
Oct 25, 2017
That means all these use young starlets should be up there too in the billion dollar club, but they're not. There's more to it then just having connections. Connections help but it's still a race because you have to hoard wealth, it's just who does it better, and Kylie did it better.

You continue being reductive. All these young starlets you're talking about, who are they? How are they comparable to what I described? The answer is that they arent, because the Kardashian family is basically the royal family of reality tv and social media stardom. It's like comparing straight to dvd actors with samuel jackson or something.
Oct 25, 2017
Eye for an eye. Dog eat dog. Also lmao if you think you're ever getting to a $billion. Good luck my bro. Keep imitating life until you get to live it eh?

I don't need a billion. I will get more than the people sitting around hating on people doing better than them though. You seem butt hurt. Do something with your life and maybe you won't be so bitter and jealous. Attacking me shows just how lame you are. Are you jealous of everyone that has more than you or just celebrities?

Jealousy's a motherfucker, you weak jealous motherfuckers!
If you a jealous motherfucker, you just a weak motherfucker!
See when you on top, motherfuckers just wanna bring you down!

Motherfuckers don't even know you, and they don't like you
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Oct 27, 2017
I don't need a billion. I will get more than the people sitting around hating on people doing better than them though. You seem butt hurt. Do something with your life and maybe you won't be so bitter and jealous. Attacking me shows just how lame you are. Are you jealous of everyone that has more than you or just celebrities?

Jealousy's a motherfucker, you weak jealous motherfuckers!
If you a jealous motherfucker, you just a weak motherfucker!
See when you on top, motherfuckers just wanna bring you down!

Motherfuckers don't even know you, and they don't like you

But you're sitting around hating on people doing better than you? I'm doing well but I want others to do well too because I'm not a deluded survival of the fittest ™ style asshole. Socialism is good for everyone, capitalism is only good for selfish assholes.
Oct 25, 2017
But you're sitting around hating on people doing better than you? I'm doing well but I want others to do well too because I'm not a deluded survival of the fittest ™ style asshole. Socialism is good for everyone, capitalism is only good for selfish assholes.

Who I am hating on for doing well? I never said I want anyone to do poorly nor do I. I get annoyed see snarky comments about other people's wealth as if that is any of their business. "Oh she is a billionaire, but people can't afford their medical care?" What the fuck does that have to do with her success? Who made any of you fit to decide who is worthy of such success or what they should do with their money? If they got it legally they earned it. Period. I have seen other talk about how people should donate all their money to charity instead of leaving to their heirs. You know because why should they benefit from their parents success? That would be absurd. I guess it's easy to feel that way when you don't have money. Envy/jealousy is a deplorable trait.


Oct 30, 2017
Good for her the perverse system that rewards the lucky, shallow, and vain with unimaginable wealth, luxury, opportunity, and influence while simultaneously condemning billions to lives of struggle, frustration, and suffering despite their hopes, efforts, and worthy personal qualities.
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Nov 7, 2017
That is what she did, though. She hired the right people to so the right jobs so she could make money. She didn't start off with 500 million and then double it. She turned millions into a billion. That takes more luck and skill than most people will want to admit. A silver spoon won't just give you a billion that easily.

It cannot be understated the value of the social wealth that she basically inherited. She basically walked into 100 million followers on instagram when you have that kind of base to market to it makes things exponentially easier.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't need a billion. I will get more than the people sitting around hating on people doing better than them though. You seem butt hurt. Do something with your life and maybe you won't be so bitter and jealous. Attacking me shows just how lame you are. Are you jealous of everyone that has more than you or just celebrities?

Jealousy's a motherfucker, you weak jealous motherfuckers!
If you a jealous motherfucker, you just a weak motherfucker!
See when you on top, motherfuckers just wanna bring you down!

Motherfuckers don't even know you, and they don't like you
Imagine mistaking privilege for fitness.

Are you young? There's still time to update your worldview.
Oct 27, 2017
Who I am hating on for doing well? I never said I want anyone to do poorly nor do I. I get annoyed see snarky comments about other people's wealth as if that is any of their business. "Oh she is a billionaire, but people can't afford their medical care?" What the fuck does that have to do with her success? Who made any of you fit to decide who is worthy of such success or what they should do with their money? If they got it legally they earned it. Period. I have seen other talk about how people should donate all their money to charity instead of leaving to their heirs. You know because why should they benefit from their parents success? That would be absurd. I guess it's easy to feel that way when you don't have money. Envy/jealousy is a deplorable trait.

