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Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
So, I saw this a week ago and was baffled as to why Era wasn't talking about this more.

After a Twitter spat erupted into a mob of fans going after a narrative designer for Guild Wars 2 studio ArenaNet, the developer said that it has fired two employees: Jessica Price and Peter Fries.

On July 3, Price, a writer on Guild Wars 2, published a Twitter thread on the challenges of creating a personality for an MMO player character and how ArenaNet's narrative team approaches things internally. She explained that if ArenaNet gave the player character too much personality, it might clash with players' understanding of who their character is. In response, a fan and YouTuber going by Deroir spoke up, saying that while he appreciated the "insightful thread," he disagreed with her assessment of the situation. He said he felt like the problem could be addressed with more dialogue options that let players choose how to express themselves.

Price felt like Deroir overstepped his bounds. "Today in being a female game dev: 'Allow me—a person who does not work with you—explain to you how you do your job,'" she tweeted, adding that she'd been working in narrative for a decade and didn't need the concept of branching dialogue explained to her.

My thoughts changed on this story as I read further down:
Guild Wars 2 fans did not take this kindly. In the following days, the MMO's subreddit exploded with threads about the incident, with many calling for Price to be punished or fired. Some even threatened to stop spending money on the game until the situation was "resolved" in a way they found suitable. The issue also found its way onto Gamergate subreddit Kotaku In Action, a community that's gone after Price in the past. All the while, people rained down insults on Price, accusing her of being an "SJW screaming child," playing "the vagina card," and other nastiness of the like.

The mob also went after Peter Fries, a writer who stuck up for Price in a couple now-deleted tweets. "Here's a bit of insight that I legitimately hope he reflects on: she never asked for his feedback," Fries wrote.

Yesterday, ArenaNet fired both Price and Fries. "Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players," ArenaNet president Mike O'Brien said in a Guild Wars 2 forum post. "Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they're no longer with the company." When reached by Kotaku, ArenaNet sent a follow-up statement that echoed what O'Brien wrote but would not comment further.

"9 out of 10 fans are fine, and that I've had a lot of genuinely beautiful interactions with individual fans in which the affection I expressed is genuine. But 10% of your fandom being toxic is still a really high percentage."
The Guild Wars 2 subreddit erupted again, this time in celebration. Some fans also encouraged people to give positive feedback to ArenaNet and hoped that developers won't be afraid of interacting with the community in the future. Other people, however, were surprised by ArenaNet's decision to fire developers instead of standing by them.

"Here I thought being indie meant I was on-the-clock 24/7, but apparently AAA means just that but also being forced to take whatever shit people fling at you because 'standards of communicating with our community' and 'we make the game for you (so feel free to give our devs shit),'" wrote Vlambeer's Rami Ismail on Twitter.

Others drew comparisons to Gamergate and the precedent it set with its use of mob tactics.

"The industry didn't condemn what goobergate was doing, because goobergate closed ranks around the industry and set their sights on critics and indie developers," said activist and streamer Casey Explosion on Twitter. "It is in this context that the actions of the company make the most sense, that they ultimately benefit from throwing their employees to the wolves in this manner."

So, yeah. ArenaNet bowed to alt-reich pigs.

EDIT: Beaten
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Oct 25, 2017
Last two threads were locked. Fuck ArenaNet for empowering the worst people. Mike O'Brien is a fucking coward.

Do the people who agree with their termination also feel that Hideki Kamiya and other developers who behave similarly should also be punished for how they conduct themselves on social media?
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Oct 27, 2017
She acted unprofessional and was fired because of it.

Of course something like GG would jump on it but I don't see arenanet bowing to that pressure. That they don't won't employees call prominent fans "asshats" for a polite tweet makes sense.
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Oct 25, 2017
KIA. Gross. That sub needs to get nuked. There are some seriously ignorant and hate-filled scum on there.


