most qualified candidate who lands in between Sanders and the rest of the pack. Hence her stepping in to defend Klobuchar and her bringing more fire for Bloomberg than the entire rest of the field showed up with combined, while bringing along some bombs for Buttigieg and Klobuchar as well.

I think we all are. Because if NBC's handling of this debate is anything to go by, we can safely assume that the DNC will do anything in their power to prevent Bernie from being the nominee this year, even if it ends up burning the party down.
If this sticks out to you as an example of the MSM and DNC trying to torpedo Sanders then what the hell are you even worried about?

Sanders came out looking great. They put harder questions to Bloomberg. The funny part is I'm sure they put together their question list well before, so by the time they got to the part where it was clearly "we should challenge Bloomberg a little here" Qs Warren had already lit his ass on fire and invited the rest of the candidates to take turns pissing on the ashes. So then it just looked like MSNBC twisting the knife.

Todd's attempts to give Sanders hard questions routinely flopped because someone else on stage, frequently Buttigieg, were quick to jump in wanting to score points, did so ineptly, and then promptly got dunked on by Sanders.

It should dispel the notion that MSNBC is in this for anything other than to make cash though, as they were literally cutting people off to go to commercials. They're too inept to actually do damage to Sanders' campaign at this point though.

Warren had hands for every one, never seen any one invite smoke from the whole party like that before.
She doesn't have anything left to lose and her best way forward is as the middle path between Sanders and the field. If this puts her back into viability in a handful of states she's suddenly relevant past Super Tuesday and then she'd be a critical player at the convention.

Plus she clearly fucking hates Mike Bloomberg.

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If he's a democratic socialist and calls himself a democratic socialist but doesn't actually advocate for democratic socialism and instead pushes for regulated capitalism he's being disingenous at best.
I mean he advocates for social democracy via massive redistribution of wealth away from the 1% and towards a social safety net. A lot of of rhetoric is rooted in strengthening American workers as well.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
"Oh no, Bloomberg going on stage will legitimize him!"


"please go on stage again, Bloomy, for the people."


Aug 27, 2018
If he's a democratic socialist and calls himself a democratic socialist but doesn't actually advocate for democratic socialism and instead pushes for regulated capitalism he's being disingenous at best.
Democratic Socialism describes both the ideals of socialism, but also the praxis of how to introduce it into a system of democracy by choosing Reform in the question of Reform or Revolution. Medicare for All, Free College, etc. are all points of introducing socialist ideals to make the public more comfortable with transition to actual socialism ie, worker owned means of production and all that.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017


Bloomberg is literally Dem Trump. It's incredible.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
He's either lying about that or lying about his actual beliefs or doesn't know what a democratic socialist is🤷‍♂️

As far as the election goes, what he calls himself doesn't matter as much as Americans seeing the word 'socialist' in any context and reacting to it. But hey at least people aren't calling him a communist right? :/


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Democratic Socialism is the belief that we can use Social Democracy to transition the state into a fully socialist society.

They're not necessarily the same thing but there is overlap.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
Didnt Bernie champion the idea of superdelegates to vote against the will of the people last time? Hillary had a majority of pledged delegates AND the votes, and the Bernie campaign still wanted to argue to have those superdelegates go against that.

Yes. He was against them until it was clear he needed them.

Funny how that sort of thing is acceptable for Bernie and only Bernie.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?
Works for me.


Oct 29, 2017
Real talk:

Does Bloomberg show up to another debate?

I'm not talking about whether or not he drops out, does he show up to another debate?


Oct 25, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?

Truly, Mike Bloomberg is the unity candidate we've hoped for.

United against him.


Oct 25, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?



Oct 31, 2017
Sure but they're not required of democratic socialists nor does it automatically qualify someone that believes in those positions to be a democratic socialist.
So he can call himself a democratic socialist, advocate for policies that align with democratic socialism, and work within a framework that opposes these things for a better future, but still not be a democratic socialist? Okay.


Oct 25, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?

This is the worst orgy of all time.


Oct 25, 2017

can all of us on Era -- no matter who we back, have backed, or will back in this race -- call a truce for 24 hours and agree that Mike Bloomberg is an unmitigated piece of shit who shouldn't sniff the nomination because he is, in fact, the metaphorical bastard child of Droopy, Harvey Weinstein, George W. Bush, and Garbodor from Pokemon Black/White?

Don't disparage Garbodor like that!
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
She doesn't have anything left to lose and her best way forward is as the middle path between Sanders and the field. If this puts her back into viability in a handful of states she's suddenly relevant past Super Tuesday and then she'd be a critical player at the convention.

Plus she clearly fucking hates Mike Bloomberg.

Well, ripping corrupt, rich, white men a new asshole in public view is her specialty. It's too bad she stinks at the campaigning part.