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Oct 25, 2017
I mean the Youtuber brought it to reddit and encouraged a pile on, when they could have just brought it to management if they really had that big an issue. Also explainig branching dialogue to an experience narrative designer is ridiculous,

Pretty sure he didn't put it on reddit, it got posted there are fans of the youtuber noticed it.

Lord Arcadio

Oct 27, 2017
I mean the Youtuber brought it to reddit and encouraged a pile on, when they could have just brought it to management if they really had that big an issue. Also explainig branching dialogue to an experience narrative designer is ridiculous,

Completely false. He immediately disengaged from the situation when she responded back.


Dec 29, 2017
It's easy to use GG as a scapegoat for this situation but she really acted unprofessionally. From what I saw the youtuber was respectfully disagreeing and she tried to play the female dev card instead of keeping the conversation going or just going "we'll just have to agree to disagree" or whatever. When you work for a game studio, or anywhere really, you can't be a condescending jerk to your customers especially one that's not behaving poorly, that's one of the quickest ways to get fired.

I know any whiff of GG/alt right is enough to send this place into a blind rage but calm down and actually look at what happened. Those idiots got involved after she did this, as they will usually do. It feels like a bit of a reach to put the blame on them for her firing when she's the one who screwed up.

Yeah. She does not seem like a particularly nice person at all. Also that tweet about TotalBiscuit.. sheesh. Not good form.

I feel more sorry for the youtuber who unintentionally got caught in this for a fairly innocuous remark.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if the GW2 Youtuber had a history with Price that provoked the response, but looking at it in that instance it seemed like an overreaction by Price given the kind of comments the Youtuber provided. The firing of her and the other employee is in turn a huge overreaction by ArenaNet.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If I was an asshole to one of my employer's customers regarding my job's products, even if it was on my personal account, I would get fired.

Cut the bullshit. You may have assholes jumping on the train after the fact, but they're irrelevant. She earned this.
And I don't appreciate how multiple factions are jumping in to overcomplicate and control the narrative here.

Correct. Cut the bullshit. GG jumping on, white unfortunate, doesn't absolve her.


Oct 31, 2017
Obviously the reddit stuff after is bad but she has no one to blame but herself for getting fired. Replied in a AMA (whilst representing her company) to a very polite guy and was extremely rude to him. She wanted an argument and she got one.

If I responded to a client in my job the way she did I would expect to get fired
Oct 28, 2017
She acted unprofessional and was fired because of it.

Of course something like GG would jump on it but I don't see arenanet bowing to that pressure. That they don't won't employees call prominent fans "asshats" for a polite tweet makes sense.
Pretty much. If GG wasn't involved this wouldn't really be a discussion.

That said fuck GG they are like damn vultures.

This pretty much sums up my opinion

Ah I gave Yongyea a click. :( You should put a warning on there.


Nov 2, 2017
Her whole response and act was downright pathetic and childish

Can't even think about working along someone like that, good riddance

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
I mean the Youtuber brought it to reddit and encouraged a pile on, when they could have just brought it to management if they really had that big an issue. Also explainig branching dialogue to an experience narrative designer is ridiculous,

Looking through the Youtubers reply, I'm not actually seeing where he explains branching dialogue to her? He's discussing the merits of using branching dialogue in an MMO, not explaining how it works.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Price fueled gamergate and threw a stone at the fight for Equality in doing so. Her behavior was totally uncalled for and made no fucking sense. The youtuber guy was fucking sensible and tried to engage in a game design discussion by being extremey polite.

ANet fueled gamergate with the firings, yet, it seems inevitable. If i pulled something like this on my company, i'd get booted on the spot.

Lyon N. Laap

Oct 27, 2017
This is not someone I think anti GG's should be rallying behind. The guy voicing his opinion was completely respectful. Berating him and calling him a rando because you can't take criticism is sociopathic and shouldn't be tolerated for a team working on an MMO that requires back and forth between fans and developers.

Please don't use terms like "sociopathic" when describing actions or behaviors that you don't agree with.

Even if you consider her response grossly out of line there are much better ways you can call it out without resorting to insinuations of actual mental health problems.
Oct 25, 2017
For real? She publicly tweeted that she was happy Total Biscuit died and she was unprofessional and antagonistic towards a fan who respectfully tried to engage in a conversation with her. This has nothing to do with the alt-right. Reset is out here again making assumptions without doing any research

Yeah I'm not sure why people are blaming GG. This isn't the first time shes been caught doing something shitty. IIRC she was fired because of outrage on /r/GuildWars2 but KIA and GG didn't jump on until after they got fired.


Oct 27, 2017
If I was an asshole to one of my employer's customers regarding my job's products, even if it was on my personal account, I would get fired.

Cut the bullshit. You may have assholes jumping on the train after the fact, but they're irrelevant. She earned this.
And I don't appreciate how multiple factions are jumping in to overcomplicate and control the narrative here.
And anyone in here that pisses on Anet for handling this the way they did can just fuck off. They absolutely did the right thing.


