
Oct 27, 2017
This is a terrible for consumers, as next gen games will be held back by whatever lowest common denominator is offered from the outset.
I hope Sony doesn't go this way, too. At least their first party games have always had cutting edge graphics and I hope this trend continues. I don't want just higher resolution and better framerate, I want better graphics.


Oct 26, 2017
"When speaking to Kotaku, one game developer briefed on Lockhart analogized it to the PlayStation 4 Pro "
This doesn't make sense. A next gen console with graphical power inferior to a console of the last generation?
Why would microsoft launch a next gen console with graphical power inferior to X? In worst case scenario, they would upgrade the X with a better CPU.

Because this is going to be a box that sells for like $250 and not $500?


Nov 16, 2017
Rip out the disc drive and don't pack in a controller and I can see them knocking off $75 (while taking a small hit themselves).
Removing controller and disk drive knocks ~$45 wholesale. That wouldn't even reduce the price by $30 for the consumer. Lockhart would have to sell at profit, unless MS decides to make scarlett the profitable premium SKU.

lol this elitist attitude is so hilarious on Era. People just want their cake, fuck the poor. There is a huge amount of people who can't afford a premium console, it's terrible for them if there isn't a cheaper option.

These people just bought their xbone/ps4 last week. They won't be picking up next gen within the 1st year or two.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm pretty confident that games are not going to be meaningfully impacted by this


Oct 28, 2017
If they can push out lockhart for 200$ or 250$ while PS5 is >= 400$ sony has a problem.
Looking at spec suggested i don't think so. The difference in performance would be to big between the two platforms. Xbox 360, PS4 , PS2 were able to generate comparable performance to their peers at the same price or even less. This is not the case , at least based on what Kotaku reported.
Oct 27, 2017
It will sell like cakes... most people just don´t care about the latest and greatest.

I have see a lot of people buying the SAD version of Xbox One S, this latest days, just because is cheap and because of Gamepass... money talks, and for a casual consumer, that´s what counts...


Jan 2, 2019
This is horrible news for consumers. Microsoft is sabotaging multi-platform game performance and guaranteeing that they won't be at the same level of fidelity as their competition.


Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft is going to fuck up next-gen goodness for everyone with this baseline.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So exclusives will have to be developed with the weaker version in mind first, I guess the stronger Xbox will just be for higher resolutions etc


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
I suspect it will be a Switch like situation with the docked vs portable specs. Same CPU speed, weaker GPU, etc.

Basically I suspect we're looking at a 1080p console and a 4K console. The fundamentals of the game will not be affected in any notable way.


Dec 14, 2017
The XoX is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, it makes no sense for the next Xbox to be similar to the Pro. And they wouldnt leave the cheaper option without the SSD either.

The 1440p and 4k difference seems fine, maybe they could find a solution for upscaling to 4k in the cheaper version. Same specs all around but with a smaller SSD, discless and a less powerful GPU are probably enough differences for at least 50 dollar difference in price.


Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft is going to fuck up next-gen goodness for everyone with this baseline.


Im not sure why so many seem to think this, isnt this basically what happens with PC development they scale up and down and yet it has zero impact for those with the top notch machines 0.o


Oct 29, 2017
For those who are worried about a weaker console ruining it for the more powerful console, has anyone ever heard of something called PC gaming


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
In the article Jason compares it to a PS4 Pro. It's probably just straight up weaker than the X? Although it has some stuff that is obviously an upgrade (SSD etc)

I like the SSD, but the same as the Pro? The Pro has issues hitting 4k. Though Lockhart is supposed to have a better CPU.... hm.


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder how much weaker it'll be? I might get this instead of Anaconda, and have PS5 as my power machine.

CPU better than xbox one x, GPU on a level with PS4 Pro.

What I wonder is... does that mean no raytracing in Lockhart, for example? Or will it be feature-complete but differ in performance?


Oct 25, 2017
It will sell like cakes... most people just don´t care about the latest and greatest.

I have see a lot of people buying the SAD version of Xbox One S, this latest days, just because is cheap and because of Gamepass... money talks, and for a casual consumer, that´s what counts...
Yep. Bigger picture it makes sense. SAD performance drives that home.


Oct 25, 2017
Burbs of Atlanta
While that was an assumption previously in speculation re. Lockhart, it doesn't sound like that's a given per Kotaku's article. They say the CPU will be faster than current gen consoles, but even saying that suggests it won't necessarily be the same as what's in Anaconda.

Chances are very high for a zen2 part. Possible not as highly clocked, but same architecture and 8 cores.


Oct 27, 2017
I suspect it will be a Switch like situation with the docked vs portable specs. Same CPU speed, weaker GPU, etc.

Basically I suspect we're looking at a 1080p console and a 4K console. The fundamentals of the game will not be affected in any notable way.
The article said that the target is Lockhart: 1440p/60 and Anaconda 4K/60. I don't know if you just drop down the teraflop number of a GPU but keep the rest of the system the same if it will scale linearly like that.


Oct 28, 2017
This thread is legit hilarious.