Oct 25, 2017
Last two threads were locked, but

Fuck ArenaNet regardless of what you think of the writers involved before this incident.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a bit of stretch saying Arena bowed to them, but the stench of that subreddit continued stroking the flame. Even though her response was overly defensive given the orginal poster, rather polite tweet.

Don't think it deserved an out right firing. But this devs other behavior is suspect.
Oct 27, 2017
For real? She publicly tweeted that she was happy Total Biscuit died and she was unprofessional and antagonistic towards a fan who respectfully tried to engage in a conversation with her. This has nothing to do with the alt-right. Reset is out here again making assumptions without doing any research


Oct 25, 2017
She pretty much went 0-100 in her response to the dude about branching dialogue. like damn
Oct 25, 2017
For real? She publicly tweeted that she was happy Total Biscuit died and she was unprofessional and antagonistic towards a fan who respectfully tried to engage in a conversation with her. This has nothing to do with the alt-right. Reset is out here again making assumptions without doing any research

If you read the article you'd know they had made that claim. Not Reset or the OP.
Don Fluffles

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
I think that, while the first writer was too defensive, it was the GamerNazis who pushed this issue off a cliff.

The industry needs to make an effort - even if it'll cost them a few players - to separate them from the gaming community.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Isn't this a case where KIA and GG are taking too much credit for something that would have happened without them?

Also, why were the other 2 threads locked? this is an interesting piece of news


Oct 27, 2017
She acted unprofessional and was fired because of it.
Keep telling yourself that.

Fuck ArenaNet, they showed everyone how much they value their employees. Ready to throw them to the wolves when Reddit comes knocking at the door.

Also, why were the other 2 threads locked? this is an interesting piece of news
I don't know, but it's very strange. News is news, but somehow this subject is deemed not newsworthy enough to be discussed while it sets a dangerous precedent for the industry.

edit: I see people are already posting GG mombot tweets.


Oct 25, 2017
For real? She publicly tweeted that she was happy Total Biscuit died and she was unprofessional and antagonistic towards a fan who respectfully tried to engage in a conversation with her. This has nothing to do with the alt-right. Reset is out here again making assumptions without doing any research
Heavily this. I don't think Arenanet cares much for GG.

The writers were using Twitter while under the guise of representing their company the moment they stated they were A-net employees. If people would actually research they would see what the writers did and though it didn't warrant firing, thats the main reason why.
Oct 27, 2017
Isn't this a case where KIA and GG are taking too much credit for something that would have happened without them?

Also, why were the other 2 threads locked? this is an interesting piece of news

Because other threads had a loaded and misleading message. One thread wasn't about the issue, but literally a screenshot of a random downvoted reddit comment.


Oct 29, 2017
For real? She publicly tweeted that she was happy Total Biscuit died and she was unprofessional and antagonistic towards a fan who respectfully tried to engage in a conversation with her. This has nothing to do with the alt-right. Reset is out here again making assumptions without doing any research

This. This isn't some sort of agenda, she said some stupid shit, and got fired because of it. End of.
Its not like she was a fucking saint.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i never had time to post in the other thread before it was locked, but these firings are clearly bullshit. clearly politically motivated by snowflakes looking to find any reason to hurt outspoken women in the business


Oct 25, 2017
Keep telling yourself that.

Fuck ArenaNet, they showed everyone how much they value their employees. Ready to throw them to the wolves when Reddit comes knocking at the door.

This topic will be closed soon, though. For whatever nonsensical reason.
Did you even do your research on what she did? Yes, she didn't deserve the firing but if you were to take a look at the Twitter thread if it's not deleted, she bashed some thoughts of a person who was respectful while she was doing an AMA. The person simply wanted to provide some input, but she basically said you don't know what you're doing cause I have more experience than you. The commentator didn't mean in anyway to offend and his comments could not be read as such


Oct 28, 2017
She made an issue about gender when it was not possible to construe it as such be Derore.

Even without her comments about gender the way she acted was ill concieved.