Oct 25, 2017
just read this because it explains it better than i ever could.

this shit isn't the first time it happens. again women in gaming are not seen as experienced or knowledgeable. It is an absolutely toxic industry for women to work in. the "Just Asking Questions" thing gets really fucking old if it constantly happens to you.
So don't ask questions because its rude and used to undermine and harass. Particular groups of developers.


Oct 31, 2017
The mean reply is especially bad when you consider that MMO's thrive off community interaction with the developers. It's not fun to interact when you get attacked for sharing opinions.

Her excuse is that it was her personal page and that isn't the place to talk about it. Which 1. If you wanted it to be personal you would have it on private or 2. Just say, "hey I don't think Twitter is the right place for this conversation".


Jun 19, 2018
Her being a feminist of course GG would jump on this and try to take credit, saying she was fired due to GG pressure though is just wrong. She was fired so fast, the story barely got out of the GW2 community by the time she was fired and most of the pressure at the time just came from GW2 players. What ArenaNet did is completely justifiable, and the fact that it aligned with what GG would have wanted(target being a woman) doesn't make it any less so.


Oct 26, 2017
Obviously the reddit stuff after is bad but she has no one to blame but herself for getting fired. Replied in a AMA (whilst representing her company) to a very polite guy and was extremely rude to him. She wanted an argument and she got one.

If I responded to a client in my job the way she did I would expect to get fired

Did you read the initial tweet? It wasn't an AMA, she just mentioned she talked about game dev on an AMA.


Oct 28, 2017
Not very professional, no. But I have seen the likes of David Jaffe, Kamiya and Cliffy B calling people much worse, but somehow the cesspools on Reddit aren't knocking on their doors. I wonder why hm.

People give shit to them all the time? Lets be honest, people were acting pretty gleeful and the abyssal player numbers on LawBreakers on a near weekly basis. And it wasn't because of the actual game.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Judging by past tweets, it was certainly not an isolated incident.

Based on the quick firing, I'd imagine she was reprimanded privately in the past, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back for Arena Net.

Celebrating TotalBiscuit's death couldn't have helped her cause either.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I don't know if the GW2 Youtuber had a history with Price that provoked the response, but looking at it in that instance it seemed like an overreaction by Price given the kind of comments the Youtuber provided. The firing of her and the other employee is in turn a huge overreaction by ArenaNet.

She tweeted she was happy about TotalBiscuit passing away. She should have been fired weeks ago.

And no, there was no history. I don't know why you are casting doubt.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
For people bringing up Kamiya (and others like CliffyB), he's a founder of Platinum. He's management and sets the tone for the company. ArenaNet's management chose to have stricter standards on how they let employees talk to fans. If the founders of ArenaNet were also going around telling fans to go fuck themselves, I doubt they would care as much as they do now.


Nov 4, 2017
I can't believe people are considering the Youtubers response as polite???? He's asking if she's considered basic dev knowledge for the solution, and then complains she's not willing to enter a discussion and explain ideas with her - he is not a game dev and is acting like he has the same experience as her. I'll point he also doesn't ask questions at her but makes statements. Playing games alot does not give you the same knowledge as devs, like c'mon. And this is stuff women have to put up with all the time in all industries and it's infuriating and beyond rude.


Oct 28, 2017
right excuse me if i don't take a gamer coming into the discussion in good faith.

she's even explicitly said that's the type of shit she gets all the time and so do other women in the industry. it's not a fucking secret that women in gaming are treated like they are lesser and don't know anything about the games or the industry they work in.

That is rich. You are a gamer as well and so are all three people in the op.

Stop using words you don't know the significance of them are.

As for your underlying point gaming social media is littered with posts and comments everywhere with people making suggestions to developers and publishers.

What matters is the quality of that suggestion which was actually high coming from Derore.

She got defensive and used sexism to deflect from actually addressing a viewpoint even other game devs agree with.

That is not ok.

If she was addressing Jonathon Blow who in the past made gendered comments about women lacking interest even though they have the ability at least that would be remotely acceptable response. But in this case she was totally wrong with her response.

Twitter continues to be the venue where professionals go to get fired with inappropriate comments and Jessica isn't a special exception. She is the norm.


Oct 27, 2017
They absolutely did the right thing.
Yeah, no buddy. ArenaNet is fucking spineless and I pity people working for a company that clearly doesn't value its employees.

Have you never worked in customer service? If you're rude to a customer youre getting canned. I've seen exceptions made (less serious punishment) if the customer has been a total asshat but this guy did nothing wrong.
She doesn't work in customer service, she's a writer for the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The response from the two employees wasn't good, but ArenaNet is in the wrong firing them, and doing so publicly to appease a mob. It's a particularly bad look when we know there are plenty of men in the industry who have gotten away the same or worse on Twitter without facing major reprocussions.