Reminds me of the old days on GAF when everyone was outraged at DF PS4/X1 threads.

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
  • lockhart is back, gpu performance roughly of a ps4 pro, has an SSD, faster CPU than any current gen console (not really hard)
  • anaconda targeting 4k 60, lockhart targeting 1440p 60
  • PS5 and Anaconda are around the same performance level and there is no clear winner between them
i really hoped lockhart didnt exist.
seems like MS solution to lockhart not gimping next gen is to make developers target such high resolutions and framerates that basically games wont look all that different from current gen....

If Lockhart helps achieve the 60fps dream (for the more powerful consoles), I'm totally down for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Im not sure why so many seem to think this, isnt this basically what happens with PC development they scale up and down and yet it has zero impact for those with the top notch machines 0.o
Yeah they scale up and down on PC but since weak ass current consoles are a baseline, you can barely tell the difference from Maxed out multiplatform games and same games running on console settings.

Having a powerful baseline is super important


Oct 26, 2017
Im not sure why so many seem to think this, isnt this basically what happens with PC development they scale up and down and yet it has zero impact for those with the top notch machines 0.o

They get faster framerates or higher resolution, but they don't get the possibility of what could be if a game was built from scratch around that level of spec. That's the trade off. We can argue til the cows come home about whether a baseline makes a difference or not to games you end up with - clearly some people, and some devs, think it does.

Chances are very high for a zen2 part. Possible not as highly clocked, but same architecture and 8 cores.

Hopefully it's the same CPU, fullstop.


Dec 18, 2017
This is ridiculous. There won't even be that big of a price difference between the 2 (likely $100.00). That and the price of consoles comes down as time goes on. There will be a much larger spec disparity that is not proportional with the price difference, which most definitely will be bad for consumers.

Get out of here with this reaching shit.

nah whats ridicoulous is you saying it would be bad for consumers with a cheaper alternative. I don't think you know how it is to be poor. How about those consumers. A lot of people would buy a cheaper and weaker console to play games. You should probably speak for yourself. Not everyone wants a premium console and cares about higher resolution and fps.


Oct 28, 2017
If lockhart is cheaper than PS5 and scarlet is more expensive but powerful than PS5 ERA will lose their mind
Oct 27, 2017
'terrible for consumers' by offering consumers a cheaper version? Get outta here with that elitist BS.
Nah, I won't get out of here "with this elitist bullshit". This is a ridiculous assertion. Has every other of the countless prior generations been elitist with the initial single console offering? The whole idea of consoles is that they are low barrier to entry. Having one unified offering is what is able to afford this. Splitting the base from the outset will have the opposite effect.

And I will say it again. The gulf in price between the consoles will be much smaller (say $400 vs $500), but will hamper game development for the entire generation....

This is some bullshit.

I'd rather have one well-priced offering from each MS and Sony at the outset...with a premium model halfway through the generation. That is a better model that won't handicap the generation from the outset.

Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I suppose I'm a little confused here. The concern is that Lockhart will hold back development ambition, but kits aren't even out to anybody yet...are they?

Game development takes place on PCs, and tested on PCs...and with Xbox basically already being a PC, what's the concern about holding things back? As long as the CPU is on par then how difficult will it really be to port games up or down? How much is actually going to be lost here?

People keep saying how much easier it is to port now more than ever. Why not wait and see what the specs are and hear from actual devs on what their experience is with the kits? The panic seems premature.

For those who are worried about a weaker console ruining it for the more powerful console, has anyone ever heard of something called PC gaming

Shhhhh it ruins the narrative
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Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
The people that are acting like this'll hamper next gen are dumb. This is just closer to a PC model in terms of different graphical settings, albeit with closed hardware which'll make it easier to optimize. Maybe it'll matter 6 years down the line but not anytime soon.

This is a really neat idea to get more people onto next gen sooner. I assume this means the higher end consoles will probably be pricier.


Oct 29, 2017
Build a screen into it with a nice battery and call it the Vita 2.

I'd buy that alongside Anaconda day one.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
This is a terrible idea.

This is going to fuck over a lot of third party developers isn't it? Isn't this asking too much out of developers simply because it's just way too much work to handle with basically creating games for 3 consoles with 3 sets of different specs along with asking for all 3 console games to perform at a high level? This is all seems a bit much which personally makes me wonder if we're gonna see an even bigger increase on PS5 Third Party Exclusives simply because developers might want to avoid putting in the work for 3 different games all to release at the same time along with the work load of getting them to run stable. I don't know if you can answer this, but wouldn't this also increase crunch time in game development which is something that we've been against all gen long?


Oct 28, 2017
That's called just buying the normal one and not putting discs in it. I don't understand this desire for the lack of options
Because I have yet to use my Xbox One disc drive since 2013...paid for something that was never used and never will be used. Why should I be forced to by something I'm not going to use.

You literally have game developers being negative about it yet random Era poster is confident it won't be a problem.
Because the game developer would have more work to do...that's why they would be negative. So for the end user, no it won't be a problem.