There are no ethical billionaires. I know you love rags to riches stories, it's evident from your posting, and that's the allure of capitalism, but it's not what happened here. Kylie's entire brand is built on leveraging her families name and prior wealth, both social and physical, to promote a form of fake exclusivity and beauty, often to the detriment of her young followers.

Her brand is built on the exploitation of workers who describe working in sweatshop like conditions for minimum or below minimum wage. Her brand is built on the exploitation and harming of young women's self image because they don't have the right kind of lips. She sells lipkits so girls can get lips like hers but her own lips are essentially 90% filler. And her products are routinely reviewed as overpriced low quality products by people within the industry, and have been known to cause allergic reactions in certain individuals.

Your argument that legality is equal to or implies morality is plain wrong and has been debunked for decades. Billionaires do not need to donate to charity they need to pay their taxes and those taxes need to be increased. Inherited wealth is one of the largest drivers of continuing wealth inequality and needs to be dealt with as well.

You claim i'm jealous of an individual but Kylie Jenner literally occupies the most miniscule amount of my brains time. I am however concered for the billion of individuals that are starving and dying as a direct result of the same capitalistic excesses that led to Kylie Jenner being the world youngest Billionaire. Condemning billions of people to a life of suffering and struggle for the benefit of a gilded few seems like a far more deplorable trait to have.


Oct 30, 2017
Who I am hating on for doing well? I never said I want anyone to do poorly nor do I. I get annoyed see snarky comments about other people's wealth as if that is any of their business. "Oh she is a billionaire, but people can't afford their medical care?" What the fuck does that have to do with her success? Who made any of you fit to decide who is worthy of such success or what they should do with their money? If they got it legally they earned it. Period. I have seen other talk about how people should donate all their money to charity instead of leaving to their heirs. You know because why should they benefit from their parents success? That would be absurd. I guess it's easy to feel that way when you don't have money. Envy/jealousy is a deplorable trait.
So by your logic, living modestly and saving/investing scrupulously while working 40+ hours a week for 45+ years in order to bank a couple million for retirement, and sitting on one's ass in one's 20s while interest rolls in from the multimillion dollar trust fund courtesy of daddy or mommy, are basically the same thing. Both people "earned" their money, after all!

Oct 25, 2017
So by your logic, living modestly and saving/investing scrupulously while working 40+ hours a week for 45+ years in order to bank a couple million for retirement, and sitting on one's ass in one's 20s while interest rolls in from the multimillion dollar trust fund courtesy of daddy or mommy, are basically the same thing. Both people "earned" their money, after all!


Trust funds babies don't earn shit, but this girl did. I'm saying using advantages that you are given shouldn't be looked down upon. But if someone did just sit on their ass and collect interest it's still their money and not your business. There's nothing admirable about it, but I don't think it's necessarily bad either.


Oct 30, 2017
Trust funds babies don't earn shit, but this girl did. I'm saying using advantages that you are given shouldn't be looked down upon. But if someone did just sit on their ass and collect interest it's still their money and not your business. There's nothing admirable about it, but I don't think it's necessarily bad either.
Why should some people arbitrarily enjoy massive advantages they didn't earn, while others start from a much lower rung and suffer their whole lives? How can an ethical society allow socioeconomic inequality to such an extreme that the top 1% control almost all the available wealth, while countless people struggle to meet their basic needs? All those struggling people aren't lazy. The odds are stacked against them.

It's bad to sit on your ass and collect passive income from a trust fund because that very situation depends on the exploitation of countless disadvantaged people. As much as the rich try to isolate themselves, they don't live in a vacuum. They operate in the same economy as everyone else. Their hoarding and consolidation of power directly and indirectly affects everyone else in society, to far more dramatic effect than anything a poor or even middle class person could do.
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Oct 26, 2017
I will never get over the hate this place has for inheritance. It's fucking ridiculous. From the LA homeless thread, the NYT article on miserable professionals, to this thread. I just don't get it lol
Nov 27, 2017
Eh, good for her
Not a self made started with nothing story though
But she used her connections to her advantages so that's some skill but lol at that tweet by dictionary
Second time they did it too

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
I think people are more upset with the system that allowed her to do this than Kylie herself.