Oct 25, 2017

I mean she literally did that

"Today in being a female game dev: 'Allow me—a person who does not work with you—explain to you how you do your job

With the way the conversation was going it's ludicrous to jump to the conclusion that the youtuber was bossing her around because she's a woman. He disagreed with a decision and explained why, is that not what we do here on a daily basis? All game devs or anyone who's involved with an art form has to deal with this kind of stuff it's part of the business. How many times do you think the last jedi's director has seen people say they could do a better job? Learning how to take polite criticism is literally a part of their jobs and even more so in a MMO where player feedback is constantly taken in and considered when making patches for the game.


Feb 28, 2018
Lots of people jumping to the conclusion that they were fired because of the public backlash. That's fine, and may be correct.

I think it's more likely they were fired for not abiding by internal regulations on communications with players, as said in the ArenaNet statement. If there is an outlined process/rules for interacting with players (even on a personal twitter account) as an employee of the company, you sure as hell need to abide by that.

Instead of assuming this is ArenaNet "giving in to GG" or similar, consider that they are a company and need to uphold their own rules and expectations of their employees in order to keep the ship afloat. Regardless of your opinion of this situation, both employees acted unprofessionally, and those aren't the type of people you want interacting with the public.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The person wanted to explain branching dialogue to an experienced game dev - coating it in politeness doesn't change the fact the person was trying to explain her job to her, something female devs especially have to deal with all the time. I don't know about you, but I've had to deal with people with no experience trying to tell me about my field of expertise before and it is rude. Full Stop. You wouldn't go to a mechanic and tell them how to fix a car cus you like cars, you wouldn't go to a doctor and tell them how to cure people cus you read a few articles, and you wouldn't tell a chef how to cook cus you like food. So the dev was a bit rude in response, but just cus the original commentater was polite in tone, didn't mean the message was actually polite.

But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options), (3 of 4 cause I count seemingly...)

then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG. Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread! (End)

Please explain to me how he was being rude. Isn't this just feedback? Would it not be rude if the commenter was female, or the dev was male?


Oct 25, 2017
The response from the two employees wasn't good, but ArenaNet is in the wrong firing them, and doing so publicly to appease a mob. It's a particularly bad look when we know there are plenty of men in the industry who have gotten away the same or worse on Twitter without facing major reprocussions.
I have to agree with you. They could've definitely been stripped of representing their company on twitter as it is shown they cannot handle that sort of power / responsibility.

There are definitely still plenty of people who get away with worse shit in any industry for that matter, but it's unfortunate that a lot of them will never become as public as this has become.


Oct 31, 2017
if that's what you think and took away from that post then im not sure i can reason with you.

there are ways to interact with women that don't involve patronizing them, you know.

There was absolutely no patronizing her. He was creating a discussion starter talking about the merits of different ways to tell stories in games. He wasn't bashing her about how her opinion is wrong and she's dumb.

Hell the first sentence was a compliment to her.


Oct 26, 2017
Of course GG morons would jump on the chance to shout for her job. Though I'm not sure "buckling to pressure" is why. It's easy to conflate those things, but too assumptive to say that it's exactly why. The employee acted in extremely bad taste. Simple as that. If there's a code of conduct with the employer that says you have to treat fans and customers with respect, and you break it? You earn the consequences. My employer has the same. I've seen them fire about a dozen people for fuckery on social media. It's not your "personal space" it's a public forum. I would completely understand if the YouTuber harassed her. But he didn't. He conducted himself pretty damn well. She had no excuse.

I think YongYea put it best:

She tweeted she was happy about TotalBiscuit passing away. She should have been fired weeks ago.

And no, there was no history. I don't know why you are casting doubt.
Oh God... yeah if she didn't catch a pink slip for that, it was probably on her employers radar at that point. I don't think Twitter is the right place for her, or she should make her account private.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Was the firing influenced by the alt-right? No, they were fired before this even took off.
Was the firing the right thing to do? Maybe? We don't know the internal goings on in Arenanet, maybe they asked her to apologize and she didn't want to, maybe this wasn't her first infraction and was just the final straw (being glad that someone died tweet), or maybe it was an overreaction.
making this a gender issue is the wrong thing to do. it had nothing to do with gender. the dude is a respected GW2 Youtuber, content provider and Arenanet partner who answered her tweet after an official Narrative AMA and was respectfull.


Oct 27, 2017
With the level of discourse on display here, I'm not surprised that the other two threads were locked. Disheartened, because it's important, but not surprised.

Regardless of how you feel about her reaction, what depresses me the most about this firing is the fact that prominent game devs have to run 24/7 customer service, even ones who have no business with PR. Everything ever said has be scrutinized against public opinion, and if your receipts turn up bad you risk losing your career and social capital.
This sorta thing is already happening in other countries, with a much more distinct character of misogony:


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY

Please explain to me how he was being rude. Isn't this just feedback? Would it not be rude if the commenter was female, or the dev was male?

Seems like basic feedback to me.

I follow a lot of DICE devs (mainly all male) and they get these kinds of suggestions all the time when tweeting about Battlefield stuff.

Polite, non condescending, just wanting to voice their opinion.
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