She didn't attack simply a fan she attacked a fan who actively makes content for the community they both serve so her actions would be way more visible and harder for arena net to ignore. All of her comments in response came off like she was a total dick. It required some form of disciplinary action.

I'm still confused about why the other person was fired and I hope this thread clears that up.


Oct 27, 2017
Keep telling yourself that.

Fuck ArenaNet, they showed everyone how much they value their employees. Ready to throw them to the wolves when Reddit comes knocking at the door.
So calling people asshats after a polite tweet is not unprofessional?

I think firing her straight away is overly harsh, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't exactly eager to apologize

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i agree she acted in an unprofessional manner. that her reply escalated matters needlessly quickly

but it's not nearly enough to make someone lose their job


Oct 27, 2017
The person simply wanted to provide some input, but she basically said you don't know what you're doing cause I have more experience than you. The commentator didn't mean in anyway to offend and his comments could not be read as such
And that in no way is a reason to be fucking fired. People defending this bullshit are terrible.

So calling people asshats after a polite tweet is not unprofessional?
Not very professional, no. But I have seen the likes of David Jaffe, Kamiya and Cliffy B calling people much worse, but somehow the cesspools on Reddit aren't knocking on their doors. I wonder why hm.


Oct 25, 2017
i never had time to post in the other thread before it was locked, but these firings are clearly bullshit. clearly politically motivated by snowflakes looking to find any reason to hurt outspoken women in the business
Outspoken woman = rude for no reason? calling someone an asshat in a ama tweet thread, when the comment in question wasn't even mean or sexist. Not the same.

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
Fired for being unprofessional, regardless of GG escalation after the fact?

I don't see the problem? She acted shitty to someone while representing the company and created accusations of sexism out of someone trying to have a discussion. Any one else in any other industry would be punished or fired for the same actions.


Oct 30, 2017
GG just jumped on this afterwards, let's not mix up everything.
Yeah this. It's like Trump claiming credit for no airplane crashes last year. They have nothing to do with each other.

She showed poor criticism-handling, lashed out and attacked a player publicly. Company did damage control. End of story.


Oct 25, 2017
Naw, I just mean gaming side leans much further right.

Was also a high ratio of low post count avatar-less members applauding her firing.


Seems like the person in question has said some questionable shit in the past as well so that could put her in "thin ice" territory. Also whether you take that into account, or think she deserves or don't deserve to be fired, she was very unprofessional here, that in itself is not in question at least.


Oct 26, 2017
She got fired before KotakuInAction and others jumped in. IMO, she was unpolite towards mild criticism, but it doesn't sound like enough grounds to be fired. She had been harassed before (by KIA, no less) and I understand why she would be defensive about criticism.


Oct 29, 2017
i never had time to post in the other thread before it was locked, but these firings are clearly bullshit. clearly politically motivated by snowflakes looking to find any reason to hurt outspoken women in the business

Fuck. That. She tweeted she was glad someone died and was completely unprofessional. She deserves zero sympathy


Oct 25, 2017
This. This isn't some sort of agenda, she said some stupid shit, and got fired because of it. End of.
Its not like she was a fucking saint.

Yeah. Fact is, female dev's do have it much harder than male dev's and face a lot of issues in the work space. However trying to defend cases like this only end up making things worse since you end up ignoring that person's behavior.

Like this is the same person who went onto twitter to say that Infinity War was Misogynistic Nazi-Propaganda and that people who made it should be ashamed. Like what?


Oct 25, 2017
And that in no way is a reason to be fucking fired. People defending this bullshit are terrible.

Not very professional, no. But I have seen the likes of David Jaffe, Kamiya and Cliffy B calling people much worse, but somehow the cesspools on Reddit aren't knocking on their doors. I wonder why hm.
Why are you taking my comment out of context? I mention in the beginning that she didn't deserve the firing and yet you are bashing me for defending it.
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