I mean sure she's put some time and effort into her brand but do you really think she's works anywhere close to as hard as some poor single mom working 3 part time jobs just to keep food on the table? Is Kylie Jenner somehow a billion dollars more worthy just because she's famous?

She used her families limitless wealth and considerable fame to launch a product she knew would be in demand simply because her face was on it, then was able to create an incredible PR campaign because of said insane wealth. The amount of advantages she had over everyone else are ridiculous. Who would be able to compete with that?

That's why people are upset. She's the perfect representation of everything wrong with the current capatilist system. It makes the rich richer while screwing over everyone else. Are you gonna be saying the same "good for her" spiel when in another 100 years literally 50 families own 99% of the world's wealth and the rest of us are left to fight over the 1%? Cause that's exactly where all this is headed.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
It cannot be understated the value of the social wealth that she basically inherited. She basically walked into 100 million followers on instagram when you have that kind of base to market to it makes things exponentially easier.
Then why isn't Taylor Swift a billionaire? Beyonce? They got comparable social media reach. There's a lot of components to becoming a millionaire.

Deleted member 15848

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Her mom deserves most of the credit, lets be real. Some of yall are making it sound like Kylie is the ultimate business woman when in reality she just stay posting selfies all day lmao

"Her shrewd mother, Kris, handles the actual business stuff, in exchange for the 10% management cut she takes from all her children. As ultralight startups go, Jenner's operation is essentially air. And because of those minuscule overhead and marketing costs, the profits are outsize and go right into Jenner's pocket.

Basically, all Jenner does to make all that money is leverage her social media following. Almost hourly, she takes to Instagram and Snapchat, pouting for selfies with captions about which Kylie Cosmetics shades she's wearing, takes videos of forthcoming products and announces new launches. It sounds inane until you realize that she has over 110 million followers on Instagram and millions more on Snapchat, and many of them are young women and girls–an audience at once massive and targeted, at least if you're selling lip products"

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I guess the problem most here have is who deserves billions of dollars? In my opinion no one does.

In a just universe it would be the best of us that have prosperity and happiness, but that is rarely the case sadly. Especially given that in order to make such a fortune you need to make alot of immoral decisions in the first place.


May 27, 2018
If you believe really hard enough, we all started from nothing hundred of thousands of years ago.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Her mom deserves most of the credit, lets be real. Some of yall are making it sound like Kylie is the ultimate business woman when in reality she just stay posting selfies all day lmao

That's the thing: she's literally just the face of the company.

If people think she's got any real business acumen outside of her social media game they're delusional. She has real business people running this company while she poses for magazine covers and struts around calling herself 'self-made'.

This woman has no business training and earned a homeschool high school diploma.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
That's the thing: she's literally just the face of the company.

If people think she's got any real business acumen outside of her social media game they're delusional. She has real business people running this company while she poses for magazine covers and struts around calling herself 'self-made'.

This woman has no business training and earned a homeschool high school diploma.

You don't need business training or a even a high school diploma to start/run a successful business in the US.

Europe is a different story.


Jan 14, 2019
I will never get over the hate this place has for inheritance. It's fucking ridiculous. From the LA homeless thread, the NYT article on miserable professionals, to this thread. I just don't get it lol

No hate, I would love to inherit millions of dollars and wouldn't feel bad for one second. The thing I hate is filthy rich people acting like they are better than othersl. (I don't know if Kylie Jenner does that though)


Oct 25, 2017
Then why isn't Taylor Swift a billionaire? Beyonce? They got comparable social media reach. There's a lot of components to becoming a millionaire.

As you say, there's a lot of components to becoming a billionaire. Yet you keep on making these reductive arguments and comparisons? Like, you're trying to make 1 to 1 comparisons between people the come from different industries, different generations, different upbringings, different connections, different work focuses, and so on.

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
That is what she did, though. She hired the right people to so the right jobs so she could make money. She didn't start off with 500 million and then double it. She turned millions into a billion. That takes more luck and skill than most people will want to admit. A silver spoon won't just give you a billion that easily.
You have no idea what you're talking about guy


Oct 26, 2017
No hate, I would love to inherit millions of dollars and wouldn't feel bad for one second. The thing I hate is filthy rich people acting like they are better than othersl. (I don't know if Kylie Jenner does that though)
See, here's my thing. The current generation of my family is set to more or less take the reins and inherit businesses and property, but according to this site and, surprisingly encountered this view irl, we don't deserve to inherit it because reasons?? Inheritance suddenly makes you bad people/immoral and you need to be thrown back down to the rest of society. Like my family built what we have why shouldn't we be able to pass it on?

I have zero problems with passing down wealth and property. I get properly taxing it but it seems people would rather have you buy your parents' house back at market value. LMAO foh


Oct 26, 2017
Seriously, what has she done?
Makeup/cosmetic products empire.
Like my family built what we have why shouldn't we be able to pass it on?

I have zero problems with passing down wealth and property. I get properly taxing it but it seems people would rather have you buy your parents' house back at market value. LMAO foh
Inherited wealth is a large driver of inequality. People think there's no harm in inheriting wealth but this isn't true in the macro. What seems reasonable as a personal choice has large scale consequences when everyone does it (as a physical example, say, driving a car and climate change). That said if your familial net worth is under $1million it probably doesn't make much of a difference in the end whether it's taxed or not. But the estate tax (the tax you pay on inheriting) is one of the most effective means of redistribution. In 19th-20th century France, when the estate tax was high, inequality was low (relatively) and when the tax lowered, inequality went up.
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Oct 27, 2017
Some seriously garbage people in this thread. Q
I guess the problem most here have is who deserves billions of dollars? In my opinion no one does.
lmao. Y'all really have drunk the fucking socialist kool aid.

There is literally no practical way to keep someone from making a billion dollars, short of forcing them at gun point.

And how would that even work? Most billions aren't even liquid assets. So if their net assets go over a billion in valuation you just start seizing assets? Without a warrant?

So what if something that was previously valuable depreciates because that's how certain items work? Does the government give it back? Would they have to be recompensated?

Smh, y'all a bugging.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I watched Inside the NBA this morning and they showed another self-made entrepreneur named Marcus Jordan, who opened up a boutique sneaker store. These rags to riches stories give me hope.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty much a symbol of the vapidity and shallowness that pervades our times. I mean she has become rich from pure branding and advertising.

She is the first billionaire social media star pretty much. As well as being socio-economically problematic, I also think it is super lame.

Powedered Egg: well done haha


Oct 26, 2017
Inherited wealth is a large driver of inequality. People think there's no harm in inheriting wealth but this isn't true in the macro. What seems reasonable as a personal choice has large scale consequences when everyone does it (as a physical example, say, driving a car and climate change). That said if your familial net worth is under $1million it probably doesn't make much of a difference in the end whether it's taxed or not. But the estate tax (the tax you pay on inheriting) is one of the primary means of redistribution. In 19th-20th century France, when the estate tax was high, inequality was low (relatively) and when the tax lowered, inequality went up.
I mean... that's reasonable but what exactly constitutes a "high" estate tax?


Jun 9, 2018
I consider Kris Jenner the CEO of the Kardashian Corporation.

Her children are the products.

Kanye was an IP purchase.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean... that's reasonable but what exactly constitutes a "high" estate tax?
Well it's too low in the states since there's exemptions up to $11 million.

In the UK it's 40% with exemptions up to £1m.

So I'm just going to pull a number out of my ass here and say 90% with exemptions up to $2m adjusted for inflation and inheritee income.

The people at Berkeley suggest 50-60% but I don't know if this is with exemptions or not.

Frankly I don't think there should be exemptions at all but taxing people this way will usher in 1000 years of conservative darkness so I'm not even going to bother with it.
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Oct 27, 2017
Scaling to a billion dollars with much of that in actual REVENUE as a brand built around an individual in the cosmetics industry no less, regardless of her current and family fame is not that easy thing. She deserves props for that. Making a billion because you sold your startup if one thing, making it primarily through REVENUE over time is a very different matter.